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Topic:How to Introduce a PlaceType:WritingTeaching objectives:1. To be able to describe a place in English.2. To be able to use plex and pound sentences to polish the writing.3. To be clearer about how to organize a passage.Important points1. Make good use of the expressions and sentences patens describing a place.2. Make the student to be familiar with how to introduce different aspects of a place. difficult points1. How to describe a place usingcoherent sentences.methodsInduction and deductionperiod1Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming upPlay a guess game Where is it ?Guessing 1With a population of about 1.3 billion, ? has the largest number of population in the world at present.Guessing 2? is the second largest country in the world. It has an area of over 9.9 million square kilometers and a population of over 30 million.Guessing 3? , the largest island in China, lies in the west of the Pacific Ocean, with the East Sea on the north and the South Sea surrounding its southwest.Step 2 Look and Read Reada passage about TaiwanIsland, T let the Ss find good sentences and learn how to write about a place. Put sentence patterns into the stdudentsmind.Taiwan Island, the largest island in China, lies in the west of the Pacific Ocean, with the EastSea on the north and the SouthSea surrounding its southwest. .Taiwan covers a total area of about 46,000 square kilometers with a population of over 20,000,000. .Its a place abundant in natural resources and bananas, rice, tea and other agricultural products are well-known both at home and abroad. The scenery is so beautiful and the climate is so pleasant that tourists e in large numbers for a visit from all over the world. Alishan National Scenic Area, lying in the northeast of Jiayi county on Taiwan Island, is one of the eleven scenic areas, which attracts thousands of tourists from home and abroad for sightseeing every year.Mind map :let the Ss find the following points in the above passage and list them.It is a part of my handwriting on the blackboardStep 3 Presentation1.Introduce Locationbe located in be situated in stands/lies in be surrounded byTaiwanIsland, the largest island in China, lies in the west of the Pacific Ocean.位于中国的北部.Beijing is located situated in the north of China.Beijing lies stands in the north of China2. Introducepopulation has / with a population of The population of is, is a city with a population of百分之70的人口是: Eighty percent of the population here are .中国是一个发展中国家,人口13亿.1. China is a developing country, with a population of 130 million.2. As a developing country, China has a population of 130 million.3. The population of China, which is a developing country, is 130 million.是中国的首都,是一个有1200多万人口的大城市.用一句话Beijing, the capital of China, is a large city with a population of over 12,000,000.3.Introducearea has / occupies / takes up / covers an area of square kilometers/ meterscovering / with an area of square kilometers 写作指导:面积表达可用同位语、介词短语、非谓语等做插入结构以复杂句型.如:天安门是世界上最大的广场,它的面积是 1.Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world, covers / has an area of 2. Tiananmen Square, with / covering an area of, is the largest square in the world. 3. Tiananmen Square , which takes up square kilometers, is the largest square in the world.4. IntroduceHistoryhas a long history with a long history 1不仅历史悠久,还是中国古代海上丝绸之路的发祥地;以五羊为象征,以岭南文化著称.Guangzhou is not only a city with a long history, but also the birthplace of the ancient Silk Road on the sea. 2Guangzhou, whose symbol is Five Goats, is famous for Lingnan Culture.3. 建于16世纪的城堡见证了太多的历史轮回.Built in the 16th century, the castle has witnessed too much ing and going in history.4. 牛津大学追溯到13世纪.OxfordUniversitydates back to the thirteenth century.Step 4 Presentation and practice ; Other characteristics1 Introduce Climate Beijings climate is dry.Its foggy.Its average temperature is 11 .Beijing has a dry climate with plenty of fog and the average temperature is 11. Sp. has a climate with plenty of. The average temperature is Shantou has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine and the average temperature is 21.2 Introducetravellinga place of interest 名胜a famous tourist resorta tourist attraction a tourist destination 旅游景点,旅游目的地a scenic spot 风景区广东有很多著名的旅游胜地,如广州塔,丹霞山等.There are many famous places of interest in Guangdong, such as GuangzhouTower , DanxiaMountain and so on.There are many places of interest, such as . and so onThere are many famous places of interest in Beijing, such as Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall and so on.3Introducenatural resources我们国家自然资源得天独厚,如:煤、天然气等等.Our country is rich abundant in natural resources, such as coal, natural gas and so on.Sp. is rich /abundant in4Introducepolitics cultureeconomy这城市经济发展很快.The citys economy has been developing rapidly.