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CONTENTS 目录To the teacher and studentiiviiAbout this courseHow to use this course致教师和学生xii关于本教材的说明xiii本教材使用说明xviiIntroductory test leading to Part 11Part 13Unit 1Instructions to the student4Lesson1Finding fossil man 发现化石人5Lesson2Spare that spider不要伤害蜘蛛11Lesson3Matterhorn man马特霍恩山区人17Lesson4Seeing hands能看见东西的手23Lesson5Youth青年29Lesson6The sporting spirit 体育的精神35Lesson7Bats蝙蝠41Lesson8Trading standards 贸易标准47Unit 2 Instructions to the student52Lesson 9Royal espionage王室谍报活动53Lesson 10Silicon valley 硅谷59Lesson 11How to grow old如何安度晚年65Lesson 12Banks and their customers 银行和顾客70Lesson 13The search for oil 探寻石油76Lesson 14The Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应82Lesson 15Secrecy in industry工业中的秘密87Lesson 16The modern city 现代城市92Unit 3 Instructions to the student97Lesson 17A man-made disease 人为的疾病98Lesson 18Porpoises 海豚04Lesson 19The stuff of dreams 话说梦的本质110Lesson 20Snake poison 蛇115Lesson 21Williams S. Hart and the early Western5 film 威廉 S 哈特和早期的“西部”影片121Lesson 22Knowledge and progress 知识和进步127Lesson 23Bird flight 鸟的飞行方法132Lesson 24Beauty 美138Introductory test leading to Part 2144Part 2Unit 4 Instructions to the student147148Lesson 25Non-auditory effects of noise 噪音的非听觉效应149Lesson 26The past life of the earth地球上的昔日生命155Lesson 27The Vasa “瓦萨”号160Lesson 28Patients and doctors 病人与医生166Lesson 29The hovercraft 气垫船172Lesson 30Exploring the sea-floor 海底勘探177Lesson 31The sculptor speaks雕塑家的语言183Lesson 32Galileo reborn伽利略的复生188Unit 5 Instructions to the student194Lesson 33Education 教育195Lesson 34Adolescence 青春期201Lesson 35Space odyssey太空探索207Lesson 36The cost of government 政府的开支213Lesson 37The process of ageing 哀老过程218Lesson 38Water and the traveller,水和旅行者223Lesson 39What every writer wants 作家之所需228Lesson 40Waves海浪234Unit 6 Instructions to the student239Lesson 41Training elephants 训练大象240Lesson 42Recording an earthquake 记录地震245Lesson 43Are there strangers in space?宇宙中有外星人吗?251Lesson 44Patterns of culture 文化的模式257Lesson 45Of men and galaxies 人和星系263Lesson 46Hobbies业余爱好268Lesson 47The great escape 大逃亡274Lesson 48Planning a share portfolio 规划股份投资280Appendix 1:Personal names附录1:人名中英文对照表285Appendix 2:Geographical names附录2:地名中英文对照表285285 / 218IF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO ON TO PART 1Read the following passage carefully, then do the exercises below:The boy put on his goggles, fitted them tight, tested the vacuum. His hands were shaking. Then he chose the biggest stone he could carry and slipped over the edge of the rock until half of him was in the cool, enclosing water and half in the hot sun. He looked up once at the empty sky, filled his lungs once, twice, and then sank fast to the bottom with the stone. He let it go and began to count. He took the edges of the hole in his hands 5 and drew himself into it, wriggling his shoulders in sideways as he remembered he must, kicking himself along with his feet.Soon he was clear inside. He was in a small rock-bound hole filled with yellowish-grey water. The water was pushing him up against the roof. The roof was sharp and pained his back. He pulled himself along with his hands - fast, fast and used his legs as levers. His head knocked against something; a sharp pain 10 dizzied him. Fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two . He was without light, and the water seemed to press upon him with the weight of rock. Seventy-one, seventy-two . There was no strain on his lungs. He felt like an inflated balloon, his lungs were so light and easy, but his head was pulsing.He was being continually pressed against the sharp roof, which felt slimy as well as sharp. Again he thought of octopuses, and wondered if the tunnel might be filled with weed that could tangle him. He gave 15 himself a panicky, convulsive kick forward, ducked his head, and swam. His feet and hands moved freely, as if in open water. The hole must have widened out. He thought he must be swimming fast, and he was frightened of banging his head if the tunnel narrowed.A hundred, a hundred and one . The water paled. Victory filled him. His lungs were beginning to hurt. A few more strokes and he would be out. He was counting wildly; he said a hundred and fifteen, and then, a 20 long time later, a hundred and fifteen again. The water was a