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Civil Engineering English Contentsp1Chapter 1 Engineering ProjectChapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp2Conversation1. How many phases does a project cover?The execution of it can be usually divided into some basic stages, like engineering, procurement and transportation, and field construction. 一个工程项目的实施通常可分为几个基本阶段: 工程设计、采购和运输、以及现场施工。2.Please give a description about this project.请对这个工程项目作一个叙述说明。3.Who is the contractor?The contractor is Toyo EngineeringCorporation (TEC) of Japan.Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp3承包商是日本的东洋工程公司。(简称TEC)4.It is an inquiry (commercial and technical proposal, approval, agreement ,protocol, annex, technical appendix) about this project.这是这个项目的询价书。(商务和技术报价书、批准书、协议、会议记录、附加条件、技术附件)5.Who makes up the project team?The project team normally consists of project engineer, design engineer, schedule engineer, and various specialists.项目工作组通常包括有项目工程师、设计工程师、计划工程师、以及各类专家。6.How can we evaluate the results of field constructionWe can evaluate the results of field construction by four criteria, which are quality, time, cost and safety.Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp4我们可以通过四个指标来评价现场施工的成绩,即质量、时间进度、费用和安全。7.What are you responsible for?8.I am responsible for the technical (scheduling, inspection, quality control) work of this project.我负责这个项目的技术(技术、检查、质量控制)工作。9.Would you tell us the technical characteristic about this project?你能告诉我们有关这个工程项目的技术特性吗?Certainly!10. Do you have any reference materials about this project?你有关于这个工程项目有参考资料吗?Yes, here you are.Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp5TextFramework of Civil EngineeringIntroductionGenerally,engineering is the application of economic, social, and scientific practical knowledge to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes. Basically, engineering is an end-product-oriented discipline that is very broad, innovative, cost-conscious and mindful of human factors and includes various more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of technology and types of application. 土木工程框架介绍一般而言, 工程学是应用经济、社会和科学的实用知识来设计、建造和维护结构、机器、设备、系统、材料和过程。基本上, 工程学是一个面向最终产品的学科, 它非常广泛, 创新, 成本意识和考虑到人的因素, 包括各种更专业的工程领域, 每一个更具体地强调特定领域的技术和应用类型。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English ContentsCivil engineering is one of the most diverse branches of engineering. The civil engineer plans, designs, constructs, and maintains a large variety of structures and facilities for public, private, commercial and industrial use. These structures include residential, office, factory buildings; and infrastructure, for example, airports, roads, railways, water supply and treatment etc.), bridges, dams, and buildings.土木工程是工程中最多样化的分支之一。土木工程师计划、设计、建造和维护大量的公共、私人、商业和工业用途的结构和设施。这些结构包括住宅、办公室、工厂建筑;和基础设施, 例如, 机场, 公路, 铁路, 供水和处理等), 桥梁, 水坝和建筑物。p6Civil Engineering English Contentsp7The term “civil engineer” did not come into use until about 1750, when John Smeaton, the builder of famous Eddystone lighthouse near Plymouth, England, is said to have begun calling himself a “civil engineer” to differ himself from the military engineers of his time. However, the profession is as old as civilization.Eddystone Lighthouse土木工程师 一词直到1750才开始使用, 当时英国普利茅斯附近著名的 Eddystone 灯塔的建造者约翰. 斯米顿据说已经开始自称 土木工程师, 与他当时的军事工程师不同。然而, 这个行业和文明一样古老。Eddystone 灯塔Chapter 1Civil Engineering English ContentsThe engineering marvels of the world, starting from the pyramids to todays thin shell structures, are the results of the development in civil engineering. Communication lines like roads, railways, bridges, etc. without which development is impossible, are fruits of civil engineers work. Various functions of a civil engineer are listed below. 从金字塔到今天的薄壳结构, 世界工程奇迹是土木工程发展的结果。如道路、铁路、桥梁等通信线路没有发展是不可能的, 是土木工程师工作的成果。下面列出了土木工程师的各种功能。