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. . 8Aunit39Aunit3个性化辅导学教案辅导对象年级教 材小学/初中/高中 年级 第 册 第 单元 第 节授课老师课型授课时间20XX 月 日教学目标复习巩固8Aunit3重点词汇与句型,预习9Aunit3重点词汇与句型教学重点教学难点动词不定式的用法教学内容及教法学法调整反思8A Unit 3 复习学案一、重点词汇1. in the beginning/at the beginning of基本含义用法辨析in the beginning 起初;开始通常单独用作时间状语或定语,而较少跟of短语连用at the beginning of 在开头/起初后接名词,并和名词一起作状语小试牛刀1. _ this century, a great many Europeans went to live in the USA.2. _, he wasnt interested in it.2. real/true基本含义用法辨析real 真的暗指某事物是真实的或货真价实的,或指看上去或宣称与事实吻合的东西true 真实的暗指与事实、现实或事物的真实状态相一致小试牛刀1. Dont lose the necklace. Its made of_gold.2. It is_that you are going to America on business. 3. In his novel, there are several_persons who are still alive now.3. scene /scenery/sight/view基本含义用法辨析scene 场景指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内scenery 风景指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色sight 视觉既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观;其复数形式指名胜、风景view 风景常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换小试牛刀1. The_after the earthquake was horrible2. We passed through some beautiful_on our journey through the Lake District.3. The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking_in the world.4. Youll get a fine_of the town from the top of the hill.4. instead/instead of基本含义用法辨析instead 代替;顶替常用在句末,说明被代替的人或事物instead of 代替;而不是后面必须加上所被代替的人或事小试牛刀1. Wellhaveteainthegarden_inthehouse.2. We wonthaveteainthehouse. Wellhaveteainthegarden_.3. LastsummerIwenttoQingdao.ThissummerImgoingtoDalian_.二、语法点拨1. 并列句 概念并列连词有:and, but, or, so等.Hurry up or youll be late. 分类 表并列关系:由and, both.and, as well as, not only.but , neither.nor等连接。 She not only sings but also dances. 表转折关系:与but, however , while , still, yet等连接。 The film is not perfect, still, its good. 表选择关系:由or, either.or., not.but., or else 等连接。 Take the chance, or else you will regret it. 表因果关系:与for, so/so that, therefore 等连接。 Id better take an umbrella, for it is going to rain. 2. 动词不定式 概念 句型want, decide, wish, hope, choose, refuse, would like, expect, He decided to go there himself. 他决定亲自去那儿。 stop, go on, remember, forget, start, begin, Please remember to bring the book to school next time.请记住下次把书带到学校来。find, think, make, feel, The Internet makes it easy to get much new information in a short time.get, allow, encourage, beg, wait for, warn, ask, want, would like, tell, prefer, wish, expect, invite, Its raining hard now. Lets wait for the rain to stop. 雨下得很大,让我们等雨停下来。feel, listen to, hear, let, make, have, see, watch, look at, notice, The workers was made to work twelve hours a day. 工人们被迫每天工作十二小时。teach, show, know, I dont know whether to go there. 我不知道是否去那儿。小试牛刀1. It takes about two hours _ to the station.2. Im very glad _ from you again.3. Johns wish is _ a writer in the future.4. There are thirteen lessons for the students _ this term.3. 反身代词第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数myselfourselvesyourselfyourselveshimself/herself/itselfthemselves2011XXXX2 、Helpto some fruits.Thank you .A. yourself B. your C. You2011XX省22. Will you take part in the English speech competition tomorrow?Sure. I see it as a chance to prove_.A. myself B. me C. yourself D. you 2011XXXX Welcome to my new house, Ann and John! Helpto some fruit.A. myself B. yourself C. yourselves XXXX17. I could look after _ when I was five. Really? I cant believe it. A. myself B. herself C. himself D. yourself三、交际用语如何提建议 Shall we? Why dont we? Why not? Lets. What/How about? 短语汇总序号ChineseEnglish1外出一天a day out2爬山climb the hill / mountain3需要锻炼need to exercise 4保持健康keep fit / healthy 5乘船进行一次旅行take a boat trip = have a trip by boat6在河边by the river 7美国总统/白宫the President of the USA /the White House8收拾我的行李pack my bags9一次去的旅行a trip to . 