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开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 Hello本课初备课时共3 课时,本课第1 课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说Hello / Hi ,Im,并能应用在进行朋友间的打招呼上,会用Whats your name?询问对方的名字。2.认识 David, Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Mike, Nancy这几个人物。3.在教学活动中培养学生学习英语的兴趣。重点难点:日常交际用语:Hello / Hi, Im用Whats your name?询问对方的名字。课前准备:a.有关课文对话的课件。b.人物头饰。教学过程:Step1 Warming up.T: Class beginsS: Stand up.T: Hello, everyone.S: Hello, Miss Han.Step2 Presentation and practice1.T: Well! 我们今天开始学习 Unit 1 Hello (板书)T: Hello, *S: Hello, Miss Han.2.Teach “Hello, Im”T: Hello, Im Miss Han.S: Hello, ImHello, Im(板书)T: 我们在自我介绍的时候,可以这么介绍自己Im某某某,只要在Im的后面加上自己的名字就可以了。So read after me “Im”,我们在发m这个音的时候,嘴要并起来,Look!此处教师要特别注意m的发音,练习时可以用“开火车”的方法。T: Very good! 现在我想和大家认识一下。T: Hello, Im Miss Han.S: Hello, Im (学生可能会犹豫,教师要把好第一个关。本部分涉及学生每组2个左右)T: Good job! Now lets practice in pairs.T: Now show time , 我请同学来表演一下。T: 我们在打招呼的时候,也可以用Hi代替Hello,我再请同学用Hi 来表演。Hi/Hello, Im(板书)3. Teach “Whats your name?” T: Good! Hello, Im Miss Han. Whats your name? (板书)谁来猜猜Whats your name?的意思。S: 可由两、三个学生猜度,如果没有猜中,就应该由教师指出其意义,不可拖延。T: 这句话就是你叫什么名字的意思。T: Now read after me “name“.此处教师要注意n和m发音的区别n是咬舌音,now look !“your name” “Whats your name?”T: Hello, Im Miss Han. Whats your name?S: 与十个左右的学生对练之后,可以由同座位先练习,然后表演。T: well down! 同样在这里hello可以由Hi代替,我再请同学用Hi试试 Learn to sayT: Lets turn to page 6, look at the picture 1. Therere two boys, one is Liu Tao, and another is David. Read after me “David”教师领读分角色朗读(教师对学生,大组学生对另外大组学生,男生对女生)学生自行练习集中表演教师对学生:picture 1,2,3,4大组学生对另外大组学生:picture 1,4男生对女生:picture 2,3Read after meIm ,youre.;You two are,you two are.;Boys are,girls are.now practice 4 pictures in pairs. who want to show? 总结T: 今天我们学习了如何与人用英语打招呼和询问姓名。 如果我和你早晨在学校碰面要怎么打招呼?S: Hello, Miss Han.T: Good, any others? 还有什么其他的表达方式吗?S: Hi, Miss Han.T: Yah! 如果你和我是初次见面,如何询问我的姓名呢?S: Hello, Im Whats your name?T: Excellent! 我们怎么回答呢?S: ImT: Yes, Well done!T: You are doing so well, so class is over.板书设计: Unit 1 Hello-Hi/Hello, Im Whats your name? -Im练习设计:Whats your name?询问对方的名字。教后记:参加备课人员黄 敏 王增琴 张 欢 赵福兴开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 Hello本课初备课时共3课时,本课第2课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:a)能听懂、会说8个新单词:bird, dog, cat, monkey, elephant, zebra, panda, tiger。作到看到(听到)单词能说出动物的名称或看到动物图片可以说出其英文。b)能了解a和an的区别。c)通过游戏培养学生对英语的兴趣,逐渐使他们乐于学英语。新课标 第一 网重点难点:a) elephant ,zebra 的读音b) a和an的区别课前准备:课前准备该课八种动物的图片或以多媒体形式出现。教学过程:Step 1. Free talk and motivation Sing a songT: Hello, everyone!S: Hello, Miss Han!T: First lets sing the song “Hello”. Now turn to page 11. Free talk-Hi/Hello, Im Whats your name? -ImStep 2. Presentation and practicezebra, elephant, bird, monkeyT: Today well meet some animals. Look at the picture 1. 教师可应用多媒体出示图片1,斑马S: 斑马T: Im a zebra. Read after me “zebra”zebraa zebraT: Next, what can you see? S:大象T ”elephant”elephant an elephant注意这里是an不是 aT: Lets continue. Listen, whats this?S: 是小鸟T: Yes. So “bird”bird a birdT: Next! Listen.S: 猴子T: Good! So read after me “monkey”monkey a monkey教师在进行单词教学时,应该调动学生的身体语言。T:我们一起来做做动作。T: Game time! 我说你们做动作。panda, dog, tiger, catT: Lets continue. Whats our 国宝?S:是大熊猫 T: Yes! “Panda”panda a panda教师拿出图片。