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Lesson 31-字彙、例句1. slide sla0d :滑坡;:滑動 (slide-slid-slid) My little brother is on the slide.(我弟弟在滑坡上。)The ball slid to another place.(那顆球滑動到了另一個地方。)2. laugh l$f :笑His joke made me laugh.(他的笑話令我笑。)We laughed at his funny pants.(我們因他可笑的褲子而發笑。)3. ready rGd0 :準備好的Are you ready?(你準備好了嗎?)I am ready to go to school. (我準備好要去上學了。)4. smile sma0l :微笑She welcomed him with a smile. (她笑著歡迎他。)Smile makes people friendly.(微笑使人變得友善。)5. excellent GksDlDnt :極好的、傑出的Her English is excellent. (她的英文好極了。)She is excellent in math.(她的數學非常好。)6. cheer tN0r :歡呼、喝采The crowdcheeredas she crossed the finish line.(當她跨越終點線時,群眾都發出了歡呼。)A great cheer went up from the crowd.(從群眾中傳來了極大的歡呼)7. million m0ljDn :百萬(的)I have three million dollars.(我有三百萬元。)There are about two million residents in Taichung City.(台中市約有兩百萬的居民。)8. copy kAp0 :抄寫、複製He always copies his classmates answers.(他總是抄他同學們的答案。)Hey, dont copy my voice. That is not funny at all.(嘿!不要學我的聲音。那一點也不有趣。)9. become b0kKm :變成 (become-became-became)I am sure that he will become a famous writer.(我確定他將來會變成一位有名的作家。)His hard work made him become a successful businessman.(他的認真工作讓他變成一位成功的生意人。)10. country kKntr0 :鄉村 ( 城市:city)I have lived in the country for ten years.(我已經住在鄉下住十年了。)Living in the country makes me feel comfortable.(住在鄉村使我感覺很舒適。)Lesson 31-練習1. () The girl who is _ at me sweetly is my girlfriend. (A) smiling(B) forgetting(C) helping(D) dealing 2. () Please _ those photos to a disk and send it to me. (A) copy(B) read(C) watch(D) look3. () There were _ of people in Jays concert. (A) hundred(B) millions(C) million(D) thousand4. () When I _ on the ice, my friend was calling her father. (A) slide(B) sliding(C) slid(D) to slide 5. () Would you prefer to live in the _ or in the city? (A) house(B) building(C) country(D) yard6. () Ms. Smith is _ at telling stories, so all of her students enjoy story time in her class very much. (A) convenient(B) excellent(C) lucky(D) ready7. () I couldnt stop _ after I heard his joke. (A) crying(B) laughing(C) sleeping(D) yelling8. () Lets give a _ to the kids who passed their exams. (A) hand(B) smile(C) cheer(D) cry9. () Andy decided to _ a good student. He wanted to study hard. (A) make(B) let(C) do(D) become10. () Are you _? Its time to go. (A) well(B) good(C) ready(D) niceLesson 32-字彙、例句1. way we :道路;方法Can you tell me the way to the bank?(你可以告訴我去銀行的路嗎?)Where there is a will there is a way.(【諺語】有志者事竟成。)2. into 0ntu :到之內The kids walked into the classroom.(小孩們走進了教室。)My cousin jumped into the swimming pool.(我的表弟跳進了游泳池。)3. theater L0DtQ :戲院;電影院The theater is very close to Davids house.(那間戲院離大衛家很近。)We are going to see his show in that theater tonight.(我們今晚要去那家戲院看他的表演。)4. magic m$dI0k :神奇的;魔術的Tom: What is on TV? Amy: It is a magic show.(湯姆:電視在播什麼節目?愛咪:是一個魔術表演。)I will show you a magic trick.(我會表演一個魔術給你看。) 5. hat h$t :帽子My sister doesnt like red hats.(我姊姊不喜歡紅色帽子。)The hat is mine.(這頂帽子是我的。)6. language l$HEw0dI :語言She is good at learning languages.(她非常擅長學習語言。)Chinese is a difficult language for foreigners.(中文對外國人是一個困難的語言。)7. simple s0mpDl :簡單的It is simple to make this toy.(製作這個玩具很簡單。)I have no sense of direction, so it is not simple for me to find your house.(我是路痴,所以要找到你家對我並不簡單。)8. serious s0r0Ds :嚴重的;認真的He made a serious mistake.(他犯了一個嚴重的錯誤。)She is serious about her job.(她對她的工作很認真。)9. difficult d0fDkDlt :困難的 ( 簡單的:easy)His handwriting is too difficult to read.