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课题7A un it 8 Fashi on Grammar学习目标知识目标掌握以下词汇和短语。单词:lie 短语: write to wait for look for能力目标了解现在进行时的构成及使用情况情感目标能根据情境正确使用现在进仃时谈论正在发生的事情。学习重点了解现在进行时的构成及使用情况学习难点能根据情境正确使用现在进仃时谈论正在发生的事情。课前自学一、仔细朗读下面几组句子。Please dont make so much noise. Im writing a composition( 作文).Lets set off(岀发).It isn raining now.Hurry up! We are all wait ing for you.Look! They are readi ng over there un der the tree.Where is Kate? She is reading in the room.We are worki ng in a factory these days.思考:现在进行时的基本用法有哪些?二、合作探究1.讨论归纳:现在进行时的用法:2.探究:阅读书本P97页及借助有关资料找出什么时候使用现在进行时。3. Continuous tense of the verb“ to be ”.肯定句:主语 +be+v.i nge.g. Sandy is swimming n ow.否定句:主语 +be+not+v.i nge.g.一般疑冋句:Be+主语+v.ing?e.g.回答:Yes 主语 +be / No,主语 + not be. e.g.4. 操练:举一些有关现在进行时的例句。(看谁最棒)5.常与现在进行时连用的时间状语有些:三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式1. walk2.take3.shop4. lie5.put6begin7. liste n8. wait9.swim四、做课本P97页习题。五、独立完成P98页部分的对话习题。课堂父流展小一)合作探究:预习情况交流。将课前准备中的情况与你的同学进行交流。二)展示父流:1)组内展示课前自学中(1、2、)”。2)集体展示 课前自学中(1、2) ”。老师补充,总结。3)游戏。请同学上来表演几个动作,如写字、画画、散步、跑步、读书等,然后其他同学两人一组进行问答练习。例句:A: What is he/she doing ?B: He/She isA: What are they doing ?B: They are4)集体展示 课前自学中(3) ”5)将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句并作肯、否定回答。A. They are readi ng over there un der the tree.否定句:一般疑问句:肯、否定回答:B. He is writing a novel (小说) these days.否定句:一般疑问句:肯、否定回答:5)集体展示 课前自学中(4) ”三)拓展几个注意点:A. 缩写形式:is n ot = isna ret not = aren tB. 答句主语用词,肯定回答中代词和 be不能用形式:C. 疑问句中第一人称改为人称:D. 肯疋句改为否疋句,常将and改为。课堂达标检测一、请写出系列动词的现在分词形式。workstudychatwalkcomeeatsleep liediereadaskgotelldanceswimrunstartwrite二、翻译下面的词组。1、给她的朋友写一封信2、谈论3、想一起去购物4、寻找5、等待三、用动词的正确形式填空1) The teacher(write) an e-mail at the mome nt.2) Look! Some stude nts(run) in the playgr ound.3) He(help) his mother with the housework every weeke nd.4) The dogs(lie) on the gro und now.5) There(be) some good news in today s newspaper.6) Liste n! Daniel together with his classmates(sing) an En glish song.7) they(talk) un der the big tree now.8) WhatJim and Tom(do) at prese nt?学习感悟:第5课时一、请写出系列动词的现在分词形式。Work ing, study ing,chatt ing,walk ing,coming,eati ng,sleep inglying,dyingreadi ng,ask ing,going ,telli ng,dancing,swimmi ng,running,starti ng,writi ng二、翻译下面的词组。1、write a letter to her friend,2、talk about3、want to go shopping together4、wait for5. look for三用动词的正确形式填空 .1.is writ ing2.are running3.helps4.is sitti ng5.are6.is worki ng7.Are talki ng8.are doing第3页


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