Whats this?S: 是小猫。T: Good! So “cat”cat a cat教师做动作。T: Look, what can you see?S: 老虎T: Well done! Read after me “tiger”.tiger a tigerT:The last one教师拿出图片。S: 狗T: Yes, ”dog”dog a dogA game: Magic eyesStep 3.Read after the tapeT: Now lets read after the tape, turn to page 8.Step 4. Another game: the spinning plateStep 5. 听力练习板书设计: Unit 1 Hellobird, dog, cat, monkey, elephant, zebra, panda, tige 练习设计:练习句型: what can you see?I can see.教后记:参加备课人员黄 敏 王增琴 张 欢 赵福兴开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案课题:Unit1 Hello本课初备课时共3 课时,本课第3 课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:1. 使学生能够认识图中的人物,并能说出他们的名字:Mike, Yang Ling, Nancy, Liu Tao。2. 提示进行对话。3. 学生能较熟练的掌握八个动物的英文表达。4.帮助学生应用英语,使他们乐于用英语进行交流。重点难点:熟练使用日常交际用语:Hello / Hi. Im,和Whats your name? 进行自由交流。课前准备:1.课前准备上节课八种动物的图片及单词卡片。(bird, dog, cat, monkey, elephant, zebra, panda, tiger)2.关于对话的课件。教学过程:Step 1 Free talk-Hi/Hello, Im Whats your name? -Im(把课本中的人物带入对话)Step 2 Look and say.T: OK. Turn to page 9. Look at picture 1, tell me who are on picture 1.S: Mike and Yang Ling.T: Yes.T: can you make a dialogue? If you are Mike, you are Yang Ling. Now try in pairs.教师在提示时暗示由同桌两位同学编对话。在做对话的过程中,教师要下讲台进行辅导,在学生表演时不仅要鼓励他们上台的表现还要鼓励学生尝试多用学过的知识编不同的对话。T: Look at the picture2, who are on the picture2?S: Yang Ling and NancyT: what about picture 3?S: Liu Tao and NancyT: Yes! Picture4?S: Liu Tao and a dogT: Very good!T: 现在第一组的同学根据第二幅图做对话,第二组的同学做第三幅画,三、四两组同学做第四幅画。开始!Step 3 Fun house1.Guessing game to practice the words of animals.T: Hello, everyone. Therere some pictures in this magic box. Now Ive got one picture , so guess what on the picture. 猜猜我手中的卡片上画了什么?教师可以在此强调一下a和an的用法。2. T: Now lets turn to page 10, go on this part.你听到哪个动物,你就在哪个动物上画圈。T: 我们在来看看这四幅图都画了什么? Picture a?S: a panda and a dogT: Very good, Picture b?S: a tiger and a catT: Yes! Picture C?S: a zebra and a birdT: Well done! Picture d?S: a monkey and an elephant教师说明做法,特别是要指明四幅图的位置及做法 Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Go! 学生听录音答题。T: Lets check. Picture a “ a panda”教师举起手中的书,同时进行。 Picture b? Who can? Hands up!S: a tiger.T: Yes. 同时,教师举起书本向学生指出。T: Next, picture c?S: a birdT: Yes, very goodT: Picture d?S: a monkeyT: Yes, youre right!T: yes, an elephantStep 4 Homework板书设计: Unit 1 HelloHello / Hi. ImWhats your name练习设计:练习句型: what can you see?I can see.Whats your name教后记: 参加备课人员黄 敏 王增琴 张 欢 赵福兴开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课日期:2009年9月7日课题:Unit2 Nice to meet you本课初备课时共 5课时,本课第1 课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown, orange 2 认识人物:Miss Li, Mr Green, Wang Bing, Helen.3、三会句型:This is Good morning./ Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.重点难点:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown, orange 2、三会句型:This is Good morning. / Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.3、会用英语自我介绍,也会介绍他人。课前准备:1、教具准备1)关于颜色的照片、图片。2)关于人物的图片等。3)关于本课时的多媒体课件。4)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期教学过程:Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1、 Greetings : The teacher wears the masks of animals and ask:Hi/Hello, Im Whats your name?The student answers: Hi/Hello, Im2. Students wear the masks of animals。 