(他的字太難讀懂。)Its very difficult to communicate with him.(跟他溝通是件困難的事。)10. sit s0t :坐 (sit-sat-sat) ( 站立:stand) Please sit down.(請坐下。)Tom sits in front of me.(湯姆坐在我的前面。)Lesson 32-練習1. () _ machines make work easier for us. (A) Difficult(B) Simple(C) Happy(D) Complex2. () They will go to that _ to see the movie. (A) theater(B) flower(C) hospital(D) school3. () Everyone was surprised at the _ show Jay played. (A) common(B) magic(C) public(D) present4. () Lisa has no problem to communicate with foreigners because she is fluent in four _. (A) animals(B) sports(C) languages(D) colors5. () His parents worried about him a lot because he had a _ illness. (A) serious(B) kind(C) only(D) dear6. () Its hot! You should put on your _. (A) sweater(B) hat(C) glove(D) sock7. () I am late. Would you tell me the shortest _ to the theater? (A) ruler(B) way(C) actor(D) order 8. () That math question is too _ to understand. (A) dear(B) easy(C) different(D) difficult9. () When my mother did the dishes, my father was _ on the chair to read the newspaper. (A) sat(B) sits(C) sit(D) sitting10. () My teacher was angry because half of my classmates walked slowly _ the classroom after the school bell had rung. (A) into(B) out(C) beside(D) alongLesson 33-字彙、例句1. pass p$s :通過;傳遞We passed the math exam.(我們通過了數學考試。)He passed the ball to me.(他把球傳給了我。)2. sound sa?nd :聲音;:聽起來I heard sounds of laughter from the room.(我聽到房間傳來的笑聲。)The music sounds very pleasing. (這個音樂聽起來很悅耳。) 3. hotel hotGl :旅館This is the most famous hotel in Taipei.(這是台北最有名的旅館。)His father stayed at the hotel yesterday.(他的爸爸昨天待在旅館。)4. repeat r0pit :重複Could you repeat what you just said?(你可以重複你剛剛說的話嗎?)Dont repeat the same mistake!(不要重複相同的錯誤!)5. happen h$pDn :發生Anything could happen in a day.(一天中,任何事都可能發生。)What happened to your bicycle?(你的腳踏車發生了什麼事?)6. change tNendI :零錢;:交換;改變Keep the change.(不必找(零錢)了。)She wont change her mind.(她不會改變主意。)7. tell tGl :告訴 (tell-told-told)Dont tell me a lie!(不要對我說謊。)She told me that she will come back soon.(她告訴我她很快就會回來了。)8. housewife ha?swa0f :家庭主婦My mom is a housewife. (我媽媽是一個家庭主婦。)A good housewife needs to make her house tidy.(一個好的家庭主婦必須把房子打掃乾淨。)9. meeting mit0H :會議I will have a meeting in Taipei tomorrow.(我明天在台北有個會議。)The meeting is over.(會議結束了。)10. boss bCs :老板;上司Who is the boss of this office?(誰是這辦公室的上司?) She is the boss of this international company.(她是這間國際公司的老闆。)Lesson 33-練習1. () My mother always _ a story to my little brother before he sleeps. (A) tells(B) laughs(C) writes(D) breaks2. () Her aunt is a good _. She always keeps their house tidy. (A)waitress(B) actress(C) housewife(D) farmer3. () Anna: Do you know where the traffic accident _? Ben: Sorry, I dont know.(A) happening(B) happened(C) happens(D) happen4. () Ms. Li: How much is this pencil? Albert: Its 15 dollars. Ms. Li: Sorry, but I dont have any _ now. Heres 1,000 dollars. Albert: Thats all right.(A) bill(B) change(C) money(D) wallet (取自92學年度第一次根本學力測驗)5. () You cant _ the exam if you dont study hard. (A) boil(B) learn(C) pass(D) break6. () The mother asked her son to what she had said. (A) sing(B) burn(C) climb(D) repeat7. () We will have a _ on Tuesday to discuss the problem. (A) picnic(B) barbecue(C) party(D) meeting8. () The music from the stairs _ pleasing. (A) sound(B) sounds(C) to sound(D) sounding9. () I have my own business and I am my own _. (A) waitress(B) boss(C) chef(D) waiter10. () That _ was built in1959. Many visitors like to stay there.