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北京语言大学22春英语语音综合作业一答案参考1. if only the committee _ the proposal and put them into effect as soon as possible. A) acceptif only the committee _ the proposal and put them into effect as soon as possible.A) acceptB) have acceptedC) acceptedD) should acceptedCif only引导的感叹句中,需用虚拟语气,用过去式表示与现在事实相反。2. What is the trade term? Please give an example.What is the trade term? Please give an example.A trade term refers to using a brief English concept or abbreviation to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne by two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in the goods. For example, USD500 per M/T CIF London. CIF London is a trade term.3. The representatives _their discussion after the coffee break.A、jammedB、undertooThe representatives _their discussion after the coffee break.A、jammedB、undertookC、skippedD、resumed正确答案:D4. There is always a ready market _ Sewing Machines, provided they are _ good quality and comThere is always a ready market _ Sewing Machines, provided they are _ good quality and competitive in price.for, of5. 【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist正确答案:C由信息词amateurs(业余运动员)可知,此处要填的应是amateurs的反义词professionals(职业运动员),professioners和professionist均系构词错误。6. The city _ I was born is on the new railway line.A.whichB.thatC.on whichD.where参考答案:D7. The old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance. AconsiThe old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance.AconsideringBconsideredCconsiderDto considerA8. 32在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.thr/ow/nB.foll/ow/C.br/ow/nD.sh/ow/n参考答案:C9. The noise of desks _ could be heard out in the street.A.opened and closedB.to be opened and closedC.being opened and closedD.having been opened and closed参考答案:C10. A computer is a machine whose function is to accept data and process them into informationA computer is a machine whose function is to accept data and process them into information计算机是能接收数据并能处理成信息的机器。11. This is the _ (poor)excuse I have ever heard.This is the _ (poor)excuse I have ever heard.poorest12. hard disk 英译中hard disk 英译中参考答案硬盘13. If you will do that, please take me into _.A.thinkB.thinkingC.thoughtD.account参考答案:D14. 关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。We filed a claim with(against)you for the short weight15. Thousands of products _ from crude oil are now in daily use. A) to make B) be made C) mThousands of products _ from crude oil are now in daily use.A) to makeB) be madeC) makingD) madeD此题含义为:有成千上万的用未提炼的石油制成的产品现在正在日常使用当中。句中products和make之间是被动关系,过去分词made作了products的定语。16. It is essential that our suppliers ( )both competitive in terms of price, and extremely reliable.A. beB. would beC. will be参考答案:A17. This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.此报盘着眼于扩大销路,而且很有竞争力。18. The ring gesture , where you form. an 0 by holding the tip of your forefThe ring gesture , where you form. an 0 by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb , means in France that you think something is ( )A. goodB. III kill you!C. worthlessD. great参考答案:C19. 兹证明,本协议由双方在上述订约日期签订。兹证明,本协议由双方在上述订约日期签订。IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this agreement as of the day and year first above written.20. Hardly had I _ when the play began. A) seated B) been sat C) sitted D) been seatedHardly had I _ when the play began.A) seatedB) been satC) sittedD) been seatedDhad后加过去分词形成过去完成时,had been seated表示就座,或可用had sat。21. So absorbed in the book _ that he didn&39;t notice me. Ahe was Bhe is Cwas heSo absorbed in the book _ that he didnt notice me.Ahe wasBhe isCwas heDis heC22. 42在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.tr/ai/ningB.br/ai/nC.rem/ai/nD.s/ai/d参考答案:D23. _ as he is, he cant understand the English film.A.A student of EnglishB.Though a student of EnglishC.Student of EnglishD.Being a student of English参考答案:A24. As we have reached the decision, no _ discussion is necessary. (far)As we have reached the decision, no _ discussion is necessary. (far)further25. _you did, I will be in favour of you.ANo matter whatBNo matter thatCNo matter what_you did, I will be in favour of you.ANo matter whatBNo matter thatCNo matter whateverDNo matter anything正确答案:A26. In a grammartranslation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; lIn a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.