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岭西小学教学质量提升年四年级英语复习卷(三)一、 连线。 China Australia South Africa England France the U.S. 二、 将下列各词按时间顺序先后排列。( )Good morning. ( ) Good evening. ( ) Good night. ( ) Good afternoon.三、 补全单词。1. bui_d a tree_ouse 2. t_ke a _rip 3. do a pr_je_t4. w_ite a st_ry 5. r_ad com_c books四、选词填空。Whose mine comb is this1. _ handkerchief is this? Its his.2. Whose soap is that? Its _ .3. Whose _ is this? Its hers.4. Whose suitcase is this? It _ ours.5. Whose camera is _? Its theirs.五、英汉翻译。1. Whose video camera is this?_2. Its theirs._3. 这是谁的闹钟?_4. 这是他的。_5. 这是谁的摄像机?_六、选择。( ) 1. _. Wheres the restroom?A. Excuse me. B. Thank you. C. OK. D.Sorry. ( ) 2. _ carema is this? Its mine.A. Who B. whose C. who D. Whose ( ) 3. Whats _ name? Im Beth Green.A. My B. his C.her D. your ( ) 4. How _ are you? Im 12.A. new B. old C. many D. much ( ) 5. Whose alarm clock is this? Its _ . A.your B.our C. mine D.their七、阅读理解。Kim: Excuse me. Wheres the restroom?Ms. Wang: Right over there.Kim: Thank you.Pam: Whose camera is this?Beth: Its mine.Kim: Oh, shoot. I forget my handkerchief.Sandy: Here. Use mine.Kim: Thanks a lot.Mr. Black: Whats your name?Beth: Im Beth Green.Mr. Black: How old are you?Beth: Im 12.( ) 1. Where is Kim going?A. Classroom B. living room C. bedroom D. restroom( ) 2. Whose camera?A Kims B. Sandys C. Beths D. Pams ( ) 3.What did Kim forget?A. handkerchief B.camera C.money D.scarf( ) 4. Who help Kim?A. Sandy B. Pam C. Ms. Wang D. Sandy and Ms. Wang( ) 5. How old is Beth?A. He is 12. B. She is 12. C. She is 11. D. He is 11.八、根据图片补全句子。1. Im going to _. 2.Were going to _.3. Theyre going to _. 4. What are you going to do _?5. Hes going to _. 九、将下列句子改成一般将来时。1. We study math._2. He plays soccer._3. They read comic books._4. I take a trip._5. She writes a story._十、选出正确的汉意。( ) 1. Im going to watchTV tonight.A. 我昨晚看电视了。 B. 我今晚打算看电视。C. 我每天晚上都看电视。( ) 2. What are you going to do?A. 你要去哪里? B. 你多大了? C. 你要做什么?( ) 3. Can we go to Australia ?A. 我们能去澳大利亚吗? B. 你是澳大利亚人吗?C. 你来自澳大利亚吗?( ) 4. The cake is on the plate.A. 吃蛋糕。 B. 蛋糕在碗里。 C. 蛋糕在盘中里。( ) 5. Wave to the mailman.A. 向邮递员挥手。 B. 送信给邮差。 C. 和邮递员跳舞。十一、用英语填数字。1. 2030=_ 2. _10=60 3. 450=_ 4. 1000500=_5. 700650=_ 6. 18090=_7. 560480=_ 8. 400400=_9. (4020)50=_ 10. 70070=_十二、 翻译句子。1. The wallets are in front of the fans._2. Where are the bookmarks?_3. 三角旗在t血衫的后面。_4. 明信片在哪里?_5. The mugs are across from the fans._6. 这是谁的闹钟?_7. Its yours._8. 他们打算写一个故事。_9. 你们打算做什么?_10. We are going to play soccer._11. What time do we leave?_12. How much is this?_13. Do you speak Korean?_


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