(A) hotel(B) sea(C) mountain(D) ideaLesson 34-字彙、例句1. life la0f :生活Joe has a very happy life.(喬依有一個非常快樂的生活。) My uncle had many different jobs during his working life.(當我的舅舅在賺錢時,他做過很多不一樣的工作。)2. everything Gvr0L0H :每件事Tom worries everything. (湯姆擔心每件事。)Money is not everything.(錢不是一切。)記憶技巧everything=every(:每一個的)+thing(:事物)3. die da0 :死掉Ten people died in that car accident. (十人死於那場車禍。)I will die of hunger, if you dont give me anything to eat.(如果你不給我任何東西吃,我將會死於飢餓。)4. supermarket supQmArk0t :超級市場The supermarket is full of people.(這間超級市場擠滿了人。)My mother goes to the supermarket in town every Sunday.(我媽媽每個星期日都會去鎮上的超級市場。)記憶技巧supermarket=super-(表示超級)+market(:市場)5. think L0Hk :認為;想 (think-thought-thought) We think that his idea is good. (我們認為他的點子很好。)You have to think the best way to solve this problem.(你們必須想出最好的方法解決這個問題。)6. move muv :移動;使感動You should move your car right now.(你應該馬上把你的車移走。)The movie moved me.(這部電影感動了我。)7. glad El$d :高興的I am glad to help you. (我很高興幫助你。)She is glad to hear this news. (她很高興聽到這個消息。)8. hope hop :希望I hope tomorrow will be better.(我希望明天會更好。)What are your hopes and dreams for the future?(你們對未來的希望與夢想是什麼?)9. mountain ma?ntDn :山Mount. Ali is one of the famous mountains in Taiwan.(阿里山是台灣的名山之一。)Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.(聖母峰是世界上最高的山。)10. far fAr :遠的;:遙遠地How far is it from your house to his house?(你家到他家多遠?)That old man didnt go far.(那位老人沒有走遠。)Lesson 34-練習1. () Mr. and Mrs. Wang were _ because their son got a good job. (A) kind(B) famous(C) glad(D) angry2. () He failed again and again but he still lived in _. (A) seed(B) habit(C) hope(D) castle3. () Many people _ during World War II. (A) laughed(B) happy(C) died(D) dying4. () The desk is in the way. Please _ it. (A) touch(B) move(C) sell(D) collect5. () He has a comfortable _ after he retires. (A) player(B) life(C) ticket(D) father6. () _ carefully before you act. (A) Wait(B) Saw(C) Think(D) Feel 7. () Mark: Which _ is the highest one in the world? Jack: Its Mount Everest. (A) desert(B) sea(C) mountain(D) river8. () Christine: Dad, Im hungry. Do we have anything to eat?Mr. Chen: You can have some bread I bought from the _. Its on the table. (取自90學年度第二次根本學力測驗) (A) church(B) library(C) supermarket(D) hotel9. () You have to know that you cannot have _ you want. (A) everyway(B) everyday(C) everything(D) something10. () How _ is it from your office to the school? (A) far(B) for(C) fact (D) feelLesson 35-字彙、例句1. time ta0m :時間What time is it? (現在幾點鐘?)I dont have time to watch TV. (我沒有時間看電視。)2. together tDEGMQ :一起My sister and I live together.(我妹妹和我住在一起。)They went to see a movie together.(他們一起去看了電影。)3. kind ka0d :種類What kind of flowers do you like?(你喜歡什麼種類的花?)There are many kinds of toy cars in this store.(這間店有很多種類的玩具車。)4. proud pra?d :驕傲的;自豪的My mother is very proud of my elder brother.(我媽媽以我哥哥為榮。)He is proud of being a class leader.(他以當班長感到自豪。5. interesting 0ntDr0st0H :有趣的This movie is very interesting.(這部電影很有趣。)This is an interesting book for children.(這是一本有趣的兒童讀物。)6. beautiful bjutDfDl :美麗的Who is that beautiful girl? She is my sister.(那漂亮的女生是誰?她是我的姊姊。)She gave me a beautiful dress as a birthday gift.(她給了我一件美麗的洋裝當作生日禮物。) 記憶技巧beautiful=beauty(:美麗)去y加i+-ful(形容詞字尾)7. guess EGs :猜测I guess that the baby is hungry. (我猜那個嬰兒餓了。)Can you guess how tall they are?