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北京语言大学2022年3月英语语音期末考核试题库及答案参考1. 【C12】Acalled asBthat isCnamed asDknown as【C12】Acalled asBthat isCnamed asDknown as正确答案:D本题考查单词用法。参阅第四题相关解释,C选项不符合题意。call与name用法一样,故A也不符合题意。beknownas(befamous)意为“作为而得名”,符合语境,D正确。2. There have been several minor conflict between the two countries over the past decade.( )此题为判断题(对,错)。答案:错3. The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader,whose title was PharaohThe pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader,whose title was Pharaoh.Pharaoh Cheops built the biggest thing ever built,the Great Pyramid,also known as Khufu.Cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall.How ancient builders managed to build these massive structures has never been fully answered.金字塔是埃及人在他们的领袖(名为法老)的命令下建造的。基奥普斯法老建造了有史以来最大的金字塔大金字塔,也被称为胡夫金字塔。胡夫金字塔每边长770英尺,高481英尺。古代的建筑者是如何建造这些庞然大物的,这一直是个未解之谜。4. AsenseBdirtCmoneyDmusicAsenseBdirtCmoneyDmusic正确答案:A解析:你认为哪些人的话更有道理?5. John said he&39;d been working in the office for an hour _ was true Athat Bwho Cwhich DJohn said hed been working in the office for an hour _ was trueAthatBwhoCwhich DwhatC此题考查非限定性定语从句中关系代词用which作主语,指代前面的整个句子的用法。6. Will you go shopping with us this afternoon? _. But I&39;ve got quite a lot of homework to doWill you go shopping with us this afternoon?_. But Ive got quite a lot of homework to do.A) Of course.B) Id like to.C) Thats all right.D) No, I wont.B此题含义为:今天下午你能和我们一起去逛街吗?我很想去,但是我还有很多家庭作业要做。But之后是对前面想去逛街的一个否定,委婉的谢绝的方式就是用Id like to, but.。7. We will order 1000 computers _ your company _ the price you quoted last week.We will order 1000 computers _ your company _ the price you quoted last week.from, at8. What will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of tWhat will the author probably talk about after the last paragraph?AThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.BPeoples comments about the results.COther four new wonders of the world.DHow to visit the wonders of the world.正确答案:C本题为推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句“Hereisthenewlistofworldwonders”可知,由此往后文章将逐一介绍新世界七大奇迹,因此我们判断在这三大奇迹之后应该接着介绍其他四大奇迹。9. Do you feel like_to a movie? No, Id rather_TV.Ato go; watchBgoing; watchCtoDo you feel like_to a movie? No, Id rather_TV.Ato go; watchBgoing; watchCto go; to watchDgo; watch正确答案:A10. There is always a ready market _ Sewing Machines, provided they are _ good quality and comThere is always a ready market _ Sewing Machines, provided they are _ good quality and competitive in price.for, of11. The city _ I was born is on the new railway line.A.whichB.thatC.on whichD.where参考答案:D12. management information system 英译中management information system 英译中参考答案管理信息系统13. A number of students in this class _ (be)to Beijing one or twiceA number of students in this class _ (be)to Beijing one or twicehave been14. 警察用武力将人群赶走。警察用武力将人群赶走。正确答案:The police cleared out the crowd by force.The police cleared out the crowd by force.15. The variations of FOB illustrate who shall bear _. A. the charges for clearance B. theThe variations of FOB illustrate who shall bear _.A. the charges for clearanceB. the charges for loadingC. the charges for unloadingD. freightB16. Everyone is _ to bring a dish to the party. How come you are empty-handed?.A. usedBEveryone is _ to bring a dish to the party. How come you are empty-handed?.A. usedB. racedC. betD. supposed答案:D17. In other words, if the breakage is surveyed to be less than 5%, no _ for damage will be entertaIn other words, if the breakage is surveyed to be less than 5%, no _ for damage will be entertained.AclimateBcomplainsCclientsDclaimsD18. (Having been) finished (his) breakfast, (he) went out (for) a walk.AHaving beenBhisCheD(Having been) finished (his) breakfast, (he) went out (for) a walk.AHaving beenBhisCheDfor正确答案:A解析:主语he和分词动词finish是主动关系,改“Having been”为“Having”。19. Dieting and Health 写作要点: 1节制饮食的好处(使人健康、苗条等)。 2过度节制饮食的危险性。Dieting and Health 写作要点: 1节制饮食的好处(使人健康、苗条等)。 2过度节制饮食的危险性。 3节制饮食应适当,以保持健康为准则。