UnitModern CommunicationPPT课件

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UnitModern CommunicationPPT课件_第1页
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UnitModern CommunicationPPT课件_第3页
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In this unit, you willObjectives read an interview on an experiment on living without electronic conveniences; enlarge your vocabulary relating to modern communication; come to know the importance of managing incoming email; get some tips about the use of the infinitive in English grammar; learn how to read and write a notice or poster.第1页/共230页Listening and SpeakingText AGrammar TipsText BComprehensive ExercisesPractical Reading and WritingWarm-up第2页/共230页DiscussionBackground Information Our life has been made more and more convenient and comfortable by modern communication tools such as the Internet. However, modern communication can bring unexpected trouble, too. Almost every day we receive unwanted text messages as well as junk emails carrying advertisements for nearly everything. Besides, privacy is almost nonexistent on the Internet. Too much reliance on modern communication could be disastrous. Therefore, how to make the best use of modern technology to the advantage of mankind and avoid its negative side to the fullest extent possible is a pressing global issue confronting human beings.第3页/共230页Background InformationDiscussion第4页/共230页Questions: (1) What is your favorite way of daily communication?DiscussionBackground InformationMaking phone calls, chatting online, writing letters, face to face communication.Hints 第5页/共230页Questions:2. Do you use the Internet? Why?DiscussionBackground InformationYes. I use the Internet to look for information, communicate with friends and parents, download free music, meet new friends, etc.Hints 第6页/共230页A. Choose the best answer according to what you hear.SpeakingListeningI. Listening ScriptA. The price of cell phones. B. The function of cell phones.C. The popularity of cell phones. D. The sound of cell phones.1.第7页/共230页SpeakingListeningA. She gives some change to him.B. She lets the man use her mobile phone.C. She does nothing.D. She does both A and B.2.第8页/共230页SpeakingListeningA. Checking her email. B. Booking tickets online.C. Playing games online. D. Chatting with friends.3.第9页/共230页SpeakingListeningA. Where to book a flight online. B. When to book a flight online.C. Who to book a flight online. D. How to book a flight online.4.第10页/共230页SpeakingListeningA. People are bad in real life.B. People are bad in cyberspace.C. People are hard to identify in cyberspace.D. People in cyberspace are hardly bad.5.第11页/共230页SpeakingListeningB. Fill in the blanks of the following passage according to what you hear. Mobile phones have become a (1) for middle schools. Some middle schools in (2) ask students not to carry mobile phones during schoolhours. There are several reasons. First, mobile phones are (3) . Second, using mobile phones is a distraction to the students. Third, mobile phone use alsoproblem_Australia_easy to lose _第12页/共230页SpeakingListeninggives teachers so much trouble, because some students might use phone messages (4) . So, some teachers say students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could (5) their phones at the school office.to cheat during exams _leave_第13页/共230页Talk about your dorm based on the following questions.II. SpeakingSpeakingListening1. How many phone calls do you make a day?I make an average of five calls/five calls on average a day. words indicating frequency: never, seldom, occasionally, sometimes, regularly, very often, frequentlyHints 第14页/共230页SpeakingListening2. What advantages does making phone calls have?Making phone calls has the following advantages:l efficient;l convenient;l time-saving;l direct, etc.Hints 第15页/共230页SpeakingListening3. Do you prefer making phone calls to sending short messages to your parents while you are in college? Why or why not?While in college I prefer sending text messages to making phone calls to my parents because the former:l is cheap and economical;l causes no disturbance to others;l exercises my fingers.Hints 第16页/共230页M: It seems like everyone has a cell phone these days.W: Yeah. Everywhere you go you can hear mobile phones ringing.Whats the topic of the conversation?M: Hi, Jane. Do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.Q: How does the woman respond to the mans request?SpeakingListening1.2.第17页/共230页SpeakingListeningM: How often do you use the Internet?W: I use it almost every day, but I usually use it to check my email. I dont often surf the net.Q: What does the woman use the Internet for?M: Have you ever booked a flight online?W: I have booked airline tickets online many times. It has worked out great for me! Need my help?Q: What does the man probably want to know?M: You can tell if the person is bad or not, cant you?W: Sure, I can in real life! But in cyberspace, hard to say.Q: What does the woman imply?3.4.5.