高考英语备考 情态动词课件

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语法专题(四) 情态动词 一、情态动词的基本含义 1表示能力用can,could,be able to。 注意:can与be able to常可互换,但也有不可互换的情况: can可用于人或物作主语的句子中,但be able to只能由有生命的名词作主语。 can只有一般现在时和一般过去时(could),但be able to可以用于一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时、完成时。还可用于非谓语动词短语。 be able to用于过去时表示经过一番努力才能做到,一般用肯定句和疑问句,不能用could代替。如: After doing more practice,he was able to speak English at the meeting.做了更多的练习之后,他能在会上说英语了。 这样考过 (2007东城)We_finish it ahead of time,though it was such a tough task. AcouldBwould Cwere able to Dought to 解析:根据后文中tough可知所填词表示“(经过努力后)能”,应该用be able to,因此C项正确。 答案:C (2008湖南)You dont have to know the name of the author to find a book.You _ find the book by the title. Amust Bneed Ccan Dwould 解析:句意:你没有必要一定要通过作者的姓名来找到一本书。你可以根据这本书的标题(书名)来找到这本书。must必须,一定;need有必要;can可以,能够;would会(表示过去将来)。根据句意,只有C选项符合题意。 答案:C (2007湖南)The biggest problem for most plants,which_just get up and run away when threatened,is that animals like to eat them. Ashant Bcant Cneednt Dmustnt 解析:shant 不愿意;cant 不能,不可能;neednt 没有必要;mustnt 不允许,禁止。句意:大部分植物当受到威胁的时候不能站起来逃跑,所以对它们来说最大的问题是动物喜欢吃它们。 答案:B 2表示可能性理论可能性can,could,may,might现在可能性肯定句may,might,could疑问句can否定句may not(可能不),cant(不可能)将来可能性may,might 注意:can,could,may,might可能性依次减少。can表示理论上的可能性,指某事或情况可能发生,但并不说明实际上真会发生;如要表达某事发生的实际可能性,要用may,could或might等: Anybody can make mistakes.任何人都可能犯错误。 这样考过 (宁波两地联考)He _ the test again;in that case,his mother will be very disappointed. Ashould fail Bmust have failed Cmight fail Dcould have failed 解析:由句意知“他可能会考试又不及格;那样的话,他妈妈会很伤心。”might表推测,表示不太确定,故选C。 答案:C (2008浙江)You _ be hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago! Awouldnt Bcant Cmustnt Dneednt 解析:句意:你不可能已经饿了你两个小时前才吃的午饭。cant“不可能”;mustnt意为“绝对不可,被禁止”。 答案:B (北京朝阳区)Will Helen get disappointed if I tell her she failed? I think she _. Amay Bhas to Cshould Dneed 解析:据句意:如果你告诉海伦她考试没过,她会失望吗?我认为她可能会。may“可能”,用来表示推测。 答案:A (潍坊质检)My mother is a great cook and we _ never get enough of her cookies. Amay Bneed Cshould Dcan 解析:由句意“好厨师,她做的甜饼我们永远吃不够。”知选D“能够”,表示推测。may也可表示推测,但语气较弱。 答案:D (北京丰台区)Its supposed to rain tomorrow. I know,but the forecast _ be wrong.Weather forecasts are far from 100 percent accurate. Amust Bcould Cshould Dwill 解析:此处需表达的意思为“可能”,只有B项符合题意。 答案:B 3表示许可用词必要例句请求许可can,could,may,might,shallCould I use your phone?Of course,you can.给予许可can,may,might as well已给予的许可canIts not fair.Joe can stay up till 10 and I have to go to bed at eight. 注意:在会话中,用could和might征求许可,表示语气委婉。给予许可时也可以使用其他委婉用语,如sure,certainly,go ahead,please等。 这样考过 (宁波质检)Mr Smith,_ he have all these letters typed for you right away? He _.They should be ready by 10 oclock this morning. Awill; must Bshall; has to Cneed; will Dwould; ought to 解析:shall用于一、三人称的疑问句中表示征求对方意见。 答案:B (江西师大附中)_ I book a table for dinner a few days ahead of time? Yes,you _.The restaurant is always full,especially during the holidays. AMust; will BMust; can CShall; shall DShall; must 答案:D (2008成都)If you think the price of pork is too high,you _as well buy some beef.It depends on you! Ashould Bwill Cwould Dmay 解析:may/might as well是固定用法,表示“不妨,倒不如”。 