正确答案:With the development of social economy people pay more and more attention to their health and going on a diet becomes extremely popular. It keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many conveniences and diseases related to fatness. At the same time it provides people with sufficient nutrition to keep them in a fit condition. Besides its good effects on peoples health going on a diet can also help many young girls become slim and bring their dream into reality.rn However if carried too far going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. It often happens in the cases of some young girls. With all their eagerness to have a beautiful figure they will even risk their lives to lose weight. The tragedy of young carpenter has proved this. Even if it doesnt cost their lives it will damage their health to a certain degree. Thus apart from its positive effects going on a diet has its bad side-effects. The proper way to use it is to put health in the first place. If it is good for our health stick to it; if not just abandon it.Withthedevelopmentofsocialeconomy,peoplepaymoreandmoreattentiontotheirhealthandgoingonadietbecomesextremelypopular.Itkeepspeoplefromgrowingtoofatandsavesthemfrommanyconveniencesanddiseasesrelatedtofatness.Atthesametime,itprovidespeoplewithsufficientnutritiontokeeptheminafitcondition.Besidesitsgoodeffectsonpeopleshealth,goingonadietcanalsohelpmanyyounggirlsbecomeslimandbringtheirdreamintoreality.However,ifcarriedtoofar,goingonadietcouldbecomeextremelydangerous.Itoftenhappensinthecasesofsomeyounggirls.Withalltheireagernesstohaveabeautifulfigure,theywillevenrisktheirlivestoloseweight.Thetragedyofyoungcarpenterhasprovedthis.Evenifitdoesntcosttheirlives,itwilldamagetheirhealthtoacertaindegree.Thus,apartfromitspositiveeffects,goingonadiethasitsbadside-effects.Theproperwaytouseitistoputhealthinthefirstplace.Ifitisgoodforourhealth,sticktoit;ifnot,justabandonit.20. Mr. Johnson is the head of the _ department in this company. Apersonal Bpersonnel CMr. Johnson is the head of the _ department in this company.ApersonalBpersonnelCpersonalityDpermanentB21. Zhou Qiren, a professor in Beijing University, believed that business in the market economZhou Qiren, a professor in Beijing University, believed that business in the market economy must_the right balance between their pursuit of profits and the needs of customers.AregainBassumeCstrikeDdecline正确答案:C22. Murder is undoubtedly a(n) _ behavior. (legal)Murder is undoubtedly a(n) _ behavior. (legal)illegal23. You do look _. You are not at all like a person who has been ill in bed for years.A.goodB.wellC.sadD.disappointed参考答案:B24. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词instit/u/te中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.b/u/ryB.min/u/teC.h/u/rryD.h/u/man参考答案:D25. (Take) _ the financial difficulties into consideration, we&39;d better put off the plan till n(Take) _ the financial difficulties into consideration, wed better put off the plan till next year.TAKING此题含义为:考虑到财政困难,我们最好把计划推迟到明年。用现在分词作伴随状语。26. 【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist正确答案:C由信息词amateurs(业余运动员)可知,此处要填的应是amateurs的反义词professionals(职业运动员),professioners和professionist均系构词错误。27. Irrevocable Unconfirmed L/CIrrevocable Unconfirmed L/C不可撤销不保兑的信用证28. If you see any chance to do better, please let us know On (9) of a limited supply available at presIf you see any chance to do better, please let us know On(9)of a limited supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly In the meantime, please keep us(10)of developments at your endaccount$posted/informed/advised29. CFR Ex tackleCFR Ex tackleCFR吊钩下交货30. 36在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.strai/g/htB.pre/f/erC.enou/gh/D./f/all参考答案:A31. _ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he_ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.ASufferedBSufferingCBeing sufferedDHaving sufferedD32. relational database 英译中relational database 英译中参考答案关系数据库33. 按照你以前信中的要求,我们缮制第300号售货确认书一式两份,如蒙会签后及时寄回一份我们将不胜感激。按照你以前信中的要求,我们缮制第300号售货确认书一式两份,如蒙会签后及时寄回一份我们将不胜感激。As requested in your previous letter, we have made out our Sales Confirmation No 300 in duplicate and shall thank you for sending back one copy duly countersigned34. if only the committee _ the proposal and put them into effect as soon as possible. A) acceptif only the committee _ the proposal and put them into effect as soon as possible.A) acceptB) have acceptedC) acceptedD) should acceptedCif only引导的感叹句中,需用虚拟语气,用过去式表示与现在事实相反。35. The word horsepower(马力) was first used two hundred years ago. (200年前“马力”这个词首The word horsepower(马力) was first used two hundred years ago. (200年前“马力”这个词首次使用。) James Watt had made the first widely used steam(蒸气)engine. He had no way of tellingpeople exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring (测量)power.Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He called thatunit one horsepower. With this unit he could measure the work his steam engine could do.He discovered that a horse could lift a 3,300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. Hisengine could lift a 3,300-pound weight 100 feet in one minute.Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horsepowerengine.6.The passagesays that Watt made the first widely used steam engine.A.TB.F7.Watt made up a unit of measurement based on the strength of a horse.A.TB.F8.Watt wanted to find a way to lift a 3300-pound weight.A.TB.F9.One horsepower would equal the weight a horse could lift.A.TB.F10.The title of the passageis How the Term Horsepower Came into Being.A.TB.F答案:AABBA36. _ indicate that our theory is wrong. A) The datum B) The datums C) The datas D) The data_ indicate that our theory is wrong.A) The datumB) The datumsC) The datasD) The dataDdatum意为“数据,资料”,其复数形式是data。37. 【C10】AdangerousBdifficultCpeacefulDcomfortable【C10】AdangerousBdifficultCpeacefulDcomfortable正确答案:A根据下文,既然作者一家都要逃离该城市,说明此地处在飓风中更加危险的地带。38. It is nice_to you.AtalkBtalksCtalkedDtalkingIt is nice_to you.AtalkBtalksCtalkedDtalking正确答案:D39. COMMERCIAL BANK OF THAT TOWN Date: Oct 5, 2008 To: China NatioCOMMERCIAL BANK OF THAT TOWNDate: Oct 5, 2008To: China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation Beijing, China Advised through Bank of China, BeijingNo BOC08/10/05DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDITDear Sirs,You are authorized to draw on China National Cereals, Oils &Foodstuffs Corporation for a sum not exceeding Can $120000(Say Canadian dollars one hundred and twenty thousand only)available by draft drawn on them at sight accompanied by the following documents:Full set of Clean On Board Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, marked freight to collect dated not later than November 30, 2008 and notify accounteeSigned Commercial Invoice in quintuplicateInsurance Policies(or Certificates)in duplicate covering Marine and War RisksEvidencing shipment from China port to Montreal, Canada of the following goods: 50000 tins of 430 grams of Great Wall Brand Strawberry Jam, at Can $2.50 per tin CFRC 3% Vancouver, details as per your S/CNo 08/8712Partial shipments are not allowedTranshipment is prohibitedThis credit expires on November 30, 2008 for negotiation in China合同条款卖方:中国粮油食品公司(China National Cereals,Oils &Foodstuffs Corporation)买方:温哥华香港食品公司(Hong Kong Food Company,Vancouver)商品名称:长城牌草莓酱(Great Wall Brand Strawberry Jam)规格:340克听装数量:50000听单价:CFR温哥华每听2.50加元,含佣金3%总值:125000加元装运期:2008年11月自中国港口运往温哥华,允许转船和分批装运。付款条件:凭不可撤销的即期信用证付款。信用证议付有效期应为最后装运期后第15天在中国到期。Dear Sirs, You are authorized to draw on Hong Kong Food Company, Vancouver for a sum not exceeding Can $125000 (Say Canadian dollars one hundred and twenty-five thousand only)available by draft drawn on them at sight accompanied by the following documents: Full set of clean On Board Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, marked freight to collect dated not later than November 30, 2008 and notify accountee Signed Commercial Invoice in quintuplicate Insurance Policies(or Certificates)in duplicate covering Marine and War Risks Evidencing shipment from China port to Vancouver, Canada of the following goods: 50000 tins of 430 grams of Great Wall Brand Strawberry Jam, at CAN $2 50 per tin CFRC3% Vancouver, details as per your S/C No 03/8712 Partial shipments are allowed Transhipment is allowed This credit expires on December 15, 2008 for negotiation in China 合同条款 卖方:中国粮油食品公司(China National Cereals,Oils &Foodstuffs Corporation) 买方:温哥华香港食品公司(Hong Kong Food Company,Vancouver) 商品名称:长城牌草莓酱(Great Wall Brand Strawberry Jam) 规格:340克听装 数量:50000听 单价:CFR温哥华每听2.50加元,含佣金3% 总值:125000加元 装运期2008年11月自中国港口运往温哥华,允许转船和分批装运。 付款条件:凭不可撤销的即期信用证付款。信用证议付有效期应为最后装运期后第15天在中国到期。 40. I had _ that I would always remember it.A.so a good experienceB.such a good experienceC.so good an experienceD.such good an experience参考答案:B41. 梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)梳理头发可以刺激皮肤和皮下组织,促进血液循环,这样可以为大脑供应更多的氧气。(stimulate)参考答案:Brushing stimulates the skin and the tissues underneath so blood can nflow more easily and more oxygen can reach the brain.42. 24在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.f/au/ltB.d/au/ghterC.c/au/seD.l/au/gh参考答案:D43. Chomsky refers to the child s innate endowment as _, a set of principles which aChomsky refers to the child s innate endowment as _, a set of principles which are common to all languages.A. language acquisition deviceB. innate knowledgeC. universal grammarD. basic grammar正确答案:C44. Two nuclear power stations _ in the past ten years.A.are builtB.have been builtC.would be builtD.are building参考答案:B45. How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?AVery much pleased.BVery much frightened.How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?AVery much pleased.BVery much frightened.CGreatly attracted.DGreatly surprised.