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2006 年普通高等学校夏季招生考试英语全国卷H第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50 分)第一部分 语音知识(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。第二节 语法和词汇知识(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6. -Will you be able to finish your respect today?C. I ll do so D. I d love it7. We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us en ter, _10. We hope that as many people as possible_ join us for the picnic tomorrow.1. hearA. nearly2. changeA. machine3. surpriseA. police4. safelyA. base5. museumA. subjectB. searchB. headacheB. apologizeB.seasonB. trueC. bearD. heartC. tech nique D. researchC. bridgeD. childrenC. AsiaD. usualC. hugeD. busyA. I like it B. I hope soA. do you B. can we8. Your story is perfect; IA. the better oneC. will youD. shall weve never heard before.B. the best oneC. a better oneD. a good one9. It was not un til she got homeJennifer realized she had lost her keys.A. whe nB. thatC. whereD. before11. It is no _ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.A. useB. helpC. timeD. way12. John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $ 3,000 more than he _for the weddi ng.A. will pla nB. has pla nned C. would pla n D. had pla nned13. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, _ , in fact, there were 40.A. whileB. whether C. whatD. which14. -Did you take eno ugh money with you?-No, I needed_ I thought I would.A. not so much as B. as much as C. much more tha n D. much less tha n15. Mary wan ted to travel around the world all by herself, but her pare nts did not _ her todo so.A. forbidB. allow C. followD. ask16. -What did your pare nts thi nk about your decisi on?-They always let me do _ I think I should.A. whe nB. thatC. howD. what17. We ofte n provide our childre n with toys, footballs or basketballs, _that all childre nlike these thin gs.A. thinkingB. thinkC. to thinkD. thought18. There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn_. t getA. betwee nB. throughC. acrossD. bey ond19. I know you don t like_music very much. But what do you think of_ music in the film we saw yesterday?A.不填;不填B. the; theC. the;不填D.不填;the20. As you can see, the number lf cars on our roads _ rising these days.A. was keep ingB. keepC. keepsD. were keep ing第三节完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项( A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A. needB. mustC. shouldD. canThe year I went to college was a very difficult transition( 过渡期)for me. 21_ is probablytrue with many people. I got quite homework and 22 thought about going home.Although the 23 time for many stude nts is gett ing24 from home, my mailbox wasfreque ntly25. One day whe n I went to the mailbox, there was a postcard 26 out at me.I sat dow n to read it, 27 a note from some one back home. 28 I became in creas in gly puzzled(困惑)as 29 postcards werelike this; It was a full n ews report about a woma n n amed Mabel and her n ewbor n baby. I took the card back to my room and30 about it.Several days later I 31 ano ther postcard, this one 32 n ews about May be line,Mabel s cousin. Soon after, another card arrived and then another, 33 full of news of different people. I be fan to 34 lookforward to the n ext one, 35 to see what this author would come up with 36 . I was n ever 37 .Fin ally, the cards38 coming, right about the time I had begu n to feel 39 aboutcollege life. They had been such a happy distraction(调剂)that I have 40 all the postcards and still bring them out to readwhenever I need a lift.21. A. IfB. SoC. AsD. What22. A. oftenB. carefullyC. seldomD. merely23. A. hardB. lastC. busiestD. happiest24. A. visitorsB. lettersC. callsD. direct ions25. A. emptyB. fullC. closedD. open26. A. pouri ngB. reach ingC. stari ngD. rolli ng27. A. describ ingB. con sideri ngC. enjoyingD. expect ing28. A. ButB. ThusC. AlsoD. Even29. A. anyB. noC. someD.such30. A. jokedB. talkedC. forgotD. cared31. A. mailedB. acceptedC. worteD. received32. A. deliveri ngB. dema ndingC. discoveri ngD. developing33. A. oneB. eachC. eitherD. both34. A. nearlyB. possiblyC. usuallyD. really35. A. promis ingB. surprisedC. i nterestedD. prete nding36. A. belowB. latelyC. nextD. beh ind并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMy frien ds, Emma Dani els, spe nt the summer of 1974 traveli ng in Israel. During her monthlong stay in Jerusalem she often went to a caf called ChocolateSoup. It was run by