On Starpursuing 英语调查论文

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On Star-pursuingClass: 1102 Second GroupSchool of Foreign LanguagesHenan University of Technology On Star-pursuingAbstract: The object of our study is to raise a question: Does star-pursuing do us good? The methods we use in the study are data-gathering and analysis-making. According to the investigation that has been searched, students star-pursuing behaviors and the teachers and parents attitudes can be concluded. Then the paper is delivered by analyzing a set of effects we are faced in treating stars. Examples presented, we get main point on how to pursue stars in a reasonable and positive way. At the end of this paper, we put forward a rational proposition as to the problem and heighten the gist of our paper.Keywords: star-pursuing, young peopleContents1. Introduction2. The Problem3. Questions4. Literature Review5. Data Collection6. Data Analysis7. Findings8. Discussion9. Conclusion10. ImplicationsReferences1. IntroductionNowadays, there are an increasing number of stars affecting young people a lot in all aspects. Especially with the emergence and development of modern communicational vehicles like micro-blog, QQ, MSN, more and more stars are known to us and many of us are addicted to focusing on the right stars. Star-pursuing has been becoming a mark of young people, who view it as a kind of fashion. It has been a controversial issue since some people enjoy themselves in it while others are against it.2. The Problem As our young people are having much access to famous people in entertainment, also known as stars, we are likely to be keen on pursuing stars. We may get to know almost everything about them through micro-blog, QQ, MSN, and so on. Some of us enjoy themselves in star-pursuing, while others are addicted to focusing on their idols and crazy about it. Therefore, it has been a disputable issue on star-pursuing. 3. QuestionsThen a question is raised by us: Does star-pursuing do us good?4. Literature ReviewTo start with, here is some literature on the problem. Some people regard star-pursing as a reaction of multiculture. As Tylor Edward Bernatt said in his book Primitive Culture that “The culture is defined as: a completed system including knowledge, faith, art, law, morality, custom, and all the abilities and habits from which a social member would acquire”. Actually, star-pursing madly clings to those recreational stars who are in multiculture. We cannot say simply that it is a good or bad thing. “It is reaction when some people are faced with the shock of multiculture”, as Johan Fornas , Cultural Identity&Late Modernity said.A newly American research which was published in Times showed that moderate star-pursing can develop self-respected and the sense of satisfaction in some way. 5. Data CollectionBut those professors also insisted that overdoing it will lead them to be extremists. In order to study it, Psychologist Gabrial who was in State University of New York took part in this study. Firstly she let those volunteers filled in forms testing their confidence. Then she asked them to write articles about the men they loved. Finally, they filled out the same forms. After comparing, she found their confidence developed to a higher level. So we get that star-pursuing can give somebody some merits. But it does not mean that we must get confidence through icon worshipping.Then, here are two charts concerning star-pursuing.On the basis of these data, we can find that there exist different degrees of star-pursuing among young people, which have caused the arguments of parents and teachers. In the chart one, students who are professional fans are as less as about 14% of the total. While those who often talk about the stars and buy goods as well as collecting information related to them take an average percentage of 81%. So most of the students are rationally admiring and pursuing stars. As to the chart two, it is obvious that 42.1% of parents and teachers show a supportive and guiding attitude to students star-pursuing. We also agree that parents and teachers should concern about students behaviors and give right guides.6. Data AnalysisThen, it is desired to make an analysis of the problem of star-pursuing. For one thing, some claim that star-pursuing is a waste of time and money. Due to the fact that a woman called Yang Lijuan was so crazy about Liu Dehua that she nearly destroyed her family, they believe that star-pursuing will misled young people. Whats worse, lost in pursuing stars, the fans are likely to be selfish and bring burdens to their parents. For another, others hold the idea that star-pursuing give the youth positive power. They admire and support the stars images in their heart as well as imitating stars, and thus the youth can absorb the right strengths. Furthermore, some stars endorsement of public charity activities will call on the people to contribute to the public and foster a sense of social responsibility. In addition, pursuing stars in a reasonable way may provide a motivation for the youth to behave better in the futher.7. FindingsAs what has been stated above, it should be pointed out that on condition that we pursue stars properly and rationally, it can do good to us. We need to recognize the right way of pursuing stars and be objective to the problem. It is unreasonable to define star-pursing as wrong according to some social factors. Actually, whether it is good or bad depends on how we ourselves look on stars we appreciate. References纽约时报 泰晤士报 http:/www.thetimes.co.uk今日美国 中国日报中文版大河报中国日报英文版


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