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2022-2023年考博英语-广西大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Why docs a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in every way except ( )?问题1选项A.ingredientsB.elementsC.componentsD.compounds【答案】A【解析】句意:为什么素食餐馆使其食物除了成分外,其他都像肉类呢?考查名词辨析。ingredient(食物等的)成分; element 因素;component (机器等的)元件、部件;compound (化学等的)合成物。因此A符合句意。2. 单选题He will( )resign in view of the complete failure of the research project.问题1选项A.doubtfullyB.adequatelyC.presumablyD.reasonably【答案】C【解析】句意:鉴于此次调研项目的完全失败,他很有可能会辞职。考查副词辨析。doubtfully 怀疑地, 含糊地;adequately足够地,适当地;presumably 据推测,可能;reasonably 明辨道理地,合理地,有理性地。根据此句“鉴于此次调研项目的完全失败”推测C项符合句意。3. 单选题One of the serious problems facing us is( )of how to get more water for man to use.问题1选项A.thatB.itC.whichD.what【答案】A【解析】句意:我们面临的一个严重问题是如何获得更多的水供人类使用。语法题。考查从句。空格后面是is的表语,因此后面部分只能是名词性结构或者从句。这里用that指代前面的problem,故选A。4. 单选题Senior government figures( )in the cover-up.问题1选项A.could have acquiredB.must have acquiescedC.might have doneD.will have required【答案】B【解析】句意:政府高级官员必然已经默许掩盖真相。考查短语辨析。空格处动词与in搭配,后面接宾语cover-up (掩盖,掩饰)。Acquiesce in sth. 默然接受;默许;顺从。5. 单选题Though diamonds enjoy the reputation of (1)a girls best friend, emeralds in fact are more (2)-and more valuable.Sought(3)for their rich color, regal history and identifiable look, emeralds are one of the most iconic gemstones in the jewelry industry, Amanda Gizzi, a spokesperson(4)Jewelers of America, a New York-based trade association, said in an email.On April 25, the public will have the opportunity to own some of the most magnificent and valuable emeralds in the world, when they (5)for sale at Guernseys auction house in New York.With more than 20 cut and raw stones and 13 spectacular pieces of jewelry, the rare emeralds (6)all come from a single collection that was compiled by emerald specialist Manuel Marcial de Gomar (7)his long career in the emerald industry.One of the highlights of the sale is a collection of cut emeralds from the great Spanish shipwreck Nuestra Senora de Atocha, a galleon that(8)the Florida coast in 1622.The wreck is considered the most valuable(9)shipwreck in history, according to the catalog(10)the sale, largely(11)its numerous Muzo emeralds, which are prized for their deep, clear green.When treasure hunter Mel Fisher(12)retrieve the galleons lost bounty in the 1980s, he hired Marcial to help him appraise the stones and jewels (13) the ships wreckage.Several of these stones, (13)Marcial as payment for his work, are on offer in the Guernseys sale, and include the Nine Pillars of Andes, a group of nine rough stones totaling over 91 carats and carrying an estimated price of $2.5 million to $3.5 million; and the 4.39 carat Queen of the Sea, estimated to sell for $250,000 to $350,000.Also included in the sale is the 887-carat La Gloria, which Guernseys bills as one of the largest museum-quality emeralds in the world, (estimate $4-5 million); and the Marcial de Gomar Star Emerald, the(15) star emerald ever found (estimate $2-3 million), notable for its double-sided cabochon, and one of only 11 star emeralds known to exist.问题1选项A.beingB.beC.beenD.is问题2选项A.beautifulB.rareC.wonderfulD.interesting问题3选项A.outB.afterC.upD.off问题4选项A.ofB.onC.forD.as问题5选项A.go offB.go forC.go outD.go up问题6选项A.on saleB.for saleC.on offerD.offer问题7选项A.inB.duringC.throughoutD.at问题8选项A.sank offB.sank inC.sank outD.sank down问题9选项A.askedB.foundC.soughtD.known问题10选项A.accompanyB.accompanyingC.accompaniedD.with问题11选项A.thanks toB.thankful forC.thanksD.thanking问题12选项A.startedB.beganC.wentD.set out to问题13选项A.taken fromB.salvaged byC.taken byD.salvaged from问题14选项A.give topB.given toC.to giveD.to given问题15选项A.largestB.largeC.beautifulD.rare【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D第6题:C第7题:C第8题:A第9题:D第10题:B第11题:A第12题:D第13题:D第14题:B第15题:A【解析】1.