正确答案:C解析:文章最后一段讲述到,飞机起飞后,安睁开双眼,看到窗外的美景,深受吸引。46. Validity of Agreement This Agreement, when duly signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in foValidity of AgreementThis Agreement, when duly signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force forto be effective as fromtoIf a renewal of this Agreement is desired, notice in writing should be given by either party one month prior to its expiry Should one of the parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement协议有效期:本协议经有关双方签字后保持有效年,从某日期起到某日期止。如果一方需要延长协议,必须在满期前一个月书面通知另一方。如果一方未能履行协议条款,另一方有权终止本协议。47. He doesn&39;t feel like _ a picnic in the park this weekend, hand he suggested watching the foHe doesnt feel like _ a picnic in the park this weekend, hand he suggested watching the football match instead.A) haveB) to haveC) havingD) hadC此句的feel like doing是个固定短语,表明“想要做某事”。用动名词doing作feel like的宾语补语。48. A computer is a machine whose function is to accept data and process them into informationA computer is a machine whose function is to accept data and process them into information计算机是能接收数据并能处理成信息的机器。49. The meeting _.A.is to put offB.is going to put offC.is to be put offD.will put off参考答案:C50. 8在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.sh/u/tB.c/u/tC.f/u/nnyD./u/se参考答案:D51. It is essential that our suppliers ( )both competitive in terms of price, and extremely reliable.A. beB. would beC. will be参考答案:A52. The old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance. AconsiThe old man said the words with more dignity than I would thought possible his appearance.AconsideringBconsideredCconsiderDto considerA53. 图腾崇拜图腾崇拜正确答案:图腾崇拜是将某种动物或植物等特定物体视作与本氏族有亲属或其他特殊关系的崇拜行为是原始宗教的最初形式大约出现在旧石器时代晚期。图腾为印第安语的音译意为“他的亲族”或“他的氏族”相当于是整个部族的标记。许多氏族往往以它命名。图腾崇拜的动物是不能捕杀的只能在特殊的场合举行祭祀时才能将其杀死。图腾崇拜是将某种动物或植物等特定物体视作与本氏族有亲属或其他特殊关系的崇拜行为,是原始宗教的最初形式,大约出现在旧石器时代晚期。图腾为印第安语的音译,意为“他的亲族”或“他的氏族”,相当于是整个部族的标记。许多氏族往往以它命名。图腾崇拜的动物是不能捕杀的,只能在特殊的场合举行祭祀时才能将其杀死。54. How do English people use( )?A.a knife and forkB.knife and forkC.the knife and forkD.kniHow do English people use( )?A.a knife and forkB.knife and forkC.the knife and forkD.knife and forks答案:A55. Key Points Concerning A Sales Contract A sales contract embodies a set of different terms such as qKey Points Concerning A Sales ContractA sales contract embodies a set of different terms such as quality, quantity, payments, delivery, and insurance, etc. When the exporter and customer are negotiating, they should consider and agree upon these terms. Apparently, each party hopes to stipulate terms favorable for himself. But arrangements which are advantageous to one party are often disadvantageous to the other party. Therefore, some practical suggestions and tactics should be given adequate importance in negotiation of a contract. In this sector, you will have a look on the problems international trade negotiators may face and suggestions in solving them.Name of goodsIt is recommended that the names of goods to be exported correspond to the names used in the customs lists of the importing country, in order to minimize problems at customs, and to facilitate calculation of import duties.The exporter should be consistent in the names he uses for his products, referring to them precisely as he does in the catalogs he gives to the importers, for the purpose of avoiding any trouble of breach of an agreement for nonconforming goods.QuantityIn indicating length, weight, volume and so on, the metric system should be used unless the sale is between countries which use another system.For goods whose quantity could easily decrease during transportation, the biggest issue will be where and when to establish the quantity as a basis of payment and so on. The buyer wants the quantity to be determined upon receipt of the goods at his warehouse, while the seller wants to establish the quantity at the time of shipment at his plant. This issue can be solved only in connection with the closely related issues of risk of loss and insurance.QualityAn order specifying goods as per sample is apt to lead to trouble, because often it is not made clear that a sample is first requested as a basis for future orders, and because it is not always clear just how much deviation from the sample will be tolerated.It is therefore recommended that the quality of goods be specified by specifications or detailed descriptio


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