北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》综合作业一答案参考21

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北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》综合作业一答案参考21_第1页
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北京语言大学22春《英汉 汉英翻译》综合作业一答案参考21_第3页
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北京语言大学22春英汉 汉英翻译综合作业一答案参考1. _a computer will help prepare yearend accounts.A. To UseB. usingC.Use_a computer will help prepare year-end accounts.A. To UseB. usingC.Usemsg:,data:,voicepath:2. Ten years later, that man was _ from prison.A.shutB.releasedC.penetratedD.elected参考答案:B3. This is a purely _ problem, not a political one.A.additionalB.advantageC.announceD.academic参考答案:D4. 与其说我把他看成老师,不如说把他看成朋友。 I regard him less as my teacher than my friend.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A5. Would you mind keeping a(n) _ on our house for us while we are away? A. hand B. look CWould you mind keeping a(n) _ on our house for us while we are away?A. handB. lookC. eyeD. viewC6. Id like to take my picture _ stands a high tower.A.whereB.whichC.thatD.there参考答案:A7. 他们去年离婚了。 They were divorced last year.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A8. What was the thing that seemed to have gone wrong or changed? _AThat a qualified engWhat was the thing that seemed to have gone wrong or changed? _AThat a qualified engineer should waste time on racing.BThat people started on long journeys without any maps.CThe young man was on the wrong ship for South Africa.DThe mans education or part of it anyhow.正确答案:D参照短文第七段第四句:“Butsomethingseemedtohavegonewrongorwasdifferentthesedays”,作者感觉不对的是受了正常教育的Clive居然连最基本的地理知识都没有,因此他觉得可能是教育或教育的一部分出了问题。选项D与此意相符,故D为正确答案。9. In the class the teacher asked the students to _ their bad habits.A.weakenB.omitC.overcomeD.overtake参考答案:C10. Under the FOB term, in order to indicate who shall bear the loading expenses, the variations of FOBUnder the FOB term, in order to indicate who shall bear the loading expenses, the variations of FOB are used. They are _, _, _ and _.FOB liner terms$FOB under tackle$FOB stowed$FOB trimmed11. He is the last person I want to see in the world.他是这个世界上我最不想见到的人。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B12. Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to _, or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s.A.revoltB.revolveC.reverseD.revive参考答案:C13. 如今能为他的这本散文集子作序,我觉得很荣幸。( )A、To be asked to write a preface to his collection of essays is a great honor.B、I find a great pleasure to ask to write his collection of essays a preface.C、Its a great pleasure that 1 will write him a preface of this collection of essays.D、I find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays.参考答案:D14. l m afraid we shouldn t go on chatting like this. The new manager could arl m afraid we shouldn t go on chatting like this. The new manager could arrive out of blue. What does out of blue mean?A. with an angry expressionB. extremely pleasedC. moving noisily and loudlyD. unexpectedly; without warning参考答案:D15. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _ English.A.practise to speakB.practising speakingC.practise speakingD.to practise speaking参考答案:B16. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. (lose)Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. (lose)will be lost17. Which of the following features is not included in the three features that all languaWhich of the following features is not included in the three features that all language aptitude tests try to identify?_.A. The ability to pay attention to , and discriminate the speech sounds of languagesB. The ability to relate speech sounds to some form. of graphemic representationC. The ability to memorize all the words in a foreign languageD. The ability to pay attention to the formal characteristics of a languagegrammatical sensitivity参考答案:C18. The huge fire is reported to have _ more than 300 people dead.A.remainedB.keptC.leftD.had参考答案:C19. For years, doctors _ millions of patients&39; lives with the help of microscopes. A) have savFor years, doctors _ millions of patients lives with the help of microscopes.A) have savedB) are savingC) will saveD) were savingA由for years这一时间状语,可知本题谓语动词应用现在完成时,即have(has)+动词的过去分词。所以本题选择A项。本句话的意思是:多年来,在显微镜的帮助下,医生们已经拯救了上百万人的生命。20. The picture was bought at a very low price, but it has turned out to be a(n) _ painting. A) inThe picture was bought at a very low price, but it has turned out to be a(n) _ painting.A) invaluableB) invariableC) worthlessD) valuelessAinvaluable无价的,贵重的;invariable不变的,恒定的;worthless无价值的,无用的;valueless无价值的,无用的。21. All of the people at the conference are_. Amathematic teachers Bmathematics teacheAll of the people at the conference are_.Amathematic teachersBmathematics teacherCmathematics teachersDmathematics teachersC22. He _ the 9: 20 train because he didnt leave home till 9: 25.A.can reachB.could catchC.may not catchD.couldnt have caught参考答案:D23. The greatest challenge_education is likely to come from our new opportunities for divThe greatest challenge_education is likely to come from our new opportunities for diversity.AoffBtoCupDover正确答案:B24. 不久,他捧出那本韦氏大学词典回来了。 Very soon he came back, holding the Websters Collegiate Dictionary in his hand.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B25. As a generally accepted medium of exchange, money_need for barter.Arules outBrulesAs a generally accepted medium of exchange, money_need for barter.Arules outBrules offCgives offDgives out正确答案:A26. All the memories of his childhood had _ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedC.comfinedD.concerned参考答案:A27. The old _ well looked after by the government.AisBareCbeingDhasThe old _ well looked after by the government.AisBareCbeingDhas正确答案:B解析:本题测试主谓一致。