( )正确答案:对27. If you see any chance to do better, please let us know On (9) of a limited supply available at presIf you see any chance to do better, please let us know On(9)of a limited supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly In the meantime, please keep us(10)of developments at your endaccount$posted/informed/advised28. Any of the items unsold at the end of the period and which we decide not to keep as stock,would be rAny of the items unsold at the end of the period and which we decide not to keep as stock,would be returned at our expense.在此期限结束时,任何未销出而我们又不准备库存的产品将退还给你们,退货费用由我方负担。29. Water power stations are built _ big water falls Awhere there are Bwhere there have CwhiWater power stations are built _ big water fallsAwhere there areBwhere there haveCwhich has Dwhich areA地点用where。there be句型表示“有”。30. Are you feeling _ ? Yes. I&39;m fine now Aany well Bany better Cquite good Dquite bAre you feeling _ ?Yes. Im fine nowAany wellBany betterCquite good Dquite betterBany可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better。31. My shirt has _ so much after washing that I cant wear it any more.A. declinedB.sMy shirt has _ so much after washing that I cant wear it any more.A. declinedB.shrunkC. decreasedD. fallen参考答案:B32. Helen works at ( ) schoo l.( ) school is very big.A. aTheB. An. TheC. the.AHelen works at ( ) schoo l.( ) school is very big.A. aTheB. An. TheC. the.A参考答案:A( )33. There are two maps on the wall: one is a map of China, and _ is a map of the world. A) otherThere are two maps on the wall: one is a map of China, and _ is a map of the world.A) otherB) anotherC) the otherD) the othersC该题考查的是the other的用法。The other经常与one搭配,表两者之中第二者,other意为“其他的”,another意为“另一个”,the others特指其余的那些。根据本题中出现one,可知C为正确答案。34. Considering this damage was due to the _ handling by the steamship company, we claimed on themConsidering this damage was due to the _ handling by the steamship company, we claimed on them for recovery of the loss.AtoughBroughCthoughDthoroughB35. What will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of tWhat will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.BPeoples comments about the results.COther four new wonders of the world.DHow to visit the wonders of the world.正确答案:C本题为推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“Hereisthenewlistofworldwonders”可知,由此往后文章将逐一介绍新世界七大奇迹,因此我们判断在这三大奇迹之后应该接着介绍其他四大奇迹。36. _ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy._ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy.Combined certificate37. Listen, there_. Oh, yes. There_.Agoes the bell; it goesBgoes the bell; goesListen, there_. Oh, yes. There_.Agoes the bell; it goesBgoes the bell; goes itCthe bell goes; it goesDthe bell goes; goes it正确答案:A38. _ in the regulations that player should wear approved sports wears with number, stock_ in the regulations that player should wear approved sports wears with number, stockings and footwear.AWhat is requiredBWhat requiredCIt is requiredDIt requires正确答案:C39. Reading Selectively or Extensively? 写作要点: 1有人认为读书要有选择。 2有人认为应当博Reading Selectively or Extensively? 写作要点: 1有人认为读书要有选择。 2有人认为应当博览群书。 3我的看法。