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Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box. 1. Who can name the animals that the polar ice caps? Your answer Correct answer inhabit inhabit 2. It was very of Florence to shake Victorias hand after she lost the competition. Your answer Correct answer decent decent 3. A terrible snowstorm forced the mountain climbers to turn around when they were only a few hundred feet from the . Your answer Correct answer summit summit 4. What do you think was Marks for starting the fight? Your answer Correct answer motive motive 5. You should never use water to try to a grease fire in the kitchen. Your answer Correct answer extinguish extinguish 6. When was the last time you saw someone perform a genuinely action, with no personal motivations? Your answer Correct answer selfless selfless 7. Despite his best efforts, the scandal continued to the news headlines during his time in office. Your answer Correct answer dominate dominate 8. Albert Einstein is often considered a(n) because his scientific work was so groundbreaking and original. Your answer Correct answer genius genius 9. Can you imagine a(n) in which we get out of this alive? Your answer Correct answer scenario scenario 10. Im worried about my son; he wakes up every night with the same . Your answer Correct answer nightmare nightmare 11. The ability to compromise is one of the most important qualities that I know. Your answer Correct answer leadership leadership 12. Firefighters and police officers show on a daily basis as part of their jobs. Your answer Correct answer bravery bravery 13. The plane crash was a(n) , but the media coverage of it was even worse. Your answer Correct answer tragedy tragedy 14. Laughter is a(n) reaction at a funeral. Your answer Correct answer uncommon uncommon 15. The rock fell thirty steps on the mountain trail before hitting Jake on the head and knocking him . Your answer Correct answer unconscious unconscious 16. In the of the earthquake, the entire community pulled together for support. Your answer Correct answer aftermath aftermath 17. Louis is a(n) supporter of that charity; hes been donating money to them for years. Your answer Correct answer longtime longtime 18. As part of her managerial responsibilities, Sheila has to four employees. Your answer Correct answer oversee oversee 19. My for your support extends well beyond a simple thank you. Your answer Correct answer gratitude gratitude 20. We all thought he was innocent until we heard the witnesss in court. Your answer Correct answer testimony testimony Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. Her grades this year are on par her classmates. Your answer Correct answer with with 22. I dont believe him; did you pick on the tone of his voice? Your answer Correct answer up up 23. Why is it we cant all agree on which movie to see this weekend? Your answer Correct answer that that 24. The truck came of nowhere and crashed into the side of the bus. Your answer Correct answer out out 25. His donation to the charity, generous it was, was still only a drop in the bucket. Your answer Correct answer though though 26. His disappointing performance really let the entire team. Your answer Correct answer down down 27. Firefighters are usually the first people on the scene an accident. Your answer Correct answer of of 28. Im not sure if I can run in the race; Ive been of action for a long time. Your answer Correct answer out out 29. Her room is a complete mess with clothes all the place. Your answer Correct answer over over 30. If they can make it this difficult time, they should be able to move forward just fine. Your answer Correct answer through through Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Natural disasters such as earthquakes can cause (31) amounts of damage. They cause people to lose their homes, their possessions, or even their lives. In a word, they can be downright (32). However, after such disasters strike is often a time of unbelievable (33) and courage. Earthquakes and hurricanes may cause the worst things to happen, but they also bring out the best in people. In 2005, one of the worst hurricanes in recent memory formed over the Gulf of Mexico and moved over the southeastern United States. Known as Hurricane Katrina, it was devastating for many major cities, especially New Orleans, and the people who lived there. While some people managed to (34) and find safety outside of the city, many did not. Unfortunately, they were left (35) when the floods filled the streets and drowned their houses. It is hard to use too many (36) words to describe Katrina. It was one of the worst storms in history. It caused the deaths of more than a thousand people. It displaced tens of thousands more. Still, there was an enormous (37) of people who wanted to help. These people certainly deserve our (38) and respect. In the days following the storm, details of what happened were all over the news. There were hundreds of (39) from all over the world in New Orleans to cover the story. Between the journalists telling this story to the world and the thousands of ordinary people who wanted to help those affected by the storm, the lives of New Orleanss residents were made a little more (40). Your answer Correct answer (31) massive massive (32) tragic tragic (33) bravery bravery (34) evacuate evacuate (35) homeless homeless (36) superlative superlative (37) turnout turnout (38) admiration admiration (39) correspondents correspondents (40) humane humane Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Have you ever thought about travelling abroad? Do you yearn to see what the world has to offer? Are you tired of simply hearing about other cultures and want to finally experience some of them? Why simply travel the world, though, when you can actively make a difference? Too many people visit countries to see the famous landmarks, taste the local food, and experience life away from their familiar hometowns. However, you can also give something back to the communities in which you travel. Volunteer vacations are becoming increasingly popular, and many people are discovering that they have much more rewarding and satisfying travel experiences when they volunteer their time and energy to worthwhile causes. Many volunteer vacations are easy to organize and simple to execute. Others are more complicated. There are opportunities for every budget, schedule, and amount of effort youre willing to dedicate. Its really up to you. You can teach a language in Africa. You can help build a school in Southeast Asia or a home for a low-income family close to your home. You can help national park employees conserve endangered plants and animals. You can go hiking and help preserve and maintain trail systems. You can volunteer at an orphanage and help keep children safe. The options are limitless and literally encompass anything you can possibly imagine. We often hear about the heroic deeds that some people do to help others when they are most in need, but why wait until a major disaster to give back? Volunteering your time, skills, knowledge, and energy to meaningful projects in the areas of education, health, sanitation, and construction is just as valuable. Ironically, many countries that are popular vacation destinations are also most in need of aid and assistance. Prominent world citizens such as Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan repeatedly extol the virtues of volunteerism and claim that true heroes are those people who give what they can with no expectation of anything in return. Next time you plan a vacation, wont you consider a volunteer vacation? You might make all the difference in the world. 41. Where is a likely place that this passage might appear? A. On a marketing brochure for a volunteer vacation organizer. B. In a newspaper editorial about the need for emergency volunteers. C. On a travel brochure for a popular vacation destination. D. In a magazine article about volunteerism among prominent world citizens. 42. Which of the following would make the best title for this passage? A. The Benefits of International Travel B. Heroic Deeds of Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan C. Volunteer Vacations: Great Opportunities for Meaningful Work D. Volunteers: The True Heroes of the Planet 43. Which paragraph presents several possible scenarios for volunteer work? A. Paragraph 2. B. Paragraph 3. C. Paragraph 4. D. Paragraph 5. 44. The type of writing in this passage would best be described as _. A. educational B. entertaining C. scientific D. persuasive 45. Which of the following sentences is the writers critical message? A. Volunteer vacations are becoming increasingly popular. B. Many volunteer vacations are easy to organize and simple to execute. C. True heroes are those people who give what they can with no expectation of anything in return. D. You might make all the difference in the world.


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