高中英语:book one units2021复习课件(人教版)

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高三英一轮复习高三英一轮复习 book one units20-21Read the following words custom customs customer consumer contact (n.) contact (v.) manage manager management occur occurred prefer preferred refer referred special specially specific specification ,spesifikein规格;详述;说明书规格;详述;说明书attract attraction attack minority minor main n. 未成年人未成年人,副修科目副修科目 a. 次要的次要的,较小的较小的,二流的二流的,未未成年的成年的 v. 辅修辅修 majority major adj. 主要的;主修的;重要的;较多主要的;主修的;重要的;较多的的 n. 成年人;主修科目;陆军少校成年人;主修科目;陆军少校 vi. 主修主修 marine mariner mrin n. Submarine submariner coast coastal divide division decide decision injure injured injury Wound (v.) wounded wound (n) imagine imagination design designer 语音知识语音知识 1 practise A observe B result C season D increase 2 surely A sugar B medicine C music D waist 3 usual A observe B pleasure C resist shallow 4 trunk A strong B strange C thunder D twentieth 5 exact A expert B exhibition C exercise D exist word spelling The Summer Palace 吸引吸引lots of visitors from all over the world each monthThe day after (圣诞节)(圣诞节)is called Boxing Day. We use both words and body language to express our _想法想法 and opinions .Just like spoken language,body language _ 变化变化 from culture to culture .Unlike _传统传统amusement parks,theme parks often want to teach visitors sth.attractsChristmas thoughtsvariestraditional l changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more (舒服)(舒服). 80. The patient kept (咳嗽)(咳嗽) all night. 81. Weve got to be (实际)(实际) and buy only what we need. what is the best-known chain of fast-food (餐馆餐馆) in the world? 85. They lived in London until quite (最近最近) .comfortablycoughingpracticalrestaurantsrecently / lately Important words 1 occur vi. occurred occurring occurrence 结构结构 Sth occurs= sth happens =sth takes place Sth occurs to sb.某人突然想起,某人突然想起, It occurs to sb to do sth 某人突然想起做某事某人突然想起做某事 It occurs to sb that .某人突然想起某人突然想起eg .这个事故发生在星期三这个事故发生在星期三我忽然想起一个好主意我忽然想起一个好主意他从没想到向其老师征求意见。他从没想到向其老师征求意见。 The accident occurred /happened on WednesdayA good idea occurred to me .It never occurred to him to ask his teacher for some advice . 我突然想起我给打过电话我突然想起我给打过电话 注意:注意:it occurrs to sb.that 某人突然想到某人突然想到 It happens that 碰巧碰巧 译:译:it occurred to her that she should adopt a homeless child . It happened that she was out when he called . 变式题:变式题: 1 suddenly occurred to him that this was an act he would never do .A this B that C what D it It occurred to me that I had phone you .他突然想到自己要收养一个无家可归的孩子他突然想到自己要收养一个无家可归的孩子他打电话时她他打电话时她 碰巧不在家碰巧不在家D 2 _ at that very moment a terrible accident. A It occurred B It happened C It was occurred D There occurred 3 The meeting _a few weeks after he had arrived from Australia. A occurred B was happened C was taken place D was occurred . 4 When I was walking in the street ,I _to meet a friend of mine . A happended B broke out C occurred D took place DAA manage 用法补充用法补充 Vt,管理管理 manage a shop /business/factory manage one,s money I shan,t be able to manage (the job )(without help.) could /can manage sth. a few English word could /can manage a story lunch manage to do =succeed in doing经营商店,企业,经营商店,企业,工厂工厂理财理财设法应付设法应付做成某事做成某事说说写故事写故事吃饭吃饭 拓展拓展management manager manageable 可管理的,可应付的可管理的,可应付的 try to do sth 设法做某事设法做某事 be able to do 能够并且干成了能够并且干成了 run /operate a company open /start a company manage a machine= run /operate /work a machine操纵机器操纵机器 变式题变式题 1You might wonder how it _to live without eating for so many months . A keeps B succeeds C manages D tries 2 If we can,t borrow the money ,we,ll have to _without . A supply B manage C support D stand 3 _Would you like me to do it for you ? _No,thanks._. A I am on my own B I t,s my business C It,s up to you D I can manage myself CBD 4 The earthquake survivor,who was a young woman ,_to live without food and water for more than ten days and helped out in the end . A kept B tried C managed D succeeded C Match each picture with the emotion and the correct sentence . match n. 