two men, oneof whom -Alex -used to live in Montreal. One morning when Emma went in for coffee, whilechatting with her new friend Alex, she mentioned that she had just finished the book she wasreadi ng and had nothing else to read. Alex said he had a won derful book she might like, and thathed be happy to lend it to her. As he lived just above the cafe, he quickly ran up to get it. Thebook he handed to Emma just minutes later was Markings , a book by a former Secretary-Generalof the Uni ted Nati ons (UN).Emma had n ever read it, nor had she ever bought a copy. But, whe n she ope ned it up, shewas floored to see her own n ame and address in side the cover in her own han dwriti ng (笔迹).Itturned out that the summer before, at a concert back in Montreal, Emma had met a Californianwho was in town visiting friends. They decided to exchange (交换)addresses, but neither of themhad any paper. The man opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack(背包)and askedEmma to write her n ame and address in side. When he returned to California, he left the bookbeh ind in Mon treal, and his friend Alex kept it. When Alex later moved to Jerusalcm, he took thebook along.41. Alex lent Emma the book, Markings , _.A. to show his frien dli ness to herB. to show his in terest in read ingC. to tell her about the importa nee of UND. to let her write her n ame and address in side42. How did Emma feel the mome nt she ope ned the book?37. A. frighte nedB. disappo intedC.excitedD. pleased38. A. con ti nuedB. stoppedC.startedD. avoided39. A. easyB. safeC.tiredD. an xious40. A. lostB. collectedC.tornD.saved第二部分阅读理解(共 25 小题。每- 节每小题 2 分,第二 节每小题 1 分; 满分 45 分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,A. Pleased.B. Satisfied.C. Worried.D. Surprised.43. We can learn from the text the Californian _ .A. met Emma at a concertB. invited Emma to a concertC. i ntroduced Emma to his frie ndD. left Emma his backpack44. Who was supposed to be the first owner of the book?A. An official of the UN.B. A coffee shop owner.C. A friend of the author s.D. Alex s friend form California.BMay: Happe nings form the PastMay 5, 1884Isaac Murphy, son of a slave and perhaps the greatest horse rider in American history, ridesBuchanan to win his first Kentucky Derby. He becomes the first rider ever to win the race threetimes.May 9, 1754Benjamin FranklinP6n issylva nia Gazette produces perhaps the first America n politicalcartoon(漫画),showing a snake cut in pieces with the words“ John or Die ” printed under thepicture.May 11, 1934The first great dust storm of the Great Plains Dust Bowl, the result of years of drought( 干旱),blows topsoil all the way to New York City and Washington, D.C.May 19, 1994Jacqueli ne Lee Bouvier Kenn edy On assis, former first lady and one of the most famous peopleof the 1960s, died of cancer in New York City at the age of 64.May 24,1844Ion g-dista nee telegraph line which runs from Wash ington, D.C., to Baltimore, Md.45. We know from the text that Bueha nan is _ .A. Isaac s fatherB. a winning horseC. a slave tak ing care of horsesD. the first rae ing horse in Ken tueky46. What is the title of the first American political cartoon?A. Join or DieB. Penn sylva nia GazetteC. What Hath God WroughtD. Ken tucky Derby47. In which year did the former first lady Jacqueline die?A. 1934B.1960C. 1964D. 199448. Which of the following places has to do with the first telegram in history?A. Wash in gto n, D.C.B. New York City.C. Ken tucky.D. Penn sylva nia.CWhen I lear ned that my 71-year-old mother was play ing Scrabble -a word game -aga inst herself, I knew I had to dosometh ing. My husba nd suggested we give her a computer to play aga in st. I was n t sure my mother wOsfoeat. After all,it had take n 15 years to persuade her to buy an electric cooker. Even so, we packed up our old computer and delivered it tomy parents home. And so began my mother s adventure in the world of computers.It also marked the beginni ng of an unusual teaching task for me. I ve taught people of allages, but I n ever thought I would be teachi ng my mother how to do anything. She has bee n the one teach ing me all my life:to cook and sew; to enjoy the good times and put up with the bad.Now it was my turn to give someth ing back.It wasn t easy at the beginning. There was so much to explain and to introduce. Slowly but surely, my mother caughton, maki ng no tes in a little no tebook. After a few mon ths of Scrabble and other games, I decided it was time to introduceher to word processing( 文字处理 ).This proved to be a bigger challe nge(挑战)to her, so I gave her some homework Iasked her to write me a letter, using different letter types, colors and spaces.