clear jewel-green all around him. Then he saw, above his head, a crack running up through the rock. Sunlight was falling through it, showing the clean dark rock of the tunnel, a single mussel shell, and darkness ahead.He was at the end of what he could do. He looked up at the crack as if it were filled with air and not water, as if he could put his mouth to it to draw in air. A hundred and fifteen, he heard himself say inside his head 25 but he had said that long ago. He must go on into the blackness ahead, or he would drown. His head was swelling, his lungs cracking. A hundred and fifteen, a hundred and fifteen pounded through his head, and he feebly clutched at rocks in the dark, pulling himself forward, leaving the brief space of sunlit water behind. He felt he was dying. He was no longer quite conscious. He struggled on in the darkness between lapses into unconsciousness. An immense, swelling pain filled his head, and then the darkness cracked with an explo- 30 sion of green light. His hands, groping forward, met nothing, and his feet, kicking back, propelled him out into the open sea.Doris Lessing Through the Tunnel from The Habit of LovingPre-Unit Test 1prehensionGive short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one plete sentence foreach answer.1 Why was the boy able to get to the sea bed quickly?2 Why did the boy find it difficult to swim after he was inside the tunnel?3 Why did the boy get into a panic as he swam through the tunnel?VocabularyExplain the meaning of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: goggles (1.1); filled his lungs (1.3); wriggling (1.5); as levers (1.9); dizzied (1.10); inflated (1.11); slimy (1.13).Summary writingIn not more than 80 words write an account of the boys experiences under the sea as described in lines 18-31 (*A hundred . the open sea/) Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is notin the last two paragraphs.positionWrite a position of about 300 words on one of the following subjects:1 The most frightening experience I have ever had.2 A holiday by the sea.3 Dangerous sports.PartiUnit 1INSTRUCTIONS TO THE STUDENTContentThis unit consists of eight passages followed by exercises on prehension, Vocabulary, Sentence structure, Key structures, Special difficulties and Multiple choice questions.AimTo provide practice in the writing of plex sentences.How to work1 Read each passage carefully two or three times.2 Answer the questions in the order in which they are given.Sentence structureAll the exercises given under this heading are based directly on the passage. You may correct your own answers to some of the questions by referring to the passage immediately after you have pleted the exercises. The following types of exercise have been given:1 Joining simple statements to make plex statements.2 Supplying conjunctions (joining words) to make plex statements.3 pleting sentences taken from the passage in any way you wish.4 Writing sentences related to the subject-matter of the passage.Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人I First fa ten and (hrti the following question.,听藏者然*絡以下的H Why arc legends landed down by 玳oryldten tweftd We uiin read ufihm 爪 lE happened 5. *riie.But there ore Mmc portt of th tu revuum K 小 Mjia*legends handed down fmm one nermiai icll io another They leftendt arc uneftil hccauy they can tell us sonwthin|i Abuui iuiiuMkmis B pc bu nunc tuuld urne n whai they did AnihropoknK worwWrd uhrre Or rrmmr mceuorsZ the PolyneMan people new living in the hKific Utand% came frvm. The of (hoc pecc explain M mnuc kmg y。(h ecu thrir if ih 優 m kxrm Sq arv4or*K Kmt anther hbMy Mf legeh lo helpin fed 2 wtrrr thr fint modemw men cvpe fromHvtuMtdy. howcbcv. antieat men tude kwMs of aw. opecully flint. Kccmm thtt k mmo io shjpe than ocher kinK TW may alto have used wood and ikins. bv ihctc hjvc rmted awjy. Stoat does aoc drcy. and w the fewh f iMy ao hive remiiiied even the bom of ihr men wteu nude them hire iHsoppcMcd without umc.RoitN PlACB fim/mr fpMif(Mthed adwMh found elM”pl(、原始人 ;3 hen ccii the l)oncs of the men who made them liave disapt*an cl xilhoul liuc.这个 W. when JI 导的状语从 句表示讣步的意思.而wli可以译成、蛍然”.“尽管、参考译文我们从廿籍中可以读到5,()()。年前近东发生的事情,那里的人最卩学会广j倡江到现偵世界上仍然 ,任此地方、人们还不公卩注;。他们保存历史的唯办法是将历-史当作传说讲述.巾讲述丿代接代地将史实 描述为传奇敌導曰传下来.这些传说是很有用的,因为它们能吿诉我们以往人们迁居的情况、但是.