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北京语言大学21秋英语语法离线作业2-001答案1. He made a lot of noise and it is why they want him to get out.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A2. She insisted that she _ (send)to work in the faraway small townShe insisted that she _ (send)to work in the faraway small town(should)be sent3. Please mark the bales _ our initials SCC _ a diamond, _ which comes the destination BPlease mark the bales _ our initials SCC _ a diamond, _ which comes the destination Bremen _ order number 4424 below again.with,in,under,with4. Frankly speaking, I&39;d rather you (say) _ nothing about it for the time being.Frankly speaking, Id rather you (say) _ nothing about it for the time being.said在would rather后接从句时,常用虚拟语气,此处用动词过去式表示虚拟语气。意思为:坦白地说,我宁愿你现在对此什么都别说。5. There was a meeting yesterday for students who failed the exam. Sally, passed so she (go) _. She went to a party instead.A.didnt have/need toB.neednt have参考答案:A6. 1 was getting up when 1 heard a crash. This sentence means: _A. The1 was getting up when 1 heard a crash. This sentence means: _A. The noise woke me up.B. Id just turned the alarm clock off.C. 1 made loud noise.D. 1 witnessed a car accident.参考答案:A7. The word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifThe word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifeCworld of microbesDword正确答案:C“it”这个代词应该是代替本句中前面提到的theworld(ofmicrobes)。8. Entering the room, the headmaster said, Everyone_quiet, please. AkeepBkeepsCis kEntering the room, the headmaster said, Everyone_quiet, please. AkeepBkeepsCis keepingDto keep正确答案:A9. I like English better than my brother likes.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A10. Mr.Smith insists that we are careful in out writing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11. I&39;ll still unable to make myself _ in the discussion, which worries me a lot. A) to be unIll still unable to make myself _ in the discussion, which worries me a lot.A) to be understoodB) understandingC) understoodD) understandC此题含义为:在这次讨论中我仍不能把自己的想法解释清楚,这让我很着急。句中用understood作make的宾语补足语,make oneself uderstood表示“使某人自己被了解”。12. Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B13. You have been drinking at least ten cups.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A14. They&39;re playing well, but one of them _ hurt. A) got B) gets C) are D) wereTheyre playing well, but one of them _ hurt.A) gotB) getsC) areD) wereAone of them为单数主语,可以先排除C和D;根据句意,“有个人受伤了”应该是一般过去时,因此选A。15. He put on his sweater wrong side out.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B16. If other basketball players passed the ball more frequently to him, Yaoming would have given his fans more surprises.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A17. 【C20】Aput up withBkeep up withCcome up withDcatch up with【C20】Aput up withBkeep up withCcome up withDcatch up with正确答案:Aputupwith意为“忍受”,相当于bear,stand。keepupwith与catchupwith为近义词,表示“赶上,跟上”,两者的细微差别在于前者指两物体之间没有距离,后者暗示两物体之间有距离,一前一后。comeupwith意为“产生”,例如:Icameupwithagoodidea(我想出了一个好主意。)18. The opposition leader&39;s speech stole the headlines from the government.The opposition leaders speech stole the headlines from the government.反对党领袖的演讲在报纸上大出凤头,使政府相形见绌。19. He is going to make a model plane, some old parts to help.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B20. _ you fulfill the terms of the credit we will accept and pay on maturity the draft presented to_ you fulfill the terms of the credit we will accept and pay on maturity the draft presented to us under this credit and if required, _ discounting facilities at current rates.AProvided, provideBProvided, providingCProvide, providingDProvide, provideA21. With a lot of difficult problems _, they decided to take a few days off.A.settlingB.to settleC.being settleD.settled参考答案:D22. For an amount of insurance like this, it is impossible for us to get both the hull and machinery _For an amount of insurance like this, it is impossible for us to get both the hull and machinery _ .AinsuredBissuedCensuredDassuredA23. It goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have _ us in the past. AeIt goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have _ us in the past.AexpandedBexpectedCextendedDexecutedC24. Don&39;t live in the world, I would rather (I would just as soon) you die.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. Hello, Linda. How are you? ( ) Im fine, thank you.A、How are you?B、Fine, thank you、And you?C、How do you do?D、Im good.参考答案:B26. The light in the office is still onI forgot _ (turn)it offThe light in the office is still onI forgot _ (turn)it offto turn27. With the countrys population increasing to 3 billion, many of Chinas rivers, including theWith the countrys population increasing to 3 billion, many of Chinas rivers, including the legendary Yellow River, _Ais drying upBwill be drying upChad dried upDare drying up正确答案:D28. If I were rich, I would buy a shopping mall.