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北京语言大学21秋高级写作综合测试题库答案参考1. Grace _ tears when she heard the sad news.A.broke inB.broke intoC.broke offD.broke through参考答案:B2. May I draw it now? -_.A.Yes, thanks.B.You are welcome.C.Do, please.D.Yes, you may.参考答案:C3. He ( ) a boy informing his mother of his secure arrival.A.askedB.delievedC.sentD.appointed参考答案:C4. Hell always be _ to you for what youve done.A.peacefulB.secureC.gratefulD.companion参考答案:C5. People must be ( ) to the responsibility to their own nation.A.wokenB.realizedC.knownD.awkened参考答案:D6. These networks are _ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.A.in alertB.for the alertC.with the alertD.on the alert参考答案:D7. Another subway has been ( ) operation since last December.A.underB.inC.onD.with参考答案:B8. Either my father or my brothers _ to the party.A.are going to comeB.are comingC.is comingD.is going to come参考答案:B9. The higher the standard of living, the ( ).A.greater is the amount of goods consumedB.greater amount of goods consumedC.amount of goods is used greaterD.greater the amount of goods consumed参考答案:D10. The scientist (argued) that his discovery had changed the course of history.选择能代替括号里的选项A.disagreedB.quarrelledC.persuadedD.tried to prove参考答案:D11. We must _ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.A.assureB.secureC.ensureD.issue参考答案:C12. Which of the following is the best title of the article?AREM SleepBTwo Types of SleepCSWhich of the following is the best title of the article?AREM SleepBTwo Types of SleepCSleepersDWhat Happens to Sleepers正确答案:A解析:文章主要讲述了人们在睡眠时的REM阶段的情况。13. Many years ago, a lot of factories were _ from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.A.transferredB.transformedC.transmittedD.transported参考答案:A14. When heated, water changes into _.A.solidB.vapourC.liquidD.air参考答案:B15. 由卖方代买方按照发票金额的110%投保水渍险,保险费由买方负担。由卖方代买方按照发票金额的110%投保水渍险,保险费由买方负担。The seller shall insure the goods for 110% of the invoice value against W.P.A. on behalf of the buyer, and the premium is for the buyers account.16. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _ children as Coca-Cola.A.forB.inC.toD.with参考答案:D17. It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right.A.had leakedB.is leakingC.leakedD.has been leaking参考答案:D18. ( ) their luggage, they hurried to the railway station.A.PackingB.Finished packingC.Having packedD.Finished packing参考答案:C19. A _ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.A.stainB.stableC.peacefulD.pink参考答案:B20. _ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.A.ForB.NowC.SinceD.Despite参考答案:B21. I wont believe you _ I have seen it with my own eyes.A.beforeB.untilC.afterD.when参考答案:B22. She felt very _ when her mother forgot her birthday. (disappoint)She felt very _ when her mother forgot her birthday. (disappoint)disappointed23. -I dont mind telling you what I know. - You _. Im not asking you for it.A.mustntB.may notC.cantD.neednt参考答案:D24. It is possible for a beautiful lady to make a very good ( ) from modelling.A.lifeB.moneyC.fameD.living参考答案:D25. 请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat正确答案:A尽量不要坐在出口处的位置。26. A: So, how is your new roommate? B: She really _. Shes always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A.turns me overB.turns me offC.turns me downD.turns me out参考答案:B27. I had taken it for _ that Sally would tell whenever she got the useful information.A.interestedB.sureC.certainD.granted参考答案:D28. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _.A.capacityB.strengthC.lengthD.possibility参考答案:A29. The manager spoke highly of such _ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.A.virtueB.featuresC.propertiesD.characteristics参考答案:A30. How did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“talking leaf”?A.They arrHow did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“talking leaf”?A.They arranged for his hunting accidentB.They thought he was crazyC.They decided to help himD.They asked him to teach them to read and write正确答案:B31. Scientists will have to _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A.come outB.come up forC.come intoD.come up with参考答案:D32. stress选择能代替的选项( )A.emphasizeB.criticizeC.recognizeD.realize参考答案:A33. Those