语法题。考查动名词。这里表示“虽然钻石享有是女孩最好的朋友的美誉”,of后面应该接动名词,故选A。2.考查形容词辨析。并列连词连接空格跟more valuable,因此B项符合句意,表示“罕见的,特殊的”。3.考查固定搭配。Sought after争相获得的;吃香的;紧俏的。即在此处表示 “因而广受欢迎”。4.考查介词辨析。该空应选择for,表示“美国珠宝商的代言人”。5.考查短语辨析。该处句意为:4月25日,公众将有机会拥有一些世界上最华丽和最有价值的翡翠,届时它们将在纽约根西岛拍卖行出售。因此D项“(价格、数量或水平)上涨,上升”正确。6.考查短语辨析。该处句意为:共有20多块切割、生硬的宝石和13件壮观的珠宝,这些珍贵的祖母绿是由祖母绿专家曼努埃尔.马尔西亚.在她漫长的祖母绿产业生涯中收集的。因此C项符合句意,表示“可买到的,待售的”。7.考查介词辨析。空格处介词后面是long career (漫长的职业生涯),是一个时间段,所以C项正确,表示“在漫长的职业生涯”。8.考查短语辨析。逻辑主语是galleon(大型帆船),因此A项“沉没”符合句意。9.考查动词辨析。该处是动词的过去分词形式,可以作为形容词理解。该处表示“历史上最有价值且的沉船事故”,因此选D项“已知的,著名的”。10.语法题。考查非谓语。此处表示销售目录,而且catalog和the sale之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,故选B。11.考查短语辨析。该处句意为:它是历史上最有价值的知名沉船事故,主要因为。12.考查动词辨析。该处句意为:当寻宝者梅尔费舍尔(Mel Fisher)找回大帆船丢失的赏金时,。而且此处已经有动词retrieve,因此D项 “打算做,着手做”正确。13.考查短语辨析。四个选项中,D符合句意,表示“从船的残骸中打捞出来的石头和珠宝”。14.语法题。考查非谓语。these stones和Marcial是被动关系,因此B项正确。15.语法题。考查最高级。空格谓语定冠词the和名词之间,四个选项中,A项最符合句意,表示“最大的”。6. 单选题He said it was important that every member( )his subscription by the end of the month.问题1选项A.sendsB.endC.sentD.had sent【答案】B【解析】句意:他说,重要的是每个会员都要在月底前提交注册资料。考查常用句型。在 it is important that引导的句型中,后面的从句谓语动词应该用should (可省略)+动词原形。7. 单选题Yet with economies in free fall, managers also need up-to-date information about what is happening to their businesses, so that they can change course rapidly if necessary. Cisco, an American network-equipment giant, has invested over many years in the technology needed to generate such data. Frank Calderoni, the firms CFO, says that every day its senior executives can track exactly what orders are coming in from sales teams around the world, and identify emerging trends in each region and market segment. And at the end of each month, the firm can get reliable financial results within four hours of closing its books. Most firms have to wait days or even weeks for such certainty.Admittedly, Ciscos financial results have not made happy reading recently because, in common with many other large technology companies, it has seen demand for its products decline in the downturn. In early February it announced that its fiscal second-quarter revenues of $9.1 billion were 7.5% lower than the same period in 2008 and that its profit had fallen by 27%, to $ 1.5 billion.In response to hard times, Cisco plans to cut $ 1 billion of costs this year by, among other things, making use of its own video-conferencing and other communications technologies to reduce the amount its executives travel. It is also using these facilities to relay information from employees on the ground to its senior managers, and to get instructions from Ciscos leaders back out to its 67,000 staff. A rapid exchange of information and instructions is especially valuable if the company wants to alter course in stormy times.If everybody in a company can rapidly grasp what they have to do and how it is changing, they are more likely to get the job done. But some firms are reluctant to share their goals with the wider world. Unilever, a big Anglo-Dutch consumer-goods group, has decided against issuing a 2009 financial forecast to investors, arguing that it is difficult to predict what is going to happen, given the dangerous state of the world economy. Were not just going to provide numbers for the sake of it, explains James Allison, the companys head of investor relations. Other companies that have decided not to provide annual earnings estimates for 2009 include Costco, a big American retailer, and Union Pacific, an American railway company.Some firms, such as Intel, seem to have chosen to take things quarter by quarter. The giant chipmaker (芯片制造商)said in January that it would not issue an official forecast for the first quarter of 2009 after its fourth-quarter 2008 profit decreased by 90%. Several retail chains have also stopped providing monthly sales estimates because they cannot see what the future holds. Retailers, chipmakers and firms in many other industries may have a long wait before the economic fog finally lifts.1. What can we learn about Cisco from the passage?2. According to the author, the staff can perform better by( ).3. What is important in the unstable time if a company wants to change strategies?4. The reason Unilever plans not to issue financial forecast in 2009 lies in( ).5. What can we know about the giant chipmaker-Intel in the passage?