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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流上海英语牛津版二年级下(2B)每课单词寄课文重点内容.精品文档.2B 每页重点内容整理M1U1 What can you see ?P2-5必须掌握的单词:white 白色purple 紫色pink粉红色orange 桔黄色brown 棕色,咖啡色black 黑色green 绿色yellow 黄色blue 蓝色red 红色beautiful 美丽的 (近义词: nice 好看的)window 窗户pear 梨park 公园butterfly 复数:butterflies 蝴蝶he, she, it 的复数:they (他、她、它)们It is 它是 (复数:They are 它们是)拓展单词:rainbow 彩虹shining 光亮的over there 在那儿outside 在外面in the park 在公园里P2-5句型必须掌握的句型:单数:What colour is it? Its white. What colour is the rabbit? Its white.复数:What colour are they? They are white. What colour are the rabbits? They are white.What is it ? It is an apple. 复数: What are they? They are apples.严格区分单复数:a fox - two foxes one mouse - four mice a butterfly - six butterflies a sheep - ten sheep one box - seven boxes an umbrella - three umbrellasM1U2 Touch and feelP6-9必须掌握的单词:watch 手表 复数:(watches)soft 软的hard 硬的rough 粗糙的smooth 光滑的touch 摸feel 摸,感觉peach 桃子 复数:(peaches)pencil case 笔袋pig 猪skip 跳table 桌子拓展单词:birthday 生日guess 猜open 打开close 关上Mum 妈妈Dad 爸爸P6-9句型词组:this bag 这只书包 Happy birthday! 生日快乐for you and me 给你和我Open it and see. 打开它看看。必须掌握的句型:Touch the_. Is it _? Yes, it is ( No, it isnt. Its_. 填前面的反义词 )摸一摸这个_。 它是_吗? 是的,它是。( 不,他不是的,它是_。) Touch this_. / Touch that_.What is it? / What is this? / What is that? Its _. Do you like it? 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I dont. M1U3 What can you hear?P10-13必须掌握的单词:train 火车 ( choo )bus 公共汽车(boop)car 小汽车van 面包车 ( beep )bicycle 自行车ship 轮船hear 听 (结果)here 这儿listen 听(过程)tiger 老虎window 窗户拓展单词:down 向下by 在边上wait 等待come 来station 车站road 马路P10-13句型词组:listen to 听look at 看beside the window 在窗户旁the bus stop 公共汽车站 wait for 等. on the road 在马路上 by the station 在车站旁必须掌握的句型:Listen! What can you hear? 听!你能听到什么? I can hear a train. 我能听到火车声。What can Ming hear? 敏能听到什么? Ming can hear a dog. 敏能听到一只狗叫声。Ming cant hear the bird. 敏听不到那只鸟叫声。拓展的句型: 1. Here it comes. 它来了。 2. Down by the station waiting for the train. 站在车站旁等火车。M2U1 Things I like doingP14-17必须掌握的单词:run running 跑skate skating 滑冰,滑行hophopping跳跃skip skipping跳ride riding 骑swim swimming游泳 fly flying 飞sing singing 唱dance dancing 跳舞write writing 写字eat eating 吃read reading 看书draw drawing 画画kite 风筝frog 青蛙拓展单词:favourite 最喜欢的together 一起with 和,用,关于let 让Lets = Let us 让我们P14-17句型词组:like doing 喜欢做like riding a bicycle 喜欢骑车go flying together 一起去飞write with me 和我写字必须掌握的句型:Do you like skipping a rope? Yes, I do. ( Yes, I like skipping a rope.) 肯定回答 No, I dont. ( No, I like skating.) 否定回答严格区别like 和 can 的句型,不要搞混在一起了。Can you skip a rope? Yes, I can. No, I cant. I can swim.Lets + 动词词组,表示:让我们一起去干什么事情。Lets draw a tree. 让我们去画棵树吧。M2U2 My favourite food 我最喜爱的食物P18-21必须掌握的单词:salad 色拉 (不可数)carrot 胡萝卜(carrots)fish 鱼,鱼肉chicken 鸡肉(不可数)soup 汤 (不可数)meat 肉 (不可数)hamburger 汉堡pizza 批萨noodles 面条rice 米饭egg 鸡蛋biscuit 饼干cake 蛋糕hen 母鸡food 食物P18-21句型词组:like eating 喜欢吃like drinking 喜欢喝like drawing 喜欢画必须掌握的句型:( 区别以下三种不同问法。)What do you like? I like apples. 可数的 / I like meat. 不可数的 你喜欢什么?What do you like doing? I like skating./ I like playing football. 你喜欢做什么?What do you like eating? I like eating salad. / I like eating carrots. 你喜欢吃什么?What do you like drawing? I like drawing a cat. / I like drawing insects. 你喜欢画什么?M2U3 Animals I like 我喜爱的动物P22-25必须掌握的单词:giraffe 长颈鹿snake 蛇elephant 大象zebra 斑马they 他们dont = do not 不toy 玩具shop 商店bear 熊may 可以help 帮助lovely 可爱的tail 尾巴wolf (复数:wolves) 狼拓展单词:we我们them他们 all 全部 animal 动物P22-25句型词组:in the toy shop 在玩具店里very much 非常,十分long tails 长尾巴I like them all. 