没冇人能 把他们、i时做的事情记载卜球。人类学家过去不渚楚如今生活在太十汗i札岛匕的波利尼叫业人的徂先来口何 方,当地人的传说却告诉了人们:其中有-部分是约在2/)0()年前从卬度尼西此汀來的但是,和我们相似的原始人生活的年代太久远了 ,因此.有关他们的传说即使仃如今也尖传j F是.考 占学家们既缺乏m史记载,又无门头传说来帮助他们弄清最早的“现代人”是从哪里来的然而.莘运的是,远古人用石头制作了工具,特别是用燧石,因为燧石较之其他石头更易成形。他们也可 能用充木义和兽皮,但这类东西早已腐烂殆尽0石头是不会腐烂的0因此,尽管制造这些工具的人的骨头早C 荡然兄4 .但远古时代的石头工具却保存了下来Oprehension 理解Gie short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one plete sentence for each answer.1 How can anthropologists learn about the history of ancient peoples who have not left written records?2 Why did ancient men prefer to use flint for making tools?Vocabulary 词汇Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using these words: preserve (1.3); recount (1.3); migrations (1.4); anthropologists (1.5); remote (1.5); decay (1.13); without trace (1.14).Sentence structure 句 子结构A bine the following statements to make plete sentences. Add conjunctions and relative pronouns of your own and omit the words or phrases in italics. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:1 These legends are useful. They can tell us something about migrations of people. These people lived long ago. None could write down what they did. (11.4-5)2 The first people who were like ourselves lived long ago. Even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. (11.8-9)3 Archaeologists have no history to help them to find out where the first modern men came from. Archaeologists have no legends to help them to find out where the first modern men came from. (11.9-10)4 Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint. This is easier to shape than other kinds. (11.11-12)5 They may also have used wood and skins. These have rotted away. (1.12)B Write a sentence to describe the work of an archaeologist.C Write three short sentences on the history of early man using the following words in each sentence:1 Written records.2 Sagas.3 Stone tools.Key structures 关键句型A pare these two sentences:Instead of saying:The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagnsleends which have been handed down from one generation of storytellers to another.We can say:The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagaslegends handed down from one generation of story tellers to another. (11.2-4)Write sentences using the following phrases:tools made of stone; legends recorded; remains found.B Note the use of tell in this sentence:They can tell us something about migrations of people. (11.4-5)Supply the correct form of say or tell in these sentences:1 What did heto you?2 Heeverybody that he had been ill.3 Did youthat you have written a novel?4 I cantyou about it now.C Note the use of where . from in this sentence:Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples from. (11.5-6)Write two sentences using the same construction with the verbs get and buy.D pare these two sentences:Instead of saying:So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first modern men came from. (11.9-10)We can say.So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them find out where the first modern nien came from. Write two sentences using these expressions: help me to lift; helped me make.E Supply the word the where necessary in this paragraph. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:Fortunately, however,ancient men madetools ofstone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape thanother kinds. They may also have used . 一 -wood and skins, but these have rotted awaystone does not decay, and sotools of longago have remained when evenbones ofmen who made them have disappeared without trace. (H.l 1-14)F pare these two sentences:Instead of saying: It is possible that they used wood and skins, but these have rotted away.We can say:They may have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. (1.12)Write these sentences again using the construction with may have.1 It is possible that your mother called when you were out.2 It is possible that you left your umbrella in the waiting room.3 It is possible that he changed his mind.Special difficulties 难点A Study the following pairs of words and then write sentences of your own to bring out the difference.1 parts (1.2) placesAncient rock paintings have been found in many parts of Spain and Portugal.Of all the wonderful places in Italy, Florence and Venice are the two that most tourists wish to see.2 history (1.3) 一 storyWe often know little about the history of our own times.Climb into bed and Ill read you a bedtime story.