问题1选项A.It will keep a record of the orders from sales teams.B.It cuts $ 1 billion cost by solely relying on its own technologies.C.Unlike other technology companies, its financial reports are encouraging.D.Only employees can use the video-conferencing to pass information.问题2选项A.getting instructions from their senior managersB.seizing what to do at hand and what to do nextC.having a financial forecast as a goalD.sharing their goals with others问题3选项A.To issue companys financial reports faster.B.To obtain the up to-date information of companys business.C.To predict that is going to happen in the future.D.To wait until the economic fog finally lifts.问题4选项A.its reluctance to share its goal with othersB.its rapid grasp of changes in the marketsC.the unstable economic situationD.its reduction in the cost of prediction问题5选项A.It did not issue first-quarter forecast for great decrease in January.B.Inters chain store used to report sales estimates by year.C.Only retailers and chipmakers are greatly influenced.D.Intels profit was greatly decreased in 2008s last quarter.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。题干意为:根据文章,我们能了解关于Cisco的什么信息?根据题干关键词Cisco定位至第一段第三句: .its senior executives can track exactly what orders are coming in from sales teams around the world, and identify emerging trends in each region and market segment (思科公司的高级主管每天都会跟踪销售团队的订单, 确定各个地区的新兴发展趋势)。因此,A项“它跟踪销售团队的订单”正确。2.判断推理题。题干意为:根据作者所述, 员工通过什么方式能表现更好?A:从经验管理者那得到指导。文章并未提及,故排除。B:掌握手头上和将要做的事情。第四段第一句指出:If everybody in a company can rapidly grasp what they have to do and how it is changing, they are more likely to get the job done (如果公司的每名员工都可以迅速掌握自己目前和下一步该做的事情,那么,他们就能更容易地将工作完成),因此B项正确。C:将财务预测作为目标。D:与他人分享目标。第四段第二句确实提到财务预测和财务目标的论述,但是,作者并没有将它们与员工的表现联系起来。因此排除C项跟D项。综上所述,本题选B。3.细节事实题。题干意为:在不稳定的时期,如果公司想改变策略,什么是重要的?第三段最后一句指出:A rapid exchange of information and instructions is especially valuable if the company wants to alter course in stormy times(如果公司想在动荡时期改变策略,必须迅速交流信息与指示)。因此,B项“获得公司最新的业务信息”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题干意为:联合利华不计划发布其2009年的财务预测的原因是?根据题干关键词Unilever以及financial forecast in 2009定位至第三句: Unilever. has decided against issuing a 2009 financial forecast to investors, arguing that it is difficult to predict what is going to happen, given the dangerous state of the world economy (考虑到世界经济动荡不安的局势, 一切事情都很难预测,所以联合利华不计划发布其2009年的财务预测)。因此C项“不稳定的经济状况”正确。5.细节事实题。题干意为:关于大型芯片生产巨头英特尔,我们知道什么?根据题干关键词giant chipmaker-Intel定位至最后一段第二句: The giant chipmaker said in January that it would not issue an official forecast for the first quarter of 2009 after its fourth-quarter 2008 profit decreased by 90% (根据大型芯片生产巨头英特尔1月份的 声明,2008年第四季度其利润下降了90%,因此,该公司不会正式发布其2009年第一季度的预估)。因此,D项“英特尔在2008年最后一个季度的利润有大幅下降”正确。8. 单选题Janies has just arrived, but I didnt know he( )until yesterday.问题1选项A.was comingB.will comeC.had been comingD.comes【答案】A【解析】句意:珍妮刚到,但我直到昨天才知道他要来。语法题。考查时态。Be动词加come,go, leave等现在分词表示将来,而此处的“他要来”是相对于yesterday,所以用过去将来时。9. 