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浙江师范大学行知学院本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 译文:旅行社营销计划执行摘要:探险旅行社(AEU)成立于2001年1月,该旅行社主要提供硬冒险运动,高档的住宿,美食,名人服务以及供应商/旅游套餐。AEU硬冒险包括直升机滑雪,划船,泛舟,和山地自行车。AEU的创办人包括斯蒂芬乔丹,工商管理硕士/博士,Jillyn Certo,工商管理硕士,Loren Harlo,工商管理硕士。他们不仅读过MBA课程,而且对AEU活动保持很高的热情。探险旅行的成立存在这样一个机会,原因有:1、旅游业是一个增长的行业,以每年4的速度增长,行业内,探险旅游保持着10的速度增长。 2、该行业内有几个艰苦探险旅行高档客户的供应商。几乎所有提供“硬”冒险活动的公司吸引的大部分是收入较低的客户端。而公司吸引的富有客户通常要求提供“软”冒险包。硬探险活动涉及的物理要求,携带的风险比“软”活动要困难。软的冒险活动可能涉及体力消耗,但他们所涉及的风险水平较低,可以是非竞技人民。该公司的目标客户是高收入(最低75,000元的单身人士),关注流行的硬冒险运动并且有兴趣的健康的人。在美国各大城市主要包括律师,银行家,高级管理人员,医生等购买者,目前在市场上需求快速增长。此外,更多的细分市场在不断变化。最初,这将是经验丰富的供应商难以竞争,特别是市场领导者。然而,AEU的目标市场是一个可利用的生态位,和我们的服务是有区别的。 AEU目标市场成员的利益将有类似的活动,包括更多的可支配收入,减少对价格的敏感度。我们会提供一个信誉较高的豪华服务。服务价格将以豪华的竞争对手的价格和价值为基础,我们进行补充。供应商提供豪华服务,提供类似我们这样做的价格。从价格竞争力上看,我们属于奢侈品市场。因为我们呼吁这样一个豪华和较小的市场,数量将受到限制。一、形势分析探险游览(AEU)已经经营了好几个月了。车次已深受欢迎,现在销售的关键是不断取得成功和未来的盈利能力。 AEU提供高端硬冒险之旅。市场需要基本上是富有的客户端硬盘冒险之旅。这个目标市场享受高档住宿,美食,和个性化的关注。 AEU将满足这一带的旅游产品品种的市场需求。二、市场综述AEU对市场具有良好的信息收集功能以及具有我们最珍贵和忠诚客户的共同属性。AEU将利用这些信息,以便更好地了解该旅行社服务的对象是谁,其具体需求,以及如何能够更好地与AEU合作。AEU为富裕客户提供了多种硬探险旅游的选择。AEU旨在满足那些重要的客户以下好处:1、选择:具有一个不同的硬盘探险旅游的广泛选择。 2、交通:客户可位于任何地方,只要他们可以找到一个机场。 3、客户注意:客户将得到与赞助人个人重视程度的印象。 4、竞争力的价格:AEU价格与其他一些高端服务供应商相比,在市场上处于领先地位,提供豪华的服务与信誉的价值。三、市场趋势AEU的市场将呈现向上的旅游产业增长方式趋势。这一增长是有几个原因。首先,相对健康的国内经济在过去数年,在其他地区的货币贬值,使美国居民减少出行成本。旅行的乐趣增加了3.2,1999年,2000年预计将增长2.0。第二,健康的经济增长业务,从而带动国内商务旅行在1999年与4.8,3.6,2000年预计会增加。探险旅游是旅游业增长的部门之一,理论上极限运动最近有所增加,是因为有强大的竞争性的年轻美国人。统计显示,8000美国公司提供的冒险包产生于1999年70亿美元。此外,还有1996年之间一直在行政参与2000年增长66(或增加3000至5000)(拉法,罗伯特。福布斯,2000年2月9日v161 N3的p168(3)。四、市场增长1999年,探险旅游市场的产值为70亿美元,按照目前的形势看该市场将继续稳步增长。这种增长可以归因于几个因素,第一个因素是旅游得到了越来越来人的认可和参与。越来越多的人认识到了旅游消费,他们利用不在家的这段自由时间,选择参与他们喜欢的活动。另一个促成这一市场增长的变数是,作为美国人他们持续工作的时间较长,他们会选择探险旅游度假的方式,利用一天的时间来释放工作的压力。这样针对我们的目标市场,其他的竞争者再努力工作,也难以吸引这部分客户。当他们有一天的休息时间是,如果要选择一种度假方式,他们很大程度上会选择探险旅游。五、市场营销战略AEU将利用几种不同形式的营销策略沟通渠道。第一个工作将围绕着他们的互联网网站开展。 AEU的客户主要依赖于互联网的信息。虽然AEU目前只是一个网站,但是网站的维护来源于对资源的不断更新。该网站将不断进行测试,以确定未来更好的发展,而注册时在搜索引擎中输入关键词显得尤为重要。另一种形式的交流,是杂志广告。该广告将出现在杂志的读者群板块上,具有和AEU相似的分布。该杂志的广告将被作为AEU提高知名度和地位的平台。随着时间的推移,AEU将依靠电子邮件通讯和直接邮寄给邮件列表中的客户,从而建立忠诚的客户群。新闻简讯部分将对选定的客户群分享精品(包括行程以及特殊待遇)。该简讯的目的是激励过去的客户加入另一个具有特殊交易行的AEU。随着业务的进展,AEU将相对于竞争对手的市场继续来衡量我们的经营。虽然主要的目标市场已经被定义,但是有可能是新兴的市场会占据更多的分部。由于产品的差异化战略的定义和界定的基础上的竞争优势,AEU将能更好地定位,以确定是否有调整的必要。包括访问重要信息的有关市场,竞争对手等。然而,这些都不是免费的。对于这个项目的目的,我们觉得这是不必要招致额外开支的。为了维持和发展与客户之间的长期合作关系,对市场营销站战略的研究显得尤为重要。而AEU将为市场营销战略的制定提供有效的客户信息。我们的目标是建立作为该行的硬冒险旅行最重要的国际供应商。理材料4: 本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译原文:Travel Agency Marketing PlanExecutive SummaryAdventure Excursions Unlimited (AEU) was formedJanuary 2001 to provide hard adventure sport/travel packages with upscale accommodations, gourmet food, and celebrity service providers to wealthy clients. AEU Hard adventures include Helicopter-skiing, kayaking, white water rafting, and mountain biking. The founders of AEU are Jordan Stephan, MBA/JD, Jillyn Certo, MBA, and Loren Harlo, MBA. In addition to theirMBA status, they are passionate about the activities AEU will offer.An opportunity exists for two reasons:1、Tourism is a growing industry (4% annually) and within the industry, adventure travel is growing at 10%. 