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北京语言大学2021年12月英语语法期末考核试题库及答案参考1. The manufacturers shall, before the goods is delivered _ , make a precise and comprehensive insThe manufacturers shall, before the goods is delivered _ , make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods _ regard to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity, weight, and issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection.over, with2. Write an order letter according to the following order sheet From: ABC CoLtd. 108 North StrWrite an order letter according to the following order sheetFrom: ABC CoLtd.108 North StreetNew York, America12 May 2008Order No288To: China National Import and Export Corp.111 south street Shanghai, ChinaQnty ItemCatalogue NoN/P(CIF New York Net)200 Bed Sheets, 150, blueAC66US $600 each300 Bed Sheets, 200, pinkAC68US $650 each500 Pillow cases, blueACT0US $200 each500 Pillow cases, pinkAC76US $200 eachUS $2315.00Packing: In cotton cloth BalesShipment : Prompt Shipment From shanghaiPayment: By China National Import and Export CorpPurchase managerDear Sirs, We thank you for your letter of May 12 and are glad to inform you that your samples are satisfactoryEnclosed please find our order No288 for four of the following items. Our customers urgently require all these itemsWe therefore, hope you will make delivery at an early date. Yours faithfully, ABC Co, Ltd Manager 3. Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me? -No problem.A.seatB.sittedC.seatedD.sat参考答案:C4. It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract _.Aare interested in UFO spotIt would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract _.Aare interested in UFO spottingBare only interested in science fictionCare unable to write science fictionDhave a reasonable grounding in science正确答案:D5. Dispatch money is a fine imposed on the charterer for the delay in the loading and unloading.Dispatch money is a fine imposed on the charterer for the delay in the loading and unloading.参考答案:错误错误6. Have you been to New Zealand? -No, I&39;d like to, _.A.tooB.thoughC.yetD.either参考答案:D7. Could you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere caCould you please tell me_get to the nearest bookshop?Ahow I canBhow can ICwhere can IDwhere I can正确答案:A8. 她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。 (as if)她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。 (as if)参考答案:She spoke to me as if she knew me.9. Without your help, I _ (not, succeed) in catching that big fish.Without your help, I _ (not, succeed) in catching that big fish.could not have succeed此题考查在介词without中,主句动词需用虚拟语气,用could not have succeed表示过去情况。10. 从右边方格内找出与左边英语短语相匹配的翻译选项 (A)No Littering ( )游人止步 (B)Visitin从右边方格内找出与左边英语短语相匹配的翻译选项(A)No Littering()游人止步(B)Visiting Declined()油漆未干(C)Staff Only()随手关门(D)Keep off the Grass!()单行道(E)Danger! High Voltage!()禁止乱扔废物(F)Wet Paint()勿踏草地(G)Admission by Ticket Only!()谢绝参观(H)Close the Door Behind You!()高压危险(I)NO Visitors()闲人莫入(J)One-way Street()凭票入场(A)No Littering (J)游人止步 (B)Visiting Declined (F)油漆未干 (C)Staff Only (H)随手关门 (D)Keep off the Grass! (J)单行道 (E)Danger! High Voltage! (A)禁止乱扔废物 (F)Wet Paint (D)勿踏草地 (G)Admission by Ticket Only! (B)谢绝参观 (H)Close the Door Behind You! (E)高压危险 (I)NO Visitors (C)闲人莫入 (J)One-way Street (G)凭票入场 11. I _ remember to send my mother some flowers. It s her birthday tomoI _ remember to send my mother some flowers. It s her birthday tomorrow.A. mustB. have toC. could参考答案A12. 【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards正确答案:B13. You can&39;t imagine what great trouble they have _ the problem _.A.to solve/being talked aboutB.solving/discussingC.to solve/to talk aboutD.solving/being discussed参考答案:D14. We&39;ve agreed _ Spain for our holiday next year.A.toB.onC.forD.with参考答案:B15. “Where is Wu Dong?”“He_ Shanghai”A.has gone toB.will goC.has bee“Where is Wu Dong?”“He_ Shanghai”A.has gone toB.will goC.has beenD.went正确答案:A16. I love boiled beef and potatoes; it&39;s my _ meal. Apopular Bfavourable CfondestI love boiled beef and potatoes; its my _ meal.ApopularBfavourableCfondestDfavouriteD17. Under his arm was two books which he had bought from the book store a few days previously.