单选题International Vaccination: A .jab in timeSome Western countries have lower vaccination rates than poor parts of Africa. Anti-vaxxers are not the main culprits.Eradicating a disease is the sort of aim that rich countries come up with, and poor ones struggle to reach. But for some diseases, the pattern is reversed. These are the ailments for which vaccinations exist. Many poor countries run highly effective vaccination programmers. But as memories of the toll from infectious diseases fades across the rich world, in some places they are making a comeback. The World Health Organization (WHO) reckons that vaccines save 2.5m lives a year. Smallpox was eradicated in 1980 with the help of a vaccine; polio should soon follow. In both cases, rich countries led the way. The new pattern looks very different.The trend is most evident for measles, which is highly contagious. At least 95% of people must vaccinate to stop its spread (a threshold known as herd immunity). Although usually mild, it can lead to pneumonia and cause brain damage or blindness the countries with the lowest vaccination rates are all very poor, but many developing countries run excellent programmes (see chart). Eritrea. Rwanda and Sri Lanka manage to vaccinate nearly everyone. By contrast, several rich countries, including America, Britain. France and Italy, are below herd immunity. Last year Europe missed the deadline it had set itself in 2010 to eradicate measles- and had almost 4,000 Cases. America was declared measles-free in 2000; in 2014 it had hundreds of cases across 27 states and last year saw its first death from the disease in more than a decade. The trends for other vaccine-preventable diseases, such as rubella, which can cause congenital disabilities if a pregnant woman catches it, are alarming, too.This sorry state of affairs Js often blamed on hard line anti-vaxxers: parents u ho refuses all vaccines for their children. They arc a motley lot. The Amish in America spurn modern medicine, along with almost everything else invented since the 17th century. Some vegans object to the use of animal-derived products in vaccines manufacture. The Protestant Dutch Reformed Church thinks vaccines thwart divine will. Anthroposophy, founded in the 19th century by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian mystic-cum-philosopher, preaches that diseases strengthen childrens physical and mental development.In most countries such refuseniks are only 2-3% of parents. But because they tend to live in clusters, they can be the source of outbreaks. A bigger problem, though, is the growing number of parents who delay vaccination, or pick and choose jabs. Studies from America, Australia and Europe suggest that about a quarter of parents fall into this group, generally because they think that the standard vaccination schedule, which protects against around a dozen diseases, overloads- childrens immune systems, or that particular vaccines are unsafe. Some believe vaccines interfere with “natural immunity. Many were shaken by a claim, later debunked, that there was a link between autism and the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella.In America, some pour children miss out on vaccines despite a federal programme to provide the jabs free, since they have no regular relationship with a family doctor. Some outbreaks in Eastern Europe have started in communities or Roma (gypsies). Members of this poor and ostracized minority are shunned by health workers and often go unvaccinated.1. The word culprits (Line 2. Paragraph 1) probably refers to( ).2. The word Anti-vaxxers (Line 1, Paragraph 1) probably refers to( ).3. For some diseases( ).4. Which of the following is true?5. Which of the following accords with the authors view?问题1选项A.someone who tries to make drug.B.someone who supports vaccinationC.someone who objects anti-vaxxersD.someone who perpetrates wrongdoing问题2选项A.those who refuse all vaccines for their children.B.those who agree m take vaccines for their childrenC.those who believe in vaccines.D.those who delay vaccines.