我都喜欢他们。1. 必须掌握的句型:What are they? They are zebras. 它们是什么? 它们是斑马。Do you like giraffes? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 你喜欢长颈鹿吗? 是的。/ 不是。May I have one? Ok. 我可以买一个吗? 好的。Can I help you? A pig, please. 我能帮你什么忙吗? 我要买一个猪。Here you are! 给你。 Thank you. I like it very much. 谢谢你,我非常喜欢它。The pig is lovely and soft. 这只猪又柔软又可爱。2. 重点区别has, have的用法:has 用于第三人称单数: He has / She has / It has 又如:Tom has/ The dog has/ My mother has/ Miss Fang hashave用于第一、第二人称和第三人称复数 : I have / You have / We have / They have 又如;Ben and Tom have / The bears have / My teachers have3. 掌握用以下句型描述一种动物: 如: They are rabbits. They are / They have They have long ears.They like / They can They like carrots. They can run fast. I like rabbits.M3U1 The four seasonsP26-29必须掌握的单词:spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天winter 冬天hot 热 (反义词:)cold 冷cool 凉爽的 (反义词):warm 温暖的nice 好看的sun 太阳 (形容词:sunny 晴朗的)wind 风 (形容词:windy 有风的)cloud 云 ( 形容词:cloudy 多云 )rain 雨 ( 形容词:rainy 多云 )water水ice 冰season 季节we 我们 our 我们的fruit 水果the sun 太阳buses 公共汽车复数zoo 动物园park 公园拓展单词:outside 外面now 现在make 制作snowman 雪人snowmen 雪人(复数)P26-29句型词组:in autumn 在秋天里in winter 在冬天in spring 在春天in summer 在夏天in the park 在公园里in the zoo 在动物园里skate on the ice 滑冰in the water 在水里eat fruit 吃水果make a snow 堆雪人make snowmen 堆雪人(复数)1. 必须掌握的句型:(描述季节的句子)Its spring. Spring is nice and warm. = In spring its nice and warm. In spring I like riding my bicycle in the park.In summer I like swimming in the water.In autumn I like flying a kite in the park. ( We like eating fruit.)In winter I like skating on the ice. ( We like making snowmen. )2.问答形式的句型:Do you like winter? Yes, I do. I like skating on the ice. No, I dont. I like spring. I like singing and dancing in the park.What season do you like? I like summer.M3U2 RulesP30-33必须掌握的单词:stop 停止go 去,进行wait 等待let 让light 灯children 孩子们单数:child 孩子Lets = let us 让我们mouth 嘴巴warm 温暖的garden 花园road 马路cross 越过,穿过past 过去,经过fast 快速的P38-41句型词组:in the childrens garden 在孩子们的花园里by the road 在马路旁边cross the road 过马路必须掌握的句型:Look at the light. 看看灯。Its red. 它是红色的。Lets stop. ( You cant go.) 让我们停下来吧。(你不能走的。)M3U3 My clothes 我的衣服P34-37必须掌握的单词:trousers 裤子(复数)sweater 针织套衫,毛衣shirt 衬衫coat 大衣,外套dress 连衣裙 (复数+ es)T-shirt T恤衫 shorts 短裤 (复数)have 有has 有(用于单数)close 关上 (反义词)open 打开door 门class 班级 (复数+ es)skirt 裙子school 学校拓展单词:clothes 衣服(复数)sorry 对不起time 时间P34-37句型词组:go to school 上学去time for class 上课时间到了my new skirt 我的新裙子come in 进来close the door 关门Im sorry. 对不起Thats all right. 没关系必须掌握的句型:I have_. You have_. He / She / It has_.(注意用法)What do you have for summer? I have shorts. 夏天你有些什么衣服? 我有短裤。M4U1 More things to learn (学习更多的事物)U1 Activities 活动P38-41必须掌握的单词:play 玩football 足球basketball 篮球ping-pong 乒乓card 卡片,纸牌make 制作drive 驾驶,发动P38-41句型词组:your father 你的爸爸play football 踢足球play basketball 打篮球play ping-pong 打乒乓球play cards 打牌make a bird 做一只鸟look at me 看看我listen to me 听听我drive a car 开小汽车必须掌握的句型:Can your mother play cards? Yes, she can. ( No , she cant. ) M4U2 Mothers Day 母亲节P42-45必须掌握的单词:day 日子, 白天balloon 汽球carnation 康乃馨happy 快乐,高兴cup 杯子tea 茶love 爱for 为, 给of 的, 在之中paper 纸(不可数)give 给拓展单词:(an)idea 主意,想法blow 吹piece 张,片,块,段find 找到,发现name 名字decorate 装饰tie 捆,绑,扎,系smile 微笑so 如此,这么hug 拥抱kiss 吻,亲一个hope 希望every 每一,每个P42-45句型词组:have a good idea 有一个好主意Happy Mothers Day 母亲节快乐have a cup of tea 喝杯茶a cup of tea 一杯茶a piece of paper 一张纸on the paper 在纸上every day 每天write your name 写下你的名字decorate the paper 装饰这张纸tie to 把系在give to把 给.