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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试点睛提分卷1. 单选题 A budget that is continuously updated by adding a further accounting period (a month or aquarter) when the earlier accounting period has expired is known as a:A Zero base budgetB Rolling budgetC Periodic budgetD Flexible budget考点 Chapter8Budgetarysystems解析 The correct answer is: Rolling budget.Sometimes this is known as a continuous budget as the budget period is continually beingextended.2. 单选题 This question appeared in the June 2015 exam. A company predicted that the learning rate for production of a new product would be 80%. Theactual learning rate was 75%. The following possible reasons were stated for this: (1) The number of new employees recruited was lower than expected (2) Unexpected problems were encountered with production (3) Unexpected changes to Health and Safety laws meant that the company had to increase thenumber of breaks during production for employees. Which of the above reasons could have caused the difference between the expected rate oflearning and the actual rate of learning? A All of the aboveB 2 and 3 onlyC 1 onlyD None of the above考点 Chapter9Quantitativeanalysisinbudgeting解析 The learning rate was actually better than expected and only 1 could cause it to improve.3. 单选题 To whom should a person who suspects another of money laundering report their suspicions to?A National Crime AgencyB National Audit OfficeC Companies HouseD Financial Conduct Authority考点 Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 Suspicions of money laundering should be reported to the National Crime Agency.4. 单选题 If a company fails to pay preference shareholders their dividend, they can bring a court action to compelthe company to pay it.A TrueB False考点 Chapter15Sharecapital解析 False. The company may decide not to pay any dividend, or may be unable to because it does not have anydistributable profits. What the preference shareholders have is a right to receive their dividends beforeother dividends are paid or declared.5. 单选题 When the court applies the maxim res ipsa loquitur, it is held that the facts speak for themselves and thedefendant does not have to prove anything, since the burden of proof is on the claimant.A TrueB False考点 Chapter7Thelawoftortsandprofessionalnegligence解析 False. The burden of proof under res ipsa loquitur is reversed, the defendant must prove that they werenot negligent.6. 材料题 The statement of financial position as at 31 October 20X6考点 考点:Chapter20Preparationoffinancialstatementsforcompanies解析 TONSONSTATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 OCTOBER 20X6 $000 $000 $000 Cost/ valuation Accumulated depn.Land 740 - 740Buildings 1,800 - 1,800Motor vehicles (W3) 240 112 128Furniture and equipment (W3) 1,200 660 540 3,980 772 3,208Current assetsInventory (W1) 250Receivables 900Less allowance (45) 855Prepayments (marketing expenses) 5Cash in hand 15 1,125 4,333Equity and liabilitiesEquity $1 Ordinary shares (W4) 1,980 Share premium account (W4) 20 Revaluation surplus (W3) 735 Retained earnings (315 + 239) 554 3,289Non-current liabilities 7% loan note 470 $000 $000 $000Current liabilities Trade payables 290 Accruals (wages) 40 Tax 150 Bank overdraft 94 574 4,3337. 单选题 ABC Company uses throughput accounting. Machine time is the current binding constraint on productionoutput, and management are looking for ways to increase the throughput accounting (TA) ratio for a productthat the machine is used to manufacture. Which of the following will have NO effect on the TA ratio? A Increasing the selling price of the productB Obtaining a lower purchase price for materials for the productC Reducing factory costsD Reducing the machine time per unit to make the product考点 Chapter2aActivitybasedcosting解析 Reducing material costs or increasing the sales price will increase throughput per machine hour.Reducing factory costs will reduce the factory cost per machine hour. These will increase the TAratio. Reducing the machine time per unit will increase throughput per hour and factory cost per hourby the same proportion, leaving the TA ratio unchanged.8. 单选题 An investor is to receive an annuity of $19,260 for six years commencing at the end of year 1. It has a present value of $86,400.What is the rate of interest (to the nearest whole percent)A 4%B 7%C 9%D 11%考点 Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 9%Annuity =Present value of annuity/ Annuity factorAnnuity factor =86,400/19,260= 4.486From tables, this annuity factor corresponds to an interest rate of 9% over six year9. 单选题 Big Time Co had the following transactions during the year. Purchases from suppliers were $18,500, of which $2,550 was unpaid at the year end. Brought forward payables were $1,000. Wages and salaries amounted to $9,500, of which $750 was unpaid at the year end. The financial statements for the previous year showed an accrual for wages and salaries of $1,500. Interest of $2,100 on a long term loan was paid in the year. Sales revenue was $33,400, including $900 receivables at the year end. Brought forward receivables were $400. Interest on cash deposits at the bank amounted to $175. Using the direct method, what is Big Time Cos cash flow from operating activities? A $3,425B $3,775C $1,425D $6,775考点 Chapter22Statementsofcashflows解析 Cash flows from operating activities$Cash received from customers ($400 + $33,400 - $900)32,900Cash paid to suppliers ($1,000 + $18,500 - $2,550)(16,950)Cash paid to employees ($1,500 + $9,500 - $750)(10,250)Interest paid(2,100)Interest received175Net cash flow from operating activities3,77510. 