高中英语 Unit 3 Australia Section Ⅱ Warming up and ReadingLanguage points课件 新人教版选修9

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高中英语 Unit 3 Australia Section Ⅱ Warming up and ReadingLanguage points课件 新人教版选修9_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Australia Section Ⅱ Warming up and ReadingLanguage points课件 新人教版选修9_第3页
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Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage points课前自主预习 .重点单词 1_ vt.使发生联系;使联合;结交association n联合;联盟;联系;交往,友情;友谊 2_ adj.适当的;足够的adequacy n适当;足够adequately adv.适当地;足够地 3_ n生态学;生态ecological adj.生态学的;生态的ecologically adv.生态地ecologist n生态学家 4_ adj.自治的;自主的;独立的autonomy n自治;自主;独立associateadequateecologyautonomous 5_ adj.联邦的;联合的;联邦制的federally adv.联邦地;同盟地federate v(指州、团体等)组成联邦,结成同盟federation n联邦;联合会,联盟 6_ (defense) n防卫;辩护defend v保护某人(某物)免受伤害;保卫某人(某物)defender n后卫defenceless adj.没有防卫的;不能保护自己的defensive adj.防御用的;防御性的defensible adj.可保卫的;可防御的;可辩护的 7_ n税;税款 v对征税taxation n征税;税款taxable adj.应纳税的,可纳税的taxing adj.累人的;烦人的;繁重的federaldefencetax 8_ n国家;民族national adj.国家的;民族的nationality n国籍 9_ n市民;公民citizenship n公民身份;公民的职责和权力 10_ n庆祝;庆典celebrate v庆祝;祝贺celebrated adj.著名的;驰名的 11_ vt.忍受;容忍toleration n容忍;忍受;宽容tolerable adj.可容忍的,可忍受的tolerant adj.容忍的;忍受的 12_ n移民者;移民;候鸟migration n迁居;移民;迁徙migratory adj.有迁徙习惯的nationcitizencelebrationtoleratemigrant 13_ n壮丽;杰出;壮观splendid adj.华丽的;壮丽的;辉煌的 14_ n遗产,继承物 15_ n保留;预定reserve v保留;订位reserved adj.预定的;保留的reservedly adv.保留地 16_ n农业;农学agricultural adj.农业的;农学的splendourheritagereservationagriculture .重点短语 1_与联系 2_找到能与相配合或相适应的 3_由组成 4_对负责 5_搭乘(船,飞机,火车,汽车等);在船上、飞机上、车上的 6_的(一)部分 7_出于尊敬associate withmatch.withbe made up ofbe responsible foron boardpart of.out of respect .重点句型 1Australia is a _ destination _ tourist from all over the world who come to experience its unique ecology. 2It is _,but most people dont do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred.popularwithalso possible to climb the rock 3_ 250 km northwestwards from Hobart along the A10 highway _at the southern end of the magnificent Cradle Mountain National Park and World Heritage area. 4Why do you think the population of Australia is so small _it is such a large country?Driveand youll arrivewhen课内研析探究associate (1)vt.使发生联系,使联合;结交 I have never associated you with this place. 我从来没有把你和这个地方联系在一起。 (2)n.同事;伙伴 Bob is one of his business associates. Bob是他生意上的一个伙伴。 (3)adj.非正式的;准的;副的 associate members非正式会员/非会员 注意:用associate表示“副”时是一个单词;而vice作为一个前缀,其后需要加连接号。 vice表示“副”“次”“代理”。 the vicepresident of the USA美国副总统 associate sb./sth.with.把某人/某物与联系起来 be associated (with.)(与)有关 associate with sb.与某人交往/合伙 associate professor副教授 association n协会,社团;联系,关系;联想 in association with与合伙This concert will be held in association with the central Band.此次音乐会将与中央乐团联合举办。adequate adj.足够的;适当的;合乎需要的,恰当的;胜任的;令人满意的 He didnt give an adequate answer to the question. 对这个问题他没有作出满意的答复。 The space available is not adequate for our needs. 可用空间不能满足我们的需要。defense/defence/defence nU,C防卫;(pl.)防卫设备,防御物;律(被告的)答辩,辩护 A thick overcoat is a good defence against the cold. 一件厚大衣足以御寒。 The accused man made no defence. 被告人未做辩护。 (1)come to ones defence帮助某人 in defence of.