2、There are few providers of hard adventure travel to upscale clients. Virtually all companies that provide hard adventure activities appeal to a lower income client. Companies that appeal to a wealthier clientele generally provide soft adventure package. Hard adventure activities involve difficult physical requirements. They carry a higher level of risk than do soft activities. Soft adventure activities may involvephysical exertion, however they involve a low level of risk and can be engaged in by non-athletic people.The companys target customers are high income (min. $75,000 for single person), health-conscious individuals interested in popular hard adventure sports. These are lawyers, bankers, executives, doctors, etc. The major purchasers are located in urban areas within major United States cities. Our customers are more likely to be married. 51% are men and 49% are women.There is rapid growth in the market and increasing demand. In addition, more niche markets are evolving. Initially, it will be difficult to compete with experienced providers, especially themarket leaders. However, AEUs target market is an exploitable niche and our service is differentiated. AEUs target market members will have similar activity interests, more disposable income and less sensitivity to price.We will provide a luxury service with prestige value. Our prices will be out of reach for the majority of adventure travelers. Service will be priced based upon luxury competitor prices and the value added of our offering. Providers that offer offering luxury services similar to ours do so at prices similar to ours. We are competitively priced in the luxury market. Situation AnalysisAdventure Excursions Unlimited (AEU)has been operating for several months now. The trips have been well received, and marketing is now critical to its continued success and future profitability. AEU offers high-end hard adventure trips. The basic market need is hard adventure trips for the wealthy client. This target market appreciates upscale accommodations, gourmet food, and personalized attention. AEU will meet this market need with a variety of trip offerings.Market SummaryAEU possess good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of our most prized and loyal customers. AEU will leverage this information to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how AEU can better connect with them.AEU is providing its customers with a wide selection of hard adventure trips for wealthy clients. Virtually all companies that provide hard adventure activities appeal to a lower income client. Companies that appeal to a wealthier clientele generally provide soft adventure packages. Hard adventure activities involve difficult physical requirements. They carry a higher level of risk than do soft activities. Soft adventure activities may involve some physical exertion, however they involve a low level of risk and can be engaged in by non-athletic people. AEU seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to their customers. Selection: A wide selection of different hard adventure trips. Accessibility: The customer can be located anywhere as long as they have access to an airport. Customer attention: The patron will be impressed with the level of personal attention that they receive. Competitive prices: Although AEU is priced at the top of the market, providing a luxury service with prestige value, AEU will be priced competitively with the few other high-end service providers.Market TrendsThe travel industry is in an upward growth mode. There are several reasons for this increase. First, a relative healthy domestic economy over the last several years and the devaluation of currency in other regions has made travel less expensive for U.S. residents. Pleasure travel has increased by 3.2% in 1999 and is predicted to grow 2.0% in 2000. Second, the healthy economy has increased business which in turn boosted domestic business travel 4.8% in 1999 