2021-2022年五年级英语下册unit7(4)教案 北师大版(一起)

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2021-2022年五年级英语下册unit7(4)教案 北师大版(一起)_第1页
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2021-2022年五年级英语下册 unit7(4)教案 北师大版(一起)课题Unit 7 At the airport Uncle Books blackboard课时4教学目标(知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度)重点难点态度情感价值观:Encourage Ss to study well 知识与技能: Be able to listen, say, read, write the sentences: Whose backpack? I wanted to get the bag. Be able to use the drills fluently.过程与方法:Write the sentences and practice in pairs.Learn to observe and find the rules. 课前准备Tape. Cards .CAI学生学具cards教学过程教学环节教学过程关注要点Warm up Revision BbExtension Game: 1. Spell words one by one.2. Guess. What is it?1. Drills: 1) SB.P6 Ask them to read together. 2) Ask them to make new dialogues in pairs.1. Present. Whose book is that? That book is mine. Then Have them practice in groups.2. Do as above. e.g.1) I wanted to get the bag. Whose book is this? This book is mine. 3. Watch CAI. And ask them to read after it.4. Write sentences on exercise books.5. Touch and say. Have them watch carefully and describe in groups.1 SB.P9. Ask and find out 1) Have them to ask and answer in groups and find out. 2) Ask them to write down.To cultivate Ss to have interest and pay attention to their pronunciation. Improve their abilities to use English freely.Pay attention to tenses and correct mistakes.作业布置必做:1. Watch CAI and read after it2.Write the sentences on Ex. books and recite them. 选做: Do Ex. on CAI. And make more sentences . 板书设计Unit 7 At the airport Uncle Bookys blackboard Whose book is this? This book is hers. What did she want to have? She wanted to have new clothes. 附送:2021-2022年五年级英语下册 unit7(5)教案 北师大版(一起)课题Unit 7 At the Airport Read and circle课时第五课时教学目标(知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度)态度情感价值观:Try to use the knowledge youve learned freely.Encourage Ss to work hard.知识与技能: Be able to understand the passage.Be able to circle correctly. Be able to work in groups to act out the dialogues.过程与方法:Do exercises carefully.Have good habits in writing课前准备Tape. Cards .CAI学生学具cards教学过程教学环节教学过程重点 难点Warm up Revision PassageExtension Game: 1.Show cards and read the words in groups2. Read the sentences below quickly and correctly in groups.Drills: 1. SB.P6. Ask them to read together.2. Ask them to make new sentences by using whose, wanted to do sth. 3.Revision Touch and say: P6 Ask them to tell and describe the pictures. 1. SB.P12, 1) Read by themselves.2) Try to fill in the blanks.3) Work in groups to check.4) Correct answers together.2. Read the passage together.3. SB.P7. 2 Do Ex. 2.by yourself and try to write the position Then check and correct mistakes.1.Work in groups and prepare for the passage to retell. To have a petition and to make Ss have interest to learn.make them to use knowledge freely.Improve their abilities about reading. Use the knowledge theyve learned freely. 作业布置必做:1. Watch CAI and read after it2. Write the reading on Ex. books and Do Ex. on CAI.3. Write the position: My trip.选做: Work in groups to retell the reading. 板书设计Unit 7 At the airport Read and write liked drinkdrank meetmet


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