人教版八年级上Unit 1SectionB(3a-3c)教案

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【教材】新目标英语八年级上册【课题】Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?【课时】第五课时【课型】作文课【教学方法】运用小组合作探究和启发式教学法。【教学目标】语言能力:通过活动设计让学生们积累素材,提高写作能力。通过这次写作训练,进一步培养学生的写作逻辑思维、发散逻辑思维,以及通过讨论等形式来培养学生的思辨能力。文化品格:将会提高学生们的英语逻辑思维能力,同样对提高口语表达能力在有帮助思维品质:通过写作学生们的视野会更开阔思想会更丰富,思维会更活跃,交流会更得体。学习能力:【教学重点】 1) 词汇和常用表达:duck, dislike, buy something special, learn something important, dislike doing sth. 2) 语法:学会运用不定代词和一般过去时态。 I bought something special. I learned something important. The weather was hot and sunny. We took some photos. In the evening, I felt really tired.【教学难点】语法:学会运用不定代词和一般过去时态。【教学准备】课件【教学过程】Step 1: Lead-in 设计意图分析:坚持“以生为本,先学后教”的理念,强调学生的参与、体验、感知,落实基本语言点,以学定教,教师根据具体学情适当微调后续环节的教法。学习一般过去时态就要从动词的过去式入手,为后续的环节积累储备词汇。Step 2:Pre-writingTalk about some pictures(看图说话): There are lots of tourist attractions and something interesting in Beijing. Lets have a look. Make one or two sentences about each picture using the simple past tense. For example,This summer I went to the Great Wall in Beijing. It was beautiful.设计意图分析利用精美的图片激发学生练习说话的热情,这种深入浅出的“开场白”,具有承前启后,温故而知新的作用,且有利于中下等学生进入状态,扎实推进。Step 3: While-writing1. Write an outline(拟定提纲) First , answer the questions in 3b to make notes about a vacation. Discuss them in pairs and write some key words in the following chart: TimeWeatherActivitiesFood Description words T: Prepare your diary orally according to the details in the chart and Ill ask someone to read to the class. Give Ss 3 or 4 minutes to write an outline. Sample: Tuesday, August 20th I had a . It was . In the morning, . I ., and. We.,. I went to . For dinner,. After lunch,. We saw. There were . They were . In the afternoon, . I bought. Its time to go back.,. I felt. I think today is.【设计意图】正如语文课上写作文要先打草稿一样,拟草稿是写好英语作文的第一步。在此框架内填枝加叶,充实内容,才能一步步顺利成篇。2. Write the draft(起草初稿) Write the draft in your exercise book.3. Revise the draft(修改初稿) Here is an evaluation scale(评价标准). Have a look.【设计意图】以学习小组为单位,互评互改,在批改中学习,在批改中提高,取长补短,即所谓“兵教兵”。与教师逐篇批改相比,这种做法省时省力见效快。Step 4: Post-writing 1. 展示评价 1) Each group hands in one diary . Teacher shows them on the screen and evaluate them one by one. 2) Choose several Ss to evaluate the diary item by item in the evaluation scale.设计意图分析:教师从不同小组随机抽取3-5篇日记,投影到大屏幕。教师先做评价示范,学生再对本组作品评价,推选出本组最佳日记,交给教师,投影到大屏幕。各小组组长为评委,按A、B、C、D四个档次投票,排名前三为优秀。二次备课: Step 5: Summary T: Just now we have do some practice about writing a diary . How can we write a good travel diary?Homework: Imagine you and your friends went to the City of Beijing. Write a diary。【板书设计】 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? Section B(3a-3c)Hot and sunny tiredBeijing duck deliciousTake some photos beautifulBuy something special interestingLearn something important August_【课后反思】_3 / 3


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