比赛;火柴;对手,敌人比赛;火柴;对手,敌人 Vt, 和和 匹敌,相配匹敌,相配have a match ; meet one,s match with no match in the world match sb /sth Match with /to sb. /sth match gainst /with match sb.in/for 遇到对手遇到对手举世无双举世无双匹配相称的或相关的人物匹配相称的或相关的人物使使和和 相配相配 使使和和竞争较量竞争较量在某方面与某人相匹敌在某方面与某人相匹敌 辨析辨析 match ,suit, fit match多指大小,色调,形状,性质等方面的搭配多指大小,色调,形状,性质等方面的搭配“相相配配/称称 ,suit 多指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件地位等;多指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件地位等;fit 多指尺寸大小合适。引申为吻合,协调多指尺寸大小合适。引申为吻合,协调 No dish _ all tastes . 众口难调。众口难调。 My new evening dress _ me quite well . The curtains won,t _ =(go with) your carpet. The film didn,t _my expection . The two statements don,t _ 了那场网球赛了那场网球赛? The blue shirt and gray tie are a good This hotel cant be for good service match.matched fitsuitmatch fitsuits1. Body language_ culture_ culture.随着随着的不同而不同的不同而不同 2. Making eye contact-_directly_someoneeyes is a way to show interest.直视某人的眼睛直视某人的眼睛3 Someone who sees another person_ _ _ will think it means money . 作姿势作姿势4 .There are also differences _ _how often we touch each other .至于,关于至于,关于5 .How_we_ _someone we are talking to 靠近靠近某人某人6 .In other countries people_each other _a firm handshake以什么方式迎接某人以什么方式迎接某人7.A smile can open doors and _ walls.拆除拆除 varies fromtolooking into making the gesture as toclosestand to greetwith8 .A smile can help us _ _ difficult situations. tear downget through9.We can use a smile to _ _进行谈话进行谈话start a conversation10.If we are_ _ or lonely there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.感到不开心感到不开心/沮丧沮丧 feeling down11.When you write a story,you should _things _ _把把东西摆放得井井有条东西摆放得井井有条 put in order12.A _ _is _ _ _rides,exhibition or the attractions that_ _ _a common theme.主题公园主题公园/一一系列的收藏系列的收藏/以以为基础为基础theme parka collection of are based on13.What they all _ _ _is that they _ fun _the opportunity to learn something.有共同之处有共同之处/把把与与 结合在一起结合在一起 have in common combinewith14.The park_ _ _two sections.被分成被分成is divided into15.You must be ready to _ _twists.经过,经历经过,经历go through16.Some roller coasters even let you _ _ your friends与与竞赛竞赛 race against17.The physics teacher has much patience to explain the physics phenomenon _ _详细地详细地 in detail18.Today the water company _ _the water supply切断切断 cut off19.The naughty pupil always _ _ _to his classmates when the teacher faced the blackboard做鬼脸做鬼脸 make a face 20.New technology allows us to experience anything without _ _冒险受伤冒险受伤risking injury21.His familys hopes of getting rich _ _him.寄托在寄托在身身上上 rest on 22.Disneyland in California is one of the first theme park to_ _ _ _ _ 在世界上受欢迎在世界上受欢迎become popular around the world23.The best example of _ _ body language is the smile.普遍被理解的普遍被理解的 universally understood 24.Since you are good at English,can you _ _ _ _ _ _ with it?给与我这方面的帮助?给与我这方面的帮助 give me a hand/help me25.Lucy has done well in English_ _the other students.遥遥领先遥遥领先 ahead of26.Scientists will have to _ _ _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.提出,找出提出,找出 come up with27.The factories built recently _ _ _for the young people. create more jobsvary from A to B in sth look into ones eyesmake the gesture as to /forstand close to greet sb with sthget through tear downstart/carry on a conversation feel down put sth in order a theme parkhave /has a collection of sth be based onhave sth in common with sb combine A with B be divided into go through race against in detailcut off make a face risk injury/sth/doing sth at risk /at the risk of doing sthrest on sbuniversally understoodahead of / in advance of sb /sthBe/ become popular around the worldGive sb a hand/help sb with sth Come up with create more jobs 1 get througha tunnelthe workthe book/ a letterthe exams /the driving test穿过;通过穿过;通过完成完成 翻阅;浏览翻阅;浏览 通过考试通过考试 We got through a sum of money while we were on holiday.I tried ringing you several times but I couldnt get through to you.