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ERP原理和SAP ERPM习1、 名词Client:hardware / software environment that can make a request for services for a central repository of resourcesCompany Code:an independent accounting unit. Balance sheets and Profit & Loss Statements, requiredby law, are created at the company code level.Plant:1. Lowest valuation area2. Organizational level where Material Requirements (MRP) runs3. Generally used to describe a production site, a distribution center or centralized warehouse4. May be a physical or logical unitDivision:Represent a product lineShipping point :A fixed location within a plant that carries out shipping activitiesStorage Location :Storage location is a sub-division of a Plant where inventory is managed.Inquiry:a customer resquest to a company for information or quotation in respect to their products or services without obligation to purchase.Quotation:presents the customer with a legally binding offer to deliver specific products or a selection of a certain amount of products in a specified timeframe at a pre-defined price.Tolerances:A tolerance limit is set for allowed variance before a warning/error message is displayed RFQ:Request for QuotationREQis an invitation to a vendor by a Purchasing Organization to submit a bid for the supply of materials or servicesBOM:物料清单( Bill of Material ) -列出某一产品的所有构成项目以及他们之间的结构关系。SOP:销售运营计划 Flexible forecasting and planning toolUsually consists of three steps:1 .Sales Plan2.Production Plan3 .Rough Cut Capacity PlanPlanned at an aggregate level in time bucketsWork Centers:A location within a plant where value-added work (operations or activities) are performedMPS:Master Production Scheduling, allows a company to distinguish planning methods between materials that have a strong influence on profit or use critical resources and those that do not2、 讨论1.ERP与 MRPII的对比分析ERP在MRPII的基础上,融合 JTT,OPT,AM,TQW管理思想,功能覆盖企业全业务,并 扩展到供应链上的所有合作方,支持数据仓库和联机分析处理能力,决策支持等的管理 系统。MRPII:内容一以物料需求计划为中心的企业生产管理计划,以工业工程的计划与控制 为主线, 实现物流与资金信息集成的管理信息系统。 基本思想-基于企业的经营目标制定生产计划, 围绕物料转化组织制造资源, 实现按需按时的进行生产。 五个工作层次- 经营规划,生产计划,主生产计划,物料需求计划,生产 / 采购作业计划。2.SAP Business Suite 的产品组成SD:销售与分销MM :物料管理PP:生产计划QM :质量管理PM :维护及检测HR:人力资源IS:特殊行业应用WF:工作流程PS:专案管理AM :固定资产CO:成本控制FI:资金流3.SAP ERP Core Applications 的模块LogisticsSales & DistributionPlant MaintenanceMaterials ManagementProduction PlanningQuality ManagementAccountingFinancial AccountingControllingAsset ManagementTreasuryHuman ResourcesPersonnel ManagementBenefitsPayroll4.SAP ERP系统登录步骤1. 选择:ECC6- 552. 接着输入不能被别人知道的账号和密码。3. Client: 3504. User: NUG125. Password: *welcome15.SAP ERP的系统结构GUIGraphical User Interface or Web InterfaceApplication ServerOne or more, help distribute work loadDatabase ServerOne single data repository6.SAP ERP的主要模块及其功能O生产计划和控制销售和分销物料管理财务会计管理会计(6)资产管理系统技术基础7.SAP系统中session同时可以打开的最大数目:6个8. Sap中System Messages的三种提示信息 P- ntvr 口泣 orsnip-to pan: E = Error An invalid entry has been made The cursor moves to the field where the error has occurred = W a rn i ng冷.:。一 一拈r,-A possible error has been madeThe user can continue without changing I = Information Feedback from the system igfahoaro lkubt F naa men-aw-9.SD模块中常见的分销形式有哪些Is a means through which salesmaterials reach the customerRepresents your strategies to distribute goods and/or services to your customertrade, internet trade, .For example: wholesale trade, retail10 .简述SAP ERP系统中一个企业模型的结构1,Company code2,Sales Area3,Plant4,Storage Location5,Shipping Point11 .简述SD模块的主要步骤Pre sales activitiesSales order processingInventory sourcingShippingBillingPayment12.SD模块中涉及到主数据有哪些Customer Master DataMaterial Master DataSales Condition Data13.SD模块的输出方式有哪些QuotationConfirmationInvoice14.SD与MM模块的关系.So SDMM Contains all the information a company needs to manage about a materialWill use the information in the MM,MM is Buy SD is Sell SD need sell the Materials which buy in MM process15.简述销售订单的处理流程(sales order process)1. Pre-sales Activities2. Sales Order Entry3. Check Availability4. Pick Materials5. Pack Materials6. Post Goods Issue7. Invoice Customers8. Receipt of Customer Payment16 .Delivery Scheduling处理中的两种时间推导方式SAPERPBac4tard SchedulingOrderMaterialTrsnsp,GoodsRequested Deiv, DateDate削 aiWBHity8cheLoadingI33UC1st2nd3rd4th5thSthnicK & PackTime(2 days);Transp, Sched Time (1 day) J-LoadingTime(1 day)Transitt me(2 days)17 .Purchasing Organization 与 Purchasing Group 的区分Purchasing OrganizationOrganization unit responsible for procuring services and materials Negotiates conditions of the purchase with the vendorsPurchasing GroupBuyer or group of buyers who are responsible for certain purchasing activitiesChannel of communication for vendors18 .MM 模块涉及到的主数据有哪些1. Vendor Master Data2. Material Master Data3. Purchasing Info Record4. Condition Master Data5. Output Master Data19 .