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大学英语A/B级重点语法结构一、时态与语态二、情态动词三、动词不定式四、分词(分词作状语,分词的独立结构,分词短语作定语和补语,with结构,动名词)五、定语从句六、状语从句七、虚拟语气八、主谓一致九、倒装句十、强调句十一、反义疑问句十二、代词十三、形容词和副词一i、日寸态与语态考察重点:过去完成时:常和before, after, until, when等引导的时间状语从句 连用,其谓语动作一般表示过去。(by the time/the end of ) +表示 过去时间的短语或句子。hardly/scarcely+过去完成时+ when+过去时;no soonei+ 过去完成时 + than + 过去时现在完成时和现在完成进行时状语词组:this day (week, month, year), so far, for some time, up to now, up to the present, all this year 等。将来完成时:常和before, until , when, after等词连用,其谓语动 作一般表示将来。by (the time/end of )+表示将来的时间或句子。1) By the end of this month, we surely a satisfactory solution to theproblem.A. have found B. will be finding C. will have found D. are finding2) It seems oil from this pipe for some time. We ll have to take themachine apart to put it high.A. have leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking3) the conference a full week by the time it ends.A. must have lasted B. will have lasted C. would last D. has lasted4) Until then,his family from him for six months.A. didn t hear. hasn t been hearingC. hasn t heard. hadn t heard二、情态动词情态动词测试重点: should (ought to) +have +p.p.(应该发生而没有发生的事情) might(could)+have +p.p.(过去可能发生而没有发生的事情) must+have +p.p.(对过去事件的推论)只用于肯定句。否定句用can t , can.1) The room is in a terrible mess; it cleaned.A. can t have beenB. shouldn t have beenB. mustn t have been D. wouldn t have been2) With all this work on hand, he to the cinema last night.A. mustn t goB. wouldn t goC. oughtn t go. shouldn t have gone三、动词不定式考察重点:不定式的完成式,进行式和被动式。1) Mrs. Brown is supposed for Italy last week.A. to have left B. to be leaving C. to leave D. to have been left2) I d rather read than watch television; the programs seem all thetime.A. to get worse B. getting worseC. to have got worse D. to be getting worse3) This book is said into dozens of languages in the last decade.A. to have been translated B. to translateC. to be translatedD. to have translated四、 分词(现在分词和过去分词)(一)分词作状语当分词作状语时,其逻辑主语一般须与句子的主语保持一致,表示时间、原因、条件、方式、让步和伴随。现在分词和主句中的主语有主动关系,过去分词和主句中的主语有被动关系。1) Michael used to look hurt and surprised when.A. scolding B. to scold C. having scolded D. scolded2)such a good chance, he planed to learn more.A. To be given B. Having been given C. Having given D. Giving3) Heated, water changes into steam.时间状语)当受热时,水就变成了蒸汽。4) Not knowing how to deal with the problem, I turned to the teacher forhelp.(原因)由于不知道如何处理这个问题,我向老师求助。5) Being ill, the girl still came to class yesterday.(让步) 虽然病了,这个女孩仍然来上课了。6) His father died, leaving his son nothing.(结果)他父亲死了,给他的儿子什么都没留下。(二)分词的独立结构当分词短语作作状语时,其逻辑主语一般与句子的主语不一致,分词短语前需带其本身的逻辑主语,构成分词的独立结构,表示时间、原 因、条件、伴随情况等。1) His voice, he said he was too upset to say any mo reA) shake? B) be shakingC) was shaking D) shaking2) Winter coming, it gets colder and colder.?冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。3) More time given, we should have done it much better.如果给我们更 多的时间,我们会做得更好。4) Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea.?她干完了活,坐下来喝茶。(时间)5) The condition being favorable, he may succeed.(条件) 若条件有利,他或许能成功。6) There being no taxis, we had to walk.(表示原因) 没有出租车,我们只好步行。7) Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all.(伴 随情况)?几乎所有的金属都是良导体,而银则是最好的导体(三)分词短语作定语和宾补1) The manager promised to keep me of how our business wasgoing on.A. to be informed B. on informing C. informed D. informing2) The first text book for teaching English as a foreign languagecame out in the 1(6h century.A. written B. to be written C. writing D. being written3) The injured workers are now being taken good care of in the hospital.(前置定语-被动意义)4) They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.(完成意义)5) Who were the so-called guests invited (=who had been invited) to your party last night?