用完;消耗掉用完;消耗掉接通某人的电话接通某人的电话_ through 通过;经历;法律,法案被正式通过或接受通过;经历;法律,法案被正式通过或接受 _ through 浏览;仔细察看浏览;仔细察看_ through 活过一段时间、经过活过一段时间、经过后仍活着后仍活着_ through 在医学科学领域有重大突破、或突破障碍在医学科学领域有重大突破、或突破障碍 golooklivebreakExercises1.She _ _ her notes before the .examination.2.Scientists say they are beginning to_ _ in the fight against cancer.3.He has _ _ a bad time recently.4.The bill _ _ in the meeting .5.He _ _both world wars.6.There is a lot of work to_ _.looked through break throughgone throughwent throughlived throughget through2.cut off /up /in /down /out/across 1)He kept_ _ our conversation.2)We were _ _in the middle of our conversation3)Our water supply has been_ _4)He _ _a path through the jungle.5)cut _the production/cost/expenses/prices6)cut _the escape route cut sth _ half/ _ halves/ pieces7)The village was _ _from the outside world by heavy snow for a month.8)You can _ _the unimportant details.9)I usually _ _ the park on my way home.cutting in打断,打扰打断,打扰cut off中断中断电话线电话线路路cut off切断供应切断供应cut out砍出或开辟出砍出或开辟出down消减压缩消减压缩off阻断;切断阻断;切断inintocut off切断切断的去路或来路;使的去路或来路;使与外界隔绝与外界隔绝cut out去掉;省略去掉;省略cut across抄小路走捷抄小路走捷径径3. more than 数词数词 超过超过多于多于(over) more than名词名词 (在程度上)不仅仅超过(在程度上)不仅仅超过(not only) more than形容词形容词 十分,非常十分,非常 ( very much) more 名词名词/形容原级形容原级than名词名词/形容词原级形容词原级 与其说与其说不如说不如说 more than onemany a 可数名词单数可数名词单数 许多,有些许多,有些Translation1.My uncle,Pliny the older,looked_ _ _ _与其说与其说 死了倒不如说他睡着了死了倒不如说他睡着了2.He is _ _ _ 与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋3.He is more of a student than of a teachermore asleep than deadmore diligent than clever4._ _ _ _ knows him. 许多学生都认识他许多学生都认识他5._ _ 50,000 students attended the lecture.多达多达6.They were _ _ _ _ _ 他们很乐于助人他们很乐于助人7.It is_ _ _ _ ;it can be used as a dictionary. 它不仅仅是一本书它不仅仅是一本书8.The book is _ _ _ _ that one. 这本书和那本书都没有趣这本书和那本书都没有趣9.This book is _ _ _ _ that one. 这本书不如那本书有趣这本书不如那本书有趣10.He works_ _ _I. 我和他都不用功我和他都不用功More than one studentMore thanmore than glad to help othersmore than a bookno more interesting thannot more interesting thanno harder than11.He _ work_ _I. 它不如我用功它不如我用功12.There are_ _ _ ten students in the classroom.仅有仅有13.There are _ _ _ ten students in the classroom. 最多最多14.He is _ _ _a child,so I dontnt take him too seriously 他不过是个孩子他不过是个孩子15.In our studentseyes,he is_ _ a teacher,he is more like our friend. 不仅仅不仅仅not more thanno more thanmore thandoesntharder thanno more thanIn hunger,there is nothing better than to drink a bowl of hot porridge.(稀饭)(稀饭)注:否定词注:否定词no /not /none /nothing 加比较级加比较级=肯定的最高肯定的最高级级 即:即: There is nothing better than to do sth = Its the best thing to do sth. eg. No one can speak English better than Kate. =Kate speaks English best. 1) Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds,and I have not seen_this year. A. the best B.better C. the most D. more 2)How beautiful she songs!I _ _ _ _ _ _我从没听过比她更好的嗓音我从没听过比她更好的嗓音have never heard a better voice Step3.Important sentences structures1.And if we are feeling down and lonely,there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good fried.如果我们感到沮丧或孤独,没有什么又比看到朋友的笑脸更好的了。如果我们感到沮丧或孤独,没有什么又比看到朋友的笑脸更好的了。1. )down 形容词形容词 向下的,情绪低落的,沮丧的,心灰意冷的向下的,情绪低落的,沮丧的,心灰意冷的 feel down 感到沮丧的感到沮丧的 Look at Jack .He has a down expression He is /is feeling down in your spirits. I willnot let your down.2.)There is nothing better than to do sth. 