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A18. What did the man mean by saying“Take it easyunless you want lead for lunch”?A.Put up yourWhat did the man mean by saying“Take it easyunless you want lead for lunch”?A.Put up your handsB.Dont move or Ill shootyouC.If you want to have lunch,you must listen to meD.You go first slowly andwell have lunch together正确答案:B19. He did a lot of work that is benefit to the people.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. The rates quoted by us are very moderateOf course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.The rates quoted by us are very moderateOf course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.我们所收取的费率是很有限的,当然,保险费用要根据投保范围的大小而有所不同。21. Dialogue : Beautiful Packing John: Glad to see you again, Sherman. Sherman: Hi, glad to see you toDialogue : Beautiful PackingJohn: Glad to see you again, Sherman.Sherman: Hi, glad to see you too.John: Please, sit downWould you like to try our new tea?Sherman: Great! The main purpose of my visit today is to place another order of your Longjing teaActually, we will place regular orders from now.John: Oh, it is a good news for usI have the confidence that our tea wont make you disappointed.Sherman: That is trueBut before that, Id like to talk something about the packing of Longjing tea.John: Did you find any problems with the packing?Sherman: NoMy meaning is to improve the packing of your Longjing teaThere is no doubt that the quality of your tea is goodIt is the packing that often gives the first impression on customers rather than the products themselves so we believe the packing is as important as the quality of the products themselves.John: I agree with youBut could you be in details?Sherman: SureFirstly, we believe the out-look of the package should attract customerA beautiful packing is surely a great help in pushing salesTo be honest, your packing is not attractive enough to buyers.John: Do you mean the color of the design should be more bright and eye-catching7Sherman: Eye-catching with traditional Chinese styleYou see, customers even can smell your culture before they open the box and drink the teaAs you know, one function of packing is to stimulate the buyers desire to buy.John: Ill pass your idea onto our designers and ask them to improve it.Sherman: Thank you JohnSecondly, if it is possible, we would like to advise you to improve your methods of packing.John: Our packing is typical tin for teaAny questions about this method of packing?Sherman: I am thinking about how to let your packing speak for the good quality of the tea itselfCan we find some other packing ways to show off the appealing green and slape of the tea?John: We can leave an open window on packing.Sherman: You get the point.John: Thanks for your suggestion.约翰:很高兴再见到你,舍曼。 舍曼:嗨,也很高兴又见到了你。 约翰:请坐。想品尝一下我们的新茶吗? 舍曼:太好了。我们这次拜访的主要目的就是要再订一些你们的龙井茶。事实上,从现在开始我们会定期订货的。 约翰:哦,这对我们来说可真是个好消息。我有信心我们的茶不会让你们失望的。 舍曼:是的。但是在下订单之前,我想谈谈龙井茶包装的问题。 约翰:你们发现产品包装有什么问题吗? 舍曼:不是的。我的意思是说你们应该改进一下龙井茶的包装。毫无疑问你们的茶质量很好,但是我们相信产品的包装和产品本身一样重要,通常是包装而不是产品本身给消费者形成第一印象。 约翰:好吧,我同意。但是你能说得再详细些吗? 舍曼:当然。首先,我们相信包装外表应该可以抓住消费者的视线。漂亮的包装无疑会有助于促进销售。老实说,你们的包装不具有足够的吸引力来吸引购买者。 约翰:你是说色彩应该更明亮,更能吸引购买者的眼球。 舍曼:以传统的中国风格来吸引购买者。就是说,消费者在打开盒子并品到茶之前就能感受到你们的文化。正像你知道的,包装的一个功能就是要刺激购买者的购买欲望。 约翰:我会把你的意见转告给我们的设计师,请他们作设计改进。 舍曼:谢谢您,约翰。其次,如果可以的话,我建议你们改进包装方式。 约翰:我们的包装方式是标准地将茶叶装入罐内,对于这种包装方式有什么问题吗? 舍曼:我在考虑如何让产品的包装为茶叶本身的优质“说话”,其他的包装方式以展示龙井茶诱人的色泽和形状。 约翰:我们可以在包装上开个窗。 舍曼:你找到了问题的关键。 约翰:谢谢您的建议。 22. The old man feels lonely with _ to look after him. Asomeone Bno one CanyoneThe old man feels lonely with _ to look after him.AsomeoneBno oneCanyoneDnoneB23. In the Great Fire of London in 1666, people managed to feel the heat miles away.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A24. Do you like the book the color of which is yellow.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. _ is almost the same as CFR except that CFR is only applied to sea and inland waterway transpor_ is almost the same as CFR except that CFR is only applied to sea and inland waterway transport while _ may be used for any mode of transport including multimodal transport.CPT$CPT26. When a reader tries to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual clueWhen a reader tries to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual clue ,which one of the following approaches is he using?