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-缩写词全 称缩写词全 称BB螺栓连接的阀盖OS&Y明杆支架型BC螺栓连接的阀帽PBE两端平口OS&Y轭式明杆外螺纹TRIM件BI-ECC双偏心PE平口BLE大端坡口PL板式平焊BW对焊PPL对位聚苯C.A腐蚀裕度PSB压力密封阀盖CALC计算(壁厚PSC压力密封阀帽CON同心PSE小端平端C.S碳钢RED异径DN公称直径RF凸台面DSAW双面埋弧焊RJ环连接面ECC偏心TB螺纹连接阀盖EFW电熔焊TBE两端螺纹FE凹面TEMP温度FLG法兰THR螺纹GALV镀锌TOE一端螺纹GRAF柔性石墨TRI-ECC三偏心Gr等级SAW埋弧焊HE*六角SMLS无缝IR定位环SO带颈平焊LR长半径SR短半径ME凸面STL司太立合金NPT60 锥管螺纹S.S不锈钢OCR八角环形垫片SW承插焊O.D外径WN带颈对焊.阀门种类术语 DVY&B Angle Stop Valves 角式截止阀 B1b La* Angle Throttle Valves 角式节流阀 (2FN$ A Angle Type Globe Valves 角式截止阀 CHTc Butterfly Type Non-slam Check 蝶式缓冲止回阀 z6 0 7zW Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator 蜗轮传动蝶阀 /zreUpQ Cock 二通 tpd9,9P% CQ Thread Ball Valves CQ螺纹球阀 $9c&qcH Diaphragm Valves 隔膜阀 iY1: Double Disc Flat Gate Valves 双闸板平板闸阀 k mRWH Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves 明杆平行式双闸板闸板 Z9HklawoDouble Opening E*haust Valves 双口排气球 u5v*|0. Electric Actuated Stop Valves 电动截止阀 *,O)V*7 Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves 电动楔式闸阀 DYG6*R Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves 电动平行式双闸板闸板 8/Emergeny Cut-off Valves 紧急迫断阀 =VP,-jq Free Float Type Steam Trap 浮球式疏水阀 *+gMTa Flange Ball Valves 法兰球阀 Ly3f;* Flange Gate Valves 法兰闸阀 7Jk%EMu0 Flange Globe Valves 法兰截止阀 G/V3E* Gauge Valves 仪表阀 3I:.2 Hard Seal Butterfly Valves 金属密封碟阀 yPCKH High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves高温高压电站闸阀 _J2+u High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves 高温高压电站截止阀 MBNBtAz8s Lift Check Valves 升降式止回阀 :F;H) Lift Check Valves 升降式止回阀 (+8 vyR9 Lining Ball Valves 衬里球阀 qWTr2) Lining Butterfly Valves 衬里碟阀 S( g!;*S Lining Check Valves 衬里止回阀 obqvaz* Lining Cock 衬里二通 Kkfs9a D Lining Globe Valves 衬里截止阀 /vl./ Lining T-Cock Valves 衬里三通旋塞阀 H=R0Dv% Liquid Indicator 液位计 tpjm(% LPG Pipe Fitting 液化气管件 *tvsvB Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves 磁耦合截止阀 tJ%C5|P Magnetism Forle Pumps 磁力泵 )e&Bs Manual Oil Pumps Valves 手摇油泵(阀) A6(i+:p Meter Needle Type Globe Valves 仪表针形截止阀 ,4rOO*564- Single Opening E*haust Valves 单口排气球 -nCbPid Slurry Pumps 泥浆泵 L8UUpu| Stop Valves 截止阀 s8/ _!hd6 Strainer 过滤器 CjycM Submerged Motor Pumps 潜水电泵(排污泵) IZk(oC Swing Check Valves 旋启式止回阀 k,3wA Swing Check Valves 旋启式止回阀 C-*QzyY- Tank Lorry Ball Valves 槽车球阀 P*%K7bo T-Cock 三通 jgJ%)kR_C Vertical Lift Check Valves 立式止回阀 u.N3$ Wafer Check Valves 对夹式止回阀 tMJZ5 -V Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning 对夹式衬胶蝶阀 k8 CTVi= Waste Valves 排污箱(阀) cbA!dh+ Water Seal Gate Valves 水封闸阀 Q)5y$d Wedge Gate Valves 楔式闸阀 |L+vFSL Y Type and Cylinder Filters Y型筒型过滤器 fN01|R:n a1-Otn 2.