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.1. 用 in the tree, on the tree,on the wa-ll, in the wall 填空。1Look, some apples areon the tree .看, 树上有些苹果。2The little monkey is always jumping up and down in the tree.小猴子在树上一直上上下下跳个不停。(3) There is a map of China on the wall.墙上有一幅中国地图和一幅世界地图。4There are many windows in the wall.墙上有很多扇窗子。2. 用and, or填空。1I cant speak English or Cantonese.我不会说英语,也不会说粤语。2Lucy andIare good friends.露西和我是好朋友。3There is no water and no air on the moon.在月球上没有空气和水。3. 用 thank., thank you for, thanks to 填空。1Thanks to your help, Ive found my lost key.多亏了你的帮助,我找到丢失的钥匙了。2 Thanksa lot.很感谢。3Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。4. 用hear, listen 填空。1 I heard a knock at the door.我听见有人敲门。2Will you say it again? I didnt hearyou.你再说一遍好吗?我没听见你说什么。3Listen tome carefully, please.请仔细听我说。5. 用be good at, be good for, be good to, be good with 填空。1 He is good at history.他擅长历史。2Watching TV too much isnt good for your eyes.看电视太多对你的眼睛不好。3My teacher is good to us students.我的老师对我们学生很好。4The young girl is good with children.那个年轻女孩对孩子们很有一套。5A teacher should be good at drawing inferences about other cases from one instance.老师要善于举一反三。6. 用say, speak, talk, tell 填空。1I think he is the most handsome man in the world.says Julia, a fans of Peter.我认为他是世界上最帅的男人。皮特的一位粉丝朱莉说。2He said to his friend,Its very kind of you to help me.他对他的朋友说:你能帮我真是太好了。3Please dont speak in a loud voice.请不要大声说话。4The baby is learning to speak.这个小孩正在学说话。5What are you talking about?你们在讨论什么?6He told to the prince to protect people.他告诉王子要保护百姓。7. 用because,because of填空。1. We have to put off the sports meeting because of the bad weather.因为糟糕的天气,我们不得不推迟运动会。2. He didnt go to walk because he was ill.他没有去上班因为他病了。8. 用few, little, a few, a little 填空。1 Few people will agree to the plan because its too dangerous.很少人同意这个计划应为它太危险了。2He has a lot of friends, but he knows little of them.他有很多朋友,但他几乎不了解他们。3 There is still a little time left. Please dont worry.还剩一点儿时间,请不要担心。4This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it.尽管有一些生词在里面,但是这篇文章仍然不难看懂。5 He will be back in a few days.几天后他就会回来的。9. 用too many, too much, much too 填空。1They have too much homework to do.他们有太多的家庭作业要做。2There are too many people in the street during the National Day. So its much too crowded.国庆期间街上人太多,所以很拥挤。3She talks too much. We dont like her.她话太多,我们不喜欢她。4Your clothes are much too wet. Youd better take them off.你的衣服太湿了,你最好把它们脱下来。5There are too many tourists on the Great Wall.长城上游客太多。10. 用 a lot, a lot of, lots of 填空。1I have learned a lot in that way.通过那种方式我学到了很多。2My mother has a lot of/lots of housework to do every Sunday.我妈妈每周日都要做大量的家务。3Eric is a lot taller than Peter.Eric 比 Peter 高多了。4There are lots of/a lot of tress and flowers in the park.公园里有大量的树和花。11. 用dress/ put on/ wear/ in/ try on 填空。1His wife dressed him in new clothes. 他的妻子给他穿上了新衣服。2Please go to the tailors to have a suit tried on. 请到裁缝店去试穿一套衣服。3He put on his hat and went out. 他戴上帽子出去了。4The boy in blue is my brother. 那个穿蓝色衣服的男孩是我的弟弟。5.He wears a shirt on this cold morning! 今天早上这么冷的天他竟然穿着一件T恤。12. 用join, join in, take part in, attend填空。1All of us took part in the sports meeting last week.我们所有人都参加了上周的运动会。2My brother joined the party in 2000.我的哥哥20XX入了党。