它是整个省的政治中心.Its the center of the politics of the whole provinceStep 5 Copy the expressions and sentences patensand write new sentences as follow1.中国位于亚洲东部,是世界上最大的国家之一.China, one of the largest countries in the world, is located in the east of Asia.2.多伦多是加拿大东部的一个繁华的港口城市,总面积1, 850平方千米,总人口261万人.Toronto, a busy port city on the east coast of Canada, covers a total area of 1,850 square kilometers with a population of 2.61million.3. 中国是一个古老的 国度,有将近五千年的历史.China is an ancient country with a long history of almost 5000 years.4. #有其独特的文化,和众多的名胜如布达拉宫,深深地吸引各地游.Tibet is well-known for its unique culture and a number of places of interest such as PotalaPalace, attracting tourists from all over the world.5.这城市经济发展很快.The citys economy has been developing rapidly.6它是整个省的政治中心.Its the center of the politics of the whole province7.There are many famous places of interest in Beijing, such as Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall and so on.Step 6: Practicing writing an article根据以下内容, 用5句话写一篇短文地点气候特征冬季干燥、夏季炎热,平均气温11 风景名胜旅游资源丰富,如著名的长城、天安门等资源自然资源、矿产资源比较丰富政治经济文化等经济发展快,是整个国家经济中心.人口的人口有1800万面积市面积16410.54平方公里地理位置位于中国的北部写作思路:1、审题- 文体:地点介绍人称:第三人称时态:一般现在时、过去式2、谋篇:要点重组位置、面积、人口、风景特色3、行文:运用不同的句型进行翻译4 润色: 在文章中使用一些非谓语动词.2巧用同位语3活用从句4巧用连接词Step 7:Correct the a students article mistakeson the blackboard. It is another part of my handwriting on the blackboardStep 8 Show sample versionBeijing, the capital city of China, is located in the north of China. It covers an area of 16,410 square kilometers with a population of 21.14 million. The population of Beijing is 18million It was an ancient city with a long history of more than 2000 years and has different names in different dynasties. As a famous cultural city, Beijing is famous for many places of interest, such as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square ,the Forbidden City and so on, attracting tourists from home and abroad every year. It is in 2008 that Beijing succeeded in holding the Olympic Games, which offers a very good chance for people around the world to know more about it.Step 9 Summary 一 常用句型和短语1 位置:be located ; stands; lies ; be situated 2 人口:has a population of.; Its population is The population of is; With a population of3 面积:has an area of ; covers an area of with an area of; takes up 4 历史: has a history of ; date back to/from ; with a history 5 气候特征: Sp. has a climate with plenty of. The average temperature is 6 名胜景观:There are many places of interest, such as . and so on.7 物产:Sp. is rich /abundant in Its a place abundant in 8 其它: be famous for 二点拨难点给文章增色:复合句: 非谓语、with结构、定语从句、表语从句、状语从句、同位语从句语法,句法高分tips1.使用定语从句或同位语优化句子表达南极洲世界上最寒冷的地方,常年有冰雪覆盖Antarctica,which is covered with coldthick ice and deep snow allthe year round, is the coldest continent in the world.Antarctica, the coldest continent in the world,is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all year round.2.运用非谓语动词和with结构优化句子表达我的家乡位于中国广东,毗邻#My hometown,neighboring Hong Kong,_is located in GuangdongProvince of China.Step 10 Homework1. Improve your own writing.2. Recite useful expressions and sentences3. Recite the sample version.Step 11 Record of the class1 Warming up is a guessing game All the students took great interest in this lesson.Leading is good. It is easy to go into the new lesson. Itis a great success. 2 Teaching methods are good, They are induction and deduction. Fromeasy points to difficultones step by step .They are very fit for mystudents of differentlevelsIt is a practicallesson. All the students take part in it, They areactive in thinking,copying themodaltheexpressions and sentences patens and translating.4 Most of the students can write anarticle about Beijing though it is not mature. Togetherwith all the students, I corrected some mistakes in a modal article. In this way my students learned how to corrected some mistakes in their articles.5 For the students who are weak in English, they didnt write theirarticles. I demand them to recite useful expressions and sentences,the sample versions.9 / 9


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