“ Are you this dema nding with your kin dergarte n pupils?” she asked.Samuel F.B. Morse taps out the first message,What hath God wrought,over the experimenta“ No, of course not, ” I said. “ They already know how to use a computer.”My mother isn t the only one experiencing a fast personal growth period. Thanks to the computer, my father hasfin ally got over his phone allergy ( 过敏反应) .For as long as I can remember, any time I called, my mother would an swer.Dad and I have had more phone con versati ons in the last two mon ths tha n we ve had in the past 20 years.49. What does the author do?A. She is a cook.B. She is a teacher.C. She is a housewife.D. She is a computer engin eer.50. The author decided to give her mother a computer _ .A. to let her have more cha nces to write lettersB. to support her in doing her homeworkC. to help her through the bad timesD. to make her life more enjoyable51. The author asked her mother to write her a letter _ .A. because her mother had stopped using the teleph oneB. because she wan ted to keep in touch with her motherC. so that her mother could practice what she had lear nedD. so that mother could be free from housework52. After the computer was brought home, the author_ e rA. lost in terest in cook ingB. took more phone callsC. played more gamesD. bega n to use itDWhen asked to point out one or two things that are most importa nt to themselves, many put friends ahead of homes,jobs, cloth and cars.A true frien dship carries-a-l ong history of experie nee that determ ines who we are and keeps us connected. It is a treasure we should protect. Unfortun ately, the better friends you are, the more probably you ll havedisagreements. And the result can be what you don to the relati on ship.t want aThe good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended. First, don let yourpride get in your way. Most of us can forgive each other whe n differe nces are brought out inthe open. Second, apologize when you rwrong - even if you vbeen wronged. Over the course of afriendship, even the best people make mistakes. Sometimes, it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead andapologizes. When you apologize, give your friend a chanee to admit that he has been wrong. Third, see things fromyour friendof view(观点).And fin ally, accept that frien dships cha nge as our n eeds and lifestyles( 生活方式)cha nge. Making friends cansometimes seem easy. The hard part is keeping the connections strong duri ng the n atural ups and dow ns that havean effect on all relati on ships. My suggesti on: consider friendship an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasureand nurture( 培养).53. What would be the best title for the text?A. Easy Ways to Make FriendsB. Ups and Downs in Frie ndshipC. How to Mend a Troubled Frie ndshipD. How to Take the Lead in Making Frie nds54. The “ wron ged pers on ” un derl ined in the text refers to a person .A. who has bee n mistake n for ano therB. who has bee n blamed un fairlyC. who has teeated friends badlyD. who has admitted his mistakes55. Accord ing to the text a frien dship can last long only if _.A. we have much in com monB. we know our friends mistakesC. we treat our disagreeme nts wiselyD. we have know one ano ther for long56. What should we do if we follow the author cond suggest n?A.Stick to our own prints of view.s poi ntB.Avoid mak ing mistakes.C.Make an apology first.D. Change our lifestyles.“ Who made your Tshirt? A Geo letdown University student raised that question. Pietra Rivoli, a professor of busin ess, wan ted to find the an swer. A few weeks later, she bought a T-shirt and bega n to follow its path from Texas cotton, rim to Chin ese factory to charity bin (慈善捐赠箱).The result is an interesting new book , The tran s of asTirt in the Global Economy (经济).Following a T-shirt around the world in a way to make her point more interesting, but it also frees Rivoli from theusual argume nts over global trade. She goes wherever the T-shirt goes, and there are surprises around every corn er. In Chi na, Rivoli shows why a clothi ng factory , eve n with its poor con diti ons, mea ns a step toward a better care for thepeople who work there .In thecolorful