Practice in pairs (同桌练习)Group work (小组练习)Step 2 Presentation and practice1、 The teacher wears the mask of a monkey.Say: Hello, Im a monkey. Nice to meet you.(教师走到几个学生面前边握手边说Nice to meet you )2. Read the sentence after me.3. T says: Hello, Im a monkey. Nice to meet you.S says: Nice to meet you, too.4. Practice.T&S,S&S,Group work (连锁操练,每完成一段对话,双方击掌三次,以增强练习的趣味性。)5、Work in pairs 6. 同上 Four student wear the masks (Miss Li ,Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen )T says: This is Miss Li / Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen.S says: Nice to meet you, Miss Li/. Miss Li/ Mr. Green S says: Nice to meet you, too. Learn to say: Good morning, Good afternoon.7、T: draws two clocks in the blackboard ,T says: 从早上起床到12点,见面打招呼时说:Good morning, 从中午12点以后到傍晚6点说: Good afternoon.8. Read after me: Good morning /Good afternoon, Wang Bing ()Step 3 Learn to say1、理解句型, 同时熟悉人物:Miss Li, Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen.三会句型T: Good morning, This is Miss Li.S1: Nice to meet you, Miss LiT: Nice to meet you, too.(Practice in groups )2. Read the sentences after me.3. T says: Hello, Im Mr. Green/ (Wang Bing, /Helen). Nice to meet you.S says: Nice to meet you, too.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2 先引导学生熟读课文,然后再来扮演操练。3. Group work (游戏:抛球)游戏方法:全班分成四组,老师向每组抛一个小皮球,接到皮球者可以走到另一名学生跟前,用学过的交际用语进行会话,完毕,该生继续抛球。七、作业设计1、跟磁带熟读新单词。2、操练C部分句型。3、熟读课文并背诵。板书设计:Unit 2 Nice to meet you (日期)Good morning. / Good afternoon, This is Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.练习设计:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown, orange 2、三会句型:This is Good morning. / Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.3、会用英语自我介绍,也会介绍他人。教后记:参加备课人员黄敏 张欢 王增琴 赵福兴 - 12 -开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课日期:2009年9月7日课题:Unit2 Nice to meet you本课初备课时共5课时,本课第2课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:1听懂、会说以下日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语介绍他人和相互问候:This is Good morning. Good afternoon.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.2. 认识四个人物:Miss Li, Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen。并能正确运用Mr.和Miss3. 制造活动使学生乐于用英语交流。重点难点:This is 的发音,及对话的结构。课前准备:头饰,课件教学过程:Step 1 Warming up.-Hi/Hello, Im Whats your name? -ImStep 2 Presentation and practice1Teach: “Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too”T: Now Im a foreigner, Mary.We meet for the first time.现在我是一个外国人Mary,我们首次见面。T: Hello. Im Mary. Whats your name?S: Hello. ImT: Nice to meet you.教师同时可以和学生握手来表示这句话的意思。学生迟疑地说出Nice to meet you.T: Hello, Im Mary. Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you.如此对话尝试四五个学生后,板书,让学生跟读。教师要特别注意meet you的连读。T: 我说很高兴见到你,你可以说“Nice to meet you.”,但如果你说“Nice to meet you.,too.”会更好,因为它表示我也很高兴见到你。教师继续用刚才的方法训练孩子说Nice to meet you,too.T: Hello, Im Mary. Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you,too.2. Teach “This is”T: I will introduce someone to you.T: This is David.David: Hello.S: Hello. David.T: Read after me “This is”T: Who can introduce this one for us?S: This is Nancy. T: excellent! T: Now lets continue. 教师此时可以用“开火车”的方法让学生练习“This is ”这个句型。如果教师有人物的图片也会便于这个步骤的实施。3. Learn to say. Watch the video of the text.