p8Civil Engineering English Contentsp9InvestigationThe first function of a civil engineer is to collect the necessary data that is required before planning a project. 调查土木工程师的第一个功能是收集计划项目前所需的数据。SurveyingThe objective of surveying is to prepare maps and plans to locate the various structures of a project on the surface of earth.测量勘测的目的是准备地图和计划在地球表面寻找项目的各种各样的结构。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp10PlanningDepending on the results obtained from investigation and surveying, a civil engineer should prepare the necessary drawing for the project in terms of capacity, size and location of its various components. On the basis of this drawing, a necessary estimate should be worked out.规划土木工程师应根据调查和测量所得的结果, 在其各部件的容量、尺寸和位置方面, 为项目准备必要的图纸。在这幅图画的基础上, 应该制定出一个必要的估计。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English ContentsDesignAfter planning, the safe dimension of the components required is worked out. With this dimension a detailed drawing is prepared for various components and also for the whole structure and a detailed estimate is also calculated. 设计经过规划, 制定了所需部件的安全尺寸。利用此维度, 为各种部件以及整个结构准备了详细的图纸, 并计算了详细的估计值。p11Civil Engineering English ContentsExecutionThis function deals with the preparation of schedules for construction activities, finalization of contracts, supervision of construction work, preparation of bills and maintenance. 执行本职能涉及编制施工活动进度表、合同定稿、施工监理、帐单编制和维修等工作。p12Civil Engineering English Contentsp13Research and developmentA civil engineer needs to get involved in research and development to obtain profits and to improve the efficiency to the present and future needs. 研究与开发土木工程师需要参与研究和开发, 以获取利润, 提高效率, 以满足目前和未来的需要。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English ContentsSub-disciplines of Civil Engineering Any discipline of engineering is a wide field with various specializations. Civil engineering is traditionally divided into several sub-disciplines including structural engineering, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering, construction materials, surveying, construction engineering, water resources engineering, coastal engineering, environmental engineering and municipal engineering. 土木工程分学科任何工程学的学科是一个广泛的领域与各种各样的专业化。土木工程传统上分为结构工程、交通工程、岩土工程、建筑材料、测绘、建筑工程、水资源等几个子学科。工程, 海岸工程, 环境工程和市政工程。p14Civil Engineering English Contentsp15Structural EngineeringStructural engineering focuses on the structural design and structural analysis of buildings, bridges, towers, flyovers, tunnels, off-shore structures like oil and gas fields in the sea, and other structures. This involves identifying the loads which act upon a structure and the forces and stresses which appear within that structure due to those loads, and then designing the structure to successfully support and resist those loads. The loads can be self weight of the structures, other dead load, live loads, moving (wheel) load, wind load, earthquake load, load from temperature change, etc. The structural engineer must design structures to be safe for their users and to successfully fulfill the function they are designed for (to be serviceable). Due to the nature of some loading conditions, subdisciplines within structural engineering have appeared, including wind engineering and earthquake engineering. Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contents结构工程结构工程的重点是结构设计和结构分析的建筑物, 桥梁, 塔, 天桥, 隧道, 离岸结构, 如在海洋中石油和天然气离岸结构, 和其他结构。这包括确定在结构上的载荷, 以及由于这些载荷而出现在该结构内的力和应力, 然后设计结构以成功地支持和抵抗这些负载。荷载可以是结构自重、其他死荷载、活荷载、动 (轮) 荷载、风荷载、地震荷载、温度变化荷载等。结构工程师必须设计结构, 以安全为其用户和成功地履行其设计的功能 (可维修)。由于某些加载条件的特殊性, 结构工程中的分支已经出现, 包括风工程和地震工程。p16Civil Engineering English Contentsp17Transportation Engineering Transportation engineering is concerned with moving people and goods efficiently, safely, and in a manner conducive to a vibrant community. This involves specifying, designing, constructing, and maintaining transportation infrastructure which includes streets, canals, highways, rail systems, airports, ports, and mass transit。 