3His father went to Shanghai to attend an important meeting.他父亲去上海参加了一个重要的会议。4Will you join us in playing basketball?你跟我们一起打篮球好吗?13. 用over, under, above, below, on,upon 填空。1The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。2Spread the table cloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。3 There is a bike under the tree.树下有辆自行车。4 The cat is sleeping below the chair.猫正在椅子的下面斜下方睡觉。5He laid his hand upon the boys head. 他把手放在孩子的头上。6There is a picture on the bed. 床上有幅画。 14. 用between, among in the middle of填空。1The teacher is standing among the students. 教师正站在学生们的中间。2There is a small village among the mountains. 大山之间有座小村庄。3There will be a football match between Class One and Class Two.一班和二班之间将有一场足球赛。4There is a bus stop in the middle of the road. 在这条公路中间有个车站。5You shouldnt eat between meals.你不应该在两餐之间吃东西。15. 用cost/ spend/ pay/ take填空。1The chair cost me thirty yuan.这把椅子花了我30元。2I spend 5 yuan on the book.我买这书花五元钱。3 I pay him 50 dollars for the book!我买那本书付给了他五十美元钱。4The building of the dam cost many lives. 修建这个水坝使许多人丧生。5It takes me three hours to finish the work. 我要用三个小时完成这个工作。16. 用can, could, couldnt, be able to 填空。1Can you play the piano?你会说英语吗?2I couldnt skate last year but I can skate this year.去年我不会滑冰,但今年我会了。3 Could I use your bike, please?请问我能用你的自行车吗?4I hope to be able to visit the Great Wall sometime next year.我希望明年某个时候能去游览长城。5I have been able to draw a horse in five minutes.我已经能够在五分钟呃逆画一匹马了。6Rose can/is able to write as well as Jack. 罗斯能够和杰克写得一样好。17. 用 across, though, over,past 填空。1Dont go across the road when the traffic light is red.不要在红灯时过马路。2I hope to go through the forest with those brave men.我希望和那些勇敢的人一起穿过森林。3The river flows through the city from west to east. 这条河从西到东流过城市。4He can jump over the high wall.他可以爬过这堵高墙。5 They walked past a tall tree.他们走过一棵大树。18. 用how soon, how long, how far, how many, how much, how often 填空。1 How often do you visit your mother? Three times a week.你多久看你妈妈一次?一周三次。2.How soon will her be back? In an hour.他多久才回来?一个小时后。3How much is this dress? Only 20 dollars. 这个裙子多少钱? 只要20美元。4 How far is it from your home to school? About 5 miles. 从你家到学校有多远?大约五英里。5How long did he stay here? About two weeks. 你学英语多久了?大约两周。6How many teachers are there in our school? 我们学校有多少名老师? 19. 用also, either, too, as well填空。1You dont like it, and I dont like it,either.你不喜欢它, 我也不喜欢它。2He also plays football. 他也踢足球。3I am also a fan of German team.我也是德国队的球迷。4 He has been learning English for 5 years, too.他也学习英语五年了。5She not only taught us English but taught us maths as well.她不但教过我们英语,还教过我们数学。20. 用arrive in, arrive at, get to, reach 填空。1When he arrived at the stop, the bus had left.当他到达车站的时候,车已经开走了。2The doctors started to go to the poor country, and theyll reach/arrive/get there this afternoon.医生们启程去那个穷山村了,今天下午他们将到达那里。3He arrived in/got to/reached Beijing yesterday.他昨天到的北京。21. 用as/ because/ for/ since填空。1As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. 因为已很晚了, 我们很快就回来了。2He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill.昨天他只得呆在家里,因为他病了。3Why cant you do it now? Because Im too busy.你为什么不能现在就去做?因为我很忙。4.Since light travels faster than sound, we see lightening before we hear the thunder.因为光比声音传播得快,所以我们先看到闪电,后听到雷声。5As it is raining, youd better take a taxi. 