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. 一 Do you know where I can post the letter?_.A. I put the letter on your desk in t一 Do you know where I can post the letter?_.A. I put the letter on your desk in the officeB. What letters do you post?C. Theres a post office at the end of St. Beach参考答案:C30. Henry can&39;t attend the party _ at Tom&39;s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _ at Marie&39;s house tomorrow.A.held/being heldB.to be held/to be heldC.to be held/heldD.being held/to be held参考答案:D31. The manager came over and asked the customer how _?A.did the quarrel came aboutB.the quarrel had come aboutC.had the quarrel come aboutD.had the quarrel come about参考答案:B32. The result of the experiment was very good, _ we hadn&39;t expected. A) when B) thatThe result of the experiment was very good, _ we hadnt expected.A) whenB) thatC) whichD) whatC本题考查非限制性定语从句中关系词的用法。根据句意可以知道:定语从句中的关系词指代整个主句“the result of the experiment was very good”,并且该关系词在定语从句中充当及物动词expect的宾语,因此该空中需要填入一个关系代词,而that不能用于非限制性定语从句中,故C为正确答案。句意:实验的结果非常好,这一点我们没有想到。33. They moved that their plan _ rejected. A) was B) has been C) be D) will beThey moved that their plan _ rejected.A) wasB) has beenC) beD) will beC此题关键词moved提示在此后的从句中要用虚拟语气,动词形式为should be或者be。34. Many people are worried about the effect of _on local culture.A. globalizationB.Many people are worried about the effect of _on local culture.A. globalizationB. globalC. globalisedD. globalise参考答案:A35. _ is almost the same as CFR except that CFR is only applied to sea and inland waterway transpor_ is almost the same as CFR except that CFR is only applied to sea and inland waterway transport while _ may be used for any mode of transport including multimodal transport.CPT$CPT36. You won&39;t find Jerry at home right now. He _ in the library.A.studiesB.is studyingC.studiedD.has studied参考答案:B37. I have two cats and I like_. Aall of them Bthem both Cevery one of themI have two cats and I like_.Aall of themBthem bothCevery one of themDthem eachB38. People try to avoid traffic jams by using their own cars, and this _creates furthePeople try to avoid traffic jams by using their own cars, and this _creates further troubles.A、in allB、in caseC、in turnD、in time正确答案:C39. Thewordschopdowninthesecondparagraphmeans_ A.clear B.makeroomfor C.destroy DThe words chop down in the second paragraph means_A. clearB. make room forC. destroyD. cut down正确答案:D此题为词汇题。第二段中的词汇chopdown意思是“砍伐”。40. Considering our good cooperation in the past , we agreed to accept the payments by installments. PleConsidering our good cooperation in the past , we agreed to accept the payments by installments. Please remit the 30% down payment to us by T/T and payment of balance is to be covered by the collection.既然我们过去合作得很好,这次我们接受分期付款。请先电汇30%的定金,剩余的款项以托收方式支付。41. I _ remember to send my mother some flowers. It s her birthday tomoI _ remember to send my mother some flowers. It s her birthday tomorrow.A. mustB. have toC. could参考答案A42. I was feeling sick yesterday. I _ eat anything.A.cantB.couldnt参考答案:B43. 请对H2284号信用证作下列修改: (1)将交货期展至5月31日。 (2)将有效期展至6月15日。 等候修改通知书。请对H2284号信用证作下列修改:(1)将交货期展至5月31日。(2)将有效期展至6月15日。等候修改通知书。We request you to have L/C No H2284 amended as follows: (1) Extend the time of shipment till 31 May (2) Extend the validity of the L/C till 15 June Await your amendment advice 44. Monica, Id like you to meet Philip、He is the monitor of our class.( )A、It is so good.B、Oh, I am happy.C、Nice to meet you.D、Good!参考答案:C45. Under FOB , the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on boardUnder FOB , the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on board the vessel. ()正确46. I _ so busily recently that I _ no time to help you with your math. That&39;s OK. I can manage it by myself.A.have been working/haveB.have worked/hadC.am working/will haveD.had been working/had had参考答案:A47. I doubt if I will come to listen to his speech next time. It couldn&39;t have been _ in fact.I doubt if I will come to listen to his speech next time. It couldnt have been _ in fact.Aany worseBso badCany betterDso goodA48. Mr.Herpin is one of the foreign experts who is working in China.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A49. The boy passed the finial exams. But if he had spent more time on them, the results (be) _muchThe boy passed the finial exams. But if he had spent more time on them, the results (be) _much better.would have been此题考查点在表示过去情况的虚拟条件句,从句中用的是动词的过去完成式,主句中则用would/could/might+have+动词的过去分词。50. Three-fifths of his pay were spent on food and clothing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A


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