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word2013高考英语3500词汇全掌握(一)1. _ a friend/a ship 放弃;遗弃2. the _to do something 能力be _ to do something 3. abnormal adj.4. go _the train 上火车go on _the train5. abolish6. go _去国外7. abrupt8. be _from 缺席9. _ truth 绝对的 10. be _in 吸收11. abstract12. be _in 丰富的13. abuse14. make _progress 学术的15. academy16. accelerate17. with a foreign _口音18. be _ as 接受_ 可接受的19. have _to 接近,使用be _ to 可接近的;可得到的20. by _ 偶然地,意外地,碰巧21. acmodation22. _someone 陪伴keep someone _23. _ a task 完成24. _ 根据25. on _of 描述26. an _会计师27. accuratewith _精确28. be _ of 指控be _with29. be _to 惯常的30. ache31. _success 获得make great _成就32. acid33. acknowledge34. _ information 获得信息language _ 语言习得35. acre36. _as 表演,行动take _行动37. take an _part in 积极的38. an outdoor _活动39. an _/_男女演员40. in_ fact 真实的41. _oneself to 适应be _from 改编 an _ to 适应42. _ to 增加in _to 增加43. _ a letter 地址_ a meeting 对。作演讲44. adequate45. _oneself to 调整make an _ 调整46. administration 47. admirable48. admission 49. adolescent50. adopt 51. adult52. advance 53. advantage54. adventure 55. advertisement56. _ 求教57. advocate58. affair59. _ sb 影响某人 affection_60. _ the time/the apartment 付得起 _ to do sth 61. travel _ 代理机构 agent _(二)1. agenda2. aggressive3. reach an _ 协议4. agriculture _ adj.5. _ of time 提前,预先 go ahead _6. first _ (援救)急救7. be _ at 目标,打算8. aircraft9. airline10. airmail11. at the _ 机场12. jump up in _惊慌,惊恐13. album14. drink _酒15. look _ 看起来相像16. keep _活着17. alley18. allocate19. _doing sth允许20. traveling _补贴,津贴, 零花钱21. live _ 单独22. alongside23. read the text _大声地24. alphabet25. return by the _ road可供选择的,另一条道路26. altogether 27. an _ photographer 业余的28. amaze with _ speed 以惊人的速度be _ at sth 吃惊29. ambassador30. ambiguous31. ambition_ students 有抱负的33. 救护车:34. an _ of +不可数n. 大量的35. ample36. amusement37. 分析: n. v.38. ancestor39. in _times 古代的40. 生气 n. v. 41. angle42. ankle43. the wedding _ 周年纪念日44. _ names 宣布make an _ 通知45. _ sb. 使恼怒sb got _. to ones _46. _ ine 每年的47. antique:48. cause _焦虑be _ about sth49. 不管如何 ad. _50. take the machine _分开51. apartment:52. _ to sb 道歉make an _ to sb53. apparent:54.55. sbs _外貌56. appendix57. appetite:58. applaud:burst into _59. _ for a visa 申请申请人: _ forms 申请表60. _ oneself to 致力于, 集中精力做某事61. be _ to manager 任命62. make an _ with sb.63. _ your help 感激express my _感激64. _ the ship 走近_ a problem 解决, 探讨v.his _ to the problem n.(三)1. appropriate2. _(of) the plan 赞同, 同意3. win the _ of the board 支持4. approximately:5. arch6. 建筑师:7. 建筑(学):8. _ with sb about sth 争论an _ over/about sth 争论9. _ from 由引起10. _ for sb to do sth. 安排make an _ 安排11. put sb under _逮捕12. on/upon ones _到达13. arrow:14. _ fiber 人造的15. feel _for/ of sth 惭愧16. _ countries17. set sth _ 放在一边18. fall _ 睡着19. feel _好困, 想睡觉20. aspect21. assignment22. _ sb in doing sthassistance助手,助理23. be _ with 联系association:24. _ sth. 猜想, 假设assumption:25. _ sb. 使惊讶26. 运动员:27. Atlantic28. atmosphere:29. atom:30. be _ to 依附于31. _ sb. 攻击,袭击32. attain:33. _ to do sth. 尝试,努力_ a meeting/ lecture 参加_ to sb. 照顾,照料_ ones _吸引注意力34. the positive _toward态度35. be _ to sb. 具有吸引力_ 旅游景点36. such a large _观众37. authentic:38. authority:39. 