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Chapter 16 Motivat ing EmployeesTrue/FalseA MANAGER S DILEMMA1. According to the company profile in “ AManager SDilemma, ” the majority of employees at Grupo M con sist of highly educated professi on als who work from their homes?False (easy)2. Based on the company profile in “ AManager Dilemma, ” Grupo M has been profiled as a sweatshop where employees work long hours in dirty, dimly lit factories.False (easy)WHAT IS MOTIVATION?3. Motivati on is an in ter nal state that makes certa in outcomes appear attractive.True (easy)4. The three key elements in the definition of motivation are effort, organizational goals, and needs.True (difficult)EARLY THEORIES OF MOTIVATION5. Based on McClella nds three-n eeds theory, high achievers perform best whe n the odds are aga inst them. False (moderate)CONTEMPORARY THEORIES OF MOTIVATION6. The best managers are high in the need for power and high in the need for affiliation. False (difficult)7. People with a high n eed for affiliati on prefer cooperative situati ons over competitive on es. True (moderate)8. People will do better whe n they get feedback on how well theyre progress ing toward their goals. True (easy)9. Rein forceme nt theory is related to an in dividuals belief that she is capable of perform ing a task. False (moderate)10. The key to reinforcement theory is that it ignores factors such as goals, expectations, and needs, and focuses solely on what happe ns to a pers on whe n he takes some action.True (difficult)11. The lower a pers ons self-efficacy, the more con fide nce he has in his ability to succeed in a task. False (moderate)12. Rein forceme nt theorists believe that behavior is a fun cti on of its con seque nces.True (easy)MANAGING YOUR CAREER13. Accordi ng to a recent survey, the primary reas on employees stay with their jobs is because of flexible work hours.False (moderate)14. Addi ng vertical depth to a job is called job enl argeme nt.False (moderate)15. Job desig n refers to the way tasks are comb ined to form complete jobs.True (easy)16. When a mail sorters job is expanded to include mail delivery, the mail sorter has experieneed job enl argeme nt.True (easy)17. Job enl argeme nt in creases job depth.False (easy)18. In the job characteristics model, task sig nifica nee refers to the degree to which a job requires completi on of a whole and ide ntifiable piece of work.False (moderate)19. Accordi ng to the job characteristics model, task aut onomy is not importa nt.False (moderate)20. Guida nee from the job characteristics model suggests that job enl argeme nt should take place rather tha n task specializati on.True (moderate)21. According to equity theory, a person who earns $50,000 will be less satisfied with their pay than a person who earns $100,000.False (moderate)22. Equity theory has three referent categories: other, system, and self.True (moderate)23. The three variables in Vrooms expecta ncy theory are vale nee, in strume ntality, and expecta ncy.True (moderate)24. Vroom would say that if a person values an outcome, their effort to obtain that outcome will always be great.False (moderate)CURRENT ISSUES IN MOTIVATION25. Flextime is a scheduli ng system in which employees work four 10-hour days.False (easy)26. Performa nce-based compe nsati on is probably most compatible with expecta ncy theory.True (difficult)27. Open-book management is a motivational approach in which an organizations financial statements are ope ned to and shared with all employees.True (moderate)28. The loyalty of professi on als is to their orga ni zati on.False (easy)MANAGING IN AN E-BUSINES WORLD29. The challe nge to motivati ng employees in an e-bus in ess is much less compared to motivati ng employees in a traditi onal orga ni zati on.False (easy)30. Many employers are in stalli ng Web-m on itori ng software since there is no evide nee that such efforts can n egatively affect employee morale.False (moderate)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER S DILEMMA31. According to the company profile in “ AManager Qilemma, ” Grupo M is the largest employer ina. the United States.b. Mexico.c. Brazil.d. Domi nica n Republic. (moderate)e. SwitzerlandWHAT IS MOTIVATION?32. is the willi ngn ess to exert high levels of effort to reach orga ni zati onal goals, con diti ons bythe effort s ability to satisfy some in dividual n eed.a. Attributionb. Motivati on (easy)c. Leadershipd. Goal settinge. Tenure33. The three key eleme nts in the defi niti on of orga ni zati onal motivati on are, orga ni zati onalgoals, and n eeds.a.pers on alityb.abilityc.effort (easy)d.ten uree.strategy34. is an in ter nal state that makes certa in outcomes appear attractive.a. A need (easy)b. Motivati