It includes areas such as transportation design, transportation planning, traffic engineering, some aspects of urban engineering, pavement engineering, intelligent transportation system, and infrastructure management. Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contents交通工程交通工程是以高效、安全、有效的方式移动人和物品, 并以一种有利于充满活力的社区为目的。这涉及指定、设计、建造和维护运输基础设施, 包括街道、运河、公路、铁路系统、机场、港口和大众运输。它包括交通设计、交通规划、交通工程、城市工程、路面工程、智能交通系统、基础设施管理等方面。p18Civil Engineering English Contentsp19Geotechnical EngineeringGeotechnical engineering is a field of civil engineering regarding the rock and soil that civil engineering systems are supported by. Knowledge from the fields of geology, material science and testing, mechanics, and hydraulics are applied by geotechnical engineers to safely and economically design foundations, retaining walls, and similar structures. Environmental concerns in relation to groundwater and waste disposal have spawned a new area of study called geoenvironmental engineering where biology and chemistry are important. Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contents岩土工程岩土工程是土木工程系统所支持的岩石和土壤的土建工程领域。地质、材料科学、测试、力学和水力学等领域的知识, 是由岩土工程工程师在安全、经济地设计地基、挡土墙和类似结构的基础上应用的。与地下水和废物处理有关的环境问题催生了一个新的研究领域, 称为地理环境工程, 其中生物学和化学是重要的。p20Civil Engineering English Contentsp21Qualifications for Civil Engineering Engineering is a profession which means an engineer must have a specialized education。Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering graduates to pass an examination. Similar to? the bar examinations for a lawyer, before they can actively start on their careers.土木工程资格工程是一门专业, 意味着工程师必须有专门的教育。许多政府管辖区也有许可证程序, 要求工程毕业生通过考试。类似的律师酒吧考试, 他们才可以积极地开始他们的职业生涯。 Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contents In the university, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are heavily stressed throughout the engineering curriculum, but particularly in the first two or three years. Mathematics is very important in all branches of engineering, so it is greatly stressed. Today, mathematics includes courses in statistics, which deals with gathering classifying, and using numerical data, or pieces of information.在大学里, 数学、物理和化学都受到了沉重的压力。工程学课程, 但特别在前三年。数学在工程的各个分支中是非常重要的, 因此受到了很大的压力。今天, 数学包括统计课程, 其中涉及收集分类、使用数字数据或信息片断。p22Civil Engineering English Contentsp23An important aspect of statistical mathematics is probability, which deal with what may happen, there are different factors, or variables, that can change the result of problem。Before the construction of a bridge is carried out, for example, a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to deal with. In the design of bridge, variables such as water pressure on the foundations, impact, the effects of different wind forces, and many other factors must be considered. 统计数学的一个重要方面是概率, 它处理什么可能发生, 有不同的因素, 或变量, 可以改变问题的结果。之前对桥梁的施工进行了统计研究, 并对该桥预计将处理的交通量。在桥梁设计中, 变量等由于水压对地基、撞击、不同风力的影响, 以及许多其他必须考虑因素。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English ContentsBecause a great deal of calculation is involved in solving these problems, computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricula,Computers, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can. 。But computer are useless unless they are given clear and accurate instruction and information-in other words, a good program.由于大量的计算涉及到解决这些问题, 计算机现在几乎所有的工程课程都包含了编程,计算机, 可以解决许多问题, 涉及计算的速度和准确性比人能更高。但计算机是无用的, 除非他们得到明确和准确的指令和信息-换句话说, 一个好的程序。p24Civil Engineering English Contentsp25 In spite of the heavy emphasis on technical subjects in the engineering curriculum, current trend is to require students to take course in the social sciences and the language arts. It should be pointed out that the work performed by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should be aware of。