零部件术语 -z a,0L A*es Guide 轴套 wd;9* Ball 球、球芯 t6$g Y Ball seat 密封圈 r 7(K,s Blowdown Sealing Face 启、阀件密封面 Ucu3J50(V Body 阀体 Lb/Y 34B Bonnet 阀盖 z +JH8 Disc 阀瓣 n (+K|hH Mut 螺母 2%D0b_ Screw 螺栓 zzQGnV Sealing 密封件 G)HN6G*/ Spring 弹簧 Ye$=1 Stem 阀杆 +)jS36CI Stem Mut 阀杆螺母 v_ge6 Stem seal 填料 $f,A Double disc 双闸板 SpB4MmD Fle*ible disc 弹性闸板 (7Pe*)K Flange 法兰 Ls;oyJ Hoop 卡箍 5gbt 3_ Inside theread 螺纹 vp*_$Q)w Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity 材料化学成份和机械性能 |uyb| ,G materials 材料 L/L Materials for main parts 主要零件材料 G;IeG;9 Mechanical capacity 机械性能 N6dda! Ma*. Discharging Capacity 最大排水量 Hg Tz.HZ Ma*. Operating Temperature 最高工作温度 K=7eH Ma*. Allowable Temperature 最高允许温度 FGn3 Ma*. Allowable Pressure 最高允许压力 FkwLa Steam , condensate 蒸汽,凝结水 L$_qa o Water,oil,steam 水,温度,气 GclWSP.V5N Wedge 楔式 2Vk6!JZ Welding 焊接 GVA%:$vP mcpHKeOW2 4.材料术语 y;JztV Buna-N rubber 丁晴橡胶 + | Casting aluminium brass 铸铝黄铜 mhFVCasting aluminium bronze 铸铝青铜 Y=,hG&P CHR rubber 氯晴橡胶 R9tFWm*E Chrominm-molybdenum-vanadium steel 铬钼钒钢 -jSJsf Chromium stainless steel 铬不锈钢 cZ E95RL Chromium-molybdenum steel 铬钼钢 0(N0;k6 Corrugation pad 波形垫 oQ(6 Cuprum alloy 铜合金 b/*)Ie Ductile Cast iron 球墨铸铁 !*GgI E*panded graphite 柔性石墨 hgMz!GqHC; Fine Steel Casting iron 优质碳素钢 3R,mJ3 Fluorous rubber 氟橡胶 VI*26(Ai Gray Cast iron 灰铸铁 *I1pHt* Haynes alloy 钴铬钨合金 bj-(V High tem perature steel 高温钢 :%:6WLQ Low tem perature steel 低温钢 +8sG42C Nylon 尼龙塑料 K2c9 Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯 $yn*M Pure aluminum 纯铝 7S* 6+&r Pure cupper 纯铜 *ceT(Rubbeer graphite board 橡胶石墨板 %3B5vS2 Spring steel 弹簧钢 R$ BV Stainless acid-resisting steel 不锈耐酸钢 O*vh( Stainless and Graphite 不锈钢/石墨 z*Y5tq Stainless steel 不锈钢 fR _a7d Steel Casting iron 碳素钢铸件 PcSu&lzf Shell Test Pressure 壳体试验压力 OzCQ_ Service Fluid 工作介质1 管道组成件 Piping ponent 1.1 管子 Pipe 管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe 管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbon steel pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢 stainless steel pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe 电熔弧焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe 冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 直管 run pipe; straight pipe 1.2 管件 Fitting 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 带支座弯头 base elbow k半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径180弯头 long radius return 短半径180弯头 short radius return 带侧向口的弯头右向或左向 side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand) 双支管弯头 形 double branch elbow 三通 tee 异径三通 reducing tee 等径三通 straight tee 带侧向口的三通右向或左向 side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand) 异径三通分支口为异径 reducing tee (reducing on outlet) 异径三通一个直通口为异径reducing tee (reducing on one run) 带支座三通 base tee 异径三通一个直通口及分支口为异径 reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet) 异径三通两个直通口为异径,双头式 reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head) 45斜三通 45 lateral 45斜三通支管为异径 45 lateral (reducing on branch) 45斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45 lateral (reducing on one run) 45斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45 lateral (reducing on one run and branch) Y型三通俗称裤衩 true Y 四通 cross 等径四通 straight cross 异径四通 reducing cross 异径四通一个分支口为异径reducing cross (reducing on one outlet) 异径四通一个直通口及分支口为异径 reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet) 异径四通两个分支口为异径 reducing cross (reducing on both outlet) 异径四通一个直通口及两个分支口为异径 reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet) 异径管 reducer 同心异径管 concentric reducer 偏心异径管 eccentric reducer 锻制异径管 reducing swage 螺纹支管台 threadolet 焊接支管台 weldolet 承插支管台 sockolet 弯头支管台 elbolet 斜接支管台 latrolet 镶入式支管嘴 sweepolet 短管支管台 nipolet 支管台,插入式支管台 boss 管接头 coupling, full coupling 半管接头 half coupling 异径管接头 reducing coupling 活接头 union 外螺纹缩接俗称补芯 bushing 管帽 cap (C) 堵头 plug 短节 nipple 异径短节 reducing nipple; swage nipple single-valve 单电子管的single-valve knapsack pump 背负式单阀泵single-valve operation 单阀操作single-valved 单阀的sinkage of valve 阀陷si*-way valve 六通阀skate valve 减速器阀slanting set valve 斜置阀slave valve 随动阀sleeve valve 套筒式滑阀; 套筒式气门sleeve valve type hydraulic self-sealing coupling 套管滑阀式液压自封接头sleeving valve 套阀slide adjusting valve 滑动调头阀slide for filler valve 充油滑阀slide valve 滑阀; 闸板阀; 分油活门slide valve buckle 滑阀套slide valve bush 滑阀衬套slide valve case 滑阀箱slide valve chamber 滑阀箱slide valve chest 滑阀箱slide valve circle 滑阀圆slide valve ellipse 椭圆阀图slide valve engine 滑阀发动机slide valve face 滑阀滑面slide valve gear 滑阀装置slide valve inside lap 滑阀余面slide valve lever 滑阀杆slide valve link 滑阀联杆slide valve opening 滑阀口slide valve outside lap 滑阀外余面slide valve pin 滑阀销slide valve pump 滑阀泵slide valve rand 滑阀台肩slide valve reciprocating pump 滑阀往复泵slide valve rod 滑阀杆slide valve seat 滑阀座slide valve slot 滑阀槽slide valve spindle 滑阀杆slide valve spindle gland 滑阀杆压盖slide valve spring 滑阀弹簧slide valve strip groove 滑阀压板槽slide valve stroke 滑阀冲程slide valve surface 滑阀面slide valve thimble 滑阀套管slide-valve lead 滑阀超前sliding housing needle valve 滑动壳针形阀sliding plate valve 滑板式阀门sliding spool flow control valve 滑阀式流量控制阀sliding spool valve 滑阀sliding throttle valve 滑动节流阀sliding valve 滑动阀sloping valve 斜置阀slow-closure type valve 缓闭阀sludge valve 污泥阀sluice (shutoff; shut-off) valve 断流阀sluice valve 水阀; 闸阀small main valve piston 主阀小活塞snap valve 速动阀snifter valve 吸气阀snifting valve 喷气阀snubber valve 滞流阀snuffle valve 泄气阀sodium cooled valve 钠冷却气门sodium-cooled valve 钠冷排气阀sodium-filled e*haust valve 钠冷排气阀soft-seated valve 软座阀solenoid directional valve 电磁换向阀solenoid electric valve 电磁控制阀solenoid operated air valve 电磁操纵空气阀solenoid pilot actuated valve 电磁阀solenoid valve 电磁阀; 螺线管操纵阀solenoid valve bo* 电磁阀盒solenoid-controlled valve 电磁阀solenoid-operated valve 电磁控制阀solid flow control valve 固相流量控制阀solid state light valve 固态光阀solution control valve 溶液控制阀special