答案:D 4表示建议可用can,may,will,would,youd better(not)等。 这样考过 (北京东城区)I feel bored with nothing interesting to do. You _ watch TV.There will be a very good Hollywood film on this evening. Aneed Bcould Cwould Dshall 解析:上文提出没事可干很烦。下文提出建议,你可以看电视啊,could在此处表示提建议,would是指习惯性的动作,shall表示威胁的语气,need 需要。 答案:B 可能这样考 You_phone him if you want to,but you _.Hell surely phone you. Amay; mustnt Bhave to; neednt Cmight; wont Dcan; neednt 解析:根据题意,第一个空须填“可以”,用may或can皆可,从后句可以判断“你没有必要给他打电话”,第二个空只能填neednt。 答案:D 5表示义务、命令、要求等用must,have to,should,ought to等,意为“必须,应该” 这样考过 (四川)I dont care what people think. Well,you _. Acould Bwould Cshould Dmight 解析:句意:我不在乎人们想什么。不对,你应该在乎。根据语境,后半句中省略了一些与前句相同的内容。该题目实际上考查了情态动词的用法。should用以表示义务或责任,如:You shouldnt drink and drive.你不应该喝酒后开车。 答案:C (湖南)Its the office!So you _ know eating is not allowed here. Oh,sorry. Amust Bwill Cmay Dneed 解析:句意:这是办公室!所以你必须知道这里不许吃东西。噢,对不起。must“必须”,在此处语气最强烈。 答案:A (2008海淀)Please carry a cellphone to make it easier for me to get hold of you. OK,Dad.But I am eighteen.You _ worry so much. Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dwouldnt 解析:说话人认为自己不再是小孩子了,对方“不应该”再如此担心。 答案:C 注意:must的否定形式是need not(不必,没有必要),不用must not(禁止)。should还表示吃惊,不耐烦,不相信等。 (海淀)The purpose of education _ be to provide students with a value systemnot to prepare them for a specific job. Awill Bshould Ccould Dmay 答案:B 6表示意愿和决心用shall,will,would,would rather。 (1)shall表示说话人的强烈意志,有“命令,警告,允诺,威胁”等含义,因此用于第二、第三人称。 这样考过 (2008北京)John promised his doctor he _ not smoke,and he has never smoked ever since. Amight Bshould Ccould Dwould 解析:句意:约翰答应他的医生不再吸烟了,且从那时起就再也不吸了。might not可能不;should not不应该;could not不可能(推测),不能(表能力);would有“决心、决意”等意思。根据句意,可知D项正确。 答案:D (合肥一六八中联考)Hello,Peter.Would you please go shopping with me after school? Sorry.Our school is a boarding school.In school days nobody _ go out of school without the head teachers permission. Awill Bcan Cmay Dshall 解析:据句意“我们学校是寄宿制学校,没有班主任的允许任何人不得离校。”知这是学校的规定。规定、规则或法律条文用情态动词shall,表示“命令、警告、允诺、威胁”等意义,故选D。其他选项无此用法。 答案:D (北京东城区)After the bell rings,which indicates the ending of the exam,you _ stay where you are until all your papers are collected. Ashall Bwould CWill Dcan 解析:shall表示说话者的命令、意图等。意为“一定”。 答案:A (洛阳统考)They want to take possession of my house,but they _ not have it. Ashall Bmust Cwould Dneed 解析:shall表示强烈的意志,也表示说话人的意图,决心。句意为:他们想占有我的房子,但是他们不会得逞的。 答案:A (2)will可以用于各种人称,表示意愿。 这样考过 (江西吉安一中)If you _ let me pay for the bill today,then at least allow me to drive you home. Ashouldnt Bneednt Cwont Dmustnt 答案:C (2006重庆)Mr.Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Dont you forget it! OK.I_. Awont Bdont Cwill Ddo 解析:句意:别忘了开会的事呀。好的,我不会的。注意情态动词的语气。 答案:A 特例:will的主语若是无生命的东西,则表示它本身的一种特性或自然属性;wont则表示失去某种功能,意为“不起作用,就是不”如: Oil will float on water.油会浮到水面上。 Though he tried hard,the door wouldnt open. 尽管他费尽了力气,门就是不开。 (3)would rather意为“宁愿”。 