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Un it 3 rm more outgo ing tha n my sister必背短语。1.更外向more outgo ing2.和一样asas3.最重要的the most importa nt4.和都(两者)both and 5.在方面有天赋be talented in6.关心、在意care about7.照顾、照料take care of8.使某人做某事make sb. do sth9.与不同be differe nt from.10.只要as long as11.使显现出bring out12.取得好成绩get good grades13.事实上,实际上in fact14.与类似be similar to15.交朋友make friends16.与相处得好be good with写出下列形容词或副词的比较级。1.good/wellbetter2.lo ngIon ger3.talltaller4.heavyheavier5.loudlymore loudly6.quietlymore quietly7.quietquieter8.frie ndlyfrie ndlier9.smartsmarter10.hard-worki ngmore hard-work ing11.earlyearlier12.lazylazier13.outgo ingmore outgo ing14.highhigher15.hardharder16.fastfaster17.seriousmore serious18.littleless19.popularmore popular20.ma ny/muchmore21.importa ntmore importa nt11.shyshyer【教材内容解析】Sectio n A1.BothSamandTom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. (P. 17)botha nd.意为“两者都”,并列两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。Both Tom and Jim are interested in Math.2. Tara worksashardasTina. (P. 18)as.as.意为“和一样”,两个 as 中间用形容词或者副词原级。He is as tall as his father.I run as fast as he.【拓展】not as.as. 意为“不如.,比不上.”第一个 as 是副词,在否定句中可以换成 so。She does nt study as/so hard as her brother.Lucy is not as/so easygo ing as Lily.3. Oh,whichone was Lisa?(P. 18)2which 表示哪一个”,表示在一定数量中进行选择;what 用于选择范围较大或者不明确时,表示选择人或物的种类。There are some books in the box. Which one is yours?What is in the box?4. You can tell that Lisa really wan ted towin,though. (P. 18)(1) win 表示“赢得”后接比赛、奖项等表示物的名词作宾语;beat 表示“打败”,后接某人、团队等表示人的名词作宾语。They fin ally beat the other side and won the basketball match.Who won the first prize in the singing con test.这里的 though 作副词,表示“可是、然而”,放在句末,前用都好隔开。Jim said that he would come. He didn t, though.5. But the most important thing isto learn something new and have fun. (P. 18)(1)此处动词不定式作表语,放在be 动词后面。My work is to clea n the room every day.His dream is to be a teacher.have fun 意为“玩得高兴”,后接动名词。Did you have fun visit ing that coun try?Sectio n B1. .istalentedin music. (P. 20)tale nted 作形容词,表示“有才能的、有天赋的”,be tale nted in表示“在.方面有天赋”。Li Yundi is talented in swimming.2. .trulycares aboutme. (P. 20)care about 意为“关心、在意”。Thy cared about their uncle a lot.3. .makes me laugh. (P. 20)(1) make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”;make sb./sth.+ 形容词“使某人/某物怎么样”His parents made him stay at home.The n ews made us excited.laugh 表示“笑、发笑”,laugh at 表示“嘲笑”。Don t laugh at others.4.serious(P. 20)此处 serious 表示“严肃的、稳重的”,另外 serious 还可以表示“严重的、认真的”,be serious about意为“对认真”。Is she serious about givi ng up her job?35.That s whyI like reading books and I study harder in class. (P. 21)That s why.意为那是为什么. ”,强调结果;that s because 表示那是因为,That s why I didn t want to leave here.That s because he is not old eno ugh.6.I m shy soit s not easy for me to make friends. (P. 21)(1) 本句结构为It s+adj.+for sb.+to do sth. ”结构,意为做某事对某人来说. ”容词多为描述事物特征的词,女口easy, importa nt, dan gerous, n ecessary等。It is importa nt for you to study hard.It is not easy to lear n a foreig n Ian guage.【拓展】It s+adj.+of sb.+to do sth.意为某人做某事是.的”,此结构中的形容词多right, wrong, clever, foolish,polite等描述行为者性格、品质的词。It is very kind of you to lend me so much mon ey.(2) make friends表示交朋友”,后常接介词with,表示和某人交朋友”。He likes making friends with others.7.you don t need a lot of themas long asthey re good. (P. 21)as long as 意为只要”,引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示将来。You will get good grades as long as you work hard.8.My best friend Larryis quite different from_me. (P. 21)be different from 意为与.不同”,反义词是the same as 和.相同”。