(你能猜猜他們多高嗎?)8. really r0Dl0 :真地Did your classmates really see Jay and Jolin on the street?(你的同學們真的在街上看到了周杰倫和蔡依林嗎?)Really? I cant believe it!(真地嗎?我不敢相信!)9. know no :知道 (know-knew-known)Do you know his name?(你知道他的名字嗎?)I dont know where Emily lives.(我不知道愛蜜莉住在哪。)10. national n$NDnDl :國家的;全國性的I will take a trip to Kenting National Park next week.(我下星期會去墾丁國家公園旅行。)Our newspaper is national newspaper.(我們的報紙是全國性的報紙。)Lesson 35-練習1. () Look at that bride. She is _ in that wedding dress. (A) long(B) black(C) beautiful(D) tall2. () It will take a long _ to solve this problem. (A) time (B) thing (C) though(D) these3. () Andy: Do you like the movie?Tony: Of course! It is _. (A) interesting(B) interested(C) horror(D) serious4. () Cindy: Youre right! Do you know the answer? Wendy: No, I just _. (A) guess(B) attack(C) type(D) raise5. () My father is _ of my younger sister because she always wins the first prize. (A) proud(B) possible(C) prepare(D) pretty6. () Did Jay want to marry Jolin? I cant believe it! (A) true(B) real(C) ready(D) really7. () Lisa and Julie are good friends. They always do homework _. (A) forever(B) together(C) never(D) there 8. () The superman is a _ hero in America. (A) bad(B) national(C) lucky(D) devil9. () Gill: Do you _ who won the game? Jane: No, you can ask Robert. (A) eat(B) start(C) take(D) know10. () Judy: What _ of movies do you like? Linda: I like romantic movies. (A) kind(B) place(C) color(D) numberLesson 36-字彙、例句1. thank L$Hk :謝謝Thank you for calling.(感謝你的來電。)Thank you so much for having done so much for me.(感謝你為我做了這麼多事。)2. win w0n :贏 (win-won-won) ( 輸:lose)The elephants won the game.(象隊贏了比賽。)He won the first prize in the race.(他在賽跑中贏得第一名。)3. let lGt :讓 (let-let-let)Lets finish the job.(讓我們完成這項工作吧!)She would not let her children go out in the rain.(她不會讓她的小孩在雨天出去。)4. park pArk :公園There are a lot of parks in Taiwan. (台灣有很多公園。)We played soccer in the park.(我們在公園裡踢足球。)5. learn ln :學習She learned dancing from her sister.(她向她姊姊學跳舞。)Their children are going to learn English.(他們的小孩打算學英文。)6. class kl$s :班級;(一節)課There are fifteen students in the class.(班上有十五位學生。)I have an English class this morning.(我今天早上有一堂英文課。)7. sunny sKn0 :晴朗的The weather is sunny.(天氣是晴朗的。)I like sunny day.(我喜歡晴朗的日子。)8. birthday bLde :生日When is your birthday?(你的生日在何時?)My birthday is in June.(我的生日在六月。)記憶技巧birthday=birth(:出生)+day(:天)9. bookstore b?kstor :書店He owns a bookstore.(他有一家書店。)There is a bookstore around the corner.(轉角有一間書店。)記憶技巧bookstore=book(:書)+store(:店)10. November novGmbQ :十一月I was born on November 20th.(十一月二十日是我的生日。)They always go to Japan in November.(他們總是在十一月去日本。)Lesson 36-練習1. () Andy: How are your parents? Victor: They are fine. _ you. (A) Love(B) Beg(C) Thank(D) Like2. () William: Why are there so many presents on Nancys desk?Peggy: Dont you know today is her _? (A) rule(B) birthday(C) holiday(D) experience3. () We like to go on a picnic in a _ day. (A) sunny(B) rainy(C) cold(D) windy4. () They _ the war, although it cost them millions of lives. (A) won(B) lost(C) got(D) left5. () Mr. Lin: How many students are there in your _? Ms. Chen: About fifty.(A) store(B) book(C) class(D) sunshine6. () Cherry: Your English is good. How long have you been _ English?Johnny: Almost ten years.