(金太阳软件) Listen and repeat 由学生举手分角色朗读。给学生创造情景,进行表演。 可由教师扮演一个角色,然后再邀两位同学参与。*在日常的教学中就应该贯穿Good morning.和Good afternoon.的学习,因此,在此处不用再费力插入该内容的教学。板书设计:Unit 2 Nice to meet you (日期)Good morning. /Good afternoon, This is Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.练习设计:1 听懂、会说以下日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语介绍他人和相互问候:This is Good morning. Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.2. 认识四个人物:Miss Li, Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen。并能正确运用Mr.和Miss教后记:参加备课人员黄敏 张欢 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课日期:2009年9月7日课题:Unit2 Nice to meet you本课初备课时共5课时,本课第3课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white,red, blue, green, brown, orange ,2 认识人物:Miss Li, Mr Green, Wang Bing, Helen.3、三会句型: Good morning. / Good afternoon, This is Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.重点难点:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown,orange2、三会句型:This is Good morning. / Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.课前准备:1、教具准备1)关于颜色的照片、图片。2)关于人物的图片等。3)关于本课时的多媒体课件。4)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期教学过程:Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1、 Greetings :The teacher wears the masks of animals and ask:Hi/Hello, Im a bird/a dog, a tiger。Whats your name?The student answers: Hi/ Hello, Im 2. 开火车一对一介绍。Hi/ Hello, Im Whats your name?Step 2 Presentation and practice1. 出示多媒体 Learn to say the new word: black。a. Show a black dog .T: Hi, boys and girls, what colour is it?Its black. Ss: black.b. T show black things, Ss say: Black. Its black.c. Ss try to find something else is black and say: Black.2. Look and say the other words: white, yellow, red, blue, green, brown, orange 3. 听音判断。全班分成四组,分别命名black, white, yellow, red .师发出命令:Red 则red 组全体成立,并高呼red.4. Guess.师准备几只不同颜色的气球,放在身后,让生猜猜what colour?让学生回答。(猜对者可以得到一只气球。)Step 3 Look and say1、新授句型,同时认识人物:Miss Li, Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen.T: Good morning, ,This is Miss Li.S1: Nice to meet you. Miss Li.T: Nice to meet you, too .(Practice in groups )The teacher wears the mask of a monkey.Say: Hello, Im a monkey. Nice to meet you.(教师走到几个学生面边握手边说Nice to meet you )2. Read the sentence after me.3. T says: Hello, Im Mr. Green/ (Wang Bing,/Helen). Nice to meet you.S says: Nice to meet you, too.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2 先引导学生看懂图意,然后再来扮演操练。3. Play a game: Magic eyes . 七、作业设计1、跟磁带熟读新单词。2、操练C部分句型。3、预习课文。板书设计:Unit 2 Nice to meet you (日期)yellow, black, white, redblue, green, brown, orange,Good morning./ Good afternoon, This is Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.练习设计:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown,orange2、三会句型:This is Good morning. / Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.教后记:参加备课人员黄敏 张欢 王增琴 赵福兴新课标第一网开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课日期:2009年9月7日课题:Unit2 Nice to meet you本课初备课时共5课时,本课第4课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的单词:red、blue、black、white、green、yellow、orange、brown通过游戏培养学生对英语的兴趣,逐渐使他们乐于学英语。