单选题 X plc has a bad debt policy whereby aged receivables who are obviously not going to pay, are written off. The financial accountant does not enforce this policy This might be fraudulent insofar as it creates which of the following effects? A It removes funds from the businessB It resultsin theunderstatement of profits and net assetsC It results in the overstatement of profits and net assetsD It resultsin theintentional overstatement of profits andnet assets考点 Chapter10Identifyingandpreventingfraud解析 Rationale: One form of fraud is the intentional misrepresentation of the financial position of the business. Bad debt policy may be unenforced deliberately, in order to overstate profits 11. 单选题 A chain of coffee shops has implemented a Total Quality Management system to ensure high quality and consistency across all outlets. As part of the scheme, the chain offers a free replacement drink to any customer not completely satisfied with their purchase. Which of the following BEST describes the cost of providing replacement drinks?A An external failurecostB An internal failure costC A prevention costD An appraisal cost考点 Chapter13Alternativecostingprinciples解析 This is a cost arising from inadequate quality discovered after the transfer of ownership, an external failure cost.12. 单选题 Some controls are provided automatically by the system and cannot be by-passed, ignored oroverridden: for example, having to input a password to enter a computer system. These are classified as controls.Which term correctly completes this statement? A DetectB MandatedC Non-discretionaryD Administrative考点 Chapter9Control,securityandaudit解析 Rationale: Non-discretionary controls are as described: as opposed to discretionary controlswhich are subject to humanchoice. Mandated is a similar idea, but mandated controls are required by law and imposed by external authorities (as opposed to voluntary controls, chosen by the organisation). Detect controls are controls designed to detect errors once they have happened. Administrative controls are to do with reporting responsibilities, communication channels and other means of implementing policies.Pitfalls: There is so much terminology in this area: fertile ground for exam questions. Be able to usedistinctions within classifications (as in discretionary and non-discretionary, or prevent, detect, control) as well as acrossclassifications, as in this question.13. 填空题 As a general rule, acceptance must be (1)_to the (2) _and is not effectiveuntil this has been done.An (3)_is a definite promise to be bound on specific terms, and must be distinguishedfrom a supply of (4)_and from an (5)_ A counter-offer counts as (6) _of the original offer考点 Chapter3FormationofcontractI解析 As a general rule, acceptance must be communicated to the offeror and is not effectiveuntil this has been done.An offer is a definite promise to be bound on specific terms, and must be distinguishedfrom a supply of information and from an invitation to treat A counter-offer counts as rejection of the original offer14. 单选题 Which of the following statements about internal audit is true?A Internal audit is an independent appraisal activityB Internal audit is separate from the organisations internal control systemC Internal audit is carried out solely for the benefit of the organisations stakeholdersD The internal audit function reports to the finance director考点 Chapter9Control,securityandaudit解析 Rationale: Internal audit is independent, but is still part of the internal control system: it is acontrol which examines andevaluates the adequacy and efficacy of other controls. Internal auditors should report direct tothe audit committee of the board of directors (in order to preserve independence). It is external audit which is for the benefit of shareholders: internal audit is a service to management.Ways in: Once you realised that the options were circling round different aspects of thedefinition of internal audit, and thedifference between internal and external audit, you would be better able to sort out whichstatement was given to you straight - and which were opposites of the true points15. 单选题 A company has decided to switch from using the FIFO method of inventory valuation to using the average cost method (AVCO). In the first accounting period where the change is made, opening inventory valued by the FIFO method was $53,200. Closing inventory valued by the AVCO method was $59,800.Total purchases and during the period were $136,500. Using the continuous AVCO method, opening inventory would have been valued at $56,200. What is the cost of materials that should be included in the statement of profit or loss for the period? A $129,900B $132,900C $135,900D $140,100考点 Chapter7Inventory解析 The cost of materials used should be based on opening and closing valuations of inventory atAVCO. $Opening 56,200 inventory 136,500 Purchases 192,700Less: Closing inventory Cost of materials used (59,800) 132,90016. 