()A Bottom-up Approach.B. Top-down Approach.C. Interactive Approach.参考答案:B27. The smart boy answered every question _ (intelligence).The smart boy answered every question _ (intelligence).正确答案:intelligentlyintelligently28. Obviously, no teacher has ( )patience. Even Larry, who is always kind and tolerant, lObviously, no teacher has ( )patience. Even Larry, who is always kind and tolerant, lost his temper on that particular occasion.A、infiniteB、definiteC、spectacularD、plural正确答案:A29. When you cross the road, be careful of _.A.trafficsB.the trafficsC.a trafficD.the traffic参考答案:D30. Toward evening, _ came, which made things even worse. A) cold rain B) the cold raiToward evening, _ came, which made things even worse.A) cold rainB) the cold rainC) a cold rainD) cold rainsCRain作名词,本意为“雨(水)”,不可数名词;但这里是另一种意思“下雨”,作为可数名词,“a cold rain came”意思为“下了一场冷雨”。31. Good amounts of sleep every night_ also important for your health.AisBareCwasDwerGood amounts of sleep every night_ also important for your health.AisBareCwasDwere正确答案:B32. He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B33. You had better keep the medicine _ is inaccessible to children.A.whereB.where it参考答案:B34. We should like to invite your corporation to attend the 2008 International Fair which will be held fWe should like to invite your corporation to attend the 2008 International Fair which will be held from August 29 to September 4 at the above addressFull details on the Fair will be sent in a week.在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于8月29日到9月4日举办的2008年国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将寄给你。35. He would rather stay at home than to go out with you.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A36. Seeing from a distance, it looked like a human face.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A37. It _ this way.A.A used to doB.used to be doneC.is used to doD.is used to doing参考答案:B38. Exercise every day_you will stay fit. A. if B. then C. whenExercise every day_you will stay fit.A. ifB. thenC. when参考答案B39. Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B40. The teacher asked her students to stop _ in class. Amake a noise Bto make any noisThe teacher asked her students to stop _ in class.Amake a noiseBto make any noiseCmade any noiseDmaking any noiseD41. You won&39;t find Jerry at home right now. He _ in the library.A.studiesB.is studyingC.studiedD.has studied参考答案:B42. a我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用证。 b我们仍然想用信用证付款方式。 c我们出口一向要求以信用证a我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用证。b我们仍然想用信用证付款方式。c我们出口一向要求以信用证付款。d你必须意识到不可撤销信用证为出口商提供了银行担保。e信用证上还用写明“保兑”字样吗?f我们要求用不可撤销的、允许分批装运、金额为全部货款,并以我方为抬头人的信用证,凭即期汇票支付。g我已经说过了,我们要求以信用证付款。h我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。i进口我们采用信用证付款。j我们坚持用信用证方式付款。J$G$B$C$H$I$A$D$E$F43. Have you watered the flowers? No, but _. A) I am B) I&39;m going C) I&39;mHave you watered the flowers?No, but _.A) I amB) Im goingC) Im just going toD) I will goC44. We should study at the right time of the term. A good student_ goes_ nature.AWe should study at the right time of the term. A good student_ goes_ nature.A、will, againstB、never, againstC、ever, against theD、always, against正确答案:B45. Peter is the only one of the brightest students who_his doctor degree.Ahas receivedBPeter is the only one of the brightest students who_his doctor degree.Ahas receivedBhas acceptedChave receivedDhave accepted正确答案:A46. The bank is opposite the newsagents.The bank is opposite the newsagents.参考答案银行在报刊亭对面。47. Either you or the president _ the prizes to these gifted winners at the meeting Ais handingEither you or the president _ the prizes to these gifted winners at the meetingAis handing outBare to hand outCare handing out Dis to hand outD当eitheror连接两个并列主语时,句子的谓语动词在人称和数上与后一个主语保持一致。“be+不定式”表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。