(后置定语)6) Tell the children playing outside not to make too much noise (四)With+名词(代词)+ V-ed/ V-ing1) .?John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work, hegladly accepted it.A. finished? B. finishingC. having finished? D. was finished2) . I couldn t do my homework with all that noise.A. going on? B. goes onC. went on? D. to go on(五)动名词考察重点只跟动名词的动词:risk, finish, miss, mind, avoid, dislike, enjoy,practice, admit, hate, escape, appreciate, consider, denfan cy, favor, delay, suggest, imagine, mention, postpone, excuse, involve, confess, include, acknowledge, understand,To作介词后面接ing分词常见几个词组:be accustomed to, be used to doing, devote oneself to doingobject to, look forward to 状语从句1)They are considering before the prices go up.A. of buying the house B. with buying the houseC. buying the houseD. to buy the house2) it s no useme not to worry.A. you tell B. your telling C. for you to have told D. having tolddifficulty (in) +v-ingtroublehave a good/hard time no businessplease(六)定语从句考察重点: that, as, when, where, which, whose 弓 I导的定语从句名词/代词/数词/形容词比较级和最高级+of +which /whom介词 + which/whose/whom1) A child parents are dead is called an orphan.A. who B. who sC. whose D. which2) The train she was traveling was late.A. which B. where C. on which D. in that3) Some of the roads were flooded,made our journey more difficult.A. which B. it C. what D. that4) He has two sons,work as chemists.A. two of whomB. both of whomC. both of which D. all of whom5)might be expected, the response to the question was vey mixed.A. As B. That C. It D. What(七)状语从句考察重点:1)时间状语从句的名词词组:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day, the instant2)原因状语从句的连词:as, seeing that (), in that, considering that, forthe reason that, now that, given that, because, since, as, for3)目 的状语从句:lest, in case, in order that, for fear that, for the purpose that4)条件状语从句:as/so long as, unles sonly if, providing/provided that (假若),suppose that, in case that, on condition that assuming that (假定),suppose/supposing that (假使)5)比较状语从句:the more - the more, than同程度的比较),as呵 级比较)6)让步状语从句:though, although, even if, even though as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首),no matter , inspite of the fact that, while, whatever, etc.1) . We won t give up we should fail ten times.A. even if B. since C. whether D. until2) We had hardly got to the station it began no rain.A. until B. since C. while D. when3) . Father was busy in working he often forgot restA. very, thator meals.B. so, that C. such, as D. enough, as4) . He always thinks Im wrong,say. I mayA. no matter whatever B. whatever C. what D. that5) Not until I began to work how much time I had wasted.A. didn t I realize B. did I realizeC.I didn t realize D. I realized(八)虚拟语气在下列表示具有请求、建议、愿望、命令等主观意向的动词、形容词、 名词、过去分词等之后的从句中,需用虚拟语气。形式是“should动词原形”或者省去“should”直接用动词原形。1 .虚拟语气用于宾语从句常用动词有:一个坚持(insist);两个命令(order, comman。;四项要求(demand, desire, require, request;四条建议(advise, suggest, propose, recommer)d1) The guard at the gate insisted that everyone the rules.A. obeys B. obey C. will obey D. would obey2) He ordered that the medicine (should) be sent by a special planeftfl命令用专机来运送药品。2 .用于主语从句常用形容词: necessary, important, essential, desirable, advisable, imperative(迫切的),urgent, preferable, vital, insistent, crucial (紧要关头),strange (不可思议的)常用的分词: suggested, proposed, demanded, required, reques ted desired, ordered, recommended, insisted, asked, resolved1)、 It is vital that enough money to fund the project.A)be collected B)must be collectedC)is collected D)can be collected2)、It is recommended that the project until all the preparations havebeen made.A)is not startedB)will not be startedC)is not to be started D)not be started3.虚拟语气用于表语从句和同位语从句常见的名词有: suggestion, advise, proposal, order, decision, request, requirement, necessity, desire, demand, idea, motion, necessity, insistence, instruction, plan, preference, recommendation, resolution1) My suggestion is that we (should) send a few people to help the other group.我的建议是我们派几个人去帮相别的小组。2) This was his order that we stay where we were.4虚拟语气用于状语从句1) before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.A. Had they arrived B. Were they arrivingC. Would they arrive D. Were they to arrive2) The tree looked as if it for a long time.A. hasn t watered B. didn t waterC. hadn t been watered! wasn t watered5虚拟语气的其它用法1) It is (high, about) time 句型,表示 早该干某事而已有些晚了If only引起的感叹句,表示 但愿,该。就搞了”。1) It s time about the traffic problem downtown.A. something was done B. anything will be doneC. everything is done D. nothing to be done2) Look at the terrible situation I am in! if only I your advice.A. follow B. had followed C. would follow D. have followed2)条件暗含在 with, without, but for, or , otherwise, except for , under the condition, in the position of 等介词短语中,谓语一般要用 should+ 动词原形或省略should,直接用动词原形。