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北京语言大学21秋英语语法平时作业一参考答案1. If he were to go tomorrow. He might tell you.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B2. Tom speaks Chinese fluently hence can&39;t write in it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3. When you line up to wait for your turn in the United States, you should _ your frontWhen you line up to wait for your turn in the United States, you should _ your front neighbor.Astick toBlean onCkeep a certain distance fromDstay far away from正确答案:C4. Please put the letter which he can easily find it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A5. When you cross the road, be careful of _.A.trafficsB.the trafficsC.a trafficD.the traffic参考答案:D6. I have got the Key in case of we want to go inside.( )此题为判断题(对,错)。答案:对7. Don&39;t bother to look for my dictionary. -it _ some day.A.turns upB.has turned upC.will turn upD.is going to turn up参考答案:C8. The order came _ the soldiers _ the small village the next morning.A.that,had to leaveB.that,should leaveC./,must leaveD.when,should leave参考答案:B9. The word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifThe word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifeCworld of microbesDword正确答案:C“it”这个代词应该是代替本句中前面提到的theworld(ofmicrobes)。10. If he _ in the exam, he _ dismissed by the university.A.didnt cheat, wouldnt beB.didnt cheat, wasntC.hadnt cheated, wouldnt beD.hadnt cheated, wouldnt have been参考答案:D11. 【C10】AnoddedBraisedCshookDturned【C10】AnoddedBraisedCshookDturned正确答案:C从上文可知:“他需要钉子,而售货员拿给他锤子”,他理应摇头,故应选C项。12. As a mother, I seldom give my children so difficult a job_they cant do actively.AthaAs a mother, I seldom give my children so difficult a job_they cant do actively.AthatBasCwhichDif正确答案:B13. You can find a tower at _ ends of the bridge. Aboth Ball Ceach DeitherYou can find a tower at _ ends of the bridge.AbothBallCeachDeitherA14. Under FOB , the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on boardUnder FOB , the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on board the vessel. ()正确15. A big guy stood _ the doorway, so it was impossible for him to get through theA big guy stood _ the doorway, so it was impossible for him to get through the door.A. hidingB. preventingC. blockingD. entering参考答案:C16. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. _ I got wet through .A.Its the reasonB.Thats whyC.Theres whyD.Its how参考答案:B17. Mary was neither happy, and was she sad.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A18. It&39;s _ my expectation to get the first prize in the match.A.beyondB.to参考答案:A19. _ you did it is not known to all.A.WhoB.WhatC.HowD.Which参考答案:C20. He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B21. Unless he works more harder, he will certainly fail.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A22. I _ so busily recently that I _ no time to help you with your math. That&39;s OK. I can manage it by myself.A.have been working/haveB.have worked/hadC.am working/will haveD.had been working/had had参考答案:A23. The old bookcase isn&39;t really _. Let&39;s throw it away. A) able to use B) caThe old bookcase isnt really _. Lets throw it away.A) able to useB) capable of many usesC) of much useD) of much usefulnessC“be of+名词”表示人或物的特征。use作名词,意为“使用(用途)”,不可数。24. Please make sure the terms _ the L/C are exactly the same as those _ our contract so thatPlease make sure the terms _ the L/C are exactly the same as those _ our contract so that there is no need for amendment, which is costly and time consuming.in,in25. The task wasn&39;t easy, but we managed to fulfill it _. A) anyhow B) anyway C) somehoThe task wasnt easy, but we managed to fulfill it _.A) anyhowB) anywayC) somehowD) somewhatCsomehow“以某种方式”;anyhow,anyway“无论如何,不管怎样”;somewhat“有点,稍微”。26. We don&39;t allow _ (smoke)here.We dont allow _ (smoke)here.smoking27. If I were rich, I would buy a shopping mall.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B28. Relationship Between Teacher and Students 写作要点: 1良好的师生关系对于教和学都很重要。Relationship Between Teacher and Students 写作要点: 1良好的师生关系对于教和学都很重要。 2理想的师生关系要靠双方的共同努力。 3如果出现不愉快,双方应以友好的方式解决。