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Unit 1 Will people have robots?I Teaching objectives 单元教学目标SkillFocusListen for predictions.Talk about opinions and make predictions.Write about life in ten years. Read a passage about robots.LanguageFocus功能句式Make predictionsPeople will have robots in their homes.Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers. People wont use money. Everything will be free.Books will only be on computers, not on paper.There will only be one country.Ask and answer about future lifeWhat do you think . will be in . years?I think . will .What sport will . play?. will play .What . will . have?. will have .Describe the city of tomorrow I think there will be more/less/fewer .Exchange opinionsI think that . will .I disagree. / I dont agree. I think that . will . 词汇1. 重点词汇 robot, paper, use, less, fewer, tree, building, space, fly, moon, fall, alone, pet, probably, able, dress, which, even, myself, interview, future, company, unpleasant, scientist, however, hundred, already, factory, simple, such, everywhere, human, shape, snake, possible, electric, seem, impossible, housework2 认读词汇 pollution, astronaut, rocket, took, fell, pat, parrot, suit, casually, predict, prediction, came, thought, fiction, bored, earthquake, toothbrush, rating3 词组space station, go skating, be able to, the World Cup, come true, in the future, hundreds of语法Future with willWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Yes/No questions with short answersWill kids go to school?No, they wont. Theyll study at home.Use fewer to talk about countable nounsThere will be fewer trees.Use less to talk about uncountable nounsThere will be less pollution.StrategyFocusGuessing SequencingII. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和教材重组2 教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b,1c, 3a, 3b, 3c) Function Period 2 (Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c, 4)Grammar Period 3 (Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c)Vocabulary Period 4 (Section B: 3a, 3b, 4) Reading and writingPeriod 5 (Reading: Section 1-Section 4)Extensive reading III. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案Period 1 FunctionTarget language 目标语言1. Words and expressions重点词汇和短语robot, prediction, paper, use2. Key sentences重点句子People will have robots in their homes.Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to make predictions.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to make predictions with will structure.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点How to make predictions with will structure. Teaching aids 教具准备Pictures of robots.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I New term greetings and lead-inT: Hello, everyone! Glad to see you back at school again. I think youre glad to see me, too, arent you? Let me have a good look at you. You all look fine. You must have had a good time in the winter vacation, right? Now the new term begins, I wish you can learn a lot and have much fun in this term. After greeting, ask students to talk about the social changes they have witnessed during the past vacation and then lead students to the topic of future life and robots.T: Where did you go in the past winter vacation? S: I went to see my grandparents. They live in a small village in Hubei province. T: Did you find any changes in the place?S: Yes. Now they have TV in their homes and they use telephones.T: Really! Thats really a big change. How about their life in the future, 10 years from now? . How about our life in the future? Will it be the same as life now? OK, now sit back, close your eyes and just imagine!About a minute later.T: OK, open your eyes please! Whats in your mind now? I think there must be many fantastic things in your mind. Now Id like to hear your ideas. Just give me some words that came to your mind just now.Some students may mention robot. Then take the chance to lead them to the topic of this unit. Meanwhile, help them to pronounce the new word “robot” properly.T: Just now, some of you mentioned robot. Will people have robots in their homes in the future?Write “Will people have robots?” on the board.Step II Function presentationPresent the function of this unit by talking about the picture on page 2. Help students learn how to make predictions using will structure.T: Now turn to page 2 please. Look at the picture. Here two boys are also talking about life in the future. What do they say about life in the future? Now Id like two of you to read the dialogue between them. You two please!Ask two students to read the dialogue in the picture. T: They are talking about life in the future, right? So which word they use to indicate future things? Can you find it?S: Will, I guess. T: Good, you got it! Generally we use will to talk about things that may happen in the future. In another word, we make predictions about future.Write make predictions on the board. Explain the meaning of prediction to students and make sure they know how to pronounce it. Teacher may also enable students to use their dictionaries to learn this new word.predict v. to say that something will happen, before it happensprediction n. a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statementT: Now look at 1a. Here are more predictions. Read and check if you agree or disagree with them. There are no correct answers for this activity. Any answer will be OK. Students should be encouraged to have their own opinions. They will learn how will/wont is used in sentences to make predictions. Step III Listening and oral practiceIn this step, students will do some listening and oral practice about the predictions in activity 1a. First, let them listen to the tape and learn what the two boys talk about and what structures they use, thus help them get familiar with the target language of making predictions.T: You will hear the conversation between the two boys in the picture. They are talking about life in the future. Listen and circle the predictions you hear in activity 1a. Before I play the tape, go through the six sentences in 1a quickly.After playing the tape for the first time, play it again and let them check the answer by themselves. Then give students the correct answers by showing the complete sentences on the screen or board, with will, wont, ll in bold. People will have robots in their homes.People wont use money. Everything will be free.Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.There will only be one country. In the sentences, wont and theyll are new to students. Teacher can give students a brief explanation about them. Write wont and theyll on the board. T: Wont is short for will not and theyll is short for they will. Show the following form to students. Enable students to learn more of this type of words.T: Look at the form on the board. We can make more of this type of words like “theyll”. What are they? Whod like to write them on the board?Ask one student to come to the board and complete the form.T: In the dialogue, the two boys talk about the world in the future. What do they talk about? . Yeah, they talk about home, money, school life and country. Do you agree with their predictions? Whats your ideas?Then deal with activity 1c. Students will work in pairs, ask and answer questions about the predictions in activity 1a. T: Now, look at the sample dialogue in 1c. It is a dialogue based on predictions in activity 1a. Which pair would like to read the dialogue?Ask a pair to read the dialogue. Enable them to read in proper tones and intonations. T: Now Id like you to ask and answer questions about the predictions in 1a following the sample dialogue. Sample dialogues: 1. A: Will people have robots in their homes?B: Yes, they will. Will books be on paper?A: No, they will be on computers.2. A: Will kids go to school?B: No, they wont. Theyll study at home on computer. Will there only be one country?A: Yes, there will. Step IV Writing practiceIn this step, students will be asked to do activities 3a, 3b and 3c on page 4. They will make predictions about Sallys future life and talk about Sally with their partners. Then they will make predictions about their own future life and write about themselves.T: Everything is changing. Are you the same as you were in your elementary school? Of course not. What will you be like in five years? Have you ever thought about that? Now turn to page 4, look at the pictures in 3a. The three pictures are all about Sally. What changes have happened to Sally? The first one is about her life five years ago. What can you see in it? S: I can see a soccer ball and a photo of a cat. T: The second is about her present life. What can you see in it?S: I can see a dog and a guitar. T: The third is about her life in five years. What can you see in it? S: I can see a tennis racket, and a baby, a man and a woman. S: I also see a car.T: Now can you use the information from the pictures to fill in the blanks in the following sentences? Read the pictures carefully and pay attention to some clues. After students finish it, ask three students to read the complete sentences, each will focus on one picture. Correct the mistakes. T: We can play many things. What did Sally play in the past?S: She played soccer ball.T: What does she play now?S: She plays the guitar.T: What will she play in the future?S: She will play tennis. T: Excellent! Now Id like you to tell your partners what you played in the past, what you play now and what you will play in the future. Teacher can also show students a form to help them practice the use of “play”. Remind them that “the” should be added before names of instruments. T: Now, look at the third picture again and make predictions about Sally. Then make conversations in pairs by following the sample conversation. A sample conversation: A: What do you think Sally will be in five years?B: I think shell be a doctor.A: What sport will she play?B: Shell play tennis.A: What will she have?B: Shell have a husband and a baby.T: Zhao, what do you think you will be in five years?S1: I think Ill be a reporter.T: Liu, What sport will you play in five years?S2: I think Ill play tennis.T: Yan, what will you have in five years?S3: I think Ill have a boyfriend.T: Now lets move on to 3c. Write about yourself by filling in the blanks. After students finish it, collect some of their answers. Teacher can read their sentences and let the class guess who wrote it.T: Now I will read one of your answers. Guess who wrote it. .Ss: Wang wrote it.If time allows, read more of their answers.Step V HomeworkT: After class, try to get some latest information about robots, either home or abroad. Chinese will be OK. So much for this period. Bye everyone.Period 2 GrammarTarget language 目标语言1. Words and expressions重点词汇和短语less, fewer, tree, building 2. Key sentences重点句子There will be more people.There will be less pollution.There will be fewer cars.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to use fewer to talk about countable and less to talk about uncountable nouns. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to use less and fewer to talk about countable and uncountable nouns. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点The different use of less and fewer. Teaching aids 教具准备Two glasses of water (one is full and the other is half full), some apples or oranges. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revision and lead-inCheck studentshomework. Let them share information they have collected in groups. Then ask a few of them to present their information with the whole class.T: Morning, boys and girls! You were asked to find information about robots. First Id like you to share your information with your group members to get more information about robots. Then I will ask several of you to share your information with the whole class. Understand? Two minutes for you.This groupwork will help students learn to share information with each other. 