既然在下雨,你最好乘出租车。6We must get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to errors.我们一定要克服粗心,因为粗心经常导致错误。22. 用in, to, on 填空。1China is in the east of the world.中国在世界的东方。2Korea is on the east of China.朝鲜在中国的东部。3Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东部。4Taiwan is in the south of China.XX在中国的南部。23. 用in,after, during, on, for,in, at 填空。1Theyll come backin six days.他们将在六天后回来。2 We went there after six days.我们六天后去那里的。3I have been in Chongqing for 8 years.我来XX已经有8年了。4The weather here is very hot in summer.这里的天气在夏天非常炎热。5I can work it out in only one minute.我可以在一分钟内算出它。6 I have been to Beijing many times during the five years.在这五年中,我去过很多次北京。7 My mother is usually offdutyafter6 oclock.我妈妈通常在六点钟后下班。8 I will buy a present for mom on Mothers Day.我在母亲节那天会给她买个礼物。9 After finishing his homework, he played with his friends.做完家庭作业后,他和朋友玩去了。10My grandpa usually gets up at 5:30 a.m.我姥爷通常早上五点半起床。11The first time I met her on a sunny afternoon.我第一次遇见她是在一个阳光明媚的午后。24. 用have been to, have gone to, have been in 填空。1 Where is Peter? He has gone to the library.彼得在哪里?他去图书馆了。2I have been in the house since I came here 2 years ago.自从两年前我来到这里就一直住在这座房子里。3I have never been there before. 我以前从未去过那儿。4Have you ever been to the Summer Palace? No, never.你曾经去过颐和园吗? 不,从来都没有。5 How long have you been in the city? 你在这个城市待了多久?For about 2 weeks. 两个星期左右。25. 用die, die out, die from, die of, dead, death, dying 填空。1 Her grandfather died last year.她的祖父去年去世了。2 Her grandfather has been died for two years.她的祖父已去世两年了。3The old man died of cancer.那老人患癌症死的。4 The doctors are trying to save the dying man.医生正在尽力挽救那个垂死的人。5. His mothers death makes him sad.他妈妈的死让他很难过。6. The poor dog is dying.那只可怜的狗要死了。7 These animals may die out in the future.这类动物在未来将有可能绝种。8 He died from a car accident. 他死于车祸。26. 用another, other, others, the other, the others填空。1 I dont think the coat is big enough. Can you show me another?我觉得这件外套太小了,你可以给我再拿一件吗?2The old man has two sons. One is a worker, and the other is a teacher.那个老人有两个儿子,一个是工人,另一个是老师。3He has two sons, one is in Shanghai, the other is in Beijing.他有两个儿子,一个在上海,另一个在北京。4 He is always ready to help others.他总是愿意帮助别人。5. Ive got some other friends Id like to invite.我还想邀请一些其他的朋友。6 There are thirty books on the bookshelf. Five are mine, the others are my fathers.这里有三十本书。有五本是我的,其它的都是我爸爸的。27. 用something, anything 填空。1I dont know anything.我什么也不知道。2Here is something for you.这儿有个东西给你。3Would you like something to eat?你想吃点什么吗?4 Is there anything important in todays newspaper?今天的报纸上有重要新闻吗?28. 用one, that, it 填空。1 I need a computer but I have no money to buy one.我需要一台电脑,但是我没有钱买一台。2.The weather in Chongqing is cooler than that in Chengdu.XX的天气比XX的天气要冷些。3. I cant find my hat. I dont know where I put it.我找不到我的帽子了,我不知道我把它放在哪儿了。29. 用each,every 填空。1Each of them has a different view about the problem.他们每个人对这个问题都有自己的看法。2Every one of them has the same view about the problem.对于这个问题,他们所有人看法都相同。3 Every student is here and each is doing his or her own job.学生都在这儿,各干各的活儿。4Trees have been planted on each side of the road.路的两旁都栽上了树。5She comes back every other day.她每隔一天回来一次。30. 用besides/ but/ except/ beside/ except for填空。1I dont care for anything besides this.除此之外,我别无所爱。