An engineer also needs a sufficient command of language to be able to prepare reports that are clear and, in many cases, persuasive 。An engineer engaged in research will need to be able to write up his or her finding for scientific publications. 尽管在工程课程中对技术科目的重视程度很高, 但目前的趋势是要求学生在社会科学和语言艺术中学习。应该指出的是, 工程师所做的工作影响了社会在许多不同的和重要的方式, 他或她应该知道。工程师还需要足够的掌握语言的能力, 能够编写清晰的报告, 在许多情况下, 有说服力。从事研究的工程师将需要能够写出他或她的科学出版物的发现。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contents The last two years of an engineering program include subject within the students field of specialization, For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer, these specialized courses may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying, soil mechanics, or hydraulics.工程项目的最后两年包括在学生的领域内的主题专业化, 为准备成为土木工程师的学生, 这些专业课程可以处理诸如大地测量、土力学或水力学等学科。p26Civil Engineering English Contentsp27 Active recruiting for engineers often begins before the students last year in the university. Many different corporation and government agencies have competed for the services of engineers in recent year。 In todays science-oriented society,people who have technical training are in demand。Young engineers may choose to go into environmental or sanitary engineering。 for example,where environmental concerns have created many openings; or they may choose construction companies that specialize in highway work; or they may prefer to work with one of the government agencies that deals with water resources; Indeed, the choice is large and varied.对工程师的大力招聘通常从学生在大学的最后一年开始。近年来, 许多不同的公司和政府机构竞相争夺工程师。 在当今的科学型社会中, 需求技术培训的人。年轻的工程师可以选择进入环境或卫生工程,例如, 环境问题创造了许多空缺;或者他们可以选择专业从事公路工程的施工企业;或他们可能更喜欢与一个工作处理水资源的政府机构;的确, 选择是大而多样的。 Chapter 1Civil Engineering English ContentsWhen the young engineer has finally started actual practice,the theoretical knowledge acquired in the university must be applied。He or she will probably be assigned at the beginning to work with a team of engineers。Thus, on-the-job training that can be acquired will demonstrate his or her ability to apply theory to practice for the supervisors.当年轻的工程师终于开始实际实践时, 理论知识必须申请在大学获得。他或她可能会被指派在开始与一个工程师团队工作。因此, 可以获得的在职培训将证明他或她的能力运用理论到实践为监督员。p28Civil Engineering English Contentsp29Words and Expressionsstructure strkt n. 结构;构造;建筑物;体系Device divais n. 装置,设备;方法;策略;手段Orient :rint v. 标定方向;使向东方Innovativenvetv adj. 革新的;创新的;创新立异specialized spelaizd adj. 专门的;专业的;专用的facilities fsiliti n. 工具;设备Commercial km:l adj. 商业的;贸易的;营利的Residentialrezidenl adj. 住宅的,适于作住宅的;Infrastructure infrstrktn. 基础设施;基础建设military militri adj. 军事的;军用的Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp30Civilization svlazen; n. 文明,文化; 开化Function fkn n. 功能,作用Investigation investigein n.(正式的)调查,勘测Component kmpunnt n. 成分;零件;数要素;Capacity kpsiti n. 容量;性能;生产能力Dimension dimenn n. 尺寸; 数次元,度,维度Calculate klkjuleit v. 计算;估计;打算Construction knstrkn n. 建筑物;建造;contract kntrkt n. 合同;契约municipal mju(:)nisipl n. 市的,市政的Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp31sub-disciplinesb disiplin n. 分支Geotechnicaldi:teknkladj. 岩土工程技术的hydraulics hadr:lks n. 水力学qualification kwlifikein n. 资格,授权;条件Curriculumkwlifikein n. 全部课程,课程Statistical sttistikl adj. 统计的;统计学的variable vribl n. 可变因素,变量Foundation faundein n. 地基;基础;Accuracy kjursi n. 精确(性),准确(性)Recruit rikru:t v. 招聘,征募;吸收新成员sanitary snitri adj. 清洁的;卫生的supervisor sju:pvaiz n. 监督者,管理者;镇长Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp32Notes:1. Basically, engineering is an end-product-oriented discipline types of application. 工程是一个以最终产品为导向的行业,它具有创新和成本意识,同时也注意到人为因素,包含各种更专门化的工程领域,每个领域更加具体的强调专门的技术领域和应用类型。2. Depending on the results obtained various components.依据勘测和调查中获得的结果,土木工程师应该在工程的生产能力,规模,各个部件的位置方面卫工程准备必要的制图。3. Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering graduates to pass an examination.