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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试点睛提分卷1. 材料题 A semi-variable cost - when the vertical axis represents cost incurred.A Graph 1B Graph 2C Graph 4D Graph 5考点 考点:Chapter5Costbehaviour解析 Graph 4 shows that semi-variable costs have a fixed element and a variable element.2. 论述题 Are variable production overhead variances based on hours paid or hours worked?考点 Chapter11Varianceanalysis解析 Variable production overhead variances are based on hours worked.3. 单选题 What are the correct ledger entries to record an acquisition of a non-current asset on credit? Debit Credit A Non-current assets - costReceivablesB PayablesNon-current assets - costC Non-current assets - costPayablesD Non-current assets - costRevaluation surplus考点 Chapter8Tangiblenon-currentassets解析 Dr Non-current assets - cost, Cr Payables4. 单选题 The draft financial statements of a limited liability company are under consideration. The accounting treatment of the following material events after the reporting period needs to be determined. 1The bankruptcy of a major customer, with a substantial debt outstanding at the end of the reporting period 2A fire destroying some of the companys inventory (the companys going concern status is not affected) 3An issue of shares to finance expansion 4Sale for less than cost of some inventory held at the end of the reporting period According to IAS 10 Events after the reporting period, which of the above events require an adjustment to the figures in the draft financial statements? A 1 and 4 onlyB 1, 2 and 3 onlyC 2 and 3 onlyD 2 and 4 only考点 Chapter21Eventsafterthereportingperiod解析 2 and 3 do not affect the companys position at the end of the reporting period.5. 单选题 Which of the following would be classified as data?A Number of purchase requisitionsB Analysis of wages into direct and indirect costsC Table showing variances from budgetD Graph showing the number of labour hours worked考点 Chapter2Sourcesofdata解析 All of the others have been processed in some way and are information.6. 单选题 The following information is relevant for questions 9.9 and 9.10. The following balances existed in the accounting records of Koppa Co, at 31 December 20X7. $000 Development costs capitalised, 1 January 20X7180 Research and development expenditure for the year162 In preparing the companys statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of financial position at 31 December 20X7 the following further information is relevant. (a)The $180,000 total for development costs as at 1 January 20X7 relates to two projects:Project 836: completed project $000 82(balance being amortised over the period expected to benefit from it. Amount to be amortised in 20X7: $20,000) Project 910: in progress98 (b)The research and development expenditure for the year is made up of:180Research expenditure$000 103Development costs on Project 910 which continues to satisfy the requirements in IAS 38 for capitalisation59162 According to IAS 38 Intangible assets, what amount should be disclosed as an intangible asset in the statement of financial position for the year ended 31 December 20X7? A $219,000B $180,000C $160,000D $59,000考点 Chapter9Intangiblenon-currentassets解析 $219,000.Development costs b/f $180,000 + additions on project 910 $59,000 -depreciation $20,000.7. 单选题 Sand Co acquired 80% of the equity share capital of Sun Co several years ago. In the year to 31 December 20X4, Sand Co made a profit after taxation of $120,000 and Sun Co made a profit after taxation of $35,000. During the year Sun Co sold goods to Sand Co at a price of $40,000. The profit mark-up was 40% on the sales price. At 31 December 20X4, 25% of these goods were still held in the inventory of Sand Co. What profit is attributable to the parent company in the consolidated statement of profit or loss of the Sand Group for the year to 31 December 20X4? A $144,000B $148,000C $144,800D $151,000考点 Chapter23Introductiontoconsolidatedfinancialstatements解析 8. 单选题 Which of the following would be part of the capital expenditure budget?(i) Purchase of a new factory premises(ii) Replacement of existing machinery(iii) Refurbishment of existing factory premises(iv) Purchases of raw materialsA (i) and (ii) onlyB (iii) and (iv) onlyC (i), (ii) and (iii) onlyD (ii) and (iv) only考点 Chapter18Capitalexpenditurebudgeting解析 Purchases of raw materials would be classed as revenue expenditure, not capital expenditure. The others are capital expenditure.9. 单选题 Listed below are some comments on accounting concepts.1 Financial statements always treat the business as a separate entity.2 Materiality means that only items having a physical existence may be recognised as assets.3 Provisions are estimates and therefore can be altered to make the financial results of a business more attractive to investors.Which, if any, of these comments is correct, according to the IASBs Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting? A 1 onlyB 2 onlyC 3 onlyD None of them考点 Chapter3财务信息的定性特征解析 Statement only is correct (2)Materiality concerns whether an item in the financial statements can influence users decisions.(3)Information should be a faithful representation of the economic phenomena it purports to represent. This includes being neutral, ie without bias in the selection or presentation of the financial information. Therefore information must not be manipulated in any way in order to influence the decisions of the users. 10. 