used- clothing markets of Tanzania, she realizes thatthat the T-shirt will meet a real market , ” where the price of a shirt changes by the hour and is-sweetisiol (泥土香味)of the cotton. ” She says, “ Here in the factory,Shan ghai smells like Shallowater Texas.Rivoli is at her best whe n making those sorts of un expected connections. She eve n finds one betweenthe free traders and those who are against globalization. The chances opened up by trade are vast, sheargues, but free markets n eed the correct ing force of politics to keep them in check . True econo mic progressn eeds them both.57. What do we lear n about Professor Rivoli?A. She used to work on a cott on farm.B. She wrote a book about world trade.C. She wants to give up her teach ing job.D. She wears a T-shirt wherever she goes.58. By saying T- shirt “ meet a real markRtvoli means in Tanzania _.A. cheaper T-shirts are n eeded.B. used T-shirts are hard to sellC. prices of T-shirts rise and fall freque ntlyD. prices of T-shirts are usually reas on able59. What does the word“ thjainderli ned in the last paragraph refer to ?A. Free-markets.B. Price cha nges.it is only in this final stage of lifediffere nt by its size and eve n color .Rivolimesabopeople afid seen es, like theno ise, the bad air and theC. Un expected connection .D. Chances ope ned up by trade.6O.What would be the best title for the text?A. What T-shirts Can Do to Help Cotton FarmsB. How T-shirts Are Made in Sha nghaiC. How T-shirts Are Sold in TanzaniaD What T-shirts Can Teach Us第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What do you think I ought to see first in London? I m told one ought to the British Museum .Do you think Ishall have time for that?81 But if I were you ,I should leave that for some other day .You could spe nd a wholeday there. It s much too big to be seen in an hour or so.I suppose it is. 82That s not a bad idea .You could spend a couple of hours there comfortablyor even a wholeafter noon, watch ing the wild ani mals and al those birds. You could have tea there too.I ll do thathen .How do I get there?83_ Where are we now? Oh, there s that big buildingthink your best way from hereis to take Baker Street.84Oh, no ,a quarter of an hour or so ,but ,if you re in a hurry ,why not take a taxi?I thi nk I will. 85 Taxi!A. Let me see.B. Well , you might.C. What time is it now?D. Is it much of a walk?E. Ah, here s one coming.F. What about going to the zoo?G. Must I stay in Lon don for long?第二卷注意事项:1.用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。第三部分写作(共三节,满分 55 分)第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)66. I m very hung _ -(错过)lunch.67. Jack took a deep _ (呼吸) and the n dived into the water.68. I ve got an_ (普通) sort of car, nothing special.69. I want to tha nk every one who has _ (鼓励)and supported me .70. Jenny spends hours in front of the _ (镜子)!71. It is _ (稍微) colder today than it was yesterday.72. The story is writte n by an _ (澳大禾U亚) engin eer.73. Tom was _ (羞愧)of having lied to his parents.74. _ (一月)is the first month of the year.75. Can you _ (想象)standing up there and giving a speech?第二卷 短文改错(共 10 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 10 分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(V);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(人),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。An America n and a Fren chma n decided to cross the seaBetwee n France and En gla nd in the ballo on in 1784 .High over the76.77.78.water ,they discover a hole in the ballo on .The hole became bigger and bigger .The air keeps theballo on up was escap ing quickly and the ballo onwas79._coming up. The two men threw all their equipme nt into80._the water to make the balloon light. It started to rise81._higher again. So it was still too close to the water.82._Fin ally ,the men threw away most of his clothes to83._save themselves .The crowd wait ing for to greet them in84._En gla nd was very surprised see this whe n the balloon85._Ian ded in front of them.第三节书面表达(满分 30 分)假定你是李华,亚洲冬季运动会将在你居住的地方举办,现正在招募志愿者,你希望成为其中一员。请按要求用英文给组委会写一封信。内容应包括:1.个人情况:年龄,性别,学历2.个人条件:英语好,爱好体育,善于交际,乐于助人,熟悉本地情况3.承诺:提供最佳服务1.词数 100 左右,开头语已为你写好2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯3.生词:申请 一 apply (v.),application( n.)志愿者一 volunteerDear Sir / Madam:My n ame is Li huawould like to work as a volun teer for the Win ter Asia n Games.


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