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Undergraduate Thesis Classification No.: Confidential Grade: Task-based Language Teaching and Its Application in Junior English ClassroomTimes New Roman 二号 School & Major: English Education Times New Roman 四号 Foreign Languages Department Students Name: XXX Grade & Class: Class 1 Grade 2005 Supervisor: Zhao Xiaoguang ( Lecturer ) 上下一定对齐 April 2009吉林师范大学博达学院毕业论文(设计)论文分类号: 密 级: 任务型教学法及其在初中英语教学中的应用宋体二号 系别 & 专业: 外语系英语专业 黑体(四号) 姓名 & 学号: 于荣梅 0533101 年级 & 班别: 2005级 1班 教师 & 职称: 赵晓光 (讲师) 2009 年 4 月 吉林师范大学博达学院学位论文原创性声明(3 号宋体)(以下正文内容用 4 号宋体)本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。作者签名:日期:年月 日 指导教师签名:日期: 年月 日Table of ContentsTimes New Roman 三号以下内容可用电脑自动生成1. Introduction32. Literature review32.1 Definition of TBLT32.2 Components of TBLT52.2.1 Goals52.2.2 Input52.2.3 Activities.5 2.3 Features of TBLT:52.4 Application rules of TBLT63. Problems in English classroom73.1 Instruments83.2 Findings94. Application of TBLT in junior English classroom104.1 Pre-task114.2 Task cycle124.3 Post-task144.4 An example of TBLT in junior English classroom.155. Conclusion15References16摘要黑体四号 本文阐述了任务型教学法的定义、组成、特点、运用原则和任务型教学法在初中英语课堂上的应用。笔者用问卷和调查的方法来了解传统教学中存在的问题。并讨论了任务型教学法在初中英语课堂上应用的优点和不足。得出结论,任务型教学法强调了学生语言运用能力的培养,让学生的注意力主要放在怎样利用英语作为交流的媒介来完成任务,而不只是关心所说句子的结构是否正确。学生通过正在学习的语言来完成贴近自己生活的任务,能在掌握英语基础知识和技能的同时,培养学以致用的意识和初步运用英语进行交流的能力。宋体小四 关键词黑体四号 任务型教学法,初中英语教学,语言运用能力AbstractTimes New Roman小四加粗 By expounding upon the definition,components,features and application rules of Task-based Language Teaching, the present paper discusses the use of TBLT in junior English classroom. In order to understanding problems of the traditional English, the present study used questionnaire and interviews. This paper is to discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the application of Task-based Language Teaching to junior English classroom. And a conclusion is made as: Task-based language teaching emphasizes on students communicative competence, it puts students attention on how to fulfill a task through English language rather than worrying about the grammatical structure. Through this way, students can put what they have learnt into practice and master the ability to communicate through English.Times New Roman小四Key wordsTimes New Roman小四加粗 Task-based Language Teaching,junior English teaching,language using abilityTimes New Roman小四斜体iiiiTask-based Language Teaching and Its Application in Junior English ClassroomTimes New Roman小二1. Introduction一级标题用Times New Roman 三号Task前面空两格-based language teaching (TBLT) was first advocated in 1980s by foreign language researchers based on numerous researches and practices. It is an important teaching method developing from the communicative language teaching.TBLT aims at training students to become active thinkers, doers, learners, and proficient communicators. It makes the students engage in interaction in the target language in order to complete a task, reach a goal, or solve a problem. In this way, the 1.5倍行距,小四号Times New Romanstudents focus on the process of performing the task using the target language so that the learning is focused on meaning rather than form. If we can make language in the classroom meaningful and therefore memorable, students can process language that is being learned more naturally. In this way they become active thinkers as well as proficient and confidant users of the language (Nunan, 2002).引用格式(作者姓,作品年)2. Literature reviewIn this chapter, a comprehensive review of related literatures is provided. First, definitions of TBLT are reviewed. Second, components of TBLT including goals、 input and activities are introduced . The last section will describe the application principles of TBLT.2.1 Definition of TBLT二级标题用Times New Roman 四号On the definition of task, scholars provide different understanding. Long defines a task as: A piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. Thus, examples of tasks include painting a fence, dressing a child, filling out a form, buying a pair of shoes, making an airline reservation, borrowing a library book, taking a driving test, typing a letter, weighing a patient, sorting letters, taking a hotel reservation, writing a check, finding a street destination and helping someone across a road. In other words, by task is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life, at work, at play, and in between. Tasks are the things people will tell you they do if you ask them and they are not applied linguists (Long, from Doff, 1990).