重点难点:black、yellow、orange、brown的读音课前准备:图片与单词卡片教学过程:Step 1 Warming up.T: First lets learn a new song. Please turn to page 17.Step 2 Presentation and practice.T: Excellent job! Today well learn the colors. Now look at the picture on the computer. What?S: ZebraT: What color is it? 它是由哪些颜色组成的?S: 黑色和白色。T: so read after me.Black 黑色卡片学生开火车练习。So read after me “white”White 白色卡片学生开火车练习。 T: Now whats on the computer?S: Panda.T: Yes. What color is it?S: White and black.T: Good.T: Now lets go on.Whats this?S: an elephantT: What color is it?S: blue Read after me “blue”Blue 蓝色卡片学生开火车练习。T: Are you “Miss blue”? (把颜色弄成人物形象的头饰,戴在学生头上问)S: Yes.T: Are you “Mr. blue”?S: Yes.T: Are you “Miss blue”?S: No.教师可以随机地抽取学生回答这样的问题,一方面顾及blue的发音,一方面要顾及Miss和Mr.。T: Look at this picture. Whats this?S: A dogT: What color is it?S: Black and yellowT: Yes, So read after me” yellow”.T: Now look at this. Whats this?S: A cat.T: Whats the color?S: Yellow and orangeT: Yes, so read after me “orange”学生开火车练习。T: Now what?S: tigerT: whats the color?S: black and orangeT: Now game time.课件上出现图画,学生最快速度说出它的颜色就胜利。T: Lets continue. 教师以上面的方法学完(看动物学颜色)brown, red, greenT: Now I want to see who stand up fast. 在我说到哪个颜色时,穿那种颜色衣服的同学就要站起来。我说no时,不属于这八种颜色的同学就要站起来。 好,我们来试一试。教师在实验完毕后,进行正式的游戏。板书设计:Unit 2 Nice to meet you (日期)What color is it?练习设计:通过游戏培养学生对英语的兴趣,逐渐使他们乐于学英语。教后记:参加备课人员黄敏 张欢 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课日期:2009年9月7日课题:Unit2 Nice to meet you本课初备课时共5课时,本课第5课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown, orange2 认识人物:Miss Li, Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen.3、三会句型:This is Good morning. / Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.要求用词恰当,语调自然,特别要注意This is 的正确读音。4、会唱歌曲 Hi, Nancy!重点难点:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown, orange 2、三会句型:This is Good morning. /Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.要求用词恰当,语调自然,特别要注意This is 的正确读音。3、会用英语自我介绍,也会介绍他人课前准备:1、教具准备1)关于颜色的照片、图片。2)关于人物的图片等。3)关于本课时的多媒体课件。4)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期教学过程:Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1、Greetings.师生间,学生间连锁使用问候语。如:T: This is Sa: Nice to meet you.Sb: Nice to meet you, too.2. Free talk .(学生可以离开自己的座位,与小伙伴用英语互致问候)1.) Show the cards (colours)T: What colour is it? S: Red, 2.) Read the words.3.) Play a game: Listen and colour.When you heard “Colour it black ”, take out your black pencil and colour.Step 2 Presentation and practice1、 The teacher wears the mask .Say: Hello, Im . Nice to meet you.(教师走到几个学生面前边握手边说Nice to meet you )2. Read the sentence after me.3. T says: Hello, Im , Nice to meet you.S says: Nice to meet you, too.4. Practice.T&S,S&S,Group work (同前课,连锁操练,每完成一段对话,双方击掌三次,以增强练习的趣味性。)5、Work in pairs 6. 同上 Four student wear the masks (Miss Li ,Mr. Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen )T says: This is Miss Li / Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen.S says: Nice to meet you, Miss Li/. Miss Li/ Mr. Green S says: Nice to meet you, too. Learn to say: Good morning, Good afternoon.Step 3 D. Fun house1、Listen and colour:教师先带领学生复习关于颜色的单词:black red green brown orange yellow blue white组合词组进行操练:a red bird , a brown bike , a yellow car.