intercultural business communicationPPT课件

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Why is communication so important? Survey Business Communication Quarterly 2004 One hundred and four Silicon Valley employers responded to a survey asking them about communication skills of their recent college graduate new hires.第1页/共50页Discovery: 1. Employers reported they were less than satisfied with the oral and written communication skills. 2. The U.S. Department of Labor regarding workplace skills for the future determined that communication skills are essential workplace tools for the 21st century 第2页/共50页第3页/共50页Whats the difference? CommunicationIntercultural communication Intercultural business communication 第4页/共50页跨文化商务沟通 Intercultural Business CommunicationBusiness CommunicationIntercultural Communication in BusinessInternational BusinessCross Cultural Management第5页/共50页商务英语专业教学模式不同(王、张,2014)跨文化商 务交 际语 言国 别文 化商 务跨文化交际 宗教信仰 欧美文化 种族群体中国文化 社会习俗 文学艺术 历史 各国政治、经济、地理概况(拉美、中东、欧盟、中亚、非洲、俄罗斯、美国、东盟、东南亚 )经济学 金融 管理学 人力资源 国际商法 市场营销 会计 进出口贸易 保险 电子商务 信息科技 商务词汇 语音、语调 语法 体裁 术语 话语 修辞 听说读写译 语用 . 第6页/共50页Intercultural Business Communication MarketingAdvertisingHuman resourcesLeadershipNegotiationTeam work Performance Evaluation第7页/共50页Objectives International outlook; Familiarity with Chinese and foreign cultures and etiquette; Abilities to follow international practices in international business, handle various relations, negotiate and transact第8页/共50页IBC Research P23-24 Theories of intercultural business communication Teaching intercultural business communication Business discourse studies Business pragmatic studies Researching intercultural business communication Intercultural business communication competencies Intercultural business negotiations Intercultural marketing and branding Media and international business第9页/共50页 Ethics in intercultural business communication Intercultural human resources management Cultures and mergers in multi-nationals Culture and consumer behaviors Cultural conflicts in international business Traditional cultures and international business Business cultures of the West and the East Business values of the West and the East Business acculturation and enculturation第10页/共50页课程结构 : 课堂讲授、课堂讨论、案例分析与实务模拟、视频观摩与分析。 Grading: Attendance 10% Class performance 10% Case analysis 10% Term paper 10% Final test 60%第11页/共50页Review Culture Communication IC theories 第12页/共50页Metaphors of culturemetaphorsCulture Is Like An Iceberg第13页/共50页1. Culture Is Like An Iceberg Visible (Overt)Invisible (Covert)Subjective & Deep Culture第14页/共50页Culture is like an onion. Practices 第15页/共50页Metaphors of culture Think about the following similes and metaphors, how do you think culture is related to the references? 1. Culture is our software. 2. Culture is like the water a fish swims in第16页/共50页Culture Is Our Software第17页/共50页Culture Is Like the Water a Fish Swims In 第18页/共50页 Picture AnalysisWhat are the components of communication reflected in the following picture?第19页/共50页Sender/Source (信息源)A sender/source is the person who transmits a message. Message (信息)A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver. Encoding (编码)Encoding refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. Channel /Medium (渠道)Channel/Medium is the method used to deliver a message. Components of communication 第20页/共50页Decoding (解码)Decoding is the activity during which the receiver attaches meaning to the words or symbols he/she has received.Receiver (信息接收者)A receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message.Feedback (反馈)The response of a receiver to a senders message is called feedback. Noise (干扰)Noise is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages. Noise is inevitable.第21页/共50页IC Theories Kluckholn and Strodtbecks value orientation (p51) Hofstede-Bonds value dimension (p55) Halls High-and Low-Context orientation (p61)第22页/共50页1. Kluckholn and Strodtbecks Value Orientations The five basic questions: 1 the character of human nature 2 the relation of humankind to nature 3 orientation toward time 4 the value placed on activity 5 relationship of people第23页/共50页Human nature Basically Evil Mixture of Good and Evil Basically Good 第24页/共50页Relationship to nature People subject to nature People in harmony with nature People the master of nature 第25页/共50页Sense of time Past oriented Present oriented Future oriented 第26页/共50页Activity Being-orientated is a non-developmental model of society. Being-and-becoming is a kind of a spiritual good of inner harmony and peace. Doing orientated refers to activity that leads to external accomplishment. 