从别人作品中引用另一个人作品格式(原作者,from 所引书或文章作者,年 )Crookes believed task is “A piece of work or an activity, usually with a specified objective, undertaken as part of an educational course, or at work” (Crookes, from Brumfit 1992). Ells definition is “an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought, and which allows teachers to control and regulate that process” (Ellis, 1999:24)用引号引用格式(作者,年:所在页). Nunam defines task as any classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form. The task should also have a sense of completeness, being able to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right (Nunan, 2000:59).These definitions are roughly arranged in terms of a continuum of real world to pedagogical perspectives on what tasks are. This distinction between the real world and the classroom does not imply that the classroom is not a valid social context in its own right (Candling, 1985:66). Nor, indeed, are real world and pedagogical tasks mutually exclusive: there is no reason why tasks cannot have both real world and pedagogical dimensions. However, as implied in the first two definitions provided by Long and by Crookes, respectively, pedagogical tasks should be derived from real world tasks, since analytical syllabuses are based in part on an analysis of learners behavioral needs (Wliga, 1976:11).2.2 Components of TBLTIn the following sections, three components of TBLT are going to be dealt with, they are: goals input and activities of TBLT.2.2.1 Goals三级标题同二级标题, 用Times New Roman 四号Goals are the vague general intentions behind any given learning task. They provide a point of contact between the task and the broader curriculum. Teachers answer to the question (why did you get learners to engage in Task X?) will generally take the form of some sort of goal statement. Possible answers might be: I wanted to develop their personal writing skills.References四号加粗Times New Roman以下为单倍行距1. Adrian作者姓,Doff作者名.“.”(1990)作品年 Teach English文章名或书名小四(斜体). Cambridge: Cambridge Teacher Training and Development. 出版社,小四非斜体2. Candling,C.(1987)“Towards Task-based Language Learning” Language Learning Tasks. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall.3. Christopher,J. Brumfit. (1980)Problems and Principles in English Teaching. Principles Institute of English. 4. David, Nunan.(2000) Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.5. David,Nunan.(2001) Second Language Teaching and Learning. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press6. Rivers, W.M.(1997)Interactive Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 7. Rod, Ellis.(1999)The study of second language teaching. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.8. Skehan, P.(1998)A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 9. Wliga,M. Rivers, Mary,S. Temperley.(1978) A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as a Second or Foreign Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 10. 黄剑茹:“在任务型语言学习中如何设计tasks?”中小学外语教学,教育科学出版社,9(2001)。11. 胡春洞:英语教学法 ,高等教育出版社,2003。12. 佘广安:“任务型教学:定位与思考”,中小学外语教学,6(2002)。英文文献在前,汉语文献在后附笑话几篇经典笑话:厕所偶遇钱某,一日在酒场上不胜酒力,迷迷糊糊中误入女厕,在隔间呕吐,此时一女士入厕小解,钱闻其小便声误以为有人在倒啤酒,怒道:“我早就说过不喝了,谁又在倒?”女士闻言吓了一跳,遂憋住小便,欲待钱走了以后再解,未曾想竟憋出一个屁来,钱先生闻之大怒,用手重重拍着隔板,大声斥责道:“我说过不喝了不喝了,谁又启了一瓶?谁启谁喝!”经典笑话:女秘书的初夜女秘书因工作出色,在老板的撮合下,她和一名能干的职员结了婚。初夜.新郎:小声点儿,别人听到了多难为情!新娘:你说话怎么和老板一样呀经典笑话:思妻心切丈夫:“亲爱的,你这次出差,我想你都快要疯了。”妻子:“瞧你,我不过才走了四天。”丈夫:“可是,整整四天我都没有找到放钱抽屉的钥匙。” 7


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