10世界公园the World Park 11参加活动join in 主要用于小型活动= take part in12起初;在开始/最后in the beginning = at first /in the end = at last = finally13在的开始/在的末尾at the beginning of/ at the end of14在学校大门口at the school gate 15感到恶心feel sick 16交通拥挤a lot of / much / lots of traffic 17上.车 下.车get on . /get off .18到达arrive at / in = get to = reach 19不再notany more = no more /notany longer = no longer20名胜古迹places of interest a place of interest21遍及全世界all over the world 22歌舞游行a song and dance parade 23自学某事teach oneself sth. = learn sth. by oneself24制作主页make a home page 25制定的清单make a list of.26由制成看出材料be made of 由.制成看不出材料be made from 27亲自for oneself = oneself 28看一看take a look at = have a look at = look at29回来/归还return = come/go back/ return = give back30欣赏精彩的京剧enjoy wonderful Beijing opera 31红色枫叶the red maple leaves 32沿着湖慢慢的散步walk slowly around the lake 33感受老公园的美feel the beauty of the old park 34呆在家stay at home = stay home35了解更多关于.learn /know more about.36在下半场in the second half37去骑马go horse riding 38拍.的照片take photos of 39有了你的支持/在你的支持下with your support 40每人10元10 yuan per person41写下,记下.write .down 42为我们的队喝彩cheer for our team43举行;发生take place = happen44打进决赛go to the final = be in the final45暗自保守秘密keep ones secrets to oneself 46奋力向岩石上爬pull oneself up on the rocks 47玩捉迷藏play hide-and-seek 48伤了自己hurt oneself 49给某人看某物show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth. 50来吧,快点, 加油come on 51在.前面外部/ 在.前部内部in front of /in/at the front of52一个接一个地方旅行travel from one place to another53常见的一些动词后跟动词不定式plan to do sth./decide to do sth./agree to do sth.choose to do sth./prepare to do sth.want to do sth./hope to do sth./learn to do sth.随堂练习一、重点词组1. 名胜_ 2. 邀请某人做某事_3. 在开始的时候_ 4. 在学校门口_5. 上车_ 6. 大量的交通_7. 在高速公路上_ 8. 感到恶心_9. 大部分的旅途_ 10. 到达_11. 由制造_ 12. 下车_13. 不再_ 14. 过得愉快_15. 在的前面_ 16. 发生;举行_17. 全世界 _ 18. 看起来像_19. 参加跳舞_ 20. 拍的照片_21. 在因特网上_ 22. 自学_23. 制作主页_ 24. 亲自去看看_二、句型结构 1. It is made of metal and really tall. 区分be made of / be made from / be made in / be made by 1这条连衣裙是用真丝做成的。The dress _ silk. 2纸张是由木材制成的。Paper _ wood. 3那块手表是中国制造的。The watch _ China. 4这些小轿车是他们生产的。The cars _ them. 2. We just wanted to go into the park and enjoy ourselves. enjoy oneself = have a good time 1 所有的学生上个礼拜六过得都很愉快。 All the students _/_ last Saturday. 3. The whole world was there in front of us! 区分in front of / in the front of 1 教室里有一张讲台,它在教室的前面。Theres a teachers desk in the classroom, it is _ it. 2这幢房子前面有许多树。There are many trees _ the house.三、难点语法 1. 使用 and / but / or 1 他又高又瘦。 He is tall _ thin. 2我弟弟虽然年纪小,但却懂很多。My brother is young _he knows a lot. 3你是骑自行车上班还是坐公交车上班?Do you go to work by bike _ by bus? 2. 动词不定式 1计划做某事_2决定做某事_3想做某事_4希望做某事_5学做某事_6同意做某事_3. 反身代词 共有八个反身代词,它们是:myself, _, himself, _, itself, _, yourselves, _.1照顾自己_2自言自语_3自学_4玩得很高兴_9A Unit3 预习学案预习要点一To-infinitives 动词不定式Subject To plant trees every year is necessary.不定式作主语常能换成形式主语 it.To eat too much is unhealthy for you.It is unhealthy for you to eat too much.To learn English well is important.It is important to learn English well.我们相信早上读英语是有帮助的.We believe it is helpful to read English in the morning.Predictive My dream is to be a great football player.不定式作表语,说明主语的内容,性质,特征,能接不定式作表语的名词有: dream, plan, duty, aim, purpose, job 等1. 我的目的是帮助你提高你的英语水平。My purpose is to help you improve your English.2. 赫本的梦想是成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者。Hepburns dream was to become a successful ballet dancer.Object 不定式可以接在有些动词后作宾语, 如: hope, promise, plan, learn, decide, choose, prepare, agree, remember, forget, seem1. 请你不要忘记参加我们的俱乐部派对。Please dont forget to take part in our club party.2. 他决定上课时不再讲话了。He decided not to talk in class any longer.下列句子中哪个是宾语?Wearing red can make it easier for you to take action.it可以代替不定式作宾语,称之为形式宾语。