2Betty worked out all the problems except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,其它的问题贝蒂都解决了。3 He does nothing but laugh. 他只是大笑而已。4Smith is a good man, except for his bad temple.史密斯除了脾气不好之外,是个好人。5They are used to taking a walk on the path beside the the river.他们习惯于在河边的小路上散步。31. 用 what, how 填空。1How clever a boy he is!他是一个很好聪明的小孩啊!2 How lovely the baby is!这个小孩好可爱呀!3What noise they are making!他们制造的声音好吵啊!4.What a beautiful flower it is!这一朵花多么美!32. 用either, neither, both, all, none 填空。1Both John and Mike are good at swimming. 约翰和麦克都擅长游泳。2.There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but none of them is useful to him.架子上有相当多得旧书,但是没有一本对他有用。3There are many trees on either side of the river.河的两边有许多树。4There are many tall building on both sides of the street.街道的两边有许多高楼。5 Who will send you to the new school, your mom or your dad? Neither. Ill go there alone.谁将送你去新学校,你妈妈还是你爸爸?谁也不送。我将独自去。33. 用instead of, instead 填空。1Lets not worry about our problems. Lets face the challenges instead.让我们不要为我们的烦恼担忧,让我们面对挑战吧。2 He put the money on the chair instead of his own pocket.他把钱放在椅子上,而没放在自己的口袋里。3. If you have no time, Ill come to the meeting instead.如果你没有时间,我就代替你去开会。4Today Ill do my homework in my bedroom instead of the classroom.今天我要在卧室写作业,而不是在教室里。34. 用 the number of, a number of 填空。1The number of the students in my school is three thousand.我校的人数是三千。2A number of people are interested in computers.许多人对电脑感兴趣。3I have a number of letters to write.我有许多信要写。35. 用be made of, be made from, be made in, be made by 填空。1This desk is made of wood.这张桌子是由木头做的。2This bridge is made of stones.这座桥是由石头砌成的。3Paper is made from wood.纸是由木头做的。4The watch is made in Japan.这块手表是日本制作的。5The machines is made by the workers.这些机器是工人们制造的。36. 用too, enough, so 填空。1She is too young to go to school.她太小了不能去上学。2He is not old enough to look after himself.他年龄不够大,不能照顾他自己。3 She is so kind that all the people like her very much.她很善良所以大家喜欢她。37. 用 already, yet, still 填空。1He still works until late every night.他每天晚上工作到很晚。2 Have you found your book yet?你找到你的书了吗?3She hasnt finished her homework yet.她还皆有做完家庭作业。4Weve already watched that film.我们已经看过那部电影了。5 Are they still working in the field.他们仍然在地里干活吗?38. 用if, whether 填空。1My classmates asked me whether/if I wanted to go to the park with them.我的同学问我是否想和他们一起去公园。 2I wonder whether it is big enough or not. 我想知道它是否够大。3Whether this is true or not, I cannot say.这件事是否真实我说不上。39. 用 used to do, be used to do, be used to doing, be used for, be used as, be used by 填空。1The money is used for curing of his disease.这钱是用来给他治病的。2 English is used as the second language in some countries.英语在一些国家被当作第二门语言使用。3Her mother used to go shopping on Fridays, but now she does it on Sunday.她母亲过去常在周五去购物,但现在她周日去了。4Wood is used to make paper.木头被用来制造纸张。5Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system.瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。6The cat is used as a toy to play. 那只猫被当作玩具来玩。7I am used to doing some reading after getting up in the morning.我习惯早晨起床后读书。40. 用must, mustnt, need, neednt, have to 填空。1You must always be careful with fire. Its dangerous.你一定要小心火。它太危险了。2We must be strict with ourselves.我们必须严格要求自己。3The workers have to work long hours every day in order to finish the work on time.