自动的:40. sth /sb is _可得到41. avenue:42. on _平均43. _ doing sth避免44. keep sb _醒着45. award:46. be/ bee _of 意识到47. awful48. awkward:49. bachelor50. 背景:51. jump _ 往后52. bacon:53. a lot of _行:54. bake _ bakery: _55. keep ones _平衡56. balcony:57. ballet58. 气球:59. bamboo60. impose a _ on overtime 禁止61. band62. bandage63. a _ of chocolate 一条巧克力a barred window _a wine _ 酒吧64. Have a barbecue (BBQ) _65. at the _ 在理发店66. a _ hillside 光秃秃的山坡the _ facts 事实真相(无细节)67. Its a bargain. _ drive a hard _ 讨价还价 (四)1. remove the bark from (a tree) _ Barking daogs seldom bite . _2. Poor health may be a b_ to success. 健康欠佳可能成为取得成功的障碍.3. a London -_ pany 总部在伦敦的公司 _ 以为依据4_ principles 基本原则5. on a weekly basis _6. play _ 打棒球7. 脸盆 _ a basinful of water _8. blind as a _ _ 棒球的球棒9. have a _ 洗澡 _the baby 给小孩洗澡 _the wound 冲洗伤口 be bathed in tears / sweat _ in the _ 在洗手间/ 浴室 _ 浴缸10. get the _recharged给电池充电11. fight a _ against 与作斗争12. the _ of Bengal 孟加拉湾13. on the _ 在海滩14. _ 豆科植物 bean curd _15. _ the responsibility 负责任 _ sth in mind 记住 Her sufferings dont bear thinking about._ His efforts finally bore fruit. _16. have / wear a beard _17. beast _18. _ sb black and blue give sb a good _ 给一顿痛打 A defeat / _ B 打败19. All bedding is on sale at 30% off. 床上用品20. on _ of 代表21. well / badly-_ children 没有教养的孩子their behaviour towards me 他们对我的态度study the behaviour of bees 研究蜜蜂的活动习性. 22. e into _ 开始存在 human beings _23. _ it or not 信不信由你 Seeing is _. 眼见为实has great belief in sb对无比信赖 Christmas beliefs 基督教教义24. belly _25. _ 属于 personal _ 私人财物26. _ freezing 冰点以下 live on the floor _ 住在下一层楼27. tighten ones _ 开始勤俭节约28. bench _29. The branch _ but didnt break. 树枝弯了但是没断。 Be bent on (doing sth ) _30. beneath _31. sth benefit sb sb benefit from sth be of great _ to sb 对大有好处 be _ to sb 对有益32. _ 在旁边33. _ 此外;除以外 a _ of trust 对信任的辜负.35. This is just _ you and me.这事只有你我知道。We have two lessons this morning, but theres some free time in between. _36. Its beyond me why she did that. _37. ride a _ 骑自行车38. _ for the contract 申请,投标 bid $500 for the painting _39. propose / pass a bill _40. biology _(五)1. be of noble birth _give _ to sb / sth 孕育_ 出生地a _ card / party / present2. _ 饼干3. a bit of advice / luck _bit by bit _4. bite _ _ (过去式/过去分词)5. _ experience惨痛的教训6. _ and blue 青一块紫一块7. Who is _ ? 该怪谁呢?8. a _ expression 茫然的表情9. a _ of snow / cloud 一层雪/云雾a wet blanket _10. sbs own flesh and blood _bleed _ _ (过去式/过去分词)11. be blessed with good health _a blessing in disguise 祸中福12. _ of flats 公寓大楼楼群The road is _. 路堵了。13. _ 女衬衣14. go on _ 上船 / 飞机a board meeting 董事会议15. _ 全心全意keep body and soul together _16. _ 炸弹/ 轰炸17. bond A and / to B _18. bonus _19. _ a room 预定房间20. Business is booming. 生意_21. a pair of _ 一双靴子22. border incidents _How many countries _ China ?有多少国家与中国接壤?23. be _with / be tired of / be fed up _ sth24. a _ baby 新生儿a _leader / poet 天生的领袖/诗人25. He didnt even _ to say a “thank you”.他甚至连一声都懒得说。26. at the _ of 在底部bottoms up 干杯27. bounce _28. national boundary _29. _ to sth / sb 屈服于be armed with a bow and arrow _30. a _ of rice 一碗饭31. go bowling _32. boxing _33. boycott _34. damage to the _脑部的损伤have a good brain _35. brake _36. a branch of the Rhine 莱茵河的_a branch post office 邮局的_37. a leading _一流的品牌a brand new puter _38. _ 勇敢的 (adj.)