对colour一词进行解释并完成练习.2. Draw and guess.The students are back-to back, One student conceal a word (red, white ) the other guess :“blue?” or “black?” The first student answer: “yes” or “no”Step 4 Consolidation 1. Listen to the tape and repeat.(操练课文)2. Group work (游戏:抛球)游戏方法:全班分成四组,老师向每组抛一个小皮球,接到皮球者可以走到另一名学生跟前,用学过的交际用语进行会话,完毕,该生继续抛球。七、作业设计1、 操练新句型,并能运用到生活当中。2、 熟读新单词,并能运用到句型中。3、 熟读课文并背诵。板书设计:Unit 2 Nice to meet you (日期)Good morning. /Good afternoon, This is Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.练习设计:ww w. x k b1.c o m1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关颜色的三会单词 yellow, black, white, red, blue, green, brown, orange2 认识人物:Miss Li, Mr. Green, Wang Bing, Helen.3、三会句型:This is Good morning. / Good afternoon, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.要求用词恰当,语调自然,特别要注意This is 的正确读音。4、会唱歌曲 Hi, Nancy!教后记:参加备课人员黄敏 张欢 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:2009年9月18日课题:unit 3 This is my father本课初备课时共5 课时,本课第1课时个人复备栏黄敏教学目标:1、能听懂、会说以下八个有关水果的三会单词 bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .2、三会句型的熟练运用:Good morning .Good afternoon , This is my Hi/HelloNice to meet you .Nice to meet you , too .3、能初步了解名词复数的读音.重点难点:1、能听懂会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father, mother, brother, sister.2.三会句型:Good morning .Good afternoon , This is my Hi/HelloNice to meet you .Nice to meet you , too .课前准备:1、教具准备1)关于家庭成员的照片。2)关于人物的图片等。3)关于本课时的多媒体课件。4)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期教学过程:Step 1 Free talk/ Revision1.Sing a song: 2.Greetings .(同位之间练习,自由锁链反应)。Hello /Hi, Good morning/ Good afternoon.Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too.Step 2 Look and sayGood morning !This is Yang Ling /my father .引入本课新授部分。1. Learn to say :This is my father .Show the family photo.T: Today were going to learn a new dialogue. Look at this photo of my family. Let me introduce something about it .a、T: This is my father ,(师反复重复:father , This is my father )What does “father” mean? Do you know?“Father” means “爸爸”,“my father ”means “我的爸爸”.b、T: Show me your family photo , please introduce your father to me ,You should say : Miss this is my father.c. Practice and check.2. Learn to say : This is my mother/brother/sister. The same method and then play a game .the T say the word aloud ,but the Ss say it low. If the T say it low ,the Ss say it aloud .3 Look at your photo and introduce your family to your classmates 1. T he T shows the wall picture.T: How many people are there in the picture? Three.T: Who are they?Ss :Nancy, Mr Green ,Mr Black.T: Mr Black is Nancys father , Nancy wants to introduce her father to Mr Green ,What are they talking about?4 生组成三人学习小组,先讨论交流,表演一番后评论。Listen to the tape and repeat .5. The T introduce Gao Shan to the Ss. (This is Gao Shan)6. ACT: T: “Hello, Gao Shan , this is my sister ,Nancy.”Gao Shan says: “Hi, Nancy.”Nancy says: “Hi, Gao Shan.”7. Three students a group make the dialogue.8Open the books ,turn to page 18 , A Learn to say .Listen to the tape and repeat .Step 3 Consolidation 1 学生可以自由进行家庭成员的介绍,扩充知识面。2. 先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。板书设计:Unit 3 This is my father (日期)Good morning . Good afternoon ,This is my Hi/HelloNice to meet you .Nice to meet


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