为了捍卫 (2)defend v保护,保卫 defend sth.against/from保护某物免受 defend oneself自卫,为自己辩解Many soldiers died in defence of our motherland.许多战士为了保卫祖国而献出了生命。taxation nU征税,税款,税收(制度) The rate of taxation in that country is high. 那个国家的税率高。tax n税款,税free of tax免税pay taxes交税nation nC国家;民族 The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news. 听到这个噩耗时,整个国家都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中。national adj.国家的;民族的nationality n国籍;国家;民族(性)nationwide adj.全国性的celebration nU,C庆祝;庆祝典礼,庆祝仪式 I dont feel like getting involved in any New Years celebrations. 我不想参加任何新年庆典。 Therell be a reception in celebration of the Funds 70th Anniversary. 为庆祝基金会成立70周年,将举行一个招待会。tolerate v忍受;容忍 This sort of behavior will not be tolerated. 这种行为是不能容许的。 Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature. 很少有植物能经受住气温的突然变化。tolerance n宽容;忍受tolerant adj.宽容的;宽大的heritage nC(常用单数)遗产,继承物;传统 These ancient buildings are part of the national heritage. 这些古建筑是民族遗产的一部分。 a heritage of moral uprightness 道德上正直的传统reservation nU,C保留;(旅馆房间等)预定,预约 I accept his invitation without reservations. 我毫无保留地接受他的邀请。 These seats are reserved for the elderly and disabled. 这些座位是留给老人和残疾人坐的。reserve vt.保留,储备;预定,预约n储备(物),储藏量,储备金nature reserve自然保护区a great reserve of medicine大量的备用药品part of. 的(一)部分 Taiwan is part of China.No one can separate it from the mainland. 台湾是中国的一部分。谁也不能把它和大陆分开。play a part起作用;扮演角色take part(in)参加;参与on sb.s parton the part of sb.就某人而言 form (a) part of组成的一部分in part在某种程度上,部分地 Her success was due in part to luck. 她的成功在某种程度上是由于运气好。 注意:a part of.暗含“的一小部分”。 He has rewritten a part of the book. 他只改写这书的一(小)部分。out of respect出于尊敬 I did it for her out of respect. 我出于尊敬对她做那事。 The students all went back to the classroom out of respect for their history teacher. 学生们出于对历史老师的尊敬都回到了教室。 show/have respect for sb.尊敬某人 lose the respect of失去的尊敬 in respect of sth.关于,就而言 with respect to sth.至于,关于,就而言 in all/some/many respects在各个/某些/许多方面 He shows no respect for others feeling. 他不尊重别人的感情。 A writ was served on the firm in respect of their unpaid bills. 公司由于欠账而收到了传票。 注意:out of sth.(表示原因)因为,出于;(从里)出来;没有,缺少;(表示不在原状态)脱离,离开;用完,卖完。 .完成句子 1She wished to forget everything _(与前夫有关的) 答案:associated with her former husband 2The concerts were sponsored by the Arts Council _(与合伙) local business. 答案:in association with 3They needed more troops_(来保卫边境地区) against possible attacks. 答案:to defend the border 4Several people witnessed the attack,but no one_(站出来帮助她) 答案:came to her defence 5Women are _(在中起重要作用) socialist construction. 答案:playing an important part in 6It was just a mistake_(就她而言) 答案:on her part .选词填空 1We passed through four_on our way to Greece. 答案:countries 2The _provides free education and health care. 答案:state 3The Jewish _is scattered around the world. 答案:nation 4She _me warmly on my exam result. 答案:congratulatedcountry,state,nation,celebrate,congratulate 5Halloween is now _largely as a childrens day,and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand. 答案:celebrated .单句语法填空 1A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and _(tolerate) your success. 答案:tolerates 2Luckily,my parents were _(tolerate) of my choice of music. 答案:tolerant 3Many old people have a very limited _ (tolerate) to cold. 