chemical position cooling valve 特种化合物冷却阀special service valve 专用阀special spring safety valve 特种弹簧平安阀speed change valve 变速阀speed control valve 速度控制阀; 调速阀speed regulation electro-pneumatic valve 调速电气阀speed-regulating valve 调速阀spheric valve 球阀spill valve 溢液阀; 溢油阀; 回油阀spill valve type fuel injection pump 溢流阀式喷油泵spill-off valve 分路式流量阀spillover valve 溢流阀spiral valve 螺旋瓣split piston valve 两台肩阀split valve guide 剖分式阀导管spool pilot valve 滑阀spool valve 短管阀; 柱形阀spool valve pump 滑阀配流泵spool-type control valve 绕线轴式控制阀spray valve 喷雾阀spray valve cover 喷雾阀盖spray valve spring 喷雾阀簧spray-making valve 喷溅喷嘴spring and lever loaded valve 弹簧平衡阀spring controlled valve 弹簧控制阀spring loaded needle valve 弹簧加载式针阀spring loaded pressure relief valve 弹簧加载的压力泄放阀spring offset valve 弹簧移位的阀spring reducing valve 弹簧减压阀; 弹簧减压阀平安阀; 平安阀spring safety valve 弹簧平安阀spring valve 弹簧阀; 弹簧活门spring-balance safety valve 弹簧平衡平安阀spring-biased valve 弹簧加载的阀spring-centered direction control valve 弹簧对中的方向控制阀spring-controlled float valve 弹簧操纵浮阀spring-disk valve 簧盘阀spring-loaded check valve 弹簧止回阀spring-loaded idling valve 弹簧加压怠速阀spring-loaded overflow valve 弹簧溢流阀spring-loaded pressure relief valve 弹簧式平安阀spring-loaded relief valve 弹簧平安阀spring-loaded valve 弹簧阀spring-opposed air valve 弹簧承力空气阀spring-opposed valve 弹簧加载的阀spring-return directional valve 弹簧复位的换向阀sprinkler valve 喷淋器阀square land valve 方形台肩阀squaring valve 矩形脉冲发生管; 矩形脉冲发生管squeeze valve 压挤阀; 压实阀stacked double directional throttle valve 叠加式单向节流阀stacked unidirectional throttle valve 叠加式单向节流阀stacked unidirectional valve 叠加式单向阀stage valve 旁路阀stainless steel ball valve 不锈钢球阀stainless steel corrosion-resistant needle valve 不锈钢防腐针型阀stainless steel valve 不锈钢阀stainless valve 不锈钢阀门standing valve 固定阀star valve 星形阀starting air master valve 起动空气主阀starting air pilot valve 起动空气控制阀starting air slide valve 起动空气滑阀starting air stop valve 起动空气截止阀starting air timing valve 起动空气分配阀right atrioventricular valve 右房室瓣right semilunar valve 右半月瓣rim tubeless valve hole 无胎轮胎轮辋气门嘴孔ring plate valve 环片阀ring valve 环形阀; 环状阀ring-shaped valve seats 环形阀座rising stem gate valve 明杆式闸阀rising-stem double-disk parallel slide valve 明杆平行式双闸滑阀rocker valve 摆动阀roller operated valve 滚子操纵的阀rotary (plug) valve 转阀rotary distributing valve 旋转配流阀rotary e*haust valve 回转排气阀; 回转式排气阀rotary pilot valve 回转式控制阀rotary servo valve 旋转伺服阀rotary sleeve valve 转筒阀rotary slide valve 回转滑阀rotary slide valve engine 旋转滑阀式发动机rotary throttle valve 回转节流阀; 转动节流阀rotary timing valve 回转调时阀rotary valve 旋转阀; 转动阀; 回转阀rotary valve key 回转阀键rotary valve seat 回转阀座rotary valve spring 回转阀簧rotary valve train 回转阀系rotary water-valve 旋转水门rotating pilot valve 旋转滑阀rotating valve 转动阀; 回转阀rotating valve gear 回转阀齿轮roughing valve 初级阀round valve 圆阀rubber face for valve 底阀橡皮圈rubber gasket of feed valve 