48. For an amount of insurance like this, it is impossible for us to get both the hull and machinery _For an amount of insurance like this, it is impossible for us to get both the hull and machinery _ .AinsuredBissuedCensuredDassuredA49. In _ with your request, we have issued our endorsement NoAB/201 to this shipment together withIn _ with your request, we have issued our endorsement NoAB/201 to this shipment together with the relevant debit note for an additional premium of RMB 20000.AcomplianceBcomplaintsCcomplementDcomplimentA50. In England, Christmas Day and Good Friday have been holidays for religious reasons (阅读理解)In England, Christmas Day and Good Friday have been holidays for religious reasons since the establishment of Christianity in the country. Christmas is celebrated on December 25, not Christmas Eve as in several other European countries. The other public holidays (or Bank Holidays) are Easter Monday, May Day (May 1st), the Spring Bank Holiday (the last Monday in May), the Summer Bank Holiday (the last Monday in August), December 26th (Boxing Day), and New Years Day. The term Bank Holiday goes back to the Bank Holidays Act of 1871, which owes its name to the fact that banks are closed on the days specified.Boxing Day takes its name from the old custom of giving employees or tradesmen (such as milkman) an annual present or Christmas box on that dayEaster Monday is generally regarded as an unofficial consecration (祭祀) of Spring. It used to be the day on which the ladies would parade in the parks, wearing new dresses and hats. Although this custom is dying out, the tradition still provides the ladies with a pretext for buying spring clothes.The August Bank Holiday is probably the most popular one of the year, partly because it comes at a time when children are not at school In Ireland, St. Patricks Day (March 17th) is also a Bank Holiday. St Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland. It is curious that St. Georges Day (April 23rd) not a public holiday in England though St. George is the Patron Saint of England. However, the flag of St George (a red cross on a white background) or the Union Jack is flown on that day, particularly by churches of the Church of England.31. Public holidays have been called Bank Holidays in England since _.A. last centuryB. ancient timesC. the foundation of EnglandD. the start of banking business32. Boxing Day is a day _.A. which has something to do with sports such as boxingB. when employees are paidC. for giving an annual giftD. for holding a party33 一 What did the ladies use to do on Easter Monday? _.A. They wore new clothes and hats.B. They went to the seaside for their holidays.C. They used to go to church.D. They gave presents to each other.34. The August Bank Holiday is probably the most popular one of the year, partly because _.A. the weather often agrees with peopleB. the weather rarely changesC. the weather is suitable for people to travelD. it comes at a time when the pupils are not at school35. Holidays in Ireland _ in EnglandA. are just the same as thoseB. are entirely different from thoseC. are partly different from thoseD. are not celebrated参考答案:31.A32.C33.A34.D35.C51. You _ the new foreign teacher if you had been here yesterday Amust have see Bwould have seeYou _ the new foreign teacher if you had been here yesterdayAmust have seeBwould have seenCshould see Dhad seenB52. Unless he works more harder, he will certainly fail.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A53. software maintenance 英译中software maintenance 英译中参考答案软件维护54. Marilyn had to leave for Mexico City; ( ), she wi1l not be available for next week s meeting.A. consequentlyB. neverthelessC. moreover参考答案:A55. The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _ in the language lab.A) furnitures and equipmentsB) furniture and equipmentC) furniture and equipmentsD) furnitures and equipmentBfurniture(家具)和equipment(设备)都为集体名词,不可数。56. Under FOB , the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on boardUnder FOB , the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on board the vessel. ()正确57. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. _ I got wet through .A.Its the reasonB.Thats whyC.Theres whyD.Its how参考答案:B58. The dish is tasted very delicious.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A59. The engineer demanded that worker _ with them. A) go B) must go C) went D) goesThe engineer demanded that worker _ with them.A) goB) must goC) wentD) goesA此题考查点在表示要求、愿望、命令的动词后所跟的宾语从句中虚拟语气的用法。关键词demanded提示在此要用虚拟语气,谓语动词形式为should go或者go。60. Don&39;t forget to take your umbrella. It _.A.is rainingB.rain参考答案:A


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