能加形式宾语的动词通常有: make, find, consider, feel老师应该使学生学英语容易。Teachers should make it easier for students to learn English.我们发现打电脑游戏有趣。We find it interesting to play computer games.Object Complement My parents do not allow me to go out after 6 p.m.不定式作宾补,此时宾补与宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。这样的搭配有:allow sb. to do sth.need sb. to do sth. advise sb. to do sth. want sb. to do sth.tell/ ask /order sb. to do sth.1. 妈妈告诉我雨天不要骑自行车。My mother tells me not to ride a bike on a rainy day.有些动宾结构可以接省略to的不定式作宾补。 make/ let/ have sb. do sth. see/hear/notice/watch sb. do sth.2. 米丽的父亲每天让她做很多练习。Millies father makes her do plenty of exercises.3. 有人看到他走进那幢高楼。Someone saw him walk into that tall building.被动语态在被动语态中 to 要还原。Millie is made to do plenty of exercises.He was seen to walk into that tall building.动词help既可以带to 也可以带省略to的不定式。This can help us relax and make our lives more interesting.Attributive Mr Wu is always the last to leave.不定式作定语通常放在被修饰的词之后。1. 我还有一些事情要说。I have some more to say.2. 有必要告诉他事实的真相。There is need to tell him the truth.3. He said he found a chair to sit on. 有一些名词后常可以用不定式作定语1. Its time to go to school.2. Jim said there was no time to go to the hospital .3. Which is the way to go to the cinema?Adverbial He stayed there to see what would happen.不定式可用作状语表目的。Youd better take more exercise to keep healthy.People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to create a warm and comfortable feeling there.Adverbial Linda came back home to find her house on fire.不定式可以作状语表结果The little baby has grow up to be a beautiful girl.随堂练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I have a lot of homework _ every day.2. I want to refuse _ so much work.3. I hope _ from you soon.4. My dream is _ a great football player.5. I believe it is important for us _ some time on our hobbies.二wh words + to-infinitive 疑问词+不定式动词 疑问词:疑问代词who, whom, what, which, whose 疑问副词when, where, how 连接词 whetherYao Ming 未决定下一步干什么。Yao Ming hasnt decided _ next. Su Mingjuan decided _.到哪儿工作Bill Gates knew_ children. 随堂练习:选词填空: how which what when where 1. When I go into the clothes shop, I always cant decide _ one to buy.2. My grandfather doesnt know _ to use a computer.3. A: Will you please show me _to drive a car?B: Yes, of course. Now let me tell you _ to do first.4. I will tell Lucy _ and _ to meet.注意点:1. 适用于疑问词+不定式动词的动词包括:ask, explain, forget, know, remember, tell, decide, find out, hear, learn, see, understand, consider, discover, guess, think, wonder,等。We must know what to say at a meeting. He could not tell whom to trust.There are so many kinds of tape-recorders that I cant decide which to buy. 2. 这结构可与宾语从句互换,例如:I could not decide which dictionary to buy. = I could not decide which dictionary I should buy.Jack did not know where to find such a good teacher.=Jack did not know where he could find such a good teacher.I dont know where to go now.=I dont know where I should go now.随堂练习:把下列句子改成简单句 1 The old lady found out where she could buy cheaper fruits.The old lady found out _ _ _ cheaper fruits.2 Will you show us how we can make a model plane?Will you show us _ _ _ a model plane?3 She hasnt told me what I should do and what I should not do.She hasnt told me _ _ _ and what _ _ _.4 Have you decided which dress you will take?Have you decided _ dress _ _ ?3. 有些动词,如ask, show, tell, advise, inform, teach等,可以先有宾语,然后才接着加上适当的疑问词+不定式动词结构。例如:Please show us how to do that. 请给我们演示如何去做。He taught us how to use a computer. 他教我们如何使用计算机。