_勇敢 (n. )39. Glass _ easily. 玻璃容易碎。Take 2 0 minutes _ 休息20分钟At break of day _40. a _ in cancer research 突破41. breast _a breast-fed baby _42. catch / hold ones _ 屏住气息a breathtaking view 壮丽的景色_ fresh life into the pany给公司带来朝气breathless with terror 因恐怖而屏住呼吸43. brick _44. bride _bridegroom _45. _ the gap 填补空白/缩短差距46. a _ description 简要的描述in _简言之47. a brilliant scientist _48. _ English 英式英语_ 英国人49. _ shoulders宽肩膀in broad daylight 在光天化日(六)1. _ a football match 播放足球赛2. brochure _3. broken English 不流利的4. broom _5. dark / light _ 深/浅棕色6. a _一个牙刷 _ ones teeth 7. budget _8. buffet _9. a man of athletic build _build up ones strength _10. bump11. a _ of flowers 一束花12. bear / carry / shoulder a burden be heavily _ with 13. bureaucratic _14. burglar _15. _ out crying放声大哭a burst of anger 怒火的爆发16. bury himself in his books _17. the No 5 _路车18. A bird in hand is worth two in the _. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林19. Mind your own _管好你自己的事20. as _ as a _忙个不停21. at the _ 在肉铺22. butter _ 23. butterfly _ 24. button ones coat _25. cab _26. cabbage _27. caf_28. cafeteria _29. _ 鸟笼,笼子30. _ 小菜一碟,容易做的事 31. _ 计算32. camel _33. _ 照相机34. have a _/ go _ 露营35. start a _ for /against 发起支持/反对的运动36. 罐,听 _ be _ careful 再怎么小心也不为过37. _ 运河,沟渠38. _ 取消39. _癌症40. _ for the position of manager 经理职位的人选41. burn the _ at both ends 夜以继日,废寝忘食42. a candy bar _43. _ 餐厅,食堂44. be _ of 能够做某事45. Beijing is the _ of China46. _ 胶囊47. _ 船长48. The _ under the photo said/read “ The president greets the foreign delegation”. 字幕,说明49. carbon dioxide _50. carpenter _51. carpet52. _ 四轮马车,运输工具,车辆53. the _ and the stick胡萝卜加大棒(政策)54. _ 卡通片55. _ the wood _ the shape of a bird (雕刻)56. _ _ (of)以防,万一_ _ _ _就而言57. _现金_ 支票/_信用卡58. cassette59. _ shadows投下阴影_ sb as a scientist 分派某人扮演科学家60. castle61. a _ meeting巧遇,偶遇62. _(产品/唱片)目录(七)1. _ 灾祸2. _类别,种类3. _ _迎合4. catholic _5. twenty head of _二十头牛6. the _ _ the accident 事故的起因the _ of education 教育事业_ 导致某人做某事7. do sth with caution _adj._ 谨慎的,小心的8. cave9. _ 天花板10. _ ones birthdayn._ 庆祝,庆典11. cell12. centigrade _13. centimeter _14.15. a wedding/ an opening _典礼16. _ 证书17. _ store 连锁店18. _一支粉笔19. face/cope with a _ 面对/应付挑战a _ problem 一个有挑战的问题20. _ 冠军21. (the) _ are (that)= it is likely that22. _ weather 多变的天气23. keep the _不用找钱了24. channel _25. chant _26. be in _处于混乱中27. chapter _28. a woman of great _ 品格高尚的妇女_ 特性,特征29. _ sb _ sth 控告某人30. charity31. chart _32. _/take in 欺骗33. _ _/_ _入住登记/结帐离开34. cheek _35. _ _欢呼,喝彩_ 干杯,再见,(口语)36. _ 厨师37._ 化学_ 在药店38. chess _39. _ 胸膛40. _ 咀嚼41. _首领(pl.)42. _瓷器43.44. choir _45. the traffic is _ _交通阻塞46. _ 筷子47. _ _在圣诞节48. _ _ _去教堂49. _/_ 雪茄/香烟50. circle _51. _ v./_ n.流通,发行52. under no _决不,无论如何53. circus54. _ n. 公民_adj. 公民的,文明的,有教养的_ 平民百姓_n . 文明55. claim56. _ ones hands 拍手57. _澄清,阐明58. a _ carriage头等车厢59. _ _古典音乐60. _ v. 分类61. clause62. claw _63. clay _64. Your shoes need _/_ _ _你的鞋子需要擦干净_清洁工(八)2. clerk _3. click _4. client5. _气候6. _ 诊所7. _一块桌布_ _ _ _一件衣服_.n.(pl.)衣服8.9. _笨拙的10. _长途汽车,四轮马车,教练11. coal _12. _海岸13. code14. _衣领15. _同事16. _ foreign coins收集外币a _ of short stories短篇小说集17. _ the picture给图画涂颜色18. _梳子,搜索,梳理19. _ scientific knowledge and/with business skills把科学知识和商业专长结合起来_ n.