这样考过 (2008山东寿光现代中学)I didnt go to the museum yesterday. Yes,but I would rather you _ there too. Awent Bhad gone Cshould go Dwould have gone 解析:would rather后跟句子时,要用虚拟语气,如果是与现在或将来相反从句要用过去时;如果与过去时相反则用过去完成时。根据上一句中的时间状语看应该表达的是与过去相反的虚拟语气,所以要用过去完成时。 答案:B 还可能这样考 Would you like to have a taxi? No,I_walk there.Its such a lovely day. Acan Bought to Chad better Dwould rather 解析:根据最后一句“Its such a lovely day(天气这么好)”,判断前一句应是“我宁愿步行去那”,用would rather表示自己的意愿。其他项不能表示此意,故选D。 答案:D 7would或“used to动词原形”表过去的习惯。 (1)在表示过去重复的习惯时,used to可用would代替。 这样考过 (2007郑州)I tried to get through to her,but she simply_not turn on her cellphone as she was busy. Acould Bmight Cwould Dshould 解析:此处所填词表“习惯”。而情态动词中只有will,would和used to表“习惯”,其中will表“经常性的习惯”,would和used to表“过去的习惯”,而would与used to的区别是:used to表过去有而现在已经没有了的习惯,即表过去与现在对比;而would只表过去的习惯,不涉及现在。根据句意,此处用would。 答案:C (2)used to强调过去的行为同现在的对比,含有“过去怎样,而现在却不这样了”的含义;而would则单纯表示过去的习惯性动作,常同often,every day等连用。 She isnt what she used to be.她跟过去不一样了。(表示对比,不可用would) We would sit in the yard every evening and listened to his story.我们每天晚上坐在院子里,听他讲故事。(表示过去的重复性行为) 可能这样考 Mother_us stories when we were young. Aused to tell Bused to telling Cwould tell Dwill tell 解析:本句中有确定的时间段when we were young,因此要用would。 答案:C (3)表示过去的状态,只能用used to,不可用would。 There used to be a park here.以前这里有一个公园。 可能这样考 He_a waiter,but now a taxi driver. Awould be Bused to be Ccould be Dshould be 解析:根据题意可知他过去是个侍者,而现在不是了,是一个出租车司机,因此要用used to be。 答案:B 8dare和need的用法 (1)dare的用法:情态动词dare主要用于疑问句与否定句中,后接动词原形(不带to),没有人称和数的变化,但过去式为dared;dare也可以用作行为动词,后跟to do不定式。 可能这样考 Miss White has decided to explore in the forest by herself. She_ask her boyfriend to if she_go walking in the forest. Aneednt to; dares to Bdoesnt need; dares Cneed not to; dare to Dneednt; dare 解析:本题考查need和dare作情态动词的用法。 答案:D There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching building there. Really?It _be a fire,most probably. Aought to Bcan Chave to Dmust 解析:表示推测,依据most probably,语气应为“应该”。 答案:A (2)need的用法:need作情态动词时。没有人称时态的变化,后接动词原形,多用于疑问句或否定句中;need也可用作行为动词,后接名词、代词或带to的不定式。 这样考过 (2007长沙)Generally,reporters take positive lines.They do point out a few problems that we_aware of,but theres nothing worrying. Aneed to Bneed Cneed be Dneed to be 解析:need用作情态动词时,主要用于否定句,疑问句和条件从句中,后跟动词原形;need用作行为动词时,用于肯定、否定和疑问句,后跟名词、代词、动词不定式或动词ving形式(用ving主动形式表示被动意义)。此处是肯定句,故need用作行为动词,后跟动词不定式;be aware of“知道”,因此选D。 答案:D (2010淄博上学期期末)In fact, you _ go outside at all. Theres a supermarket just downstairs. Acouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dshouldnt 答案:C (2007江西九所)I didnt go to work today. You_;it is Sunday. Adidnt need to Bmustnt have Ccant have Dneednt have 解析:一般情况下,动词不定式可省略to后的成分,而动词不定式本身的标志词to不能省略。 答案:A 二、情态动词表示推测 1情态动词用于对现在和过去的推测。对现在的推测对过去的推测肯定否定肯定否定must docant domust havevedcanthavevedcould docouldnt docould havevedcouldnt havevedmay domay not domay havevedmay not havevedmight domight not domighthavevedmightnot haveved 注意:在表示推测时,can不用于肯定句,may不用于疑问句。should可用于表将来的推测。 这样考过 (成都检测)I cant find Mr.Li anywhere in the office building.Where _ he have gone? Amust Bcould Cshould Dwould 解析:could have done“有可能做了某事”,用于推测时,常用在否定句中和疑问句中;must have done“肯定是做了某事”,用于肯定推测,用在肯定句中;should have done“该做某事而事实上未做”;would have done“将有可能做”。