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Statement of Research ObjectivesProblem DefinitionDefining Problem Results inClear Cut Research ObjectivesExploratoryResearch(Optional)Analysis of the SituationSymptom Detection第1页/共24页第一页,共25页。EXPLORATORY RESEARCHSecondary DataExperience SurveyPilot Studies第2页/共24页第二页,共25页。Exploratory Research Initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of a problem Does not provide conclusive evidence Subsequent research expected第3页/共24页第三页,共25页。What is Exploratory Research?第4页/共24页第四页,共25页。Why Conduct Exploratory Research?Diagnose a situationScreening of alternativesDiscover new ideas第5页/共24页第五页,共25页。Concept Testing Exploratory research procedure that tests some sort of stimulus as a proxy for an idea about a new, revised, or repositioned product第6页/共24页第六页,共25页。Categories of Exploratory Research Experience surveys Secondary data analysis Case studies Pilot studies第7页/共24页第七页,共25页。Experience Surveys Ask knowledgeable individuals about a particular research problem - most are quite willing第8页/共24页第八页,共25页。“If you wish to know the road up themountain, you must ask the man who goes back and forth on it.”- Zenrinkusi第9页/共24页第九页,共25页。Secondary Data Analysis Data collected for a purpose other than the project at hand Economical Quick source for background information第10页/共24页第十页,共25页。Case Study Method Intensely investigates one or a few situations similar to the problem Investigate in depth Careful study May require cooperation第11页/共24页第十一页,共25页。Pilot Study A collective term Any small scale exploratory study that uses sampling But does not apply rigorous standards第12页/共24页第十二页,共25页。Pilot StudiesFocus Group InterviewsProjective Techniques In-Depth Interviews第13页/共24页第十三页,共25页。Projective Techniques Word association tests Sentence completion method Third-person technique Role playing T.A.T. Picture frustration version of T.A.T.第14页/共24页第十四页,共25页。“A man is least himself when he talksin his own person; when given a maskhe will tell the truth.”-Oscar Wilde第15页/共24页第十五页,共25页。Word Association Subject is presented with a list of words Asked to respond with first word that comes to mind第16页/共24页第十六页,共25页。Word Association Examples GREEN Money Lawn Eggs and Ham第17页/共24页第十七页,共25页。Word Association Examples CHEESE Kraft Cheddar Goat第18页/共24页第十八页,共25页。Sentence CompletionPeople who drink beer are _A man who drinks light beer is _Imported beer is most liked by _A woman will drink beer when_第19页/共24页第十九页,共25页。Thematic Apperception TestT.A.T.第20页/共24页第二十页,共25页。Focus Group Interviews Unstructured Free flowing Group interview Start with broad topic and focus in on specific issues第21页/共24页第二十一页,共25页。Group Composition 6 to 10 people Relatively homogeneous Similar lifestyles and experiences第22页/共24页第二十二页,共25页。The Moderator Develops rapport - helps people relax Interacts Listens to what people have to say Everyone gets a chance to speak第23页/共24页第二十三页,共25页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)第24页/共24页第二十四页,共25页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结Statement of。Diagnose a situation。Focus Group Interviews。T.A.T.。Picture frustration version of T.A.T.。第23页/共24页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)。第24页/共24页第二十五页,共25页。


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