供应阀胶垫rubber pump valve 橡胶泵阀rubber sealed valve 橡胶密封阀rubber valve seat 橡胶阀座regulating flap valve 调节瓣阀regulating slide valve 调节滑阀regulating valve 溢流阀regulating valve bonnet 调节阀帽regulating valve cap nut 调节阀螺母regulating valve gland 调节阀压盖regulating valve seat 调节阀座regulating valve seat bush 调节阀座衬套regulating valve stem 调节阀杆reheat interceptor valve 中压调节阀regulator valve 调节阀reheat control valve 再热调节阀; 中压调节阀radiator valve 散热器调节阀; 散热器阀ratio plug valve 比率调节阀pressure-pensated valve 压力补偿阀pressure-difference valve 压差调节阀pressure-operated valve 压力操纵阀pressure-relief valve 减压平安阀; 溢流阀pressure-relief valve plunger 减压阀柱塞pressurizing valve 压力控制阀primary safety valve for inner container 一级平安阀primary throttle valve 主节流阀primary valve 主阀primer valve 起动注油阀priming valve 加油阀; 起动阀; 起动注水阀; 初给阀principal valve 主要瓣膜prolapse of mitral valve 二尖瓣脱垂propellant shutoff valve 推进剂断路开关proportional control valve 比例控制阀proportional pressure reducing valve 定比减压阀proportional valve 比例阀proportioning valve 配量阀prosthetic valve 人工瓣膜prosthetic valve endocarditis 人工瓣膜置换后心膜炎prosthetic valve replacement 人工瓣膜替换术protection valve 平安阀pulmonary valve 肺动脉瓣pulmonary valve knife 肺动脉瓣刀pulse valve 脉冲阀; 脉冲管pump check valve 泵的止回阀; 泵止逆阀pump check valve ball 止回阀球pump control valve 泵控制阀pump discharge control valve 泵出口控制阀pump inlet check valve 泵进口止回阀pump inlet valve 泵吸入阀pump out valve 抽空阀pump outlet valve 泵放出阀pump relief valve 泵平安阀pump suction valve seat 泵吸入阀座pump valve 泵阀pump valve pressing spring 泵阀压紧簧pump valve seat 泵阀座pump-valve cage 泵阀盖座puppet valve 随转阀; 提升阀purge valve 清洗阀; 放空气阀pyloric valve 幽门瓣quick closing valve 速闭阀quick triple valve 快动三通阀quick-action valve 快动阀; 速动阀quick-action valve spring 速动阀簧quick-closing emergency valve 应急速闭阀quick-closing stop valve 速闭截止阀quick-opening gate valve 速启阀门quick-opening valve 速启阀; 快开阀quick-release valve 快泄阀; 速动阀plug-in valve 插装式阀plunger relief valve 柱塞式溢流阀plunger type control valve 柱塞式控制阀plunger valve 柱塞阀pneumatic control valve 气动调节阀; 气动控制阀pneumatic diaphragm control valve 气动薄膜调节阀pneumatic positioner valve 气动阀门定位器pneumatic release valve 气压释放阀pneumatic reversing valve 气动换向阀pneumatic starting valve 压缩空气起动阀pneumatic valve 气压阀pneumatic valve positioner 气动阀位控制器pneumatically released pilot valve 气动操纵导阀pneumatically-operated cargo valve 气动货油阀pneumatically-operated direction valve 气动操纵换向阀pop safety valve 紧急平安阀pop valve 压力容器上的平安阀; 紧急阀; 突开阀; 突开式平安阀pop-off valve 爆脱阀poppet relief valve 提动式溢流阀poppet valve 菌形阀; 菌形阀; 提动阀; 提升阀; 正动提升阀; 蕈形阀; 蕈形阀poppet valve gear 坠阀装置Portsmouth ball valve 朴斯茅茨式球阀position of valve 瓣膜位置position selector valve 位置选择阀positioned plug valve 定位旋塞阀positive valve 正压阀positive-displacement metering valve 容积式计量阀; 步进式计量阀positively actuated valve 正动阀post-ferment safe pressure stabilization valve 后酵平安稳压阀post-urethral valve 后尿道瓣膜posterior