正确答案:Some think that when we read we should read selectively. That is to say we should select some books we are interested in and ignore others. Reading selectively can help us concentrate our limited time and attention on those selected books.rn Some others think when we read we should read extensively. That is to say no matter what kind of book it is we should look it over. Reading extensively can help us enlarge our view and grasp the general knowledge from different fields.rn In my opinion the two reading methods have their roles respectively in our reading. However their own disadvantages are easy to see. If we only read selectively the framework of our knowledge may not be complete; if we read extensively we may not have so much time and energy and be specialized in one particular field. Therefore the combination of the two methods is more reasonable.Somethinkthatwhenwereadweshouldreadselectively.Thatistosay,weshouldselectsomebooksweareinterestedinandignoreothers.Readingselectivelycanhelpusconcentrateourlimitedtimeandattentiononthoseselectedbooks.Someothersthinkwhenwereadweshouldreadextensively.Thatistosay,nomatterwhatkindofbookitis,weshouldlookitover.Readingextensivelycanhelpusenlargeourviewandgraspthegeneralknowledgefromdifferentfields.Inmyopinion,thetworeadingmethodshavetheirrolesrespectivelyinourreading.However,theirowndisadvantagesareeasytosee.Ifweonlyreadselectively,theframeworkofourknowledgemaynotbecomplete;ifwereadextensively,wemaynothavesomuchtimeandenergyandbespecializedinoneparticularfield.Therefore,thecombinationofthetwomethodsismorereasonable.40. He said the agent_want to buy at that price. A. do B. hasnt C. didn&He said the agent_want to buy at that price.A. doB. hasntC. didnt参考答案C41. 11在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.bir/ths/B.dep/ths/C.mon/ths/D.mou/ths/参考答案:B42. The child was _. he made up a wonderful story when he was given only the beginning of it. A) iThe child was _. he made up a wonderful story when he was given only the beginning of it.A) imaginativeB) imaginingC) imaginaryD) imageryAimaginative富有想像力的;imaginary想像的,非真实的;imagery意象。43. A. fish B. give c. rich D. life (i)A. fish B. give c. rich D. life (i)参考答案:D( )44. When we speak of a language as being dead we mean that it ( ).A. does not have a writteWhen we speak of a language as being dead we mean that it ( ).A. does not have a written formB. does not have living speakersC. has not been translatedD. has been forbidden by the government参考答案:B45. _ separate cover, we are sending you a full range _ samples for your examination_ separate cover, we are sending you a full range _ samples for your examinationUnder, of46. The lady treats the boy well as if he _ her own son.A.isB.wasC.wereD.would be参考答案:C47. The mother told the little boy to do all the things _.A.on himselfB.on his ownC.to himselfD.by own参考答案:B48. He listened with (please) _ to the beautiful music at the party.He listened with (please) _ to the beautiful music at the party.pleasure49. His father draws his _ at the end of each month. Asalary Bwage Cfees DpaymentHis father draws his _ at the end of each month.AsalaryBwageCfeesDpaymentA50. We are exporters _ long standing and high reputation, engaged _ exportation of following aWe are exporters _ long standing and high reputation, engaged _ exportation of following articles.of, in51. In Ethiopia there are nine national parks,two of which include the mountain groups of the Simien andIn Ethiopia there are nine national parks,two of which include the mountain groups of the Simien and the Bale,while the others lie in the Rift Valley towards Kenya.The unforeseeable wild landscapes are surely the main attraction of these parks,where many of the animal species are protected,and some of them are endemic to the area.The proximity of Ethiopia to the Equator and the variety of its habitats make it one of the richest countries inAfrica in wild bird life.埃塞俄比亚有9个国家公园,其中两座公园包括塞米恩山和贝尔山山群,其他的则坐落在东非大裂谷接近肯尼亚。一望无际的土地无疑就是这些公园吸引游客的主要地方,这里有很多被保护的动物物种,其中有些动物是这个地区特有的。埃塞俄比亚靠近赤道,并且供动植物生存的自然环境纷繁多样,这就使得它成为南非野生鸟类最多的国家之一。这是一个介绍埃塞俄比亚国家公园的导游词。翻译时要注意语言的准确和精练。原文while the others中的“而”不一定要翻译出来。译者将原文where many of the animal species are protected的语序按照中文的表达习惯做了调整,使意思表达更清晰。把原文The proximity of Ethiopia to the Equator and the variety of its habitats中的两个名词proximity和variety分别翻译成动词,并把原句的复合主语拆分成两个单句,表达清晰易懂,富有层次感。52. The boy _ the book so soon because it is difficult even to an adult Ahas finished reading BThe boy _ the book so soon because it is difficult even to an adultAhas finished readingBwill finish readingCcant have finished reading Dcant have finished to readC表示否定的推测用cant。