必须掌握的句型:What can I do for Mum? 我能为妈妈做什么呢?Heres a card for you. 这儿有张卡片给你。I can draw a flower for you. 我能为你画一朵花。I like playing football with you。 我喜欢和你一起踢足球。I hope you re happy every day. 我希望你每天都很快乐。M4U3 Story time 讲故事的时间P46-49必须掌握的单词:hungry 饿的 (反义词:)full 饱的,满的thirsty 渴的bread 面包 (不可数)milk 牛奶(不可数)tired 累的want 想要some 一些soup 汤sleep 睡觉bed 床little 小的 近义词:smallout 外面story 对不起P46-49句型词组:Papa Bear 熊爸爸Mama Bear 熊妈妈Baby Bear 熊宝宝go out 出去a nice house 漂亮的房子some bread 一些面包want to sleep 想睡觉a little girl一个小女孩必须掌握的句型:Im thirsty. I want some milk. 我渴了,我想要点牛奶。 Im tired. I want to sleep. 我累了,我想睡觉Im_. I want _名词_. 我想要什么。 ( I want to _动词_ . 我想干什么。 )单词汇总动物animal:bear monkey tiger panda lion wolf elephant hippo fox zebra snake giraffe frog rabbit mouse bird fish dog cat pig cow sheep duck chick hen昆虫insect:bee butterfly fly ladybird 食物food:rice soup egg noodles salad carrot fish meat chicken jelly ice cream biscuit sweet bread cake pizza hamburger pie hotdog饮料drinks:Cola milk water juice tea 水果fruit:apple pear peach orange banana lemon pineapple grape玩具toy:ball doll kite bicycle football rope交通工具:bike bicycle train ship van bus ship plane 动词:See hear taste smell touch drink eat help like dance read sing draw write fold look make come ride play fly skip sit give swim hop run skatecut colour blow fine tie pick climb cry stop go wait put shake make eat love do have drive 名词:Song birthday colour party gift firework firecracker cardFlower tree grass house sun monn cloud rain rainbow starHair face head eye mouth nose ear hand knee Book ruler pencil rubber pen ink pencil-box pencil case bag Morning afternoon evening night silde swing seesaw Plate bowl spoon chopsticks fork knife dish jar Desk chair table watch umbrella window人物:Grandmother grandfather father mother brother sister baby Boy girl teacher pupil farmer I my me/ you your you/ they their them/ she her her/ he his him/It its it / we our us/形容词:Red blue yellow green brown orange white black pink purpleNice yummy super good sweet happy fine old new youngFat thin tall short small big bad good beautiful hungryThirsty tired hard soft rough smooth nice cute naughty拟声词:Oinkpig quackduck woof-dog baasheep Boopbus chootrain beepvan ringbicycle数字:One two three four five six seven eight nine ten 人名:Alice Danny Eddie Kitty Tom Ben Ann Jack Peter Miss Fang Mrs Li Mr Zhang Giant Supergirl 季节season:Spring summer antumn winter Nice and warm sunny and hot windy and cool cloudy and coldSunny rainy cloudy windy snowy 服装:Dress skirt blouse shorts shirt T-shirt trousers sweater coat hat glovers scarf shoes其他:Who what where how this that there here down up can Need many is am are 词组:Play football play basketball play volleyball play ping-pongPlay cards make a bird fly a kite ride a bicycle drive a carHave a cup of tea a good idea a piece of paper happy Mothers Day Hungry and thirsty want to sleep look at listen to pick a flowerClimb the tree come in close the window wait for sing with meSkip a rope make snowmen cross the road go to school togetherKind and dear big and tall thin and nice sweet and small smooth and soft In the park in the water on the ice at the gate in the gate in the net on the plateIn the sky under the desk on the chair on the table


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