答案:tolerance 4These books are_(reserve) for the new comers. 答案:reserved 5Customers are advised to make seat_(reserve) well in advance. 答案:reservationsAustralia is a popular destination with tourists from all over the world who come to experience its unique ecology. 澳大利亚是一个受人欢迎的旅游胜地,有来自世界各地的游客到这里体验它独特的生态环境。 (1)who come to experience its unique ecology是定语从句,和介词短语from all over the world并列修饰tourists。 (2)popular意思是“受欢迎的”,常跟介词with表示“受到的欢迎”。 She is a popular teacher with her students. 她是个很受学生欢迎的老师。 His songs are popular with young people. 他的歌很受年轻人的喜爱。It is also possible to climb the rock,but most people dont do this out of respect for the aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred. 要爬上这个巨石也是可能的,但大多数人们出于对土著人的尊敬而不这么做,因为他们认为这块岩石是神圣的。 (1)在第一个分句中,it作形式主语,to climb the rock作真正主语。 It is very important to learn English well. 学好英语很重要。 I find it difficult to explain the differences between the three words. 我觉得难以解释清楚这三个词间的区别。 (2)表示“可能”的三个常用形容词likely,possible和probable分别用于下列几种不同的句型: It is likely/possible/probablethat. It is likely/possible/probable that he will fail in the exam. 很可能/可能/极有可能,他考试不及格。 Its likely/possible/probable(for sb.)to do/be. It is likely/possible/probable for the chairman to come and inspect the company. 很可能/可能/极有可能,董事长要来视察公司。 Sb./Sth.is likelyto do/be Tom is likely to be an American. 汤姆很可能是个美国人。Drive 250 km northwestwards from Hobart along the A10 highway and youll arrive at the southern end of the magnificent Cradle Mountain National Park and World Heritage area. 从霍巴特沿A10公路朝西北方向行驶250公里,你就来到景色壮观的摇篮山国家公园暨世界遗产保护区的南端。 本句使用的是“祈使句并列连词简单句”句型。在该句型中,祈使句陈述的某种条件,简单句表示的是某种结果。若祈使句所陈述的这种条件和简单句的结果一致时,并列连词用and;若不一致时,并列连词则用or/otherwise。 Go on a vacation,and youll forget unhappy things. 去度个假,你就会忘记所有不愉快的事情。 Talk to him,and hell help you. 你跟他说,他就会帮助你。 Put on your coat,or you will catch cold. 穿上大衣,不然你会感冒的。 注意:本句型为并列句,它可以与含有if条件从句的复合句相互转换。如课文中的句子可以改为: If you drive 250 km,you will arrive.Why do you think the population of Australia is so small when it is such a large country? 既然澳大利亚是如此大的一个国家,那么你认为它的人口为什么那么少呢? when用作连词,表示“考虑到,既然”。 I cant tell you anything when you wont listen. 既然你不想听,我就不说了。 when用作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“当时”,后可跟句子、现在分词、过去分词、形容词、名词及介词短语等。 when引导状语从句还有些其他意思: (1)表示突然发生某事,可译为“这时”。 I was about to swim in the river when the guide stopped me. 我正想到河中游泳这时向导拦住了我。 (2)表示过早发生某事,可译为“还没(刚刚)就”。 Hardly had I opened the door when he hit me. 我刚把门打开,他就撞上了我。 (3)表示对比,可译为“本该而(却)”。 Why are you here when you should be in school? 你本该去上学的可你为什么在这儿? .完成句子 1Tom _(受女孩欢迎)Hes so amusing. 答案:is popular with 2Susan _(使清楚) to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 答案:made it clear 3I think Tom _(可能来) to my party this evening. 答案:is likely to come 4Follow your doctors advice,_(否则你的咳嗽会变重的) 答案:or/otherwise your cough will get worse 5Call me tomorrow _(让你知道实验结果) 答案:and Ill let you know the lab result .写出下列句中when的含义 1Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores,and this is especially true when it comes to classroom test. 答案:当时候 2Why do you walk when you have a car? 答案:既然 3I was about to start work when she called me up. 答案:这时谢谢观看!谢谢观看!


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