cant have done表示推测过去的某种行动;finish后加doing,而不是finish to do。53. Which of the following is NOT the benefit brought by teddy bears, according to the author?Which of the following is NOT the benefit brought by teddy bears, according to the author?AEliminating inequality among people of different background.BProviding a cozy home to those who long for it.CTaking peoples mind temporarily off the danger and meanness of the modem world.DHelping people better express themselves in writing greeting cards.正确答案:B解析:本题为推理题。题目问哪个选项不属于特迪熊给人带来的好处,本题可以用排除法。A项“消除来自不同背景的人与人之间的不平等”是对文章第五段第一句的解释,C项“使人们暂时忘记现实中的危险和卑劣”是对第七段的解释,D项“帮人们在写贺卡时更好地表达意思”是对第八段的解释。而根据第五段第二句中的“在你离家在外时能感受到的家的感觉”可以发现,B项“给那些渴望家的人提供一个舒适的家”不正确。因此,正确答案是 B项。54. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词instit/u/te中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.b/u/ryB.min/u/teC.h/u/rryD.h/u/man参考答案:D55. 5在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.nei/th/erB./th/irstyC./th/roughD./th/ousand参考答案:A56. Dieting and Health 写作要点: 1节制饮食的好处(使人健康、苗条等)。 2过度节制饮食的危险性。Dieting and Health 写作要点: 1节制饮食的好处(使人健康、苗条等)。 2过度节制饮食的危险性。 3节制饮食应适当,以保持健康为准则。正确答案:With the development of social economy people pay more and more attention to their health and going on a diet becomes extremely popular. It keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many conveniences and diseases related to fatness. At the same time it provides people with sufficient nutrition to keep them in a fit condition. Besides its good effects on peoples health going on a diet can also help many young girls become slim and bring their dream into reality.rn However if carried too far going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. It often happens in the cases of some young girls. With all their eagerness to have a beautiful figure they will even risk their lives to lose weight. The tragedy of young carpenter has proved this. Even if it doesnt cost their lives it will damage their health to a certain degree. Thus apart from its positive effects going on a diet has its bad side-effects. The proper way to use it is to put health in the first place. If it is good for our health stick to it; if not just abandon it.Withthedevelopmentofsocialeconomy,peoplepaymoreandmoreattentiontotheirhealthandgoingonadietbecomesextremelypopular.Itkeepspeoplefromgrowingtoofatandsavesthemfrommanyconveniencesanddiseasesrelatedtofatness.Atthesametime,itprovidespeoplewithsufficientnutritiontokeeptheminafitcondition.Besidesitsgoodeffectsonpeopleshealth,goingonadietcanalsohelpmanyyounggirlsbecomeslimandbringtheirdreamintoreality.However,ifcarriedtoofar,goingonadietcouldbecomeextremelydangerous.Itoftenhappensinthecasesofsomeyounggirls.Withalltheireagernesstohaveabeautifulfigure,theywillevenrisktheirlivestoloseweight.Thetragedyofyoungcarpenterhasprovedthis.Evenifitdoesntcosttheirlives,itwilldamagetheirhealthtoacertaindegree.Thus,apartfromitspositiveeffects,goingonadiethasitsbadside-effects.Theproperwaytouseitistoputhealthinthefirstplace.Ifitisgoodforourhealth,sticktoit;ifnot,justabandonit.57. The union leader decided to_the government on its action.AbackBbehindConDbeforeThe union leader decided to_the government on its action.AbackBbehindConDbefore正确答案:A58. We take this opportunity to in form you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of theWe take this opportunity to in form you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of the goods.兹奉告,该商品可即期装运。在此例句中,译者运用了减词法,译文比原文大为简明,减去了take this opportunity这一陈腐的表达,省略了三个人称代词,还用“可”字代替了原文中in a position这样繁复的表达方式。59. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词de/b/t中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.ha/b/itB.a/b/oveC.clu/b/D.clim/b/参考答案:D60. One way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new countrOne way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new country is the distinction of euphoria , depression ,( ) and acceptance.A. adjustmentB. admirationC. criticismD. shock参考答案:A


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