工人们必须每天长时间工作,为的是按时完成工作。4We mustnt talk in the reading room.我们一定不要在阅览室里交谈。5You neednt finish your homework today.你不必要今天就完成家庭作业。41. 用may be, maybe 填空。1The man in the may be Mr Han.汽车里的那个人也许是韩先生。2Maybe you are right.也许你是对的。 42. 用lose, forget, leave 填空。1Dont forget to turn off the light before you leave the classroom.你离开教室之前不要忘了关灯。2The old man got lost on the way home.那位老人在回家的路上迷路了。3I was late for school this morning because I forgot my book at home.今天早晨我上学迟到了,因为我把书落在家里了。43. 用lie, lay 填空。1Dont listen to him! He is lying.别听他的!他在说谎。2She lay down on her bed.她躺在床上。(3) The village lies to the north of the city.那个村庄位于城市北面。(4) My hometown lies in the north of our country.我的家乡在我国的北部。5It was an obvious lie that he had won the super lotto.他赢了超级乐透是个明显的谎言。6. He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。44. 用try to do, try doing 填空。1The workers tried to solve the problem last night.工人们昨天晚上设法解决那个问题。2Please try using another way of saying good.请试着用另一种方法说good这个词。3 I want to try driving this new car.我想要试开这辆新车。4 Why not try saying it in English?为什么不试着用英语说呢?45. 用another, other, more填空。1We need another 5 people to finish the task.我们还需要5个人才能完成这个任务。2There is room for more few people in the back of the bus.公共汽车后面还能坐下几个人。3Where shall we live inanotherten years?再过十年,我们会在哪里生活呢?4Im not full. Id like a few more cakes.我没吃饱,我还想要几块蛋糕。5 He waited for 3 more minutes, and then he left.他又等了三分钟,然后他离开了。6This sweater is too expensive. Please show me another one.这件毛衣太贵了,请再给我看一件。7Do you know where he found the other two photos?你知道他在哪里找到另外两张照片的吗?46. 用 find, find out, look for 填空。1 At last the police found the lost boy in the mountain.最后,警察在山里找到了失踪的男孩。2When I was passing, I found a boy crying.当我路过的时候,我发现一个男孩在哭。3 Please find out when the train arrives.请弄清楚火车什么时候到达。我在找我的字典,但我没能找到。.(4) Ill find out who did it.(5) What are you looking for?你在找什么呢?我会查明是谁做的这件事。47. 用hope, wish 填空。1I wish him to do better at school.我希望他在学校做得很好。2I hope you can go with me. 我希望你能和我一起去。3I wish you a Happy New Year.我祝你新年快乐。4I wish I could fly one day.我希望有一天能飞。48. 用remember to do, remember doing, forget to do, forget doing 填空。1Remember to post the letter.记得去寄信。寄信是没有发生的动作2I remembered posting the letter.我记得寄信了。寄信的动作已发生3Dont forget to see the doctor.别忘了去看医生。看病的动作没发生4Jim forgot calling his friend this morning.吉姆忘记今天早上他已经给他的朋友打过电话了。打电话的动作已发生49. 用 agree with, agree to, agree on 填空。1I agree with you. 我同意你的说法。2Mr Li agree to this plan just now.李先生刚才同意了这个计划。3They managed to agree on a date for the wedding.他们总算商定了婚期。4This kind of food doesnt agree with the baby.这种食物并不适合婴儿。50. 用when,while,as soon as填空。1While we were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in.老师在我们聊天的时候进来了。2When they got to the airport, it was raining outside.当他们到机场时,外面开始下雨了。3While she was reading a book, I was making dinner. 当她在看书的时候,我在做饭。4When I saw the boy, he was wearing a new coat.当我看到这个小孩时,他穿着一件新衣服。5As soon as he arrives, Ill tell him.他一到,我就告诉他。用would rather, prefer 填空。6I prefer to learn English than play the piano on Sundays.在周日,我宁愿学英语也不愿弹钢琴。7He would rather know the truth than was cheated by the one he loved.他宁愿知道真相而不是被最爱的人欺骗。8I would rather not know the truth.我宁愿不知道真相。.


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