简述 SAP中 “The Stool” 模式In the Business Process Integration class we use the stool as a metaphor for the SAP structure. There are four basic components needed to run execute SAP . Three of these are the legs of the stool: org data, master data, and rules. These holdup the transactions. Transactions cannot be run unless these are setup.The legs are typically configured during the implementation process.During BPI 1 we will setup the stool for Finance, Materials management and Sales and Distribution.20 .Tolerances 是什么,常用的有哪些,举例说明Now earlier created tolerances in accounting for AR/APNow we will have some material tolerancesTolerances can be set at the material level or the vendor info record level.This allows for the tailoring of tolerances as needed.In the Customizing system for Inventory Management, you can define two tolerances for variances in the order price quantity:Tolerance for an error message: if the variance is larger than this tolerance specified, the system issues an error message, and you cannot post the goods receipt.Tolerance for a warning message: if the variance reaches this tolerance specified, the system issues a warning message during entry of the goods receipt. However, you can still post the goods receipt. The buyer receives a message pointing out the discrepancy.常见举例: Purchasing Tolerances Goods Receipts Tolerances Invoice Receipts Tolerances21 . 简述 Procurement Process 的工作流程Purchase Requisition/Vendor Selection/Purchase Order/Notify Vendor/Vendor Shipment/Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt/Payment to Vendor22 .PP模块中包括哪些主要内容MaterialsBill of Materials (BOM)RoutingsWork CentersCost CentersProduct Groups23.BOM 有哪几种结构Single-Level Multi-Level24 .Routings 是什么,其主要作用是什么?工艺流程 ( Routing) 工艺流程就是工序的集合, 每道工序对应相应的工作中心, 工作中心的设备和人工信息会传递到具体工序上面, 辅之以带有本道工序特点的特别信息 (如加工时间、排队时间等-计算成本之用) 。在工艺流程的基础上定义物料清单(狭义的 BOM),由于物料成本信息的带入,加上工 作中心所附成本费率和工时等信息,组成了 BOM (制造清单)的资金信息一Routings enable you to plan the production of materials (products).Routings are used as a template for production orders and run schedulesRouting are also used as a basis for product costing.Series of sequential steps (operations) that must be carried out to produce a given product25 .简述PP模块的主要流程1. Sales Forecasting 、 Starting Inventory2. Sales and Operation Planning3. Demand Management1) Detailed schedulingProduction2)MRP Purchasing26 .PP中有哪三种Orders形式1 .Planned Order (planning)A request created in the planning run for a material in the future (converts to either a production or purchase order)2 .Production Order (execution)A request or instruction internally to produce a specific product at a specific time3 .Purchase Order (execution)A request or instruction to a vendor for a material or service at a specific time27 .FI 中三种标准报告Standard reports include:Balance SheetPresentation of an organization s Assets, Liabilities, and Equity at a point in timeIncome StatementPresentation of an organization s Revenues and Expenses for a given period of time (e.g., monthly, quarterly, or yearly)Statement of Cash FlowsConsiders the associated changes, both inflows and outflows, that have occurred in cash-arguably the most important of all assets - over a given period of time (e.g., monthly, quarterly, or annually)28 .FI 中的财务平衡准则是什么Balanced set of books, as required by law, are prepared at this levelRevenues, in a simple sense, are inflows of cash as a result of selling activities or the disposal of company assetsExpenses, in a simple sense, are outflows of cash or the creation of liabilities to supportcompany operationsRevenues - Expenses = Net Income1 .Assets: What the company owns2 .Liabilities: What the company owes3 .Equity: The difference between Assets and LiabilitiesAssets = Liabilities + Equity29 .FI中财务文件的编制原则是什么Each business transaction impacting FI writes data to the SAP database creating a uniquely numbered electronic documentThe document number can be used to recall the transaction at a later dateIt contains, for example, such critical and necessary information as:Responsible personDate and time of the transactionCommercial contentOnce written to the SAP database, a financial document (one impacting the financial position of the company) can not be deleted from the databaseIt can be changed to some degreeThe SAP document principle provides a solid and important framework for a strong internal control system - a requirement of law for companies that operate in the United States30 .为什么说FI是sap中其他模块的全面整合These represent the legal and/or organizational views of an enterpriseThey form a framework that supports the activities of a business in the manner desired by managementPermit the accurate and organized collection of business informationSupport the development and presentation of relevant information in order to enable and support business decisions


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