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西南大学22春英国文学史及选读在线作业一及答案参考1. It was_ago !Asuch a long timeBso a long timeCsuch long timeDso long timeIt was_ago !Asuch a long timeBso a long timeCsuch long timeDso long time正确答案:A2. In Shakespeare&39;s comedies the heroes and heroines attained their victory without much struggle.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3. _ has always been regarded as a writer who “perfected the best classic style. that American Literature ever produced”.A.Washington IrvingB.Walt WhitmanC.Henry David ThoreauD.Edgar Ellen Poe参考答案:A4. Do you know Tims brother? He is _ than Tim.A.much more sportsmanB.more of a sportsmanC.more of sportsmanD.more a sportsman参考答案:B5. _yourself while you are away.ALook upBLook forCLook afterDLook to_yourself while you are away.ALook upBLook forCLook afterDLook to正确答案:C6. As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than _ in shanghai. A) stay B)As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than _ in shanghai.A) stayB) stayingC) stayedD) to stayA“Would rather+do sth”表示宁愿做某事,后面接动词原形。句意:“事实上,他们宁愿动身去北京,也不愿意呆在上海。”7. Shakespeare was born in April 1564 and died in 1616.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A8. Mr.Bennets favorite daughter is Jane.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B9. The students showed _ when solving the difficult maths problems.A.validityB.purityC.ingenuityD.reliability参考答案:C10. _ has been regarded as the “founder of the American Drama”.A.Tennessee WilliamsB.Hendrik IbserC.Eugene ONeillD.Arthur Miller参考答案:C11. Irvings Rip Van Winkle is famous for _.A.Rips seeking for happinessB.Rips escape into the mountainC.Rips 20 year sleep参考答案:C12. For quite sometime after its appearance, Catch-22 was seen as a structural _ despite its narrative power.A.successB.miracleC.failure参考答案:B13. Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theOf all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a“_in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.A.tragic epicB.romanceC.lyric epicD.comic epic参考答案:D14. Morrison is the first black writer to win the Nobel Prize.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. Black Humor is defined as modern humor caused by anger.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A16. As he failed to win the first prize in the badminton match, he had to _ the second.A.settle inB.settle forC.settle upD.settle with参考答案:B17. I havent seen any good movies recently. ( )have I.A. NotB. Eitherc. SoD. NeitherI havent seen any good movies recently. ( )have I.A. NotB. Eitherc. SoD. Neither参考答案:D18. To speed up the _ of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting.A.treatmentB.transmissionC.departureD.delivery参考答案:D19. An electric current acts in that very way,that is to say,it takes time to start,and once started,itAn electric current acts in that very way,that is to say,it takes time to start,and once started,it takes time to stop.电流就是以这样的方式运动,即:它需要时间起动,而一旦起动了,则需要时间停止。20. 50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样?50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样?What do you say to 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?21. Who is the writer that wrote about frontier adventures?_A.IrvingB.CooperC.Melville参考答案:B22. _ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A.I was and always will beB.I have to be and always will beC.I had been and always will beD.I have been and always will be参考答案:D23. Most of _ works are set in the American South, with emphasis on the southern subjects and consciousness.A.HemingwaysB.FitzgeraldsC.Faulkners参考答案:C24. Taking Part-time Jobs 写作要点: 1越来越多的大学生从事兼职工作及他们这样做的理由。 2他Taking Part-time Jobs 写作要点: 1越来越多的大学生从事兼职工作及他们这样做的理由。 2他们这样做的负面影响。 3我认为,学生的首要责任是学习。正确答案:Recently more and more college students are mad about being in business and taking part-time jobs. Some students give all their time to pack up their books and turn entirely to business. They say that they are taking real life courses to learn more about society and so they can keep pace with the outside world.rn This only one side of the story however. They are actually selling themselves out as cheap unskilled labour and at the same time are taking work from people who dont have access to a university education. Whats more they fail to live up to the expectations both the country and their parents hold on them that is they shall make good use of their innate talents and limited time in the university to finish higher education.rn I think that as college students our priority is to study. Hearted efforts will only bring marginal results and the opportunity to excel in society through a solid educational foundation will have been wasted.Recently,moreandmorecollegestudentsaremadaboutbeinginbusinessandtakingpart-timejobs.Somestudentsgivealltheirtimetopackuptheirbooksandturnentirelytobusiness.Theysaythattheyaretakingreallifecoursestolearnmoreaboutsocietyandsotheycankeeppacewiththeoutsideworld.Thisonlyonesideofthestory,however.Theyareactuallysellingthemselvesoutascheapunskilledlabour,andatthesametime,aretakingworkfrompeoplewhodonthaveaccesstoauniversityeducation.Whatsmore,theyfailtoliveuptotheexpectationsboththecountryandtheirparentsholdonthem,thatis,theyshallmakegooduseoftheirinnatetalentsandlimitedtimeintheuniversitytofinishhighereducation.Ithinkthat,ascollegestudents,ourpriorityistostudy.Heartedeffortswillonlybringmarginalresults,andtheopportunitytoexcelinsocietythroughasolideducationalfoundationwillhavebeenwasted.25. 关于人类起源的传说是围绕( )的故事叙述的。A.宙斯B.阿喀琉斯C.阿波罗D.普罗米修斯参考答案:D26. G.B.Shaw&39;s play Mrs.Warren&39;s Profession is a realistic exposure of the _ in the English society.A.slum landlordismB.inequality between men and womenC.political corruptionD.economic exploitation of women参考答案:D27. Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior. _ taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place.A.attachB.composeC.involveD.enclose参考答案:C28. It is important that he (be) _ called back immediately.It is important that he (be) _ called back immediately.