“the+形容词”表示一类人,谓语动词用复数。本句大意为;老人们被政府照顾得很好。28. He helps me _my homework.A. withB. forC. atD. fromHe helps me _my homework.A. withB. forC. atD. from答案:A29. These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than _ in traditional media.A.existB.existsC.existingD.to exist参考答案:A30. If there is no other way to save a _ person in a tall building on fire, fire fighters may spread a net into which the person can jump.A.voltB.wrappedC.trappedD.deserted参考答案:C31. When he studied at college, Jack was supported by a _.A.treatmentB.assistanceC.scholarshipD.protein参考答案:C32. He designed an experiment in order to _ his theory.A.demonstrateB.proofC.defenseD.grasp参考答案:A33. The basic insurance under the PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses is classified into three conditions :The basic insurance under the PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses is classified into three conditions : _, _ and _.F.P.A.$W.P.A.$All risks34. Being easily set on fire, alcohol must be kept away from the flame.( )A、酒精容易着火,必须放在与火隔绝的地方。B、因为酒精容易被人放火,所以必须远离火存放。C、由于容易失火,酒精必须远离火焰。D、因为酒精易燃,所以必须被放在离火很远的地方。参考答案:A35. 他们在读书。 Theyre reading books.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A36. Some corpus studies emphasize either the _ or the qualitative aspects ofSome corpus studies emphasize either the _ or the qualitative aspects of analysis.A. quantitativeB. numberC. cognitiveD. psychological参考答案A37. We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly _ to the stated in ourWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly _ to the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid subsequent amendments of the L/C.AconfirmBconformCinformDperformB38. Meet me at the same place _ you did yesterday. Aas Bthat Cwhere DwhatMeet me at the same place _ you did yesterday.AasBthatCwhereDwhatA39. This textbook is for the _ students, not for the beginners.A.observationB.transportationC.advancedD.transfer参考答案:C40. You_finish the job, now that we have got so far with it.Amight wellBmight do wellCYou_finish the job, now that we have got so far with it.Amight wellBmight do wellCmight well toDmight do well to正确答案:D41. I wish I _ what is happening there in his room. Aknow Bknown Cknew DshouldI wish I _ what is happening there in his room.AknowBknownCknewDshould knowC42. When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow purchases _ quantWhen quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow purchases _ quantities of not less than 100 dozen _ individual items Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpoolof, of43. I regret _ (not take)his adviceI regret _ (not take)his advicenot taking44. The international situation is very _ in the Middle East.A.deliciousB.perfectC.delicateD.percent参考答案:C45. Please _ yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them.A.restrainB.hinderC.restrictD.prohibit参考答案:A46. We can not trust him any more because he often _ his duty.A.owesB.spoilsC.desertsD.neglects参考答案:D47. An emergency _ is very important in case of fire.A.exitB.depositC.dischargeD.elaborate参考答案:A48. This pair of glasses _ mine. Aare Bbe Cis Dwill beThis pair of glasses _ mine.AareBbeCisDwill beC49. This tree is _ for its beautiful flowers.A.hookedB.stemmedC.cultivatedD.parceled参考答案:C50. Why was Clive puzzled when the driver spoke about the weather conditions? _ABecauseWhy was Clive puzzled when the driver spoke about the weather conditions? _ABecause the weather conditions didnt look like changing.BBecause the driver couldnt possibly race that day.CBecause the driver thought conditions would be the same in Argentina.DBecause the distance to Buenos Aires had surprised the man.正确答案:C参照短文第四段第二句:“Clivesmiled,thoughhewasabitpuzzled”,在此之前,赛车者表示了对天气的担忧,因为他认为7000公里外阿根廷的BuenosAires和Marseilles的天气是一样的。选项C与此相符,故C为正确答案。51. 在这儿等简直是浪费时间。 It is simply a waste of time waiting here.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B52. The familyis now _ the table.A.onB. inC. toD. at参考答案:D53. 句法上下文是指( )。A、在一个句子的范围内该单位周围的一些语言单位B、该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境C、该词词组或句子所属的句法结构D、该单位周围具体的词汇单位、词和固定词组的总合参考答案:C54. This problem is beyond his ability and he can not _ it.A.slipB.packC.gainD.solve参考答案:D55. His eyes _ with rage but he did not dare to say anything.A.flashedB.wickedC.votedD.protested参考答案:A56. Since 1978, many new _ have been developed in our university to meet the increasing demands of the students.A.disciplinesB.entrancesC.checksD.flames参考答案:A57. 最近人口统计显示中国人口已超过十三亿。 The latest census shows that Chinas population exceeds 1.3 billion.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B58. There are _ tasks to finishThis means we have other things to do in to _ what we are doinThere are _ tasks to finishThis means we have other things to do in to _ what we are doing.(addition)additionaladdition59. Body language can sometimes lead to ( ) since peop Je of different cultures often haBody language can sometimes lead to ( ) since peop Je of different cultures often have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal.A. effectivenessB. communicationC. agreementD. misunderstanding参考答案:D60. A: Its a wonderful party. B: Its very nice of you to come. _.A.Please do make yourself at homeB.Please enjoy yourselfC.Help yourselfD.Have a good time参考答案:A


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