正确答案:A good relationship between teacher and students is essential to teaching and learning. Only with a good relationship can they cooperate well that is the teachers teaching can achieve the desired effect and students can do well in their studies.rn This ideal relationship depends on the mutual efforts of both sides. First students should respect their teachers and what their teachers do for them. They must be polite to teachers and ready to follow their good advice. Second teachers should also be kind patient and impartial to all students. They should be responsible for their teaching and ready to help any students who is in trouble. They must also be kind and patient to each student no matter he does excellently or badly. Partiality and prejudice are not recommendable.rn Of course things sometimes are not so simple; unhappy misunderstandings may arise now and then. In this case both sides should make efforts to remove it. They can explain what they think to each other and learn to think more for other people. If both sides treat each other in a friendly way misunderstandings will be easily cleared up.Agoodrelationshipbetweenteacherandstudentsisessentialtoteachingandlearning.Onlywithagoodrelationshipcantheycooperatewell,thatis,theteachersteachingcanachievethedesiredeffect,andstudentscandowellintheirstudies.Thisidealrelationshipdependsonthemutualeffortsofbothsides.First,studentsshouldrespecttheirteachersandwhattheirteachersdoforthem.Theymustbepolitetoteachersandreadytofollowtheirgoodadvice.Second,teachersshouldalsobekind,patientandimpartialtoallstudents.Theyshouldberesponsiblefortheirteachingandreadytohelpanystudentswhoisintrouble.Theymustalsobekindandpatienttoeachstudentnomatterhedoesexcellentlyorbadly.Partialityandprejudicearenotrecommendable.Ofcourse,thingssometimesarenotsosimple;unhappymisunderstandingsmayarisenowandthen.Inthiscase,bothsidesshouldmakeeffortstoremoveit.Theycanexplainwhattheythinktoeachotherandlearntothinkmoreforotherpeople.Ifbothsidestreateachotherinafriendlyway,misunderstandingswillbeeasilyclearedup.29. Thewordschopdowninthesecondparagraphmeans_ A.clear B.makeroomfor C.destroy DThe words chop down in the second paragraph means_A. clearB. make room forC. destroyD. cut down正确答案:D此题为词汇题。第二段中的词汇chopdown意思是“砍伐”。30. They&39;re playing well, but one of them _ hurt. A) got B) gets C) are D) wereTheyre playing well, but one of them _ hurt.A) gotB) getsC) areD) wereAone of them为单数主语,可以先排除C和D;根据句意,“有个人受伤了”应该是一般过去时,因此选A。31. Put on more clothes. You _ be feeling cold with only a shirt on Amust Bcan Ccould DwoulPut on more clothes. You _ be feeling cold with only a shirt onAmustBcanCcould DwouldA32. The smart boy answered every question _ (intelligence).The smart boy answered every question _ (intelligence).正确答案:intelligentlyintelligently33. As the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen thAs the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen this week,much of the talk,as usual,is on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.But theres another issue that needs to be addressed-one that is crucial for reaching an overall agreement,but doesnt get nearly as much attention.That issue is adaptation.十几年来最重要的环境会议本周即将在哥本哈根召开,和以往一样,讨论大多集中在温室气体的减排上。然而,还有另一个问题急需解决这个问题对能否达成一个整体协议至关重要,但尚未引起人们足够的关注。这就是适应机制问题。这则新闻采用了英语新闻语言的表达习惯,使用复合句。译者通过对原文的理解,将adaptation译为“适应机制问题”,使译文便于理解。34. There was a meeting yesterday for students who failed the exam. Sally, passed so she (go) _. She went to a party instead.A.didnt have/need toB.neednt have参考答案:A35. 一 There s a new ltalian movie playing downtown. Doyou want to go and See it wit一 There s a new ltalian movie playing downtown. Doyou want to go and See it with me? ( )A. We traveled around ltaly for almost two weeks.B. That s one of the reasons why I like Italian films.C. I didnt know you liked foreign films.参考答案:C36. I was warned by my colleagues it might be worse in the evening. I was _ careful to leave for home early.A.on the other handB.butC.thereforeD.consequently参考答案:C37. 我们是一家国有公司,经营纺织品的进出口。为了让您对我们的业务范围有所了解,我们附函寄去一份目前主要可供我们是一家国有公司,经营纺织品的进出口。为了让您对我们的业务范围有所了解,我们附函寄去一份目前主要可供出口的货物清单。We are a state-owned corporation, handling both the import and export of textiles In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present38. He rushed into the classroom as fast as he can.