(should) be此题考查点在it is+adj. +主语十(should)动词原形+.句型中虚拟语气的应用,should可以省略。29. denomination ( )A.supremacyB.acknowledgmentC.an agent or a substitute参考答案:A30. The most striking similarities between Milton and Samson Agonistes are their blindness and unhappy marriage.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A31. The impact of Darwin&39;s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influeThe impact of Darwins evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century. French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American _.A.vernacularismB.naturalismC.modernismD.local colorism参考答案:B32. Mr.Smith asked his secretary to _ a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.A.invadeB.installC.insertD.inject参考答案:C33. You may have complete (free) _ of action in dealing with this matter.You may have complete (free) _ of action in dealing with this matter.freedom34. 浮士德是资产阶级上升时期“巨人式”的代表。( )T.对F.错参考答案:T35. Equipment not _ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.A.conforming toB.consistent withC.predominant overD.providing for参考答案:A36. The chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.tempted参考答案:C37. Why do the American think that a Taliban-dominated government represents a preferable alternative? ( )A.It is better than the faction-ridden coalition in all aspects.B.They think it seems bent on restoring a traditional society in Afghanistan, rather than exporting an Islamic revolution.C.They can completely end the Anarchy in Afghanistan.D.None of the above.参考答案:B38. Pynchon&39;s fascination with popular culture is overwhelmingly evident in the novel V.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A39. The reason Gore lost in the election is that he was not a devotional follower of a religion.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A40. prudent ( )A.careful, circumspectB.surprising or astoundingC.of two races参考答案:A41. Hardy had written and published many poems before he achieved a reputation with his novels.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B42. _ pen name was Mark Twain.A.William Dean HowellsB.Samuel Langhorne ClemensC.Henry James参考答案:B43. (impress) _ by the young man&39;s good qualifications, they offered him a job in their firm.(impress) _ by the young mans good qualifications, they offered him a job in their firm.Impressed句中impress与the young mans good qualification是被动关系,所以用过去分词。44. We had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance _ in the presence of theWe had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance _ in the presence of the shipping companys agents.AsurveyorBsurvivorCserverDservantA45. About ( ) Aboriginal and European parentage-were taken from their parents from 1910 until the 1970s.A.10,000B.100,000C.1,000,000D.1,000参考答案:B46. All flights_because of the rainstorm, we decided to take the train.Ahad been canceleAll flights_because of the rainstorm, we decided to take the train.Ahad been canceledBwere canceledChaving canceledDhaving been canceled正确答案:D47. “My last Duchess” is a poem that best mplifies Robert Browning&39;s _.A.sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB.excellent choice of wordsC.mastering of the metrical devicesD.use of the dramatic monologue参考答案:D48. Not on thy sole but on thy soul, harsh Jew, /Thou makst thy knife keen. In the above quotation taken form. The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare employs a(n) _ .A.synecdocheB.simileC.punD.oxymoron参考答案:C49. Angry Young Man of the 1950&39;s most came from _.A.the lower classB.the upper classC.peasantsD.workers参考答案:A50. Children who stay away from school do _ for different reasons.A.themB./C.itD.theirs参考答案:D51. I have looked all over the office for my jar of glue. It seemed to have _.A.vapouredB.vanishedC.vibratedD.reduced参考答案:B52. 【C13】AtryingBprovingCpracticingDexamining【C13】AtryingBprovingCpracticingDexamining正确答案:A根据本句结构(try+sth+on+sb)及上下文含义,可知“他一直在所有的顾客身上试验这同一个问题”,因此应选A项。53. Dear Sirs, We refer to the contract No4632 covering 500 dozen track suits. We wish to remind youDear Sirs,We refer to the contract No4632 covering 500 dozen track suits.We wish to remind you that we have had no news from you about shipment of the goods.As we mentioned in our last letter, we are in urgent need of the goods and we may be compelled to seek an alternative source of supply.Under the circumstances, it is not possible for us to extend further our letter of credit No1492, which expires on 21 AugustPlease understand how serious and urgent it is for us to resolve this matter.We look forward to receiving your shipping advice, by fax, within the next seven days.Yours faithfully,执事先生: 有关第4632号合同订购500打运动服事宜,至今尚未收到贵公司运货通知。 上次已给贵公司去信,表示急需此批货物。如贵公司未能供应此货,本公司需寻求其他货源。 因此,在8月21日到期的第1492号信用证无法再作延期。还望贵公司体察,尽快解决此迫切而严重的问题。 烦请于7天内传真贵公司的装运通知。 您忠诚的54. In Hardy&39;s Tess of D&39;urbervilles, the heroines tragic ending is due to _.A.her weak characterB.her ambitionC.Angel Clares selfishnessD.a hostile society参考答案:D55. The girl was very sure of herself. She is always _ (confidence)that she is right.The girl was very sure of herself. She is always _ (confidence)that she is right.confident56. The firemen got _ to save the burning house. A) quickly enough there B) there quickly eThe firemen got _ to save the burning house.A) quickly enough thereB) there quickly enoughC) there enough quicklyD) enough quickly thereBthere应紧跟在动词go的后面,enough修饰副词时,应放在副词quickly的后面。57. Anger over children being killed and kids with guns has not faded. The moms have not forgotten.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B58. I saw them bending with great _ over the machines.A.concentrationB.endeavorC.toleranceD.absorption参考答案:B59. Asian-American full-time faculty members make up ( ) percent of the total.A.2.6B.5.5C.4.4D.4.9参考答案:B60. Queen Elizabeth2 cannot choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament or declare war.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A


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