第27页/共50页Social relationships Hierarchy Group Individual第28页/共50页2. Hofstede-Bonds Value OrientationGeert Hofstede: Dutch interculturalist 116,000 respondents40 countries2 surveys in 1968/19724 cultural value dimensions MasterpieceCultures Consequences 第29页/共50页 Hofstedes Cultural Value Dimensions Individualism versus Collectivism Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity versus Femininity Long-term versus short-term orientation第30页/共50页Individualism-Collectivism Self-perception as individual or part of a group Most widely studied Most complex Dimensions different across cultures i.e., Asian vs Latin American collectivism第31页/共50页Individualism-Collectivism (contd)Individualism High value on autonomy Individual achievement PrivacyCollectivism High value on group Family, clan, organization Loyalty Devotion Conformity第32页/共50页Masculinity-FemininityDescribes Importance of Achievement versus Relationships Success Assertive acquisition of money/power achievement Equality of genders Caring for disadvantaged harmony第33页/共50页Power DistanceAcceptance of differences in powerHigh-Power Distance Accept position Follow authority Concentrated & centralized authority Hierarchical Low-Power Distance Avoid concentration of authority Decentralized Fewer layers of management第34页/共50页Low UncertaintyAvoidance Embrace unpredictable Less adherence to rules, procedures, or hierarchies Risk taking desirableHigh UncertaintyAvoidance Threatened by ambiguity Need stable & predictable workplace Reliance on rulesUncertainty AvoidanceReaction to ambiguous events第35页/共50页Edward T. Halls ModelHigh-context cultures Long-lasting relationships Exploiting context Spoken agreements Insiders and outsiders clearly distinguished Cultural patterns ingrained, slow changeLow-context cultures Shorter relationships Less dependent on context Written agreements Insiders and outsiders less clearly distinguished Cultural patterns change faster第36页/共50页Cultural Classification-Hall Low-Context Cultures - What Is Said Is More Important Than How or Where It Is Said U.S. Germany High-Context cultures - What Is Said and How or Where It is Said Are Significant Asia Latin America Middle East第37页/共50页Low-context in businessBusiness before friendshipCredibility through expertise & performanceAgreements by legal contractNegotiations efficient第38页/共50页High-context in businessNo business without friendshipCredibility through relationshipsAgreements founded on trustNegotiations slow & ritualistic第39页/共50页A: Were going to Surrey this weekend.B: What fun! I wish we were going with you. How long are you going to be there? (If she wants a ride, she will ask.)A: Three days. By the way, we may need a ride to the airport. Do you think you can take us there?B: Sure. What time?Apply Your Knowledge第40页/共50页A: Were going to Surrey this weekend.B: What fun! I wish we were going with you. How long are you going to be there? A: Three days. (I hope shell offer me a ride to the airport)B: (She may want me to give her a ride.) Do you need a ride to the airport? Ill take you. A: Are you sure its not too much trouble?B: Its no trouble at all.第41页/共50页A: Were going to Surrey this weekend.B: What fun! I wish we were going with you. How long are you going to be there? A: Three days. (I hope shell offer me a ride to the airport)B: (If she wants a ride, she will ask.) Have a great time!A: (If she had wanted to give me a ride, she would have offered it. Id better ask somebody else.) Thanks. Ill see you when I get back.第42页/共50页Lead-in Case: What should Holtz do? Read the case and answer the following question: Brian Holtz is a U.S. businessperson assigned by his company to manage its office in Thailand. Mr. Thani, a valued assistant manager in the Bangkok office, has recently been arriving late for work. Holtz has to decide what to do about this problem. If you were Holtz, what would you do?第43页/共50页 After carefully thinking about his options, he decides there are four possible strategies: (1) Go privately to Mr. Thani, ask him why he has been arriving late, and tell him that he needs to come to work on time. (2) Ignore the problem. (3) Publicly reprimand Mr. Thani the next time he is late. (4) In a private discussion, suggest that he is seeking Mr. Thanis assistance in dealing with employees in the company who regularly arrive late for work, and solicit his suggestions about what should be done.Appropriate & Effective Communication第44页/共50页美国百思买失败案例20062011第45页/共50页 万得城退出中国市场 2010年11月2013年3月11日第46页/共50页 吉利收购沃尔沃 (2010)Steven Jackby 2010-2012Samuelsson 2012,10第47页/共50页 最新收购案例 印度阿波罗轮胎公司收购美国固铂轮胎公司 2013年6月开始收购,2013年12月30日失败 失败原因何在?第48页/共50页第49页/共50页感谢您的观看。第50页/共50页


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