据句意知:他有可能去了哪里呢?综上,选B。 答案:B (重庆)Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is? She _ in the classroom.I saw her there just now. Ashall be Bshould have been Cmust be Dmight have been 解析:句意:嗨,Tom,知道Jane在哪儿吗?她肯定在教室里。我刚才在那儿看到她了。从对话中可以看出该空是对现在情况的较肯定的猜测。 答案:C (2008重庆)I cant find my purse anywhere. You _ have lost it while shopping. Amay Bcan Cshould Dwould 解析:句意:我到处都找不到我的钱包。你可能在购物的时候弄丢了。根据句意首先排除C、D两项;can表“实际”的可能性时,只能用于否定句、疑问句,故被排除;A项表“推测”时常用于肯定句。 答案:A (北京西城区)There _ be any difficulty in passing the oral test since you have practiced a lot in school. Amustnt Bshant Cshouldnt Dneednt 解析:由句中“since you have practiced a lot in school”即“既然你在学校进行了大量的训练”推知“应该”是不会有什么困难。should表推测“按常理推测”。故选C。 答案:C (上海)It _ have been Tom that parked the car here,as he is the only one with a car. Amay Bcan CMust Dshould 解析:句意:一定是汤姆把车停在这里的,因为只有他有车。此句为强调句型,谓语动词为must have been,用must表示语气肯定的推测。must have done表示“(过去)一定做了某事”。 答案:C (南通调研)John,how did your English exam go? I thought I _,but in fact I came in the top 10%in the class. Ashould have failed Bcouldnt have failed Cmight have failed Dmustnt have failed 解析:由句中“I thought I _,but in fact I came.”知我通过了考试,而在此之前担心“有可能考试不及格”,故选C。 答案:C (福州模拟)Where is Michael?I cannot find him anywhere. He _ have been off long.I saw him study in the room just now. Ashouldnt Bcant Cmustnt Dneednt 解析:cant(不可能);shouldnt(不应该);mustnt(不可以);neednt(不必)。由句中“我刚才还看见他在屋里学习呢。”可推知“他还没走多长时间。”can表推测,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。综上,选B。 答案:B 2情态动词have done的其他含义 (1)“should/ought to havev.ed“意为“本应该”,表示过去应该做而没有做的事,也可表示惊讶、赞叹等情绪。 这样考过 (2007陕西)I told your friend how to get to the hotel,but perhaps I_have driven her there. Acould Bmust Cmight Dshould 解析:后半句的意思是:但也许我本应该开车送她去那儿。用should,构成shouldhave done结构,意思是:本应该做。 答案:D (2)“shouldnt/ought not tohavev.ed”意为“本不应该”,表示过去不应该做某事但却做了。 这样考过 (天津河西区)He _ back to work without the doctors permission.Now,he has to stay in bed for a couple of days. Awouldnt have gone Bcouldnt have gone Cneednt have gone Dshouldnt have gone 解析:由句中后半句“he has to stay in bed for a couple of days.”知“他未遵医嘱”,含有“不该做某事而做了”之意,故选D。wouldnt have gone“本不会做而做了”;couldnt have gone“本不可能做而做了”;neednt have done“本不需做而做了”。 答案:D (厦门质检)You _ late for yesterdays class meeting,as it was so important. Acouldnt be Bshouldnt be Cmustnt have been Doughtnt to have been 解析:oughtnt to have done同于shouldnt have done表示“不该做某事而做了”。由句意知D合题意。 答案:D (3)“couldhavev.ed”意为“本能够,本可以”,表示过去本可以做某事,但却没做。 这样考过 (江苏)He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ it differently. Acould express Bwould express Ccould have expressed Dmust have expressed 解析:句意:他不后悔说了他做了什么,而认为他本能够用不同的方式表达。could express 能够表达;would express 要表达;could have expressed 本来能够表达;must have expressed(表推测)肯定已经表达。 答案:C (4)“neednthavev.ed”意为“本没有必要”,表示过去本没有必要做某事,但却做了。 注意:“need nothavev.ed”表示过去本不必做但却做了的事;“did not need to动词原形”表示过去不必做某事而实际上也没有做。如: She need not have come yesterday.她昨天本不必要来的。