没有比做没有比做更好了更好了eg. There is nothing better than to have a warm quilt in a cold winter.在寒冷的冬天没什么比温暖的被窝更好了在寒冷的冬天没什么比温暖的被窝更好了3) This is the best book I ever read and I _ _ _ _ _. 我没有读过比这更好的我没有读过比这更好的4.)I have _ spent_ _ _ _. 这是我过得最让人担心的一天这是我过得最让人担心的一天havent read a better onenevera more worrying day2.Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the films.参观者可乘坐富于刺激的车辆,这样他们可以亲身体验到电影中英参观者可乘坐富于刺激的车辆,这样他们可以亲身体验到电影中英雄做的事是什么样子雄做的事是什么样子1)go on rides /a ride 乘坐车辆,骑马去兜风或观赏乘坐车辆,骑马去兜风或观赏 take /have a ride 乘车,骑马乘车,骑马 go for a ride 乘车去兜风乘车去兜风 offer /give sb a ride 让某人搭车让某人搭车 take sb for a ride 带末人去乘车兜风带末人去乘车兜风 an hourride in a car 开车一个小时的路程开车一个小时的路程 2.)Where引导定于从句相当于引导定于从句相当于in which即从中能体验到即从中能体验到 eg. Mike took his girlfriend for a ride where they enjoyed the happiness and love.麦克乘车带女朋友去兜风,从中尽情享受幸福与爱情麦克乘车带女朋友去兜风,从中尽情享受幸福与爱情3) what 引导宾语从句 it 是形式主语不定时作真正的主语是形式主语不定时作真正的主语 feel what it is like to do sth 感觉到做某事是个什么样子感觉到做某事是个什么样子 eg. Youll feel what it is like to be a teacher. She felt what it was like to experience a failure in NMET4)they have seen their heroes do 是是things的定语从句省略的定语从句省略了了which /that see sb do sth 看见某人做某事看见某人做某事 eg. I saw Tom ride ride a new bike in the street. 3. Today rides are wilder and scarier than ever. than everthan ever before 比以前更加比以前更加 今日的滑车比以往更加刺激和骇人今日的滑车比以往更加刺激和骇人 eg. The Emperor held his head higher than ever ever since 从从之后一直,从之后一直,从以来一直以来一直 用于完成时用于完成时 ever after 从那以后从那以后 用于过去时用于过去时 eg. 1.The number of people who travel by plane in China is larger than ever before. 2.Ive been living there ever sine 1990. 3.They lived happily together ever after. 4.Its raining hard than ever. 5.Our village is more beautiful than ever. 副词副词ever 的用法小结的用法小结 1)可用来加强原级,比较级,和最高级)可用来加强原级,比较级,和最高级 work as hard as ever woke harder than ever the biggest crop ever the biggest ever crop 2)长用于否定,疑问和条件句中,以加强语气。长用于否定,疑问和条件句中,以加强语气。 I hardly ever see him nowadays. Did you ever hear such nonsense ? If you ever come to this town,be sure to stay With us .工作一贯努力工作一贯努力 比以往更加努力的工作比以往更加努力的工作空前大的丰空前大的丰收收 3)用于加强特殊特殊疑问句的语气,译为:究竟;用于加强特殊特殊疑问句的语气,译为:究竟;到底到底= on earth /in the world Where ever have you been ? What on earth are you going to do ? 特别注意:在肯定句中表示曾经要用特别注意:在肯定句中表示曾经要用 once I once met your mother. 变式题变式题 1 The coffee is wonderful ! It doesn,t taste like anything I _before. A was having B have C have ever had D had ever had C 2 how was your chemistry exam ? -It was the hardest test I have _seen. A ever B never C not ever D yet 3 It,s raining hard _ .A ever than. B than ever C ever before D before ever AB There are also differences as to how often we toch each other. as to 相当于相当于as for 或或for 表示至于,关于;表示至于,关于;就就而言而言 eg But for a cold-bloded animal such as a frog or a snake it is a different matter. The weather is slightly cold today for April. Can you make some suggestions as to what I should see? As for me,I have nothing to complain of Ex.1As to _,I haven,t decided yet . 至于那件事,我还没定下来。至于那件事,我还没定下来。 She has no ided at all _what she ought to do.他根本不知道自己该干些什么他根本不知道自己该干些什么 He asked my advice as to _. 他征求用我的意见该干什么他征求用我的意见该干什么 She could not obtain any exact informantion _ where she was . A with B from C as to D as for that as for 1)用以转换话题用以转换话题 You can have a bed;as for him,hell have to sleep on the floor 用以表现态度:用以表现态度:as for还可以用来表示讲话人对还可以用来表示讲话人对某人或某物持有某人或某物持有“轻蔑轻蔑”或或“冷淡冷淡”的态度,甚的态度,甚至有憎恶之感至有憎恶之感.译作汉语的译作汉语的“至于至于嘛嘛 As for you,I never want to see you here in my home again 用于提出问题:用于提出问题:as to必须位于句中,前面出现的必须位于句中,前面出现的大都是表达某种心理活动的动词,形容词或名词,大都是表达某种心理活动的动词,形容词或名词,其后引接出其后引接出wh-clause或或who-to-v结构,表示结构,表示“在在的问题上的问题上”、“就就问题来讲问题来讲”,所,所引出的问题都有很强的针对性。引出的问题都有很强的针对性。 There is some doubt as to whether the proposal is practicable


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