单选题 In decision making, costs which need to be considered are said to be relevant costs. Which of the following are characteristics associated with relevant costs?(i) Future costs(ii) Unavoidable costs(iii) Incremental costs(iv) Differential costsA (i) and (iii) onlyB (i) and (ii) onlyC (i), (iii) and (iv) onlyD All of them考点 Chapter18Capitalexpenditurebudgeting解析 A decision is about the future, therefore relevant costs are future costs (i). If a cost is unavoidable then any decision taken about the future will not affect the cost, therefore unavoidable costs are not relevant costs (ii). Incremental costs are extra costs which will be incurred in the future therefore relevant costs are incremental costs (iii). Differential costs are the difference in total costs between alternatives and they are therefore affected by a decision taken now and they are associated with relevant costs (iv).A decision is about the future, therefore relevant costs are future costs (i). If a cost is unavoidable then any decision taken about the future will not affect the cost, therefore unavoidable costs are not relevant costs (ii). Incremental costs are extra costs which will be incurred in the future therefore relevant costs are incremental costs (iii). Differential costs are the difference in total costs between alternatives and they are therefore affected by a decision taken now and they are associated with relevant costs (iv).17. 单选题 Dividends that are paid part of the way through a companys financial year are known by which of the following names?A Interim dividendsB Semi-dividendsC Dividends paid in specieD Preference dividends考点 Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 Dividends paid part of the way through a companys financial year are known as interim dividends. Dividends paid in specie are paid using a method other than cash.18. 单选题 Companies A and B are both involved in retailing. Relevant information for the yearended 30 September 20X1 was as follows: A B $000 $000 Sales revenue 50,000 200,000 Profit 10,000 10,000 Capital employed 50,000 50,000 Which of the following statements is true? A The profit margin of both companies is the sameB Company B is generating more profit from every $1 of asset employed thanCompany AC Company B is using its assets more efficientlyD Company B is controlling its costs better than Company A考点 Chapter16私营机构的表现评估解析 Company B has a higher asset turnover and is therefore using its assets more efficientlythan A. The two companies have the same ROCE and are therefore generating the sameprofit from every $1 of asset employed. The profit of the two companies is the same butcompany A has a higher profit margin and is therefore controlling its costs better thancompany B. The calculations are:19. 单选题 Economy means cost cutting. True or false?A TrueB False考点 Chapter18Furtheraspectsofperformancemanagement解析 False20. 单选题 In relation to the law of contract, which of the following statements in relation to damages is correct?A Damages are not payable in relation to mental distressB Damages to rectify a defect are still payable even if they are wholly disproportionate to the size of thebreachC An innocent party is required to take reasonable steps to mitigate their lossesD Damages in the form of a penalty clause are valid and enforceable考点 Chapter6Breachofcontractandremedies解析 Innocent parties are required to mitigate their losses. Damages are payable in respect of mentaldistress although the scope of such payments is limited. Damages that are wholly disproportionateto the breach are not payable. Penalty clauses are void and not enforceable.21. 单选题 All of the following, with one exception, are alternative terms for the same thing. Which is the exception?A Motivator factorB Environmental factorC Maintenance factorD Hygiene factor考点 Chapter15Motivatingindividualsandgroups解析 Rationale: Herzberg used the other three terms to describe the same set of factors: the ones thatmaintain morale but do not positively motivate (maintenance); prevent dissatisfaction but do not promote satisfaction, in the same way that hygiene prevents ill-health but does not promote wellbeing (hygiene); and that relate to the environment of work rather than to the work itself (environmental). The opposite set of factors is motivator factors in the work itself, which -according to Herzberg - positively create satisfaction and motivation to superior performance.Pitfalls: An exam question may refer to hygiene factors by any one of its three names, so it is worth using this question to check that you know them all! 22. 单选题 For demographic purposes, which of the following is not a variable in the identification of social class?A Income levelB LifestyleC Occupation


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