(但却来了) She didnt need to come yesterday.她昨天不必来。(实际上也没来) 三、固定用法 cant too.无论怎样也不过分,越越好;cant help doing情不自禁做某事;may/might as well还是做的好;would rather.than宁愿做也不愿做。 这样考过 (龙岩质检)Traffic safety is so important that everyone _ take safety measures too seriously. Ashouldnt Bmustnt Ccannot Dwont 解析:cant.too.表示“怎么都不过分,千万,非常。” 答案:C (北京朝阳区)She couldnt help,even though she tried not to,_ at the strange clothes her friend was wearing. Ato laugh Blaugh Claughing Dlaughed 解析:couldnt help doing 禁不住做某事;even though she tried not to是状语从句,插到主句中了。 答案:C .单项填空 1Isnt that Anns husband over there? No,it_be him.Im sure he doesnt wear glasses. AcantBmust not Cwont Dmay not 答案与解析:Acan用于否定的猜测表示“不可能”。故选A。 2Kunming is called“Spring City”,but it_snow in winter. Ashall Bcan Cmust Dmight 答案与解析:B情态动词can表示客观的可能性,“有时可能”。 3You _fail to pass the entrance examination if you dont study harder. Ashall Bcould Cmust Dshould 答案与解析:Ashall用于二、三人称的陈述句中,表示说话者的意愿,有命令、警告、威胁、允诺、决心之意。此题用shall,表示警告。 4He didnt agree with me at first,but I_persuade him to sign the agreement later. Acould Bmight Cshould Dwas able to 答案与解析:D情态动词can和be able to都可表示能力。当表示“过去成功地做了某事”时,用was/were able to。 5When I was studying at Beijing University,I_take a walk along the lake every evening. Awill Bwould Ccould Dshall 答案与解析:B情态动词would表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作。 6 Will you stay for lunch? Sorry,_.My brother is coming to see me. AI mustnt BI cant CI neednt DI wont 答案与解析:B根据题义可知,因为“我弟弟要来看我”,所以“不能留下”,用cant,表示对别人的邀请或要求给予礼貌的拒绝。A项表示“禁止”;C项表示“不必要”;而D项表示“不会”,均不符合题义,故本题选B。 7All the speech competitors _ remain in their own seats until the contest is over,according to the competition rule. Amust Bmay Cshall Dneed 答案与解析:Cshall用于表示规定要求。 8 Mum,I climbed to get the Teddy Bear from the top of the shelf. My goodness!You_yourself.You mustnt do that next time. Amust have hurt Bshould have hurt Cmay have hurt Dcan have hurt 答案与解析:C你可能会伤了你自己。may/might have done表示对过去发生情况的可能性推测。 9I cant get through to the general managers office anyhow. The line is busy.Someone_the telephone. Amust use Buses Cmust have been using Dmust be using 答案与解析:Dmust be doing表示对现在正发生情况的肯定推测。must have been using是对过去的猜测,表示过去一直在做某事,不符合句义。 10Tom,did you see the film Avatar last night? Yes,but I really_,because I had lots of work to do. Acouldnt have Bmustnt have Cneednt have Doughtnt to have 答案与解析:D题意为:“汤姆,昨天晚上你看电影阿凡达了吗?”“是的,但是我确实不应该看,因为我有许多工作要做。”ought to have done意为“应该做却没做”,oughtnt to have done意为“不该做却做了”。 11Her brother _ be at home now,because he was seen playing basketball in the stadium just now. Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Dshouldnt 答案与解析:C由playing basketball可知表语气较为肯定的否定推测,故选C。cant be at home意为“不可能在家”。 12The little child_go out alone at night,so he _walk in the dark that night. Adarent; didnt dare to Bdoesnt dare; dare not Cisnt dare to; dared not to Ddoesnt dare to; dare not to 答案与解析:A题意为:这个小男孩晚上不敢单独出去,所以那天晚上他不敢走夜路。dare作为情态动词,后面直接跟动词原形,否定形式在dare后面直接加not;dare作为一般动词使用时,用dare to do结构,否定形式在dare前面加助动词和not。故选A。 