精选试题:1. Theres no difference between the two words. I really dont know_. A. what to chooseB. which to choose C. to choose which D. to choose what2. The students of Class One will spend their winter holiday in Shenzhen, but the students of Class Two havent decided_. A. what to buy B. how to go C. where to go D. which to choose3._the computer is a problem.A. How to use B. What to useC. Which to useD. Where to use4.The Frenchman didnt know _this word in Chinese.A. how to tellB. how to speakC. how to say D. how to talk三Sentence types 句子的四种类型Statements Questions Imperatives ExclamationsNo.1 Statements: To give informationPositive statements:He is a boy.The girls are reading. We like English.They saw a film yesterday.Tom will help us.They have been there.He can speak Chinese.Negative statements:He isnt a boy.The girls arent reading. We dont like English.They didnt see a film yesterday.Tom wont help us.They havent been there.He cant speak Chinese.No.2 Questions: To ask for information or request things一般疑问句 Is Simon playing football? Does he like apple?Did you call me last night?Are they waiting for me?Can/May/Must/Should特殊疑问句 What is Simon doing?Who is the old man?Why are you late? When did you come back?How do you go to school?Where do you live?How do you know that? 选择疑问句Alternative QuestionsDo you like football or basketball? Do you want tea or coffee?反意疑问句Tag-QuestionsJim is a boy, isnt he? He doesnt know her, does he?他不认识她,对不对?No.3 Imperatives: To give orders.Positive come in .Sit down.Go with me.Look at the blackboard.Follow me.Lets sing together.Lets have a big dinner.NegativeDont come in, will you?No.4 Exclamations: To express strong feelings.What+ n.+!What a nice girl!What beautiful fields!What clean water!How+ adj. +!How beautiful !How clean !How big!课后作业自我检测评价一、按要求改写下列句子1 The clever boy can speak Japanese well. _ the clever boy _ Japanese well?The clever boy _ speak Japanese well.2 Max felt stressed and angry last year. _ _ Max feel last year?3 Please turn off the lights. _ turn off the lights, _.4 We often use yellow stationery when we study for exams._ yellow stationery when we study for exams.5 The room looks very peaceful. _ _the room looks!6 All of boys had a nice time last night. _ _ _ _ all of boys had last night!二、单项选择1. I _ much time _ my homework yesterday.A. took; to doB. cost; doingC. spents; to doD. spent; doing2. I hope _ soon.A. to hear a letter of you B. to hear from youC. to hear a letter from you D. to hear from you letter3. In the country we can hear the birds_ all the time.A. to sing B. singing C. singsD. sang4. The teacher asked Mr. Smith _ for a moment.A. holding on B. holds on C. held on D. to hold on5. Sue finds_ difficult to play basketball.A. thatB. thisC. itD. its三、完成下列句子。1. Simon doesnt know _.2. Sandy wants to know _ .3. Millie doesnt know _her problem.4. Simon just forgot _ 什么时间接his friends.5. You should decide _ first.6. Paul knows _for help.7. She knew _this to.8. I cant decide _ or do homework.四、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.The house is not big enough_ in.2.It is hot .Lets _ in the river. 3.I saw a car _ across the bridge just now. 4. Id like you _ my parents soon. 5 It important _ English well. 6. Do you enjoy _ story books? 7. Youd better _ at home. 8.The teacher told the student _ that any more .五、汉译英:1. 他们只是需要学会如何在工作和玩之间取得平衡。They just need _ .2. 今天似乎比昨天冷多了。The weather _ .3. 我不想和那些取笑别人的学生交朋友。I dont want_ the students_.4. 他太骄傲了而不能在上次的考试中取得好成绩。He was _.5. 谢谢你帮我在网上找到这些消息。Thank you_.6. 我不知道如何处置这条死狗。 I dont know _7. 很多青少年承受着压力的痛苦。Many teenagers_8. 你应该不去在意那些使你不开心的事。You should the things _you unhappy.9. 妈妈叫我不要在外呆太长时间。Mum tell me 10. 不要把烦恼闷在心里,这对你的健康不利。_ . for your health. 课堂教学评价老师对学生学生对老师1、对上次作业的评价:好 较好 一般;2、对本次上课的评价:好 较好 一般;教师签字:特别满意满意一般学生签字:11 / 11


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