第18页/共230页imitative of the real world; almost true 虚拟的;几乎为真的ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studyconvenience n.sth. that is very useful or makes ones life easier 方便,便利(之处)virtual adj.cut-off from远离的采取措施take stepsdelay or stop sth. from happening for a while 暂停,搁置suspend vt.第19页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studyservice n.sth. that the public needs, such as transportation and communicationsfacilities 服务the first part of sth.; a hole or empty space through which things or people can pass; a good opportunity to do sth. 开始部分;缝隙,缺口;机会,空缺opening n. presentation n.a formal talk, often in order to sell sth. or get support for a proposal 汇报第20页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studynotice vt. n.become aware of 注意到 a written announcement in a place where everyone can read it 通知look forward to期盼,展望numb vt.make sb. no longer think clearly or feel any emotion 使麻木drive sb. crazy把某人逼疯stay off远离第21页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studymedia n.television, radio, newspapers, and magazines 媒体translate v.lead to, result in; say or write sth. in another language 导致,转变成;翻译productivity n.the rate at which goods are produced 生产率grade n. v.mark that indicates ones level of achievement; quality 成绩;等级 judge 评级,评分第22页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studydoubt n. v.the feeling of uncertainty or truth about sth. 怀疑,疑虑 believe that sth. is probably not true or possible 怀疑distracting adj.making it difficult for people to concentrate properly on what they are doing 分神的,干扰注意的fall (right) back into sth.重新像以前那样做某事第23页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studydefinitely adv.without a doubt 明确地,肯定地aware adj.knowing about, realizing because one can hear it, see it, smell it, or feel it 知道的,意识到的evolve vi.gradually change and develop 演变,演化technology n.methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes 技术,工艺第24页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyProper NamesVerizon:威瑞森公司,2000年5月由贝尔大西洋公司(Bell Atlantic)与美国通用电话电气公司(GTE)合并而成,目前是美国最大的有线通信和话音通信提供商。Amish:阿米什人,居住在美国宾西法尼亚州中部。因为宗教的原因,这些欧洲人的后裔拒绝现代化,保持着极其传统的生活方式,不用电灯,不开汽车,运输依然使用马车牛车。第25页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyProper NamesAngry Birds和Words with Friends:游戏名称,即“愤怒的小鸟”和“填字游戏”。第26页/共230页1 Could you live without daily electronic conveniences for 90 days? Reilly, a 24-year-old student at a Chicago school, did just that. I spoke with Reilly over the phone this weekend about his 90-day project, what he learned from living without electronic conveniences and how it changed his life.2 You say you spent three months completely cut-off from the virtual world. What steps did you take to do that?90 Days Without a Cell Phone or EmailComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study第27页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study3 Reilly: I called Verizon and suspended service for my cell phone. I put up an out-of-office on both of my email accounts, like, “Im sorry for the inconvenience, but I wont receive this until the end of the year.”4 Before what you called “The Amish Project,” how much time would you typically spend on texting and calling every day?第28页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study5 Reilly: It was pretty bad. I was sending more than 1,500 texts a month. I never really counted minutes on the phone, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was 600 to 900.6 In the opening of your “Going Amish” presentation, you say that you had friends over and realized what was going on. Describe what you noticed and your feelings right at that moment.第29页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study7 Reilly: I live with three guys and we had two of our best friends visiting from New York City. We only see these guys once a year, maybe every six months. Every single person had either a laptop or a cell phone. Somebodys playing Words with Friends, somebodys playing Angry Birds. Nobodys really doing anything, just sitting quiet. Its like this was what we were all looking forward to and were just sitting here numbing our minds. Thats the thing that drives me crazy. People go out to dinner with a crowd and everyones on their phone. I mean, what else are you looking for?第30页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study8 You said that you had much more free time when you stayed off social media sites. Did this extra time translate into higher productivity or better grades at school?第31页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study9 Reilly: Yeah, a hundred times over. Like I said, there wasnt really much to do at the house, so I stayed at school most nights until 10 when everyone else leaves around 6, without a doubt. I think whats so hard for people and so distracting for people is that where they work, there are social media distractions on the same machine that they are supposed to be using to do their work. Im sure every office in the country suffers from these things.