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独立口语话题分类:活动 工作 职业 技能 人物 交友 经历 教育 科技 环境 交通 其他2014 年 01 月 12 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a study habit of yours that s different from others. Explain your answer in details.Task 2: Some people prefer to shop in big shopping malls, other prefer smaller shops. Which do you prefer? Explain why in details.2014 年 01 月 17 日北美Task 1: It is a good idea for university to ask a student to leave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education is more important than it was in the past.2014 年 01 月 18 日大陆Task 1: Your friend is concerned about a presentation that he has to do in class. What suggestion would you like to give him?Task 2: Some teachers prefer students to send questions about course work or assignments by email. Other teachers prefer that students ask these questions in person. Which do you think is better? Explain why.2014 年 01 月 25 日北美Task 1: What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in you answer.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, it is better to live close to parents than far away from them.2014 年 02 月 22 日大陆Task 1: Which of the following transportation methods do you think is the most enjoyable? Bicycle, automobile or train. Explain your answer in details.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that people will read less in the future? Give examples and details in your answer.2014 年 02 月 28 日北美Task 1: Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free, which of the following class you will choose to take, give reason to explain your choice. 1) A financial course to help you manage money, 2) Car maintenance and repair 3) Review of Latin-American music.Task 2: do you agree or disagree the following statement and give reasons: Parents should not allow their children to participate any form of sport (football, basketball, ice hockey.) in order to protect their health and from any form of injuries.2014 年 03 月 01 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a type of clothing that is popular in your country.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree University students should take part-time jobs.2014 年 03 月 02 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an after school activity you enjoy doing the most. Give specific reasons and details to support your response.Task 2: Some people prefer to spend spare time by themselves, others prefer to spend it with family members. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2014 年 03 月 15 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a volunteer work you enjoy doing, explain why you enjoy it in details.Task 2: Some people prefer to work in an office, others prefer to work from home. Which do you prefer?2014 年 03 月 16 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a friend that s special to you. Explain why this person is special to you.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people s personality never changes.2014 年 03 月 22 日大陆 ATask 1: Talk about a friend of yours and how you met this person.Task 2: Some students like to take notes in class, others prefer to mainly listen to the teacher. Which one do you prefer? Explain why.2014 年 03 月 22 日大陆 BTask 1: Which of the following quality is the most important for someone to be successful? Being highly motivated, hardworking or intelligent.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that artists and musicians are important to our society. Explain your answer in details.2014 年 03 月 23 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an activity you would like to participate in the near future, explain your answer in details.Task 2: While doing group projects, some students prefer to lead, others prefer to support. Which do you think is better and why?2014 年 03 月 29 日北美Task 1: Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and the kind of gift that s common.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that employees should be prohibited to listen to music at work.2014 年 04 月 05 日北美Task 1: Which of the following groups would you like to join? Campus newspaper, hiking club or dorm improvement committee.Task 2: Some people prefer to share a large house with other students, others prefer to live in a smaller apartment alone. Which one do you prefer? Explain why.2014 年 04 月 12 日大陆 ATask 1: Talk about how cellphone has changed people s lives. Explain you answer in details.Task 2: When traveling, do you prefer to stay at one place for a long time or spend less time but visit more places? Explain you answer in details.2014 年 04 月 12 日大陆 BTask 1: Talk about the ways internet has benefit people s lives. Explain your answer in details.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people live healthier lives than 100 year ago?2014 年 04 月 19 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain why this decision was important for you in details.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it s important for students to study Art and Music in school. Explain your answer in details.2014 年 04 月 27 日大陆Task 1: Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more about this person in details.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that all children under the age of 16 should attend school. Explain you answer in details.2014 年 05 月 11 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child, explain you answer in details.Task 2: While traveling, some people prefer to go to new places, others prefer to visit familiar places. Which do you think is better? Explain why.2014 年 05 月 17 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a special event that you recently participated in with your families and friends. Describe it in details.Task 2: When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents, others prefer to go to their friends. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2014 年 05 月 24 日大陆Task 1: Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give him?Task 2: When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal on the trip.2014 年 05 月 25 日大陆Task 1: Talk about two singers or musicians and the differences between them. Include examples and details in your response.Task 2: Some people prefer to eat at fast food restaurants, others prefer to eat at regular restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.2014 年 05 月 31 日北美Task 1: Some countries now take measures to attract a large amount of foreign tourists to their tourism sites. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of attracting a large amount of foreign tourists to tourism sites, give examples to illustrate your points.Task 2: Some students prefer to study nine or ten months a year, others choose to be in school the whole year. Which do you think is better? Explain why.2014 年 06 月 15 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a gift you gave to someone. Who did you give this gift to? Why did you give it to this person?Task 2: Do you think it s easier to be a teacher or students?2014 年 06 月 21 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a subject you enjoy learning in school. Explain your answer in details.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should do houseworks when they re old enough.2014 年 06 月 28 日大陆Task 1: What kind of strategy do you use to handle an overwhelming amount of work.Task 2: Some people prefer to do take a vacation in cities, others prefer to spend their vocation in countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2014 年 06 月 29 日大陆Task 1: Which of the following periods in life do you think is the hardest, being a kid, a teenager or an adult.Task 2: Some people prefer to live in the present, others prefer to be prepared for the future and plan ahead. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2014 年 07 月 06 日大陆Task 1: Talk about something you didn t want to do, what was it? What was the result of it?Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the wealthy should do more to help the poor. Explain your answer in details.2014 年 07 月 12 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a subject you enjoy studying, explain why you enjoy this subject in details.Task 2: Some people enjoy doing indoor activities, others enjoy doing outdoor activities. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2014 年 08 月 10 日北美Task 1: Describe what your life would be like if you were banned from using your cellphone for a month. Give specific details and examples in your response.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that protecting the environment is as important as economical development.2014 年 08 月 16 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an activity you enjoy doing with your family. Why do you enjoy this activity?Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that playing video games is a waste of time.2014 年 08 月 22 日北美Task 1: Computer technology has influenced student s study life in various ways. Give examples to illustrate the advantage that a computer helps in your study life.Task 2: Emailing and texting takes a major place in contacting people in modern times. However, face-to-face talk could be a more effective way of communication. Which way of communication would you prefer, give the reasons to support your idea.2014 年 08 月 23 日大陆 ATask 1: Your university of planning to replace paper books with electronic books, what is the advantage and disadvantage of this plan?Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it s easier to teach primary school students than to teach university students.2014 年 08 月 23 日大陆 BTask 1: The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this change?Task 2: Some people prefer to only take the courses that are related to their future career, others prefer to take a variety of course. Which do you think it s better?2013 年 01 月 12 日大陆Task 1: What is the one style of clothing that students in your school tend to wear? Why do you like this style of clothing? Include specific reasons and details in your response.Task 2: What kind of job will you choose? To choose a job through which you can get a lot of money or to choose a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.2013 年 01 月 13 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an after school activity you enjoy doing the most. Give specific reasons and details to support your response.Task 2: Some people prefer to do every day tasks like doing the laundry or dishes by hand, others prefer to use machines to do these tasks. Which one do you prefer? Give details and examples in your response.2013 年 01 月 27 日大陆Task 1: Some schools require students to finish a reading list during school breaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.Task 2: Some people prefer doing outdoor activities during summer, others prefer to do outdoor activities during winter. Which do you prefer?2013 年 02 月 02 日北美Task 1: Which of the following activities do you think benefits young people the most? Doing team sports, talking to seniors of the community, or traveling.Task 2: Some people prefer to live in residence with strict rules, others prefer to live in residence without strict rules. Which do you prefer and why?2013 年 02 月 15 日北美Task 1: Which of the following do you think benefit students more? Going to field trips, tutoring or doing class presentations.Task 2: Some students prefer to make going to gyms a priority, other students prefer to go to gyms whenever they are free. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2013 年 03 月 02 日北美Task 1: Which of the following brings you more pleasure? Spend time with friends, study by yourself or doing sports? Include specific details and examples in your response.Task 2 : Some students prefer to have an early class schedule with classes in the morning, others prefer to have a late class schedule so they can go to classes in the afternoon. Which one do you prefer? Include specific details and examples in your response.2013 年 03 月 02 日大陆Task 1: If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what suggestions would you like to give them? Include specific details and examples in your response.Task 2 : Some people prefer to write many short assignments for a semester, others prefer to write one or two long assignments for a semester. Which do you prefer? Include specific details and examples in your response.2013 年 03 月 03 日大陆Task 1: Which of the following would you rather be? Lawyer, vet, or restaurant owner. Explain your answer in details.Task 2 : Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It s impolite to make calls or send text messages at a dinner table. Explain in details.2013 年 03 月 16 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a thing you always wanted to do but didn t have time to do yet. Explain why you want to do it, give examples and details in your explanation.Task 2 : Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to live at a place where the climate stays the same all year around.2013 年 03 月 17 日大陆Task 1: Which of the following study methods do you think is the most effective? Having discussions, repeating class material or taking a lot of notes. Give specific examples and details in your explanation.Task 2 : Some people prefer to sit in the front of a classroom during a lecture, others prefer to sit in the back during a lecture. Which do to think is better? Explain your response in details and examples.2013 年 03 月 22 日北美Task 1: Which of the following Art classes would you be more interested in taking? Wood Sculpture, Painting or Photography?Task 2 : N/A2013 年 03 月 24 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a positive experience you recently had working with another person. Explain why this experience was important to you.Task 2 : Some people prefer to plan what to do in their free time ahead of time, others prefer to not having such plans. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2013 年 03 月 30 日大陆Task 1: Talk about the one thing government can do to improve the educational system in your country. Give details and examples in your answer.Task 2 : Some people prefer to own cars, others prefer to mainly use public transportation. Which do you agree with? Explain why.2013 年 04 月 14 日大陆Task 1: If your school received a large amount of money, what do you wish it will be spent on? A gym, a laboratory or a scientific research facility?Task 2: Some people believe that it is important for young people to have a part-time job as a working experience, while others think they should spend more time on their studies. What is your opinion and why?2013 年 04 月 20 日大陆Task 1: What suggestions would you give a friend who is starting a new job. Give examples and details in your response.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should be allowed to carry their cellphones at all times. Give details and examples in your response.2013 年 04 月 27 日北美Task 1: Talk about a hobby of yours, give examples and details in your response.Task 2 : Some people prefer to live in big cities, others prefer to live in small towns. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.2013 年 05 月 11 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an interesting school activity that you participated in recently. Give details and examples in your response.Task 2 : Some people prefer to buy innovative high-tech products like cellphones and computers when they first came out, others would buy them after the price has been decreased. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2013 年 05 月 18 日大陆Task 1: Talk about an interesting activity you recently participated in. Did everyone involved enjoy the activity? Give details and examples in your response.Task 2 : Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents are the best teacher for children? Give specific reasons and details in your response.2013 年 05 月 26 日大陆Task 1: Your friend has been offered a job thats far away from his home town. Do you think he should take it or not? Give specific reasons and details to support your response.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree that teachers should encourage students to have class discussions during class? Give specific reasons and details in your response2013 年 06 月 08 日北美Task 1: Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a new school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on the campus play field or auditing lectures?Task 2: If you were given a empty piece of land, would you rather using it to build a garden or a playground for children?2013 年 06 月 08 日大陆Task 1: Your friend is about to open a new restaurant, what suggestions would you give this friend, it could be about the location and food. Give specific reasons and details in your response.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that sixteen-year-olds are old enough to drive. Give specific reasons and details in your response.2013 年 06 月 15 日大陆Task 1: Talk about two schools which you attended and their differences. Give specific examples and details in your response.Task 2: Some people think that one needs to be talented to be an artist, others believe trainings and hard work is more crucial for someone to be an artist. Which do you think is more important? Give details and examples in your response.2013 年 06 月 30 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a skill you have but would like to improve. How do you plan to improve this skill of yours?Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that advertisements have great influence on what people buy2013 年 07 月 13 日北美Task 1: Which of the following hospital volunteer works would you be interested in doing? xxx, talk to patients or read to patients.Task 2: Some people prefer to work alone, other prefer to work with others. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.2013 年 07 月 13 日大陆Task 1: If you have a chance to go to the moon, would you go? Givespecific reasons anddetails to support your response.Task 2: What would you build if you have the land to do so, a park or a library? Give specific reasons and examples in your response.2013 年 07 月 14 日大陆Task 1: If you had to volunteer for a project, which one would you choose? Cleaning up the city, creating bicycle trails, or planting trees? Use details and examples in your response.Task 2: When preparing for exams, some students prefer to study by themselves, others prefer to study with a group. Which method do you prefer? Give examples and details in your explanation.2013 年 07 月 20 日大陆Task 1: Your friend has been offered a job thats far away from his home town. Do you think he should take it or not? Give specific reasons and details to support your response.Task 2: Some students prefer to take one long lecture a week that covers more material, others prefer to take several short lectures a week. Which do you prefer?2013 年 07 月 21 日大陆Task 1: Talk about a group or club you d like to join. Why would you like to join this group or club? Use details and explanations in your response.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a good thing to have classes with your best friend. Use examples and details to support your response.I think it sa good thing to take classes with my best friend. First, we can study together. Each time there sa test or big assignment coming up, we can get together to discuss our plans for that. That makes it easier for us to stay on track most of the time. Second, we can share textbooks. This is a big advantage. If I have to buy a lot of textbooks and theyre really expensive, then I can share the cost of those books with my friend. Therefore none of us will have to


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