2021-2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 Getting Ready for School教案 闽教版

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2021-2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 Getting Ready for School教案 闽教版Unit 1 Getting Ready for School Lesson 1 Teaching Aims:1.say the words: pen,pencil,pencil-box,ruler,supermarket,bookstore,school,bag,schoolbag,a story book;2.understand and say the sentence pattern: A:Were you in the supermarket? B:Yes,I was.I bought a schoolbag.Important and Difficult Points:How to use was/were to describe what happened in the past.Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, a tape ,ten word cardsTeaching Procedure Step one: Warm-up 1.greetings between the students and teacher Step two: Presentation 1.show students a thing, and ask themwhats this?and how to say it in English?,next,lead students to readpenand one/a pen; 2.according to the above way, lead students to readrulerand a/one ruler;penciland three pencils; pencil-boxand a pencil-box;school;bag;school;schoolbag;in the supermarket;in the bookstore;a story book; 3.ask some students to read the above new words; 4.introduce a sentence pattern which is used to describe what happened in the past by was/were,and then lead students to read the sentence pattern :A:Were you in the supermarket?B:Yes,I was.I bought a schoolbag. Step three: Homework 1.write the above new words 3 times.On the blackboard: Unit 1 Getting Ready for School a/one pen A:Were you in the supermarket? school a/one ruler B:Yes,I was.I bought a schoolbag. bag three pencils in the supermarket a/one pencil-box schoolbag a/one story book in the bookstoreTeaching Reflection:Due to my first teaching in primary English,I lack of much experience.I need to improve myself through endless study. I found that the English foundation of our students were weak,I will slow down the teaching step,at the same time,I will teach more simple English songs and play games in the future.附送:2021-2022年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 2(1)教案 冀教版(一起)一、教学思路在讲授新课以前,通过“Spell It” 游戏,复习表示感受的词汇(happy, sad, hot, cold, tired)。通过实物或图片展示学习新单词,教师讲解Can you find _? 你能找到?这一重点知识。运用游戏形式让学生在游戏中领悟知识,“Can you find _? 你能找到?”。 二、教学目标(一)知识(1)掌握四会词汇key 钥匙 night 夜晚 bear 熊(2) 口语词汇学生可以说出并且听懂下列词汇Can you find _? 你能找到?Yes, here it is. /No, I cant.是的,在这。/不,我找不到。(二)能力能够将口语词汇正确地运用于日常英语会话中去。(三)情感日常生活中体会说英语的乐趣。三、教学重点及难点Can you find _? 你能找到?Yes, here it is. /No, I cant.是的,在这。/不,我找不到。四、教学媒体电脑,教学相关实物及卡片,录音机及相关磁带五、教学过程(一)导入新课1通过游戏 “Spell It”复习表示感受的词汇(happy, sad, hot, cold, tired)。教师可对照这些单词用动作演示其含义。找几名自告奋勇的学生把每一个单词表演出来。2教师表演:“Im sad.” “My book is lost. Where is it?” “Can you find it?”导入本课内容。(二)呈现新课1教师运用实物或图片讲授新单词。2教师放录音,让学生通过录音,了解课文大意。教师进行难点解答。3教师将本课重点Can you find _?列于黑板上,教师示范此句的用法。如:T: Oh,no! My key is lost! I cant find my key! Where is it? Can you find my key? ( 教师对一名学生说)S1: Yes. Here you are!T: Yes! Here it is! 4创设场景,小组练习。两人一组,一人把自己的某件物品交给另一个人让他将其藏起来,练习句型 Can you find my_? (如上面的例句)5选几组学生在班内汇报表演。6教师小结本课重难点。六、课堂评价1教师指导学生完成相关练习。2教师对课上表现积极活跃的学生给予表扬,对表现不很好的学生给与鼓励。肯定学生的优点,纠正他们的不足。3制作一个场景剧。(根据本课所学知识,要求学生自己创设情景对话。)


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