1) the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A. In spite of B. In case of C. But for D. Because of2) We didn t know his telephone number; otherwise we him.A. would have telephoned B. must have telephonedC. would telephone D. had telephoned3) He must have had an accident, or he then.A. would have been here B. had to be hereC. should be here D. would be here3. lest, for fear that, in order that, in case引导目的状语从句。1) The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell软垫小室)lest he himself. (A)A. injure B. had injured C. injured D. would injure4. wish, would rather/sooner/as soonB 的宾语从句。 ?I d rather you make any comment on the issue for the time being.A. don B. wouldn C. didn tD. shouldn t九、主谓一致重点:语法上一致就是谓语动词和主语在单、复数形式上保持一致如果主语为单数而后面跟有 with, together with, along with, combined with, in addition to, except, but, like , as well as, rather than, more than, no less than besides, including 等弓 I 起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式;若主语为复数,谓语用复数 形式。如果主语是由and连接的两个单数名词且前面有 every, each, n冷 词修饰时,谓语动词用单数。如:Every boy and girl in this region is taught to read and write. Many a (an/another)珞t; more than one + 名词等作主语时,谓语 动词用单数。如: more than one person was involved in the case. The number (variety of ) + 名词作主语; an amount of (a deal of/plenty of )+不可数名词;a quality of +不可数名词,谓语动词均 用单数。 由“anc接两个名词作主语,and后面:的名词若不加冠词,常 指同一个人或事物,谓语动词用单数。如:the secretary and manager由记兼经理)。 以-ics结尾的名词如表示的是一门学科,动词用单数,如指特定事物,动词用复数。 由连词 or, eithernor, not only but also,no接的两个名词或代词,谓语形式应采用毗邻一致的原则,即谓语与邻近的主语一 致。1) How close parents are to their children a stronginfluence on the character of the children.A. have B. has C. having D. to have十、倒装 重点:only+副词,介词短语或状语从句引出的句子 以 never, little, nowhere, rarely, seldom, scarcely, hardly, no sooner, in no case, at no time, on no account, under no circumstances, by no means 等引导的句子。1) Only by shouting at the top of his voiceA. was he able to make himself hear.B. he was able to make himself, hear.C. he was able to make himself heard.D. was he able to make himself heard.2) She never laughed,lose her temper.A. or she ever didB. nor did she everC. or did she everD. nor she ever did十一、强调句强调句的基本结构:It is (was)+被强调的部分+that +句子的其它成分。例如: she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.A. That was from Stephen B. It was Stephen whomC. It was from Stephen that D. It was Stephen that十二、反义疑问句重点:当陈述部分的主语是 everyone, everybody, someone, no one, somebody, nobody等合成词,其含义相当于汉语的人的集合时,附加疑问句的代词用复数they来代替。当陈述部分的主语为 everything, nothing, anything, something时,疑问句部分中的主语要用 it。 如 nobody came to see me, did they?如果陈述部分是I m结构,附加疑问句部分一般用aren t如I stupid, aren t I ?祈使句后可加一个简短问句,使口气变得客气一些。Don t forget to walk the dog while I am away,?A. can you B. has been C. do you D. will you十三、代词 本部分考察重点是不定代词 many, much, little, few都是表示数量的代词。Many , few 用作可数 名词,彳乍主语或宾语时,可指人;much, little用作不可数名词,作主 语或宾语时指事物。 both, either, neither用于谈论两个人或东西时使用; 谈到三个或更多 时用 all, any 和 none。1) As I was just getting familiar with this job, I had to ask my boss.A. many B.most C.more D. much2) You can park on side of the street.A. either B. any C. all D. both十四、形容词和副词本部分的考察重点是形容词和副词的比较级结构中的应用。1.形容词和副词的比较级前可用 much, far , slightly, a lot, a little, still, ever, times, any示疑问),no, not any (表示否定)等程度的副词 表示比较的程度。例如:1) You are far more tolerant than I am.2) After taking the medicine, he did not get any better.3) This room is three times bigger than that one.4) In some modern countries we find a number of people withuniversity degrees than there are jobs for them to fill.A. large B. far larger C. more large D. more larger5) It is not so it appears to introduce equal pay for equal work.A. easy B. easier than C. easier as D. easy as6) The more we get together,we shall be.A. the happy B. happier C. the happier D. the more happy2.某些形容词本身已是比较级的形式,在用作 比较”时,后面应跟 to,而不是than。常见的有:prior (顺序在先的)anterior (前面的)posterior (以后的)superior (较高的) inferior (下等的) senior (年长的)junior (年少的)1)You needn t feel inferior to others.2)This new model in our computer department is superior to that one in their department.3)We received no notification prior to today s date.4)He is several years junior to Mrs. Smith.


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