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A39. It goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have _ us in the past. AeIt goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have _ us in the past.AexpandedBexpectedCextendedDexecutedC40. One carrying vessel was sailing for Singapore from Tianjin. In transit, the vessel caught fire, andOne carrying vessel was sailing for Singapore from Tianjin. In transit, the vessel caught fire, and the fire spread quickly. In order to protect the ship and goods, the captain ordered to pour water into the space. Later the fire was put out, but the engine was damaged and the vessel had to be repaired. The captain decided to hire a tugboat to drag the vessel to a nearby port to have it repaired. The losses and damages caused by the fire are as follows : (1) 1 000 cases of goods were burnt down; (2) 600 cases of goods were soaked;(3) engine and deck were damaged by the fire; (4) tugboat expenses; (5) fuel expenses and wages paid to the crew.Question : Please analyze the nature of the above losses and expenses.(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)一载货的船舶从天津驶往新加坡,在航行途中船舶起火,火很快蔓延开来。为了保护船和货的安全,船长下令往舱内灌水,不久火就被扑灭了。但是由于发动机受损,船舶必须进行修理,于是船长决定雇用拖轮将船拖到附近港口修理。这次火灾造成的损失有:(1)1000箱货被火烧毁;(2)600箱货被水浸湿;(3)发动机和甲板被烧坏;(4)拖轮费用;(5)额外增加的燃料和船上人员的工资。 请分析上述损失和费用的性质。 (1)P.A. (2)G.A. (3)P.A. (4)G.A. (5)G.A. 41. I dont know_.Ahow I can do itBwhat can I do itCwhich I can do itDwhat I can doI dont know_.Ahow I can do itBwhat can I do itCwhich I can do itDwhat I can do正确答案:D42. Exercise every day_you will stay fit. A. if B. then C. whenExercise every day_you will stay fit.A. ifB. thenC. when参考答案B43. 从右边方格内找出与左边英语短语相匹配的翻译选项 (A)No Littering ( )游人止步 (B)Visitin从右边方格内找出与左边英语短语相匹配的翻译选项(A)No Littering()游人止步(B)Visiting Declined()油漆未干(C)Staff Only()随手关门(D)Keep off the Grass!()单行道(E)Danger! High Voltage!()禁止乱扔废物(F)Wet Paint()勿踏草地(G)Admission by Ticket Only!()谢绝参观(H)Close the Door Behind You!()高压危险(I)NO Visitors()闲人莫入(J)One-way Street()凭票入场(A)No Littering (J)游人止步 (B)Visiting Declined (F)油漆未干 (C)Staff Only (H)随手关门 (D)Keep off the Grass! (J)单行道 (E)Danger! High Voltage! (A)禁止乱扔废物 (F)Wet Paint (D)勿踏草地 (G)Admission by Ticket Only! (B)谢绝参观 (H)Close the Door Behind You! (E)高压危险 (I)NO Visitors (C)闲人莫入 (J)One-way Street (G)凭票入场 44. We&39;ve agreed _ Spain for our holiday next year.A.toB.onC.forD.with参考答案:B45. Online courses _ self-discipline.A.requireB.requires参考答案:A46. This piece of fish smelled badly.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A47. Apple thinks different.(苹果电脑广告)Apple thinks different.(苹果电脑广告)苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。48. 一 Do you know where I can post the letter?_.A. I put the letter on your desk in t一 Do you know where I can post the letter?_.A. I put the letter on your desk in the officeB. What letters do you post?C. Theres a post office at the end of St. Beach参考答案:C49. Marilyn had to leave for Mexico City; ( ), she wi1l not be available for next week s meeting.A. consequentlyB. neverthelessC. moreover参考答案:A50. ( ) does it cost? Three hundred. A. HowB. How muchC. How many( ) does it cost? Three hundred. A. HowB. How muchC. How many参考答案:B( )51. 请对H2284号信用证作下列修改: (1)将交货期展至5月31日。 (2)将有效期展至6月15日。 等候修改通知书。请对H2284号信用证作下列修改:(1)将交货期展至5月31日。(2)将有效期展至6月15日。等候修改通知书。We request you to have L/C No H2284 amended as follows: (1) Extend the time of shipment till 31 May (2) Extend the validity of the L/C till 15 June Await your amendment advice 52. There are four candidates for this job.There are four candidates for this job.参考答案这个工作职位有4个候选人。53. Could you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere caCould you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere can IDwhere I can正确答案:A54. They have_their shoes.Aworn awayBworn offCworn outDworn downThey have_their shoes.Aworn awayBworn offCworn outDworn down正确答案:C55. The doctor insisted on that his patient take it easy for three months.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A56. John&39;s performance in this exam made us feel rather _ (disappoint)Johns performance in this exam made us feel rather _ (disappoint)disappointed57. The result of the experiment was very good, _ we hadn&39;t expected. A) when B) thatThe result of the experiment was very good, _ we hadnt expected.A) whenB) thatC) whichD) whatC本题考查非限制性定语从句中关系词的用法。根据句意可以知道:定语从句中的关系词指代整个主句“the result of the experiment was very good”,并且该关系词在定语从句中充当及物动词expect的宾语,因此该空中需要填入一个关系代词,而that不能用于非限制性定语从句中,故C为正确答案。句意:实验的结果非常好,这一点我们没有想到。58. Which place do you want to visit first?Which place do you want to visit first?你首先想去参观什么地方?59. Henry can&39;t attend the party _ at Tom&39;s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _ at Marie&39;s house tomorrow.A.held/being heldB.to be held/to be heldC.to be held/heldD.being held/to be held参考答案:D60. He is going to make a model plane, some old parts to help.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B


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