2021-2022年小学五年级英语《My days of the week》教案

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2021-2022年小学五年级英语My days of the week教案课 题:Unit2 My days of the week第一课时教学内容: Lets start Main scene A. Lets learn Lets play C. Lets sing教学目标:Grasp the drill: What day is it today? What do we have on Mondays?Grasp the four-skills words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.运用新的语言进行星期转盘游戏。Understand and sing the song: My Days of the Week.重点难点: Four-skills words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.教具准备:Recorder, tape, picture, cards, 游戏转盘。理论依据教学过程 Step 1. Warming up1.Listen to the song: My Days of the Week.2.Daily dialogue practice:A: Hello, B. What time is it?B: Hello, A. Its 8:20. Its time four English class.3.Lets chant, Lets sing, Lets do.(Book4) Step 2. Preview Review the sentences: Its 8 oclock. Its time four Chinese.Review some words about subject.画课程表,复习有关课程的词汇。引出:We have Chinese, Englishon Monday.Step 3. Presentation1.Lets learn& Lets learn(1)T shows the picture of“Main scene”,then asks: What classesdo you like?(复习有关课程的词汇,感知本单元的主要语言)(2)T shows the picture of “Lets learn”, then says: Its a time schedule. Lets have a look. Its 8:00. Its time four Chinese. Its 8:50. Its time four English. Its 9:50. Its time four math. Its 10:40. Its time for music. What day is it? (引出新单词和句型)Monday We have on Mondays.(还可设置问题:What day is it today? What day do you like?)(3)Read the new words: Listen to the tape, Ss read after the tape.(4)Write the four-skills words1.Lets play玩星期转盘游戏,运用句型:What day is it today? Its2.Lets singListen to the tape. (2)Sing after the tape. (3)Sing togetherStep 4.Consolidation and extensionDo the exercisesListen to the tape and repeat. 3. 设计英文课程表,在班级进行展示。4.Play a game: Guess“What day is it today?”5.Sing the song to parents or friends.附送:Unit3 My father is a teacherLesson13教学内容(Teaching contents)Just speak教学目标能够介绍家庭成员的职业。教学重难点(Important and difficult points) 重点聚焦:This is my fatherHes a teacherThis is my motherShes a tailor教具准备(Teaching aids)1准备本课的学生卡片、教师卡片、教学挂图、录音磁带和投影片。2准备三年级下册第13课歌曲 Father and mother 的磁带。3让学生准备全家福照片。教学步骤Step1. 热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)(1)播放三年级下册第 13 课歌曲 Father and mother 的磁带。(2)让学生齐唱Father and mother,并将brother and sister代入歌曲中,使学生在欢快的歌声中,感悟语言,同时复习表示人物的词汇.(3)学生拿出自己准备的全家福照片玩听音指图的游戏。教师发出口令:mother,学生立即指出自己的妈妈,并说This is my motherShe is . Step2新课导入(Presentation) (1)带领学生做听音指图游戏:全体学生拿出自己准备好的全家福照片一起做游戏。教师发出口令:father,学生立即指出自己的爸爸并说:This is my fatherHe is a . (2)教师展示本课教学挂图,引导学生猜测人物之间的关系。 (3)教师提出问题:How old is Tom?Whats his father?Whats his mother?How old is Mary?Whos the boy in the middle?Listen to the tape and tell me the answers(4)播放录音,让学生听后回答问题。教师宜根据实际情况选择听录音的遍数。(5)请若干学生回答问题,教师要给予适当的鼓励评价。(6)再听录音,核对以上问题的答案。(7)教师引导学生听录音跟读模仿。(8)教师引导学生看挂图独立朗读。待学生熟悉了语段内容后,教师可以用口头填空形式检测学生对文段内容的理解掌握。具体操作方式是:教师指着挂图逐句说出文段内容,每一句中都空出一个关键信息让学生补全。如 Hello! My name is _Im _Im from _Im a _Im in Class _, Grade _. Step 3趣味操练(Practice)(1)教师拿出事先准备好的全家福照片,首先向学生做示范介绍。Now boys and girls, look at the photo of my familyThis is my fatherHes a doctorThis is my motherShes a teacherWhos that girl on the left? Shes my sisterShes . Whos that boy on the right? Its MEWe love our father and motherAnd they love usWe are a happy family教师可根据照片实际情况增减介绍的语言。(2)教师将全班分成若干小组,让学生在小组内介绍自己的全家福照片。(3)请每组选一个代表到讲台上来,拿着自己的全家福照片做介绍。教师和同学共同给予评价。e to the front and introduce your family to your classmates, please2021-2022年小学五年级英语My father is a teacher教案Thank you! You did a good jobGo back to your seat, please(4)互动游戏:把学生分成两人一组,选择自己的好朋友,交换照片,在真实的情景中复习巩固单词和句型。(5)口头作文:拿着自己的全家福,作口头作文。(6)拍全家福:以小组为单位,学生自行分配角色,有条件的话,可以使用真照相机拍照。调动学生的学习兴趣,感受合作学习的快乐。Step 4课堂评价(Assessment)教师指导学生完成活动手册中相关的内容。


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