(Please note: a story is an account, often fictional, of what happened in someones experience; history is a factual account of past public or universal events)3 wonder (1.5) 一 wanderI wonder if weve made a mistake here.I love wandering around second-hand bookshops.4 like (1.8) 一 asTheres no one like you.Please do as I say.5 find out (1.9) findWhat we have to do now is find out why the accident happened.Im sure fve already paid this bill, but I cant find the receipt.6 ancient (1.11) oldProperty developers often have little regard for ancient/old buildings, (old in terms of time; ancient = old in terms of history)World leaders are often old men.Mr. Briggs is an old friend of mine. (= one I have known for a long time)7 tool (1.11) 一 instrumentWe need some basic tools like a hammer and a screwdriver.A dentists instruments need to be constantly sterilized.8 stone(1.11) 一 rockThe old church is full of beautiful stone sculptures.Rocks had fallen from above, making the roads impassable.9 skin (1.12) 一 leatherIve such a bad skin, Im always ing out in spots.Shoes made of real leather have bee so expensive.B Study the use of happen in these sentences:We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago . (1.1)He happened to be an archaeologist.It happened that he knew the answer.plete the following sentences:1 Do you happen?2 It so happens that3 Can you tell me what?Multiple choice questions 多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.prehension 理解1 In illiterate societies, story-telling is a way of(a) teaching people how to write(b) allowing us to find out about things that happened 5,000 years ago(c) passing knowledge of the past from one generation to another(J) preserving sagas recounted by story-tellers2 It is extremely likely that ancient people() moved from one place to another(b) came from Indonesia(c) have left us information about their migrations(d) preserved their sagas and legends3 Anthropologists have been curious about(a) how Indonesia came to be inhabited(b) how the Polynesian islands came to be inhabited(c) why the Polynesian people travelled from Indonesia(d) how the sagas told by ancient people were written4 Though wood and skins rot away, anthropologists dan learn a great deal from(“)materials that are easy to shape(b) the bones of men who made tools(c) stones that do not decay(d) ancient tools made from stoneStructure 句型5 In some parts of the world people are stillto write. (11.1-2)(d) unable(a) incapable(b) impotent(c) enable6 They can preserve their historydown legends. (1.3)(by hand(b) by handing(c) to hand(d) in hand7 Thewhy these legends arc useful is that they tell us about migrations. (1.4)(a) cause(b) effect(c) whyd) reason8 There werentof them who could write down what they did. (1.5)(/) any(b) none(c) no one(d) noVocabulary 词汇stories. (11.2-3)(d) recountThe only way they can preserve their history is to(ci) tell(b) make(c) say101112The people who lived long ago could not their history. (1.5) (a) make(b) know(c) recordSome sagas tell us about the of Polynesian peoples. (11.6-7) (a) origin(b) ancestors(c) explanationTools made of stone, especially flint, were made by (1.11) (a) old men(c) men of old(d) note(d) legend(b) men who lived long ago(d) past menLesson 2 Spare that spider 不要伤害蜘蛛First listen and then answer the following question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。How much of each year do spiders spend killing insects?Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put 5 together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings.Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf? One authority on spiders made a census of the 10 spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250.000 in one acre; that is something like 6,000.000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of 15 all the human beings in the country.T. H. Gillespie Spare that spider from The ListenerUnit 1 Lesson 2New words and expressions 生词和短语beast (1.4) /biist/ n.野兽acre (1.11) /eik 几莢宙census (1.9) /senses/ n.统计数字contend (LI3)/kontent/m/.满足的Note


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