13I dont know what I_without the suitcase you lent me. Glad to have been of some help to you. Awould have done Bwould do Cshould have done Dshould do 答案与解析:A题意为:“我不知道没有你借给我的手提箱我将怎么办。”“很高兴对你有帮助。”would have done表示对过去事情的推测,意为“过去可能做”;should have done表示对某事的责备和批评,意为“本该做却没做”。 14Well,lost again! Its not very important.We_forget about it,OK? Acant Bmay so soon Cmight as well Dwont soon 答案与解析:C题意为,“哦,又输了!”“那不重要。我们不妨把这件事忘了,好吗?“might as well意为“无妨;只好”是固定用法。 15It rained a lot during their journey,so they_have had a good time. Acant Bmust Cshouldnt Dmight 答案与解析:AA项表示对过去事情否定的推测,cant have done意为“不可能做”,shouldnt have done表示对某事的责备和批评,意为“本不该做却做了”。B、D都表示肯定的推测,由.rained a lot知意义不对。 16The public transportation is very convenient in that big city,so there_be any difficulty in traveling around. Amustnt Bwouldnt Cshouldnt Dneednt 答案与解析:C题意为:那个大城市公共交通非常方便,在周围旅行不应该有任何困难。根据题意选shouldnt“不应该”。 17That woman has been taking care of the two white tigers for 8 years. Oh,dear!She_a lot of difficulties! Acould go through Bmight go through Cought to have gone through Dmust have gone through 答案与解析:D题意为:“那个女人已经照顾那两只白虎8年了。”“哦,天啊!她一定吃了很多苦。”must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测,意为“一定做过”。 18You_me up so early.I dont have to go to school today and I can sleep for more hours. Aneednt wake Bdont need to wake Cneednt have woken Ddidnt need to wake 答案与解析:C题意为:你没必要那么早叫我起床,今天我不上学,可以多睡几个小时。neednt have done表示对某事的责备和批评,意为“没必要做而做了”。 19All my family are looking forward to meeting you.You _come over and have dinner with us this weekend. AWill Bmust Cmay Dshall 答案与解析:B题意为:我家所有人都盼望和你见面,这个周末你一定要过来和我们共进晚餐。根据题意可知选must“必须”。 20This_Johns car.Its number is AC506. I dont think so.He said a small white car but this is a small yellow one. Acant be Bmust be Cmay not be Dshould be 答案与解析:B题意为:“那一定是约翰的汽车,车牌是AC506。”“我认为不是。他说他的是一辆白色的小轿车,但这是一辆黄色的。”根据题意可知是表示对现在肯定的推测,故选B。 21Being examined twice a year,whether it is a car or a bus or a truck,is the rule that every driver_obey in this city. Ashall Bcan Cought to Dneed 答案与解析:A题意为:无论是小汽车、公共汽车还是卡车,在这个城市里年检两次是每位司机应该遵守的规定。当表示按要求“必须,应该”做的事并且主语是二、三人称时只能用shall。 22Last night I tried to call on you but your dog simply_not let me come through the gate. Amight Bcould Cshould Dwould 答案与解析:D题意为:昨天晚上我试图拜访你但是你的狗就是不让我进门。might表示“也许”;could表示“可能”;should表示“应该”;would表示“意愿”。根据题意选D。 23Why dont you buy the necklace since you like it so much? I_,but I dont have the money. Awould Bwill Cshould Dmay 答案与解析:A题意为:“既然你非常喜欢那串项链,为什么不买呢?”“我是想买,但是我没有钱。”根据题意空处表示“想买”的意愿,所以排除C、D;因为“想买”是过去的意愿,所以选would。 24Look!The clouds are gathering. Yes.Im afraid it_be pouring down soon. Acan Bmust Cshould Dmight 答案与解析:D题意为:“看!云团在聚集。”“是的,可能马上就会大雨倾盆了。”由句子提示看出此处表推测,由Im afraid看出把握不是非常大,故用might。can用于疑问句表示推测。 25_he come to see you as he promised? Of course,please.And Id rather he_me the truth. AWill; tells BShall; told CShould; will tell DCan; is telling 答案与解析:B题意为:“你要他像他答应的那样过来看你吗?”“当然,而且我宁愿他告诉我真相。”表示征求对方意见或请求,第三人称作主语用shall;Id rather后面的从句要用虚拟语气,故选B。


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