with an estimated increase of 3.6% in 2000.Adventure travel is a growing segment of the travel industry. One theory of the recent increase in extreme sports has to do with the strong competitive nature of younger Americans. Statistics show that 8,000 U.S. companies offer adventure packages that generated $7 billion in 1999. There also has been a 66% increase in executive participation between 1996 and2000 (or an increase of 3,000 to 5,000)(La Franco, Robert. Forbes, Feb 9,2000 v161 n3 p168(3).Market GrowthIn 1999, the adventure travel market generated $7 billion dollars. The market is poised for growth. This growth can be attributed to several factors. The first factor is an increased appreciation for travel. More and more people are recognizing the value in spending their free time away from home, participating in activities that they enjoy.Another variable that is contributing to this market growth is that as Americans continue to work longer and longer work hours, they also are looking for adventure travel vacations that offer a release from their day to day work. Our target market works hard, but also plays hard. When they do take time off from work, they choose an activity that they thoroughly enjoy, to a large degree because vacation occurs somewhat infrequentlyMarketing StrategyAEU will use several different forms of communication for their marketing strategy. The first effort will revolve around their Internet site. AEUs demographic relies heavily on the Internet for information. While AEU currently has a website, they recognize that resources are required to maintain the site as well as continually improve it. The website will constantly tested to determine that it is coming up as one of the top results when key words are entered into a search engine.Another form of communication is magazine advertising. The advertising will occur in magazines whose readership has similar demographics as AEU. The magazine advertisements will be usedto increase visibility of AEU and position it as the top service provider in the high-end hard adventure market. As time progresses and a loyal customer base is established, AEU will rely on email newsletters and direct mail to the customers that are on the mailing list. The newsletters will share specials (both trips as well as special deals) to this select group of customers. The goal of the newsletters is to incentivize the past customers to join AEU for another trip with a special deal.As operations progress, the AEU will continue to measure our progress relative to competitors and to the growth of the market(s) in which we operate. Though the primary target market has been defined, there may be new possibilities to serve additional segments. As the product is defined and the strategy differentiation is defined based on competitive strengths, AEU will be better able to determine whether adjustments in positioning are necessary. Access to important information concerning the market, competitors, etc., is available. However it is not free. For the purposes of this project, we feel it is unnecessary to incur additional expense.The marketing strategy will be to develop long-term relationships with customers. AEU will keep a database from which to obtain important demographic & psychographic information. As the business becomes profitable, plans will be implemented to expand. There is virtually no limit to the number and variety of trips AEU can provide. Trips can take place on every continent and in most countries.


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