onc. Leadershipd. Goal settinge. AttributionEARLY THEORIES OF MOTIVATION35. Who developed the Hierarchy of Needs motivati onal theory?a.Herzbergb.Vroomc.McGregord.Lawlere.Maslow (easy)36.An individual who wants to buy a home in an expensive neighborhood with a low crime rate is satisfying which psychological needs state?a. esteemb. safety (moderate)c. physiological d. self-actualizatione. social37.The drive to find food, drink, and sexual satisfaction is based on what level of need? a. physiological (easy)b. safetyc. self-actualizationd. sociale. esteem38.The need for such factors as status, recognition, attention, self-respect, autonomy, and achievement are examples of which of the following needs according to Maslow s hierarchy of needs?a. physiological b. esteem (moderate)c. sociald. self-actualizatione. safety39.Joining a civic club because the members are considered to be very powerful and popular would be satisfying which needs state?a. safetyb. socialc. esteem (moderate)d. self-actualizatione. physiological40.Enjoying friendship with coworkers satisfies what need? a. physiologicalb. esteemc. social (moderate)d. self-actualizatione. safety41.Growth, achieving one spotential, and self-fulfillment, and the drive to become what one is capable of becoming are characteristics of which need according to Maslows hierarchy?a. physiologicalb. esteemc. sociald. self-actualization (moderate)e. safety42.A manager who believes that employees need constant control would be described as according to McGregor.a. a Theory X manager (easy)b. a Theory Y managerc. a Theory Z managerd. a human relations managere. needs hierarchy43. Which of the follow ing would describe the beliefs of a Theory Y man ager?a. People have little ambition.b. Work is acceptable because of financial needs, but play is more natural.c. Employees readily accept resp on sibility. (easy)d. People dislike work.e. Man agerial directi on of employees is esse ntial.44. Accordi ng to Herzberg, in order to provide employees with job satisfacti on, man agers should concen trateona.hygiene factors.b.issues such as pay.c.motivator factors. (moderate)d.extri nsic factors.e.non-m otivators.CONTEMPORARY THEORIES OF MOTIVATION45. An in dividual who would enjoy tak ing on the challe nge of pers on ally redesig ning the workflow of a manufacturing line to improve employee productivity would probably be rated high on which of the follow ing?a. need for affiliationb. need for impactc. n eed for achieveme nt (difficult)d. need for powere. need for control46. Accordi ng to McClella nd, the n eed to make others behave in a way they would nt have behaved otherwise is which of the follow ing work motives?a. needfor achievementb. needfor power (easy)c. n eedfor affiliati ond. needfor motivatione. needfor self-fulfillment47. Which ofthe follow ing suggests that there is a n eed to have good relati on ships at work?a. needfor achievementb. needfor powerc. n eedfor fulfillme ntd. needfor affective connectione. need for affiliation (moderate)48. Which of the followi ng is n ot true concerning high achievers?a. They perform best when the success probability is fifty-fifty.b. They dislike gambling when the odds are high.c. They like a high probability of success. (moderate)d. They like goals that cause themselves to stretch a bit.e. They dislike achievement from accidents.49. Which of the following is true concerning individuals who have a high need for achievement?a. They desire to do many things with medium impact on quality.b. They seek achievement but not personal responsibility.c. They want slow but sure feedback on their performa nee.d. They dislike succeeding by chanee. (difficult)e. They enjoy very difficult tasks.a.affiliationb.self-esteemc.achievement (difficult)d.powere.self actualization51. The best managers are high in the need for and low in the need for .a. achievement; powerb. power; affiliation (difficult)c. affiliation; powerd. achievement; affiliatione. power; achievement52. Which of the following is an accurate statement concerning McClellands three-needs theory?a. High achievers are best motivated in jobs with low personal responsibility but high task difficulty.b. High achievers tend to be good managers.c. The best managers are high in need for power and low in need for affiliation. (difficult)d. Employee need for achievement is innate and cannot be changed.e. High achievers are poor salespersons.53. The proposition that specific goals increase performance and that difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than easy goals is termed .a. self-efficacy.b. reinforcement theory.c. path-goal theory.d. goal-setting theory. (moderate)e. equity theory.54. Which of the following best summarizes the relationship between goal