(A) talking(B) learning(C) sitting(D) eating7. () Joanna wants to buy some books about learning English, so she will go to a _ this afternoon. (A) bakery(B) tea shop(C) bookstore(D) police station8. () _ them watch TV first. We can water later. (A) Have(B) Let(C) Make(D) Keep9. () Jim: Which month do you like best? Ted: I like _. (A) Monday(B) Spring(C) morning(D) November10. () We can see a lot of trees in the _. (A) beach(B) office(C) park(D) classroomLesson 37-字彙、例句1. talk tCk :說話;談話Allen likes to talk in the class.(艾倫喜歡在上課說話。)My parents sometimes talk about you.(我的父母親有時候會談到你。)2. window w0ndo :窗戶There is no window in this room.(這間房間沒有窗戶。)“Dont sit in the window. Its dangerous!(不要坐在窗旁。很危險!)3. sleep slip :睡覺 (sleep-slept-slept) Did you sleep well last night?(你昨晚睡得好嗎?)My mother never sleeps late.(我媽媽從不睡到很晚才起床。)4. half h$f :一半A half of ten is five. (十的一半是五。)I ate half of the ice cream. (我吃了一半的冰淇淋。)5. blow blo :吹 (blow-blew-blown)Tom can blow up four balloons in one minute.(湯姆一分鐘可以吹四個氣球。)Make three wishes before you blow the candles.(吹蠟燭前要許三個願望。)6. fan f$n :扇子、風扇;擁護者Could you turn on the fan?(你可以打開風扇嗎?)Are you a movie fan? (你是個電影迷嗎?)7. wall wCl :牆壁There are three pictures on the wall.(牆上有三幅畫。)The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.(柏林圍牆倒於1989年。)8. sweet swit :甜的The potato is sweet.(這個馬鈴薯是甜的。)I dont like to eat sweet candy.(我不喜歡吃甜的糖果。)9. radio red0o :收音機I spent nine hundred and eighty NT dollars buying this radio.(我花了新台幣980元買了這台收音機。When he came home, his father was listening to the radio.(當他回到家的時候,他的爸爸正在聽收音機。10. yellow jGlo :黃色(的)Yellow is her favorite color.(黃色是她最喜歡的顏色。)There is a yellow paper on my desk.(我的書桌上有一張黃色的紙。)Lesson 37-練習1. () Both my husband and my son are football . (A) from(B) form(C) fans(D) farms2. () We had to climb over a ten-foot _ to get into the garden. (A) ground(B) wall(C) river(D) well3. () Our teacher does not allow us to during the exam. (A) dig(B) mop(C) talk(D) attack4. () She _ fifty balloons for her sons birthday parties each year. (A) fire(B) blows(C) sends(D) cooks5. () Tom: Do you know who broke the _? Mark: I dont know, but I saw a boy standing near your house yesterday afternoon. (A) window(B) meeting(C) sentence(D) ground6. () Lisa: When did you buy those candy to home? Ben: I bought it last night. (A) free(B) dirty(C) thick(D) sweet7. () We are listening to the pop music on the . (A) ruler(B) radio(C) sandwich(D) temple8. () _ is very important for us. We need to _ for eight hours every day. (A) Sleeping; sleep(B) Slept; sleep (C) Slept; slept(D) Sleeping; sleeping 9. () Mark: What color do you like? Tina: I like _. (A) bear(B) yellow(C) apartment(D) tube10. () Our team scored two points in the second _. (A) half(B) whole(C) total(D) allLesson 38-字彙、例句1. wind w0nd :風 The wind is cold. (風很冷。) The wind is so cold that I sneezed for many times. (風很冷以致於我打了很多個噴嚏。)2. dry dra0 :乾的;:使乾燥;變乾The cloth is not yet dry. (衣服還沒乾。) I turned on the fan to dry my hands.(我打開電扇來弄乾我的手。)3. hurt ht 、:受傷、疼痛的If you walk too fast, you might hurt your feet.(如果你走的太快,可能會傷了你的腳。)He hurt his back when he was in school yesterday.(他昨天在學校時傷了他的背。)4. lazy lez0 :懶惰的 Lazy people tend to become fat. (懶惰的人容易變胖。) I take a bus to work because I am too lazy to walk. (我搭公車去工作因為我懶得走路。) 5. glove ElKv :手套 I always put gloves on when it gets cold. (天一冷我總是帶上手套。) My mother buys a new baseball glove for me. (我媽媽買新的棒球手套給我。)6. vest vGst:背心 He likes to wear a vest in summer. (他夏天喜歡穿背心。) He wore a vest and shorts to the be


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