people _ a general understanding of the present situation.A.lack ofB.are lacking ofC.lackD.are in lack参考答案:C34. _ the PLA men the villagers would not have survived the flood.A.were it not forB.are it not forC.has it not been forD.had it not been for参考答案:D35. Animals do not talk with words. They use smells, sounds and movements to communicate with _ animal.A.anyB.anotherC.eachD.the other参考答案:B36. When will you ( ) this new policy?A.adoptB.adaptC.addictD.adorn参考答案:A37. The life here is really very difficult, to tell you the truth, I havent completely _ to it yet.A.agreedB.fittedC.adjustedD.adopted参考答案:C38. ( ) a conscientious student, he never comes to class without preparing his lessons well.A.To beB.To have beenC.BeingD.In order to be参考答案:C39. We _ TV when the telephone _.A.watched; was ringingB.were watching; rangC.watch; ringsD.are watching; rang参考答案:B40. There is a _ of impatience in the tone of his voice.A.dotB.hintC.notionD.phrase参考答案:B41. I was impressed by his highly developed ( ) of humour.A.ideaB.feelingC.senseD.emtion参考答案:C42. “Let&39;s play football sometime.” “Good idea! What _ this afternoon?”A.aboutB.will you goC.are you goingD.will you doing参考答案:A43. I didn&39;t mean _ anything, but those apples looked so good I couldn&39;t resist _ one.A.to eat; tryingB.eating; to tryC.to eat; to tryD.eating; trying参考答案:A44. They hope to_ signs asking tourists not to step on the grass.A.put downB.put outC.put upD.put off参考答案:C45. The engineer didn&39;t do it, _?A.isnt heB.doesnt heC.did heD.didnt he参考答案:C46. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think _.A.ought to be saidB.must sayC.have to be saidD.need to say参考答案:A47. He tried to _ with the manager for has salary.A.evaluateB.objectC.bargainD.pause参考答案:C48. He felt (shame) of being unable to answer the teachers question.选择能代替括号里的选项( )A.nervousB.ashamedC.uncomfortableD.silly参考答案:B49. Directions: In the following text, the numbers 1115 in brackets refer to the underlined parts of the text that come after them, and to the questions below. Read the text first , and then answer the q11. Change this complex sentence into two simple sentences.12. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.Examle: She likes music. She doesn t like music.13. Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.Example: She likes music. She likes music , doesnt she?14. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.15. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.参考答案:11. There lived a King in sunny southern Portugal. He married a rnbeautiful princess from Europe s coldest north.12. The King didn t grow angry.13. The King was stunned, wasnt he?14. His gardeners were immediately ordered to plant almond-trees.15. When do they bloom white?50. He worked hard on the construction site with a view ( ) some experience.A.to gainB.to gainingC.for gainingD.to be gaining参考答案:B51. Smoking in this five-star hotel is ( ).A.declinedB.preventedC.prohibitedD.refused参考答案:C52. The lecturer spoke clearly and ( ) and we could understand every word.A.distinguishedB.distinguishableC.distinctivelyD.distinctly参考答案:D53. Today _ cold.A.it makesB.it isC.it doesD.is it参考答案:B54. There was no sign that Mr. Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite _ from leadership of it, would intervene personally.A.being resignedB.having resignedC.going to resignD.resign参考答案:B55. Hurry up, or the tickets ( ) by the time we get there.A.will have been sold outB.will sell outC.have sold outD.have been sold out参考答案:A56. The economic recession has meant that job _ is a rare thing.A.securityB.safetyC.protectionD.secureness参考答案:A57. One day I _ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.A.came acrossB.came aboutC.came afterD.came at参考答案:A58. My roommate is much more intelligent than I and he makes me feel _.A.superiorB.inferiorC.priorD.particular参考答案:B59. They didnt start the work _ their teacher came back.A.untilB.whileC.as soon asD.if参考答案:A60. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! -_.A.You have some happy holidays, too, sirB.Thank you, sir. The same to youC.Thanks, sir. The best of luck to youD.Thats very kind of you to say so参考答案:B


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