2022年小升初英语专项提高训练 完形填空11

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2022年小升初英语专项提高训练 完形填空11 There are differences _1_ boys and girls favorite subjects _2_ school. Many young _3_ like art, music, and languages. Most _4_ boys like PE. _5_ many sixteen-year-old boys like biology _6_ art. Many sixteen-year-old girls _7_ foreign languages(外语), but biology, music and art _8_ their favorite subjects. _9_ dont girls and boys have _10_ favorite subjects? We do not know. (B)1. A) both B) between C) from D) about 【详解】between .prep.在之间. 表示在两者之间用介词between. (D)2. A) in B) on C) beside D) at 【详解】at school .ph.在学校. (D)3. A) boys B) girls C) boys D) girls 【详解】根据文章内容判断此处为女生。 (C)4. A) old B) tall C) young D) small 【详解】根据上文young girls提示得出答案。 (C)5. A) So B) And C) But D) Since 【详解】but表示转折。 (C)6. A) for B) to C) and D) of 【详解】表示并列关系用连词and. (A)7. A) like B) speak C) know D) want 【详解】like .v.喜欢. (C)8. A) are B) is C) arent D) isnt 【详解】but表示转折,此处为否定;并列主语谓语用复数形式。 (A)9. A) Why B) What C) When D) Where 【详解】询问原因用疑问词why. (D)10. A) same B) the same C) difference D) different 【详解】different .adj.不同的. 根据文章内容,男女生喜欢不同的科目。 B Dear Jackie, I am happy to receive(收到)your letter. Do you want _1_ about my school life this week? This week I _2_ three English classes. I learn some new words. And we also _3_ an interesting movie in the class. _4_ name is Home Alone. I like it very much. I like having P.E. very much _5_. Mr. White is my P.E. teacher. He is my favorite teacher. He is a very _6_ man. We all like to play _7_ him. In his class, he teaches us _8_ basketball, soccer and ping-pong. This week, our class has a basketball game with Class 3 and we win(赢). I like playing _9_ best and I want to be a great basketball player. What about you? Can you _10_ me something interesting in your school? Write to me soon. Kate (C)1. A) to say B) learn C) to know D) know 【详解】want to do sth .ph.想要做某事。句意:“你想了解这周我在学校的生活吗?”。只能接不定式作宾语的动词,如want, wish, hope等。 (A)2. A) have B) has C) learn D) learns 【详解】have three English classes .ph.上了三节英语课。动词和主语在单、复数形式上一致,主语为I,谓语用have. (C)3. A) look B) look at C) see D) sees 【详解】see a movie .ph.看电影。动词和主语在单、复数形式上一致,主语为we, 谓语用see. (C)4. A) It B) Its C) Its D) It is 【详解】its表示“它的(事物)”。it is表示“它是”,its为it is的缩写形式。 (A)5. A) because B) so C) of D) but 【详解】句意:我非常喜欢体育课,因为怀特先生是我的体育老师。可推断为因果关系。 (D)6. A) boring B) tiring C) interest D) funny 【详解】funny .adj.有趣的。后文提到“我们都喜欢和他玩”,可推断答案。 (A)7. A) with B) and C) of D) for 【详解】play with sb .ph.与某人玩。 (B)8. A) play B) to play C) playing D) plays 【详解】teach sb. to do sth. 表示“教某人做某事”。 (B)9. A) soccer B) basketball C) ping-pong D) tennis 【详解】后文提到“我想成为篮球运动员”,可知答案。 (A)10. A) tell B) speak C) call D) ask 【详解】tell sb. sth .ph.告诉某人某事。


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