第32页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study10 In the end, having finished this whole thing, is your life different now or did you fall right back into old habits?11 Reilly: Its definitely different, but I catch myself doing exactly what I hated. Someone is talking to me and Im half-listening and reading a text under the table. Now, Im becoming more and more aware of this change. Using cell phones evolved from being about technology to a kind of living in the moment.第33页/共230页A. Pair Work Complete the following sentences orally according to the text.1. Where did Reilly come from? He came from .2. How much time did Reilly typically spend on texting and calling every day before he started the Amish Project? He sent texts a month and spent minutes on the phone.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsa Chicago school _1,500 _600 to 900 _第34页/共230页3. What did Reillys friends play for fun? They played .4. What drives Reilly crazy? drives him crazy.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsWords with Friends and Angry Birds _That nobody is really doing anything, just sitting quiet _第35页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsB. Main Idea Read the text again. As you read, underline what you think are the most important ideas. Then, in one or two sentences, write the main idea of the text.It tells us what Reilly learned from living without electronic conveniences and how it changedhis life_.第36页/共230页Active Wordsv. (1) 离开,离去 The boy is not allowed to leave the room. (2) 留下,遗忘 Take two apples and leave five for us. When I went to school I left my books at home. He left a note for you. (3) 剩下,剩余(用被动语态) Is there any food left? ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsleave第37页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsn. (1) 准假,休假 How much paid leave do you get each year? 离别,告别 He took his leave of his family when the war began.leaveleave alone 让单独待着,不干扰,不干涉 Hes busy. Wed better leave him alone.第38页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsleave behind 不带,忘了带 He left a bunch of keys behind.leave for 动身去某地 When are you leaving for Beijing?leave out 遗漏;省略 She left out an important detail in her story-telling.leave第39页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionstakevt. (1) 拿起 He took his hat and left. (2) 获得,占领 The French player took the first prize. (3) 食用,服用 Have you taken the medicine? (4) 乘,搭乘,坐(交通工具) Finally he decided to take a train to go home. (5) 要求,需要,(要)花费 It took all day to finish the task.第40页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionstake (6) 把当作,认为是 She took me for her brother.take back 收回(讲过的话) What you said is not true. Youd better take it back.take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞 He came in and took off his coat. The plane will take off at noon.第41页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionstaketake in 让人上当,欺骗 Dont believe in him he will try to take you in.take on 接受(工作等);雇佣;呈现,带有(特征等) Jack is taken on as a repairman in our factory. The city is taking on a new look.take out 取出,扣除 He had a tooth taken out yesterday.第42页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionstaketake over 接管(财产、管理权等) Who do you think will take over the company?take to 喜欢 They had met each other a couple of times but didnt take to each other.take up 占据,占用(时间或空间) That huge bed takes up most of the room.第43页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsn. 时刻;片刻,瞬间 The man arrived at the last moment. It was a very important moment in my life. Please wait a moment.momentat the moment 此刻,当下 At the moment, no one is working with me.at this/that moment 在此/那时 At that moment, my father arrived and took me home.第44页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsfor the moment 眼下,暂时 You can stay with me for the moment.in a moment 立刻,马上 We will finish the task in a moment.for a moment 一会儿 They chatted for a moment and left.moment第45页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsv. (1) (使)改变,变化,转变 Smith changed his mind and moved back home. Then he received a phone call that was to change his life. In autumn the leaves change from green to brown. (2) 换(交通工具、衣服等) He changed trains in Chicago. She used to change her dress every day.change第46页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionschange (3) 交换,互换 If you prefer this seat, Ill change with you. (4) 兑换 Where can I change my pounds for dollars? n. (1) 变化,改变,变动 You will see many changes in the village. (2) 找头,零钱 I gave him a pound, and he gave me 20 pence change. 