Section 1 Brief Account Human Physiology第1页/共58页 生理学医学nPhysiology: a branch of biology dealing with the mechanisms by which the body functions.The normal functions of organs and organ systems of the body.The conditions under which these functions are carried out. The mechanisms by which they are achieved. 第2页/共58页植物生理学动物生理学 人体生理学第3页/共58页细胞生理学系统生理学 心脏生理学 神经生理学 内分泌生理学 呼吸生理学 肾脏生理学第4页/共58页生理学(Physiology) 医 学 (Medine)第5页/共58页 Physiology is the primary basic medical science.It is essential to pharmacology, the study of the effects of drugs on physiologic processes. Most of medicine itself is pathophysiology. We hope that each student will realize that the study of physiology should continue throughout his or her career. Besides physiology, the basic medical sciences include biology, embryology, genetics, anatomy, histology, biochemistry, pathophysiology, pathology, microbiology, immunology, etc. Although taught separately as different courses, these branches of basic medical sciences are closely inter-related inseparable, forming a solid scientific basis for practice of medicine. 第6页/共58页n William Harvey is famous for having accurately described how blood circulates around the body.n In 1615 Harvey began to work on the idea that blood circulated around the body. He experimented on live animals and dissected the bodies of executed criminals. He proved that the heart was a pump that forced blood around the body through arteries. Veins then returned the blood to the heart where it was recycled.n In 1628, Harvey published details of his work in his book An Anatomical Disquisition on the Movement of the Heart and Blood.William Harvey(1578-1657)n Physiology is the experimental science. 第7页/共58页Physiology is the science which is about living.Medicine is the science which is about disease. So from this point of view, the physiology is more common than the medicine. 第8页/共58页 生理学 Physiology 概念:研究生物机体的生命活动(功能 )及其规律的科学。主要内容: 一切与生命有关的郑成功能活动及其这些活动的调节问题。 功能 function 调节 regulation 第9页/共58页人体生理学 Human Physiology第10页/共58页生命(living) 活第11页/共58页流感病毒Influenza Virus第12页/共58页 生命的基本特征 1. Metabolism: 同化 异化 能量转换第13页/共58页2. excitability:兴奋 抑制第14页/共58页n3. Reproduction:生殖活动第15页/共58页Section 2 Internal environment and homeostasisBody fluid (60%)Intracellular fluid (40%)Extracellular fluid (20%)Plasma (5%)Interstitial fluid (15%)InternalenvironmentClaude Bernard(1813-1878)第16页/共58页 Homeostasis: relatively stable condition of extracellular fluid that results from regulatory system actions. OxygenGlucoseSmall ionsCarbon dioxideMetabolic wastesSecretionsAmino acidsCellHomeostasis第17页/共58页A stable internal environment is essential for normal cell function Conditions in the internal environment must be maintained within narrow limits, including:Oxygen and carbon dioxide tensionsConcentrations of glucose and other metabolitesOsmotic pressureConcentrations of H+,K+,Ca2+,Mg2+Temperature第18页/共58页 Nervous regulation Humoral regulation AutoregulationSection 3 Regulation Physiological Function第19页/共58页 Reflex: biological control system linking stimulus with response and mediated by a reflex arc. Nervous regulation第20页/共58页Reflex arc第21页/共58页第22页/共58页Spinal reflex第23页/共58页Baroreceptor control of arterial pressure (baroreflex)第24页/共58页第25页/共58页Paracrine: chemical messenger that exerts its effects on tissues near its secretion site.Neurosecretion: chemical messenger released by a neuron and carried by the blood to its target cell.第26页/共58页NeurosecretionOxytocinVasopressin第27页/共58页神经内分泌免疫调节网络: neuroinmmunoendocrinology第28页/共58页 Autoregulation: ability of an individual organ to control its activity (vascular resistance) independent of neural and hormonal influence. Autoregulation第29页/共58页Renal autoregulation第30页/共58页神经调节的特点 神经元分泌的神经元分泌的“递质递质”或或“调质调质”通过通过神经纤维和突触实现其调控作用。神经纤维和突触实现其调控作用。 神经系统的作用广泛、迅速、灵敏、神经系统的作用广泛、迅速、灵敏、定位准确。定位准确。 它控制了包括内分泌系统和免疫系统它控制了包括内分泌系统和免疫系统在内的机体各个系统的功能作用。具有节在内的机体各个系统的功能作用。具有节律性变化。律性变化。第31页/共58页体液调节的特点: 内分泌细胞分泌的“激素”通过体液运输来完成其调控作用。其作用范围广泛、缓慢,影响持久,定位不及神经系统明确。内分泌系统从广泛意义上讲,可以视为神经系统传出神经的“延长部分”。具有典型节律性变化。 内分泌系统对刺激的获得、分析、贮存、记忆、整合,是通过和神经系统共同完成。第32页/共58页自身调节的特点 调节幅度小、不够灵敏、作用有限,作用范围也比较小。 在有些情况下有一定的意义。第33页/共58页 Control system: the mechanisms by which the body maintains homeostasis. Feedback control systemFeed-forward control systemSection 4 Control system in the body第34页/共58页 Feedback: characteristic of control systems in which output response influences input to system. Sensors to detect conditions in the body Effectors to change conditions in the bodyNegative feedbackPositive feedback Feedback control systemControllerEffectorsSensorsVariable第35页/共58页1 Negative feedback Negative feedback: aspect of control systems in which systems response opposes input to system.第36页/共58页Homeostatic control illustrating the concept of negative feedbackSet point: 100mmHg第37页/共58页Negative feedback control system for regulation of body temperatureSet point: 37C第38页/共58页 Positive feedback: aspect of control systems in which an initial disturbance sets off train of events that increases the disturbance even further.2 Positive feedback 第39页/共58页 A positive feedback cycle involved in the upstroke of an action potential Positive feedback 第40页/共58页 Blood coagulationPositive feedback 第41页/共58页 Parturition Positive feedback 第42页/共58页 Feed-forward control system第43页/共58页Feed-forward: aspect of some control systems that allows system to anticipate changes in a regulated variable.第44页/共58页第45页/共58页SightSoundSmellEnd第46页/共58页生理学研究与发展展望Section 5 第47页/共58页 Cellular and molecular level Organ and system level Organismal level Function occurs at three levels第48页/共58页1 Cellular and molecular level 第49页/共58页 Cellular and molecular level 第50页/共58页2 Organ and system level 第51页/共58页3 Organismal level第52页/共58页 In vivo: (在体)acute experimentchronic experiment In vitro: (离体) isolated tissue Methodology第53页/共58页 In vivo MethodologyCannula implantationRotationRotational behaviorSeizureTonic seizure第54页/共58页 In vitro MethodologyPatch clampElectron microscopy第55页/共58页Steps in the Scientific Method ObservationInteresting phenomena Hypothesis Experiments Conclusion Retesting Publication第56页/共58页Autoregulation第57页/共58页感谢您的观看!第58页/共58页