setting and need for achievement findings?a. Goal setting is superior because it recommends setting difficult goals.b. They are incompatible theories but there is no empirical research to support either claim.c. Difficult goals are still recommended for most people because only 10-20 percent of people are high achievers. (difficult)d. Goal setting is not needed with high achievers.e. They are very similar theories.55. People will do better when they get because it helps identify discrepancies between whatthey have done and what they want to do.a.inputb.goalsc.equityd.powere.feedback (easy)56. The higher your , the more confidence you have in your ability to succeed in a task.a.self-efficacy (easy)b.self-esteemc.reinforcersd.job scopee.motivation57. Rein forceme nt theorists believe that behavior results from which of the follow ing?a. external consequences (moderate)b. internal personality traits, such as need for achievementc. sett ing high goalsd. intrinsic satisfierse. hygie ne factors58. Ais any con seque nee immediately follow ing a resp onse that in creases the probabilitythat the behavior will be repeated.a. goalb. rein forcer (moderate)c. con clusi ond. job characteristics modele. vale nee59. is the way tasks are combi ned to form complete jobs.a. Job scopeb. Job enlargementc. Job en richme ntd. Job design (moderate)e. Job criteriaMANAGING YOUR CAREER60. Accord ing to a recent survey, which of the follow ing is the main reas on employees stay with their jobs?a. pleasa nt work en vir onmentb. easy commutec. challe nging workd. like co-workers (moderate)e. flexible work hours61. Accordi ng to rei nforceme nt theory, an in dividual would behave in a desired manner if which of the follow ing occurred?a. Nothing happened when they acted appropriately.b. They are punished for doing the wrong behavior.c. They set specific, difficult goals to achieve.d. They are immediately rewarded, such as a monthly bonus. (moderate)e. Their inner drives create the necessary tension level.62. Accordi ng to rein forceme nt theory, if a man ager catches an employee exhibit ing un productive behavior,the recomme nded action for elim in at ing the behavior would be to.a. punish the behavior.b. reward their good behavior.c. reward other employees good behavior.d. punish other employees exhibiting similar unproductive behavior.e. ignore the behavior. (difficult)63. The nu mber of differe nt tasks required in a job and the freque ncy with which those tasks are repeated isa. job scope. (moderate)b. job enlargement.c. job enrichment.d. job design.e. job criteria.64.Horiz on tally expa nding the tasks of a job is known by which of the followi ng terms?a. job enrichmentb. job enlargement (moderate)c. task improvementd. job expansione. right siz ing tasks65.is vertical expa nsion of a job by addi ng pla nning and evaluati ng resp on sibilities.a. Job scopeb. Job enlargementc. Job en richme nt (moderate)d. Job designe. Job criteria66.Job en richme nt in creases job, which is the degree of con trol employees have over theirwork.a. breadthb. scopec. varietyd. depth (moderate)e. feedback67.Which of the followi ng is n ot associated with job en richme nt?a. vertical expansionb. adding planning tasksc. in creas ing job scope (moderate)d. adding evaluating responsibilitye. in creased employee con trol68.The research evide nee on the use of job en richme nt programs could be classified as.a. encouraging.b. strongly supportive.c. moderately supportive.d. inconclusive. (moderate)e. un supportive.69.What theory provides a con ceptual framework for an alyz ing jobs by an alyz ing five core dime nsions?a. rein forceme nt theoryb. job characteristics model (moderate)c. job designd. equity theorye. expectancy theory70.Which of the follow ing, accordi ng to the job characteristics model, is the degree to which a job requires a variety of activities so that an employee can use a number of different skills and talents?a. task identityb. autonomyc. feedbackd. task significaneee. skill variety (easy)71. Which of the following, according to the job characteristics model, is the degree to which a job requirescompletion of a whole and identifiable piece of work?skill variety autonomy task significance task identity (easy) feedbacka.b.c.d.e.72. The job characteristics model identifies as the degree to which a job has substantialimpact on the lives or work of other people.a. task significance (moderate)b. task identityc. skill varietyd. autonomye. feedback73. is the degree to which a job provides substantial freedom, independence and discretion tothe individual in scheduling the work and determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out.a. Task significanceb. Task identityc. Skill varietyd. Autonomy (easy)e. Feedback74. is