第47页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsfor a change 换换花样(口味、环境、工作等) Now let me ask you a question for a change. Lets try a new restaurant for a change.change第48页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionscallv. (1) 打电话;(通过无线电寻呼系统)呼叫 “May I speak to Mr Coyne, please?” ”May I ask whos calling?” (2) 叫,喊;呼唤,召唤 Someone is calling for help. She called her young son: “Here, Stephen, come and look at this!” (3) 召集 The president decided to call a meeting of the Board of Directors.第49页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionscall (4) 取名,称呼 They called each other by their surnames. (5) (短暂地)访问,拜访 Do you think we should call at Franks when we are in New York?n. (1) 喊叫(声);啼叫 The call of that bird is not very loud. (2) (短暂的)访问,拜访 He decided to pay a call on Tommy Cummings. (3) (一次)电话,通话 I made a phone call to a friend in the U.S.第50页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionscall back 把叫回来;(给)回电话;使回想起 The sight of the old house called back memories at his childhood.call for 去(或来)取,去(或来)接;需要,要求 When shall I call for you? The situation calls for a cool head.call第51页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionscall off 取消 The meeting has been called off.call on (短暂地)访问,拜访;(正式地)号召,呼吁 This afternoon I will call on my new neighbor.call第52页/共230页1. There are two men (名叫王明) in our office.2. He often (把钥匙忘在家里).3. (换床之后), I would fall asleep quickly.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsComplete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.called Wang Ming _leaves his keys at home_After changing the bed_第53页/共230页4. The homework the teacher assigned will (花去他至少两个小时).5. Just (就在这时), a red car appeared from nowhere.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsComplete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.take him at least two hours _at this moment_第54页/共230页electronicconveniencevirtualsuspendopeningpresentationnumbcrazymediasiteproductivitydoubtdistractingawareevolveComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsA. Match the words in the left-hand column with the Chinese meanings on the right.知道的,意识到的场地;(事件)发生地点疯狂的,发疯的怀疑,疑虑媒体开始部分;缝隙演变,演化分神的,干扰注意的汇报生产率方便,便利使麻木虚拟的电子的,电气的暂停,搁置Exercises第55页/共230页1. Alex was almost (speech) with anger and despair.2. Im 25, have a nice flat, a good job and Im not (attractive).3. Imposing speed (restrict) is easy, but forcing motorists to observe them is difficult.4. I used to be a furniture (deal).ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsB. Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given words.speechless_unattractive_restrictions_dealer_第56页/共230页5. She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more (responsible).6. I knew Id never find a (park) space in the Square.7. She received (recognize) for her many achievements.8. She made frequent (refer) to a possible promotion during the talk.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsresponsibility_parking_recognition_reference_第57页/共230页English TermsChinese Terms通讯,电讯telecommunicationscalldialphonetelephoneextensionmobilecell phonewireless phonering打电话打电话;电话,听筒,电话机拨(电话号码),打电话给电话电话分机移动电话,手机手机无线市话,小灵通打电话给ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsWords for Describing Modern Communication第58页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsEnglish TermsChinese Terms给接通电话connectwirecabletelegramemailfaxSM (short message)decodecorrespond电汇,给发电报;电报,电信给发电报电报给发电子邮件传真传输;传真机短消息译码,解码通信第59页/共230页ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsEnglish TermsChinese Terms快件,快运expresspagedelivermail(通过传呼机等)呼叫邮寄;邮政投递forwardEMS (Express Mail Service)转发特快专递第60页/共230页 90天不用日常的电子通讯设备,你受得了吗?芝加哥一所学校24岁的学生赖利就亲身体验了一次。周末,我通过电话跟赖利聊了这个90天不用通讯设备的计划,我问他从中获得了什么,以及这个计划是怎样改变他的生活的。 你说,你有三个月完全脱离电子虚拟世界,你是如何实施的?ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study不用手机和电子邮件的90天第61页/共230页 赖利:我打电话给威瑞森公司停掉了我的手机服务,并在电子邮箱的自动回复栏注明:“您的邮件我到年底才能收到,非常抱歉给您带来不便。” 在所谓的“阿米什人计划”之前,你一般每天花多长时间发短信和打电话? ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study第62页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study 赖利:非常糟糕。我每个月发送一千五百多条文本信息。我没计算过打电话的精确时间,但估计在六百分钟至九百分钟之间。 在你陈述“阿米什计划”的开场白中,你说,你曾经请朋友到家里来,并知道将要发生的事情。描述一下你当时的感受。第63页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study 赖利:我跟三个同伴住一起,有两个要好的朋友从纽约过来,我们一年或半年才见一次面。每个人都带着一台笔记本电脑或手机,有的在玩“填字游戏”,有的在玩“愤怒的小鸟”。没有人真正在做事,都一言不发地坐在那儿。好像这就是我们原本期待的,坐在那儿让大脑变钝。这着实令我抓狂。大家一起去吃饭,但每个人都在玩手机。我想说的是,还有其他东西可以追求吗?第64页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study 你说,远离社交媒体网站后,多出了好多空余时间。这额外的时间是否使你获得更高的产出,或者使得你的学业成绩提高了吗?第65页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study 赖利:是的,提高了百倍。正如我所说,因为在家里真的没什么事可做,所以晚上我经常在学校呆到10点才走,而其他人必定是6点左右就走了。我觉得,人们工作的时候,本应用于办公的电脑上有社交媒体的干扰,这使得工作更加困难、更容易分心。我敢肯定所有办公场所都有此困扰。第66页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study 最后,完成了这个计划后,你的生活有所变化吗?还是依旧恢复了之前的老样子? 赖利:肯定有所改观,但有时我意识到自己正在做一些自己讨厌的事。例如,别人在跟我讲话时,我边听边在桌子下面读短消息。现在,我越来越意识到这种变化。过去使用手机只是涉及某种技术,而现在却上升到活在当下的一种状态。第67页/共230页ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studyconvenience n. sth. that is very useful or makes ones life


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