单选题 Abner is the lead partner on the audit of DEF Inc. The client often gives Abner corporate hospitality at major sporting events and small gifts, such as a bottle of spirits, on his birthday.Which threat does this represent? A Self-interestB Self-reviewC AdvocacyD Intimidation考点 Chapter19Ethicalconsiderations解析 Rationale: A firm or a member of an assurance team should not accept gifts or hospitality unlessthe value is clearly insignificant. In this case, it is likely that the cost of corporate hospitality at major sporting events will besignificant.11. 材料题 Prepare a contribution breakeven chart for 20X3 assuming that 50% of sales are own label and50% are of the BD brand.考点 考点:Chapter3Costvolumeprofit(CVP)analysis解析 12. 单选题 Which of the following activities create vulnerability to fraud? (i) Calculating payslips (ii) Preparing delivery notes (iii) Paying supplier invoices (iv) Meeting budgets and performance targets A (iii) onlyB (i) and (iii)onlyC (i) and (ii) only(i)D (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)考点 Chapter10Identifyingandpreventingfraud解析 Rationale: Payslips can be deliberately miscalculated to pay extra amounts. Staff may collude with customers to under-record quantities of despatched goods on delivery notes so the customer pays less: conversely, employees may collude withsuppliers to pay invoices for larger quantities than were actually delivered. Option (iv) may have made you hesitate: itseems such a positive, desirable thing! However, profits in excess of target may be siphoned off, with less scrutiny once targets have been met. 13. 简答题 How would a clothes retailer classify the following costs? Cost Materials Labour Expenses Designer skirts Heating costs Depreciation of fixtures and fittings Cashier staff salaries 考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Cost Materials Labour ExpensesDesigner skirts 对Heating costs 对Depreciation of fixtures and fittings 对Cashier staff salaries 对14. 单选题 The powers of a companys directors are defined in which company document?A Articles of AssociationB Memorandum of AssociationC Register of Directors考点 Chapter18Companydirectors解析 The power of a companys directors is defined in its Articles of Association.15. 单选题 A supplier sends you a statement showing a balance outstanding of $14,350. Your own records show a balance outstanding of $14,500. Which one of the following could be the reason for this difference? A The supplier sent an invoice for $150 which you have not yet receivedB The supplier has allowed you $150 cash discount which you had omittedto enter in your ledgers.C You have paid the supplier $150 which he has not yet accountedD You have returned goods worth $150 which the supplier has not yet accounted考点 Chapter14Controlaccounts解析 A, C and D would make the suppliers statement $150 highe16. 简答题 Explain what is meant by the principal budget factor考点 Chapter15Budgeting解析 The principal budget factor is the limiting factor since this determines all other budgets.In most companies, the level of demand determines the size and scale of the operation which is why many budgetary planning processes begin with the sales budget.17. 填空题 (1)_ are a (2) _remedy designed to restore the injured party to the positionthey would have been in had the contract been (3) _A loss outside the natural course of events will only be compensated if the (4) _circumstances are within the (5) _s knowledge at the time of making the contract.In assessing the amount of damage it is assumed that the (6) _will (7) _their loss.A contractual term designed as a (8) _is (9) _.考点 Chapter6Breachofcontractandremedies解析 damages are a common lawremedy designed to restore the injured party to the positionthey would have been in had the contract been performed . A loss outside the natural course of events will only be compensated if the exceptional circumstances are within the defendants knowledge at the time of making the contract.In assessing the amount of damage it is assumed that the claimant will mitigate their loss.A contractual term designed as a penalty clause is void.18. 单选题 Which of the following is eligible to act as a companys auditor?A An employee of the companyB The partner of an employee of a companyC The accountancy firm responsible for producing the companys accounts考点 Chapter19Othercompanyofficers解析 Accountancy firms often audit the accounts that they have prepared. Employees of a company andtheir partners are expressly prevented from acting as company auditor.19. 单选题 The following bank reconciliation statement has been prepared by a trainee accountant: Overdraft per bank statement 3,860 Less: unpresented cheques 9,160 Add: deposits credited after date 5,300 16,690 Cash at bank as calculated above 21,990 What should be the correct balance per the cash book? A $21,990 balance at bank as statedB $3,670 balance at bankC $11,390 balance at bankD $3,670 overdrawn考点 Chapter15Bankreconciliations解析 $Overdraft (3,860)Unpresented cheques (9,160)(13,020)Outstanding16,690Cash at bank 3,67020. 简答题 Discuss one potential problem that might be experienced as a result of using ROI to appraise the performance of the divisions.Recommend one alternative performance measure that could be used to address this problem.