许多政府决议机构也有许可程序,要求工程专业毕业生必须通过考试。4. Thus, on-the-job training that can be acquired will demonstrate his or her ability to apply theory to practice for the supervisors.工作中获得的培训可以使年轻的工程师为监管者展示将理论应用到实际的能力。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp33ExercisesI.Answer the following questions:1. What is Civil Engineering?2. What are the sub-desciplines of Civil Engineering?3. What are the qualifications for a civil engineer?II. Translate the second paragraph “Civil engineering is buildings.” into Chinese.III. Translate the paragraph with the subtopic of “Transportation Engineering” into Chinese.IV.Translate the following into English:1. 直到大约1750年,人们才开始使用“土木工程师”这一术语。2. 为了获得利润,提高目前和未来需要的效率,土木工程师需要参与项目研究和研发。Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp34III. WritingLetter of requesting a raise/salary increaseWriting TipsSalary negotiation (asking for a salary increase, a pay rise, or simply more money) affects everyone from time to time. Salary negotiation can be difficult, and many people handle it poorly, causing frustration and ill-feeling. In this case, you can write a letter asking for a raise because doing so will force you to document all your accomplishments which should not only help you with the raise, but will help you with updating your resume when its time to start job-hunting. More and more, you need to think of raise meetings in the same vein as salary negotiation; thus, the more reasoning you have, the more likely youll get the raise you wish.Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp35Useful patterns:I have successfully taken responsibility for . I have a number of accomplishments to my credit:.My knowledge and skill in . has allowed the company to. I have taken initiative, for example. I have been working at this salary for XX months; a change in pay level is appropriate. Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp36SampleDear Brian Jones:I request an opportunity to meet with you to review my salary. I feel that this is the appropriate time for a salary review because choose one, or write your own:. “I have been with the company for a year without a raise”, or “I have recently made a significant contribution to the company”, or “annual review is approaching/overdue”, “we agreed to review my salary after the first three months”.I was hired by your company namefor my ability and experience in .review the reason they wanted youI believe that an increase in my salary is now warranted.state why you deserve the raise; here is a list to help you; pick one or two, not too many Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contentsp37I would like you to know that I view my future at company name very positively. I want to continue to . I anticipate some day.I have been led to believe that you are satisfied with my work, so I am confident that you will want to sincerely consider my request.I look forward to hearing from you very soon. Sincerely,Susan SmartWriting Assignments: Suppose you have worked at Panasonic for 4 years. During this long time you have made great contribution to the companys marketing field. So, you think its time for you to get a salary rise. Write a letter requesting a raise.Chapter 1Civil Engineering English Contents 发展历史 英吉利海峡的涡石灯塔 这座灯塔是由哈里.温斯坦利设计的,于1696年1699年用木材建造而成的,但在1703年的一次大风暴中被席卷而去。p38Civil Engineering English Contents 第二座灯塔用木材和铁建成的,1755年毁于火灾。1756年1759年间,约翰.斯米顿全部用石料建造了第3座灯塔。这座灯塔一直使用到1882年,因为这时建造了目前的涡石灯塔p39Civil Engineering English Contents 现在竖立在涡石礁上的灯塔高出海面40米。像当今绝大多数灯塔一样,它不再由人操作,而是用机械装置来运转。因此,不再需要人长期孤独地住在上面来照管灯了。 每个灯塔发光形式不尽相同:有的发出固定光束,有的发出闪光,有的灯塔出红色的光束。海员可以根据光束来辨认灯塔。p40Civil Engineering English Contents 用灯塔来帮助海员已经有几千年的历史了。但自从20世纪40年代以来,随着电子导航装备的发展,灯塔变得不再重要。过去光美国就有1500座灯塔,现在全世界仅有1400座左右的灯塔在使用。p41Civil Engineering English Contentsp42


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