问题3选项A.rich countries are less effective in disease prevention than poor countries.B.rich countries are trying to eradicate while poor countries cant.C.they find no way in the rich countries but the poor countries.D.they come back in the poor countries only问题4选项A.1980 witnessed the eradication of smallpox.B.is the help of vaccineC.countries save 2.5m lives a yearD.Vaccines are usually mild without harm.问题5选项A.All disease will be eradicated if people accept vaccines.B.Anti-vaxxers can be the source of outbreaks because they lend to live in clusters.C.There was a link between autism and the MMR Vaccine-D.Too many vaccines would overload childrens immune systems【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.词义题。根据题干定位至第一段: Some Western countries have lower vaccination rates than poor parts of Africa (与非洲贫困地区相比,部分西方国家的疫苗接种率更低), 以及: Anti-vaxxers are not the main culprits (反疫苗者并非主要的)。由此推断“culprits” 是对“反疫苗者”的介绍。因此D项 “做坏事(不道德行为)的某人”正确。2.词义题。根据题干定位至第一段: Some Western countries have lower vaccination rates than poor parts of Africa (与非洲贫困地区相比,部分西方国家的疫苗接种率更低), 以及: Anti-vaxxers are not the main culprits,可知,“Anti-vaxxers”是指A项“那些拒绝为孩子接种所有疫苗的人”。3.判断推理题。A: 在疾病预防上,富裕国家没有贫穷国家更有效,第二段指出: But for some diseases, the pattern is reversed. These are the ailments for which vaccinations exist. Many poor countries run highly effective vaccination programmes (但对于一些需要接种疫苗而疫苗存在安全隐患的疾病来说,上述模式正好相反。许多落后国家实施高效疫苗接种方案)。因此A正确。B: 富国正在努力根除,而贫穷国家却不能。第二段指出: Eradicating a disease is the sort of aim that rich countries come up with, and poor ones struggle to reach (消灭疾病是发达国家提出的目标,落后的国家则要很努力才能实现这一目标)。C:他们在富国找不到出路,只有在穷国。文章并未体现此项。D:仅仅在贫穷国家卷土重来。根据第二段中“in some places they are making a comeback”可知D项错误。因此,本题选A。4.事实细节题。第三段指出: Smallpox was eradicated in 1980 with the help of a vaccine (在疫苗的作用下,1980年,天花得以消灭),因此A项正确。5.判断推理题。A:如果人们接种疫苗,那么所有疾病将根除。此选项在文中找不到依据。B:反疫苗者可能成为爆发的源头,因为他们为群居。倒数第二段指出: But because they tend to live in clusters, they can be the source of outbreaks (然而,因为他们大多为群居生活,这可能使得他们成为疾病爆发的源头) ,因此B项符合作者的观点。C:自闭症和MMR疫苗之间有联系。倒数第二段指出: Many were shaken by a claim, later debunked, that there was a link between autism and the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella (许多人曾被一个说法所动摇,该说法声称麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹三联疫苗(MMR疫苗) 会导致自闭症一一这一说法后遭拆穿),因此C项不符合作者的观点。D:太多疫苗会使得孩子的免疫系统超负荷。很多家长推迟或选择性接种疫苗的原因,不是作者的态度。因此选B。10. 单选题You can comfort yourself with the thought that you are not the only one( )in that way.问题1选项A.to be sufferedB.to have sufferedC.who was sufferedD.of those suffered【答案】B【解析】句意:你可以这样安慰你自己,你要想你不是唯一遭遇如此的人。语法题。考查不定式。suffer “遭受”,通常使用主动语态,因此排除A跟C项。分析句子可知,空格处应该填入从句,修饰one,故排除D项。此题应该选B项。to have suffered表示不定式作后置定语修饰one。11. 单选题The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged( )there for a sight-seeing.问题1选项A.us from goingB.us to goC.our goingD.our to go【答案】A【解析】句意:关于那个地方的可怕洪水的新闻报道,使我们不想去那蓝观光了。考查固定搭配。discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。12. 单选题While I am on holiday, ring me at my hotel only if there are any( )messages for me.问题1选项A.urgentB.hastyC.earlyD.confident【答案】A【解析】句意:我度假的时候,只要有任何紧急的事情找我,就打我酒店电话。考查形容词辨析。urgent 紧急的;hasty 匆忙的;early 早地; confident 自信的。因此A项符合句意。13. 单选题( )to somebody, a British person often shakes hands with the stranger.问题1选项A.IntroducingB.To introduceC.To be introducedD.On being introduced【答案】D【解析】句意:当英国人在被介绍给别人的时候,经常喜欢和陌生人握手。14. 单选题Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she( )much better results now.问题1选项A.would be gettingB.could have gotC.must getD.would get【答案】D【解析】句意:如果朱迪在数学考试中更加细心,那么,她现在就会得到更好的结果。语法题。考查错综复杂虚拟语气。前半句是省略了 if的虚拟语气,是对过去事实的虚拟,但是,后半句中表现出了时间“now现在”,故主句应该是对现在事实的虚拟,则用“would/should+动词原形”。15. 单选题Though he was born and brought up in American, he can speak( )Chinese.问题1选项A.fluidB.smoothC.fluentD.flowing【答案】C【解析】句意:虽然


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