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三种句型综合练习题I 判断下列句子的句型类型These shoes are too tight for me.He always kept silent at meeting.My sister enjoyed the play.Please stay seated. The telephone rang.The doctor seemed very capable.She apologized to me again.This kind of cloth feels very softSeveral people fell ill.His story proved false.I met John in the street yesterday.Lucy appears upset. Lily appears calm.The students work very hard.The accident happened yesterday evening.Farmers in our area grow lots of vegetables.My tooth aches.He seems interested in the bookManychangestookplaceinmyhometown.M y job is teaching English II 区别以下划线动词1. The shop stays open till seven oclock.2. I stayed at a hotel in New York.3. I am lying on the bed.4. The snow lies thick on the ground.5. With the wind its so difficult to keep warm.6. We will keep the house in Beijing and rent it out.7. A cat lays on the sofa.8. Several players lay flat on the playground.9. Please lay the egg in the basket. 10. I cannot get the money from my boss.11. The weather gets hot in summer.12. You look unhappy, whats the matter?13. The police is looking at the bar closely.14. She looks like her mother.III看下面一段话,找出每句话的句型结构。Springiscoming.Thesunshinesbrightly.Everythingcomestolife.Theflowersareblooming.Thebirdsaresinging.Thetreesturngreen.Theflowersareblooming.Thebirdsaresinging.Thedaysaregettinglongerandlonger.Thenightsaregettingshorterandshorter.Springisverybeautiful!Weareenjoyingourselves.


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