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译林版六年级下册英语看图写单词专项综合练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片填空。1You must_.2Whats the date today?Its_.3I will_for her.4_interesting book!5I will_her a big_.2. 根据图片和首字母完成句子。1. Im going to the c_to see a f_.2. I f_off my bike yesterday and h_my leg.3. Last week, we went c_and h_a good time.4. He is g_to Guangzhou by p_next week5. Mr Wang is y_t_Mr Zhang.3. 根据图片填空。1Did you go anywhere in winter?I_a famous_.2Look at the snowman. Its_(矮的) and_(胖的).3Wang Tao_his leg. Hes in hospital now.4I can_you_your English.5Xiao Xin have a_.4. 根据图片提示完成句子。每空一词。1.It will_tomorrow.2. The ducks_on the pond.3. He is_a_, but it starts to rain.4. In October 2003,Yang Liwei_into space in Shenzhouand_about twenty-one hours there.5. _are you going to the park?Were going_eight.5. 看图完成句子。1 What does your father do? Hes a_.2 What does your mother do? Shes a_.3Look! Uncle Li is a_.4 Is your mother a teacher? No, she is a_5Zhou Changs mother is a_.6. 根据图片及提示词,每小题各写一句完整的句子。1.(there be, flowers, tree)2.(I, like, make a snowman)3.(shorter, than, my ruler, Amys)4.(Mr Black, work, yesterday)7. 根据图片及句意,填写单词或短语,补全句子。 5.1We come to school_.2I go to Beijing_.3You can_the No. 15 bus_get to the zoo.4Dont_at the red light. We must stop and_.5We must pay attention to the_.8. 看图完成句子。1-Where is the restaurant?-_and go straight.2-How do you go to school?-I usually_.3-What are you going to do tomorrow?-Im going to_with my parents.4-Whats your hobby?-I like_.5-Whats your fathers job?-My father is a_.9. 看图片,选出与图片相符的选项。1( ) A.ride a horse B.ride a bike2( ) A.go shopping B.go swimming3( ) A.go camping B.buy a gift4( ) A.hurt foot B.hurt finger5( ) A.go fishing B.go running10. 看图,读句子,写单词。1Robin. Where is the_shop?2The_is next to the post office.3They want to go to the_.4Please turn right at the_.11. 看图,回答问题。1Did the boy go swimming with his parents?2Did you go to the park by car?3What did he do yesterday?4What did she do yesterday?12. 看图片,补全句子。1It was cold yesterday. My grandpa_.2I stayed at home and_all day.3Ann is_Jenny.4Im 1.5 metres. My cousin is_than_.5Lily_her_last night.13. 看图片,写出合理的建议。1She should.2They.3He.4He.5She.14. 看图完成句子。1They_ping-pong now.2Look! The girl_her homework.3They_a picnic on the grass now.4Listen! She_.15. 看图,写单词补全句子。1The Great Wall is very f_in the world.2We should eat a lot of_every day.3Mr Zhang has a d_. She is a student in a primary school.4Joy s_the lion back to the wild three years ago.5There are oneh_teachers in our school.16. 看图补充句子。1Look! The_with the ball.2We cant go out. It_outside.3Lucy_butterflies in the park.4Dick is_on the playground.5Look! Boys and girls are_happily.17. 根据图片,写出问句或答语。(1).B: Thanks. Im very thirsty.(2)A: Is the boy hungry? B:(3)A: What would you like to drink?B:.18. 看图,补全单词。1.p_nda 2.dg3.b_d 4.ra_it 5._ox 6.h_se 7.m_key 8._ick 9.s_19. 根据提示词,用why和because看图写句子。1happy, ice creamA.B.2laugh, happyA.B.3eat, hungryA.B.12 / 12


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