2 minutes later.T: OK, you should have learned a lot from each other about robots, right? Whod like to share your information with us? Try to retell your information in simple English. S: Japan has very advanced robot technology. Some Japanese companies have produced human-shaped robots. S: In Japan, a robot called nuro is on sale. It is 15 feet high and 5.5 pounds. It can walk, stand up, sit down and turn left or right. Families can use it to guard their houses.S: I found that there are many different shapes of robots, such as fish robot, dog robot, snake robot and so on. S: Fudan University has invented a robot called “Fudan I”. It can think and memorize. Like a baby, it can recognize people or things around it. Here is a picture of it.T: Thanks you for your wonderful information. I have learned a lot from you. Step II ListeningHelp students understand the different use of more, less and fewer. Students will listen to the recording and deal with activities 2a and 2b on page 3. Then they will do some groupwork to further practice it. T: Turn to page 3, look at 2a. Here are five sentences. Go through the sentences first. Then listen to the tape and circle the words you hear. After playing the tape, check the answer by asking students to read the complete sentences with their choices one by one. Then play the tape again.T: So what are the different uses of the three words?Write the three words more, less and fewer on the board. T: Look at here. Ive gotten two glasses of water. This is full, and this is half full. We can say this glass has more water, and that glass has less water. Write the following two sentences on the board.This glass has more water. That glass has less water.Then take the apples or oranges out on the desk. Divide them into two groups, one group has more apples than the other.T: Here I have some apples. Now I will divide them into two groups. Which group has more apples? What can we say about these two groups of apples?Write the following sentences and form on the board.This group has more apples. That group has fewer apples.T: Is water countable or uncountable? Ss: Uncountable.T: How about apple? Countable or uncountable?Ss: Countable.T: You are right. To describe quantity (数量), we use different words before nouns. Look at the board, which word we use before apple? And which word we use before water?S: We use more and less before water. S: We use more and fewer before apple. T: Less is the comparative form of little and fewer is the comparative form of few. So what conclusions can you draw? Will you have a try?S: More can be used to describe both countable and uncountable nouns. While less can only be used to describe uncountable nouns, and fewer can only be used to describe countable nouns.T: Excellent. Thats the rule you should remember. Now can you add more countable and uncountable nouns to the form? You two please come to the board and each focuses on one type of noun.Sample list:After this activity, move on to 2b. Play the recording and let students check the predictions they hear.T: Now I will play the recording again. Listen and check the predictions you hear in 2b. Before playing the tape, give students a little time to go through the statements. Then check the answer with the whole class.Step III Group workT: Now lets do some groupwork with these predictions. Id like you to make conversations with them by following the sample conversation in 2c. First, which pair would like to read the sample conversation?Ask a pair to read the sample conversation and pay attention to their tones and intonations. T: In the conversation, which noun is countable and which is uncountable? Ss: Pollution is uncountable and tree is countable. T: Good. So we use more to describe pollution and fewer to describe tree. Then explain a little bit about the use of agree to state opinions. T: I think it is going to rain this afternoon, do you agree?S: Yes, I agree.S: No, I dont agree.T: We can also use disagree to replace dont agree. We use agree and dont agree or disagree to express our opinions about something. Teacher can give students more explanations by showing the following to students.agreeagree with sb I think she will win the game. I quite agree with you.agree on/about sthWe dont agree on everything.I couldnt agree more. 我完全同意。I couldnt agree less. 我完全不同意。disagree=dont agree“dis” shows an opposite or negativee.g. dis-like, dis-trust, dis-approve Then let students make conversations about the predictions in activity 2b by following the sample conversation. Ask several pairs to present their work before the whole class.Then deal with activity 4 on page 4. This is a good chance to show students drawing ability and imagination.T: Do you like drawing pictures? I think most of you learned to draw when you were very young. Now think about what our city will be like in the future and draw a picture of it. Make full use of your imagination! You are given five minutes. Here we go!Five minutes later. Ask several students to hold their pictures in the front of the classroom and describe them to the class.T: Wow! What a beautiful city! Can you describe it using the structure you just used in the conversation? The structure: I think there will be more/less/fewer . Are you clear?Sample descriptions:S1: I think there will be more trees and plants on the streets. And there will be less pollution.S2: I think every family will have a robot. We dont need to do housework and homework. Robots will do many things for us.S3: I think people wont use money. They will use cards to buy things. T: You are really imaginative. I am sorry time is up. We dont have enough time for all of you to describe your pictures to the class. But I will display your pictures on the wall and you can see them after class and vote whose is the most imaginative and interesting. OK, so much for this .Step IV Grammar Help students learn a new tense the Simple Future tense.T: We have learned the structure Future with will. Actually this structure is one type of Simple Future tense. Today lets learn more about this tense. The basic structure is: Show the following to students.Sb/Sth + will (not)+ verb .T: Look at the chart below and make sentences using the simple future tense. Add a future time expression to the end of each sentence if necessary such as tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, next Sunday/year/month, later on, soon. Who study French go to the cinema plant treesStep IV HomeworkT: Please review the words in 1a on page 5. Look them up in your dictionary and get their meanings. Period 3 VocabularyTarget language 目标语言Words and expressions重点词汇和短语space, fly, moon, astronaut, house, apartment, computer programmer, train, rocket, space stationAbility goals :Enable students to learn words of jobs, transportation and places.Learning ability goals :Help students learn how to put words into the right categories. Teaching important and difficult points :Learn words of jobs, transportation and places. Teaching aids :Tape recording.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revision and lead-inAsk students which picture they like best and let them describe it to the class.T: Did you watch the pictures on the wall? Which picture do you like best? S: I like the second one best. T: Whose picture is this? Can you describe it to us?S: This is the city a


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