The car is differe nt from that one.This bag is the same as that one.9.However, Larry often helps tobring outthe best in me. (P. 21)bring out 意为使显现、使表现出”。I want to bring out the meaning of the poem.10. Larry is muchlesshard-working, though. (P. 21)less 用于形容词或者副词比较级之前,意为不如、赶不上”,相当于not as/so.as.Less on One is less in terest ing tha n Less on Two.=Less on One is not as in terest ing as Less on Two.11. I alwaysget better gradesthan he does, so maybe I should help him more. (P. 21)get better grades 意为取得好成绩”,grade 作名词,可以表示成绩、等级”。If you study hard, you will get good grades.12. I don t really care 匚 my friends are(1) if 此处引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,相当于,强调原因。此结构中的形kind, nice,the same asme or different. (P. 21)whether。be differe nt from“与.不同”。4I won der if he can help us with the problem.the same as 表示“与.相同”,反义词为My an swer is the same as yours.13. A true friendreachesfor your hand andtouches your heart. (P. 21)(1) reach for one s hand 意为伸手帮某人一把”,reach 这里是不及物动词,意为伸出(手臂、胳膊)”。Can you reach for my hand?(2) touch one s hand 意为打动某人的心、令某人感动的”。The story touches my heart.14.In fact, she is funnier than anyone I know. (P. 21)in fact意为事实上、实际上”,相当于 as a matter of fact 或者 actually。In fact, she is tale nted in music.15. We cantalk aboutandshareeveryth in g.(P. 21)(1) talk 是不及物动词,后接宾语时,需要加上介词,talk about sth.谈论某事”;talk with sb. 同某人谈话”。They are talk ing about their hobbies.share 表示分享、合用”时,常用的结构为 share sth. (with sb.) (同某人)分享某物”。The boy doesn t want to share toys with other children.16. I m different from Jeff because I m louder thanthe otherkids in my class. (P. 22)other, the other, another, others禾口 the others 辨析other:意为“别的、其它的”,常用来修饰可数名词。the other:表示“两者中另一个,是特指;the other之后也可以加复数名词,特指“其它的”。an other: 表示“三者中另一个”。others:用作代词,泛指“其他的人或物”是复数概念。the others:特指在一个整体中的“其余的人或物(全部)”。We study Chin ese, En glish, Math and other subjects.There are three people in the room. One is a girl and the other two are boys.You should thi nk of others.There are fifty-five stude nts in our class. Thirty of us are girls and the others are boys.17. My best friendis similar toLarry. (P. 22)be similar to 意为“与.类似”。Your handwriting is similar to his.18.Callthe English Study Centerat443-5667 for moreinformation. (P. 24)(1) call.at. 意为“拨打.找.”。5Please call Mr. Green at 473-8989.(2) in formation是不可数名词,表示“一条消息”用a piece of in formation。You can get more in formatio n through the In ternet.6【重点短语和句型归纳】【语法讲解】形容词和副词的比较级形容词比较级的变化规则。I.规则变化构成法原级比较级最咼级单音节词+er/estshortshortershortestcoldcoldercoldest以不发音 e 结尾的词+r/stwidewiderwidestlargelargerlargest单个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双与末尾辅音字母+er/estbigbiggerbiggesthothotterhottest以辅音字母+y 结尾的词,变 y 为i+er/estheavyheavierheaviestbusybusierbusiest多音节词在前面 +more/mostimporta ntmore importa ntmost importa ntbeautifulmore beautifulmost beautifulII.不规则变化原级比较级最咼级good/wellbetterbestbad/badly/illworseworstoldolder/elderoldest/eldestmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther/furthfarthest/furtheerst形容词比较级用法。I.比较级用于两者进行比较,结构为“ A is 比较级 than B ”。e.g: 1. My bike is more beautiful than hers.我的自行车比她的漂亮。72. He works harder than before.他工作比以前努力。II.表示两者之间选择,用which/who is 比较级,A or B?”表示两者之间较. 之一”时,用+ 比较级”结构。e.g: 1. Which is nearer to the sun, the moon or the earth?哪个离太阳更近,月球还是地球?2. He is the thinner of the two.他是两人中较瘦的那个。III .越来越.”用比较级 and 比较级”结构,多音节和部分双音节词用more and more 原级”e.g: 1. The weather is becoming colder and colder.天气变得越来越冷了。2. She is becoming more and more beautiful.她变得越来越美了。IV.表示越.越.”时,用the+比较级,the+比较级”结构。e.g: The more careful you are, the more points you will get.你越细心,得分越多。the


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