the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by a job results in anindividuals obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of her performance.a. Task significanceb. Task identityc. Skill varietyd. Autonomye. Feedback (moderate)75. In the job characteristics model, which combination of core job dimensions combine to produce experienced meaningfulness of work by the employee?a. skill variety, feedback, and autonomyb. autonomy, task significance, and task identityc. task identity, skill variety, and task significance (moderate)d. task significance, task identity, and feedbacke. task identity, feedback, and autonomy76. Which of the following personality variables moderates the relationship between job dimensions and outcomes according to the job characteristics model?a. need for achievementb. growth need (difficult)c. locus of controld. risk takinge. need for power77. The job characteristics model provides guidance to managers concerning a. job redesign. (easy)b. employee selection.c. pay satisfaction.d. collective bargaining.e. strategic planning.78.Accordi ng to the job characteristics model,suggests that man agers should desig n tasksthat form an identifiable and meaningful whole.a. combining tasksb. creating natural work units (moderate)c. ope ning feedback cha nn elsd. expanding jobs verticallye. establishi ng clie nt relati on ships79.Which of the follow ing is an accurate stateme nt about equity theory?a. It expla ins why a factory worker rese nts how much professi onal baseball players make.b. It suggests that people will feel fairly treated if they receive pay in creases.c. It is based on perceptions of our own situation to others who are like us. (moderate)d. It is a theory based on n eeds.e. It is a motivational theory based on our job characteristics.80.Inan employee compares his jobs in puts-outcomes ratio with that of releva nt others andthe n corrects any in equity.a. rein forceme nt theoryb. the job characteristics modelc. job designd. equity theory (moderate)e. expectancy theory81.Which of the followi ng is not an in put accordi ng to equity theory?a. effortb. experieneec. pay level (easy)d. educatione. job tenure82.If a manager seeks equity by rethinking his situation and deciding that on second thought my office is nicer because it has better carpet, this manager is seeking equity through which of the following methods?a. increasing his outcomesb. decreasing comparison other outcomesc. distort ing others outcomes (di fficult)d. leaving the situatione. choosing a new comparison other83.Based on equity theory, asking the boss to give a comparison other at work more responsibility is to seek equity through which of the following methods?a. decreas ing your in putsb. in creas ing comparis on other outcomesc. decreas ing your outcomesd. cognitively distorting the situatione. increasing comparison other in puts (moderate)84.Orga ni zati onal pay policies are what type of referent accord ing to equity theory?a. otherb. system (difficult)c. in ternald. externale. self85. In gen eral, the research support for equity theory could be described as.a. strong. (moderate)b. moderate.c. weak.d. inconclusive.e. there has been very little research on equity theory.86. In expecta ncy theory, the probability perceived by the in dividual that exert ing a give n amount of effort willlead to a certa in level of performa nee is.a. vale nee.b. expectancy. (moderate)c. con siste ncy.d. flexibility.e. in strume ntality.87. Which expectancy theory linkage explains the belief by a student that studying hard results in obtaining high test grades?a. vale nee of rewardb. expectancy (difficult)c. in put to outcomed. goal setting to achievemente. in strume ntality to reward88. In expecta ncy theory, the degree to which the in dividual believes that perform ing at a particular level isin strume ntal in leadi ng to the atta inment of a desired outcome is.a. vale nee.b. expectancy.c. con siste ncy.d. flexibility.e. instrumentality. (moderate)89. Which expecta ncy theory lin kage expla ins the belief that hav ing a high grade point average is critical in obta ining a good job?a. instrumentality (difficult)b. expectancyc. goal sett ing to achieveme ntd. vale neee. in put to outcome90. Which expecta ncy theory lin kage expla ins the degree to which a stude nt desires a good job?a. expectancyb. effort to performaneec. in put to outcomed. in strume ntalitye. vale nee (moderate)91. Which of the following is not an important issue surrounding equity theory?a. It emphasizes payoffs.b. It is importa nt to un dersta nd why outcomes are importa nt or uni mporta nt.c. Expected behaviors are importa nt.d. Reality is key. (di


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