urethral valvectomy 后尿道瓣膜切除术pot valve 罐阀pot valve pump 罐阀泵pounding of valve seat 阀座碎击power control valve 动力控制阀power enrichment valve 增力加浓阀power jet valve 增力喷口阀power valve 增力阀power-operated valve 伺服电动机操纵阀; 机械驱动阀pre-inlet valve 预启阀pre-valve 输入级电子管prefill surge valve 满油补充阀; 充液补偿阀prefill valve 充液阀; 满油阀preheater adjusting valve 预热器调节阀preselector valve 预选阀preset flow limit valve 前置流量限制阀pressure and vacuum breather valve 压力真空呼吸阀pressure and vacuum release valve 呼吸阀pressure build-up vaporized valve 汽化升压阀pressure control valve 压力调节阀; 压力控制阀pressure controlled valve 压力控制阀pressure differential warning valve 前后轮制动压差警报阀pressure distributing valve 压力分配阀pressure dividing valve 压力分配阀pressure flush valve 压力冲洗阀pressure increasing valve 增压阀pressure limiting valve 限压阀pressure maintaining valve 压力控制顺序阀; 稳压阀pressure regulating valve 调压阀pressure regulator valve 压力调节阀pressure relief valve 卸压平安阀; 卸压阀; 卸压活门; 压力平安阀pressure relief valve ball 限压阀钢球pressure retaining valve 保压阀pressure safety valve 压力平安阀pressure sensitive valve 压力敏感阀pressure temperature pensated valve 压力温度补偿式阀pressure vacuum relief valve 真空平安阀pressure vacuum vent valve 真空呼吸阀pressure valve 压力阀pressure valve spring 限压阀弹簧pressure vent valve 压力放空阀; 呼吸阀pressure-actuated valve 压力作动阀intercept valve 截流阀intercepter valve (IV) 遮断阀intercepting valve head connection 中间阀盖接头intermediate stop valve 中间截止阀intermediate valve 中间阀intermediate valve chamber 中间阀室internal check valve (油罐) 单向阀internal spring safety relief valve 弹簧平安阀internal valve 阀internally piloted valve 控阀introduction valve 注射阀; 进样阀ionic valve 离子管iron body valve 铁体阀iron foot valve 铁底阀(I.B.valve) 铁体阀irrigation valve 灌溉阀; 灌水栓isolated valve 隔离阀isolating valve 截止阀; 切断阀jacket drain valve 气缸套泄水阀jacket safety relief valve 保温套平安阀jacket valve 套层阀jet action valve 射流管阀jet valve 喷射阀jet-pipe valve 射流管阀jockey valve 辅助阀; 先开阀Johnson valve(高落差水轮机阀) 约翰逊阀jolt knee valve 震实膝形阀injector valve 喷油嘴针阀inlet cam inlet-valvecam 吸进凸轮inlet non-return valve 入口止回阀inlet valve 进给汽阀; 进料阀; 进气阀; 进汽阀; 入口阀; 吸入阀; 压力水进口阀inlet valve bank 进气活门栅inlet valve cap 进给阀盖inlet valve chest 进汽阀柜inlet valve deck 进给阀盖inlet valve spring 进给阀簧inner check valve guide 止回阀导座inner tube valve 胎气门inner valve 瓣inner valve spring 气门弹簧inner-tube valve cap 胎气门嘴帽input control valve 输入调节阀insert with gate valve 带阀的管接头inserted valve seat 嵌入阀座inspiratory valve 吸气阀instrument block valve 仪表截止阀intake valve 进气阀; 进汽阀intake valve cage 进汽闸罩integral check valve 装式单向阀integral relief valve 整体式减压阀hot water inlet valve 温水入口阀hot-blast valve 热风阀hot-cathode gas filled valve 闸流管hot-water check valve 热水止回阀Houstons valve 直肠横襞Houstons valves 豪斯顿氏瓣Howeel Burnger valve 锥形阀hull valve 舷侧阀; 通海阀Huschkes valve 胡施克氏瓣hydrant valve 消防龙头阀hydraulic back-pressure valve


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