联合,组合20. _喜剧21. take _ from从中得到安慰_ sb 安慰某人_ words 安慰的话a _ room/ine 舒适的房间/不错的收入22. _ sb to do/that sb (should )do sth命令某人做某人Have a good _ of English 对掌握很好23. no _无可奉告24. _ 商业的,贸易的25. mission26. _ suicide自杀mit to doing sth承诺做某事_ n. 承诺,投入,奉献27. _ 委员会28. _ knowledge常识Have nothing _ _没有共同点29. _ _sb 和某人交流means of _通讯工具30. munism_munist _31. munity32. a close _亲密的伙伴keep sb _陪伴某人=_sb33. _ with/to和比起来34. _for ones lack of experience弥补某人经验不足35. _ with/against/for比赛,竞争_ n.比赛,竞争_n. 参赛者36. ones _ for the task做这个工作的能力37. plaint38.39.40. plicated41. _成分,组成部分42. _作文43. beyond ones _ 超出某人的理解44. _ education义务教育45. _ on专注,集中(注意力)46. concept _47. be _ about牵挂,担心be _ with和有关系48. _ 音乐会49. e to/draw/arrive at a _得出结论50. concrete_51. _ sb to death宣判某人死刑52. living/working _生活/工作条件53. _ones business处理业务_electricity 导电_指挥者(九)1. a press _记者招待会2. _自信_adj.的,秘密的3. _v. 证实,确定4. a _ between A and B A和B之间的冲突5. a _ look一个困惑的表情a _ look一个令人困惑的表情6.=I offer my _ _ your success.7. be _ with和有关the _ between the two两者的联系8. _良知,良心_adj.9. _后果,结果10. the _ of forests森林的保护_adj.保守的,传统的11. _ doing sth考虑做某事12. be _ of /to/toward old people对老人体贴_n.考虑,思考13. _ _由构成14. be _ with the facts和事实一致15. a _ pain持续不断的疼痛16. _体质,宪法17.18. _a dictionary查字典19.20. contact21._集装箱,容器22. _ 当代的,同时代的23. be _ with 对24. context 25. continent_26. _ doing/to do继续做某事27. _与矛盾,抵触28. on the _相反地29. _ to对作贡献make great _ to30. _ ones anger控制怒火31. at your _在你方便的时侯it is _ for sb to do sth32. _常规的,老套的33. _对话,谈话34. _ones feelings表达,传达某人的感受35. _ sb of sth使某人信服36. as _ as a cucumber非常冷静37. (just)around the _即将来临38. _/pany/firm公司39.40. a _government腐败的政府41. at all/any _不惜代价42. cottage _43. develop/have/suffer from a_ 咳嗽44. Every second _分秒必争45. counter_46. They keep a _ of dogs养了一对狗47. _勇气48. take a _学习课程49. court_50. cousin_51. a plane _飞机失事_ones car into the tree车子撞到树上52. crayon _53. like _拼命地,发疯地54. _v. 创造55. _ cards信用卡56. _机组人员,全体工作人员57. mit a _ 犯罪(十)1. crisis2. critic criticalcriticism criticize3. at the _在十字路口4. a _ of people 一大群人be _ with people挤满了人5.6. _立方体的7. _ sb _ headache治愈头疼No _ for cancer没有至于癌症的疗法8. be _ about对好奇9. _货币 current10. _ 课程11. draw a _拉窗帘12. follow/keep up a _遵从习俗_ 顾客13. _ 海关14. cute15. cyclist _16. _ 水坝,堤坝17. a _ paper 日报18. do _ to 对有伤害19. damp 20. at a _ 急速地,一口气地21. _ 数据库22. _ back to/ from 追溯到out of _ 过期,过时23. from _ till dusk 自黎明到黄昏_ 在拂晓时分24. a _ silence 一片沉寂be _ asleep 沉睡,酣睡25. meet a _ 赶上截止时间26.turn a _ ear to 充耳不闻,不理会27. put a person to _把某人处以死刑28. be under _ 正在辩论中29. be in _ 欠债30. for several _ 历时数十年31. 十二月 _32. _ war on 对宣战33. on the _ 在衰退中,走下坡路_ ones invitation 婉拒某人邀请34. be _ with 装饰有n. 35. on the _ 在减少中36. do a good _ 行善37. be _ in thought 陷入沉思中38. 辩护,保卫,防守v. n39. define definite definition 40. to a certain _ 在某种程度上41 .without _ 毫无耽搁42. 删除43. _ murder蓄意谋杀44. delicate45. 美味的,可口的46. to ones _另某人高兴的是be _ to do sth. 高兴地去做某事47. _ a speech 发表演说be _ of = give birth to48. be in great _ 需求量很大Demanding49. There is no _ that 毫无疑问50. go to the _ 去看牙医51. the _ of Defense 国防部52. departure53. _ on依靠,依赖;取决于54. 存款,押金55. depression57. 描述 v. n.58. _ ones post 擅离职守59. _


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