考点 Chapter21Performancemeasurement解析 The use of ROI as a performance measure might lead to dysfunctional behaviour by divisional managers. They might be tempted to avoid investing capital in their respective divisions. This would reduce the average capital employed in order to achieve a higher level of ROI.Residual income (Rl) is an alternative measure of divisional performance. It encourages divisional managers to make new investments if they add to Rl. A new investment might add to Rl but reduce ROI. In such a situation, measuring the performance by Rl would reduce the probability of dysfunctional behaviour.21. 单选题 Who should set directors reward and incentive packages, according to corporate governance provisions?A The board of directorsB The nomination committeeC A remuneration committee made up of independent non-executive directors考点 Chapter7Corporategovernanceandsocialresponsibility解析 Rationale: Only Option C fulfils the requirement for full independence of the body that sets directors remuneration (toavoiddirectors awarding themselves unjustifiable rewards!). A nomination committee has the separate task of overseeingboard appointments.22. 单选题 Which one of the following statements does NOT explain why coding systems are used?A A codeismore precise than a description so reduces ambiguityB A code is briefer than a description so saves timeC A codeismore suited to communicating wider issues than a descriptionD The use of codes facilitates data processing考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Wider issues are more suited to communication through a free text description rather than the use of codes.23. 单选题 The demand for fashion goods is not influenced by:A PriceB Allocative inefficiency among producersC The distribution of incomeamong householdsD Expectation of future price考点 Chapter4Microeconomicfactors解析 Rationale: This is a supply-side factor24. 单选题 Before a private company can hold a general meeting on short notice, members holding a certainpercentage of the companys shares must agree. Which one of the following percentages is correct?A 51%B 90%C 75%D 95%考点 Chapter20Companymeetingsandresolutions解析 90%25. 单选题 Which of the following changes to a companys articles of association is valid?A Compelling a member to subscribe for additional sharesB Permitting the company to perform an illegal actC Reducing the majority needed in a resolution to change the companys name to 25%D Compelling a member to accept increased liability on the companys shares that they hold考点 Chapter14Constitutionofacompany解析 A change to a companys articles is permitted providing it does not conflict with the Companies Act2006 or general law. A company may set its own procedure for changing its name but may notperform an illegal act. Changes that compel a member to subscribe for additional shares or increasetheir liability on the shares they own are not permitted.26. 单选题 Which TWO of the following are statutory rights that an employer owes their employees? (1) An itemised pay slip (2) A minimum hourly wage (3) Paid parental leave for parents of children up to the age of 18 (4) A maximum working week of 45 hours A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 2 and 4考点 Chapter8Contractofemployment解析 Employees are entitled to an itemised pay slip and a minimum hourly wage rate. Parental leave isavailable but it is unpaid. Under the Working Time Regulations 1998, an employees hours in a17-week block should not exceed 48 hours in each 7 day period.27. 单选题 The companys board, creditors and the Secretary of State may petition for the liquidation on theground of insolvency.A The board of directorsB The members of the companyC The companys creditorsD The Secretary of State考点 Chapter21Insolvencyandadministration解析 The companys board, creditors and the Secretary of State may petition for the liquidation on theground of insolvency.28. 简答题 Bytes Limited operates an IT consultancy business and uses a coding system for its elements of cost (materials, labour or overheads) and then further classifies each element by nature (direct or indirect cost): Element of cost Code Nature of cost Code Materials A Direct 100 Indirect 200 Labour BDirect 100 Indirect 200 Overheads CDirect 100 Indirect200 What would the codes be for the following costs? Cost Code Salary of trainee IT consultant Planning costs to renew lease of the office Wages of the office manager Cleaning materials used by cleaner 考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Cost CodeSalary of trainee IT consultant B 100Planning costs to renew lease of the office C 200Wages of the office manager B 200Cleaning materials used by cleaner A 20029. 单选题 The inventory value for the financial statements of Q for the year ended 31 December 20X4 was based on an inventory count on 4 January 20X5, which gave a total inventory value of $836,200.Between 31 December and 4 January 20X5, the following transactions took place: $ Purchases of goods 8,600 Sales of goods (profit margin 30% on sales) 14,000 Goods returned by Q to supplierWhat adjusted figure should be included in the financial statements for inventories at 31 December20X4? A $838,100B $853,900C $818,500D $ 834,300考点 Chapter7Inventory解析 $Inventory count valueLess: 836,200purchases Add: (8,600) sales (14,000 x 70/100) Add: 9,800 goods returned Inventory figur700 838,10030. 单选题 Which function in an organisation is responsible for ensuring that only properly authorised purchases which are necessary for the business are made? A Goods inwardsB Finance/accountsC PurchasinprocurementD Production/operations考点 Chapter8Theroleofaccounting解析 Rationale: The purchasing or procu


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