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WORD 20112012学年度第一学期期末质量检测六年级英语试题亲爱的同学们,充实而又愉快的一学期即将结束,相信大家一定收获很多,这儿就是大家展示的舞台,快来展示一下吧!听力部分一 听音选出你听到的单词。(10)( ) 1. A. like B. love C. live D. life( ) 2. A.thirsty B. thirty C. study D. tidy( ) 3. A. collect B. coconut C. collects D.collecting( ) 4. A.might B. million C. men D. man( ) 5. A.different B. difficult C. dancing D. dance( ) 6. A.mean B. messy C. mess D. men( ) 7. A.peace B. peach C. picnic D. place( ) 8. A.way B.week C. weekend D. world( ) 9. A. special B. stamp C. surprise D. start( ) 10. A. fell B.fall C. feel D. fair二 听录音排序。(6)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )三 听录音,选择你所听到的句子的答句。(6)( )1. A. Im five years old. B.Im fine,thank you. C. Im a nurse. ( ) 2. A. Good morning. B. Pleased to meet you, too. C. How do you do. ( ) 3. A. I like running. B. He likes singing. C. They like playing football. ( ) 4.A.Its five thousand kilometres. B.Its two metres long. C. Its very old.( ) 5. A.Yes, I do. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, I can.( )6. A.He saw some birds in the sky. B. I went to school. C. She wants to go. 四听音填空。(10)Linda a pupil. She always _ TV every evening. She often _ shopping _ Sundays _ her mum. She _ plays football. She _ goes _ in the summer.She _ her room _ day.五 听短文,选择正确的答案。(8)( )1. Jenny is in . A.Class 2, Grade 6 B. Class 2, Grade 5 C. Class 5, Grade 2( ) 2.She goes to school for days a week.A. five B. six C. seven( ) 3. She begins her classes at . A.9:00 B. 8:00 C. 8:30( )4.Jenny likes .A. English B. Maths C. Chinese( ) 5.Her favourite sport is .A.playing football B. playing tennis C. playing ping-pong( )6.She usually goes home at . A. 5:00 B. 5:30 C. 6:00( )7.After dinner, she usually .A. watch TV B. play computer game C. read books( )8. She usually goes to bed at .A. 8:00 B. 8:30 C. 9:00基础知识运用一.相信短语一定积累了很多吧,快来展现一下吧。 (10)1 长城the Great Wall 2 visit the UN building参观联合国大厦3 多久How old 4 the Summer Palace颐和园5 笔友 pen pal 6 in the day 在白天7 干净的水clean water 8 come out 出去9 在周末at the weekend 10 a book about America一本关于美国的书二. 写出下列单词的正确形式。(10)1 bring (过去式) brought 2 sandwich (复数) sandwiches3 wolf (复数) wolves 4 tidy (单三) tidies5messy(反义词) tidy 6 speak (过去式) spoke 7 dance(现在分词) dancing 8 get(过去式) got 9 have got (单三) has got 10 bookshelf(复数) bookshelves 三. 单项选择 (10)( )1._ in,please.A Come B Comes C Not come D coming.( )2.He didnt _ any hamburgers.A eats B eating C eat D ate( )3.Its easy_ English.A learn B learning C to learn D learns( )4.Daming _, Sit down.A say B says C saying D is saying ( )5.This water is very _.A cleaning B cleans C cleaned D clean( )6. I didnt _ any drinks.A forgot B bring C come D thirsty( )7.Only drink _ water.A clear B drank C clean D pass( )8. China is _ the UN. A of B in C on D for( )9 This is a _ park.A beautiful B our C I D his( )10 Its _ to drink this way.A what B my C badly D fun四 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 (10)1 Alice likes (like) dancing (dance) very much.2 Are (be) there any books in the desk?3 Tom has (have) a birthday last Sunday.4 We are (be) going to see (see) a film tonight.5 Where are (be) you last night? I am (be) at home.6.Dont swim (swim) in the river. 阅读能力考察一阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(5)Im Bill . Im from America . Im 13 years old . I like Christmas very much . I cant speak Chinese well , but I want to go to Beijing . I like to eat Chnese food . I really want to go to the Great Wall . Do you want to be my pen pal ?( ) 1. Where is Bill from ? A. China B. JapanC. America( ) 2. How old is he ? A. Twelve B. Thirteen C. Fourteen( ) 3. How does he like Christmas ? A. Little B. Very much C. Very( ) 4. What does he like to eat ? A. Ice cream B. Chinese food C. Cakes( ) 5. Where does he really want to go ?A. The Great Wall B. The SummerPalace C. Beijing二阅读短文,填写表格。(6)Im Jiajia . My pen pals name is Tom . He lives in New York . He is eleven years old . He likes playing basketball .My name is Mary . My pen pal is a Chinese . Her name is Wang Li . She lives in Shanghai . She is ten . She likes riding her bike .Im Li Hua . I have got a pen pal . His name is John . He is twelve years old . Hes from England . He lives in Beijing now . He likes collecting stamps . NamesData (资料)Tom Wang LiJohnAge111012CityNew YorkShanghaiBeijingHobbiesPlaying basketballRide bikecollect stamps三阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F).(5)Halloween is on October 31st. People in the west celebrate it. People celebrate Halloween in lots of ways. Children wear special clothes and masks at Halloween. Many children play a game called “trick or treat”. They knock on their neighbours doors and shouts, “trick or treat”. Their neighours usually give them a treat of sweeets. If the children do not get any sweets, they play a trick on the neighbour. Some people also make lanterns out of big orange pumpkins. They cut out shapes for the eyes, the nose and sharp teeth. They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth.1. Halloween is in a spring festival. (f)2. Children play a game called “trick or treat”. (t)3. The neighbours usually give them some presents. (f)4. They make paper lanterns. (f)5. They put candles in the pumpkins. (t)四完成下面的对话。(4)What are you doing,Simon?I am putting my new stamps into my album.(我正在把我的新邮票放在我的集邮册)Have you got any stamps from China?No, I havent . You always send me emails . (你总是给我发电子)Do you collect stamps?No, I dont. But it is a good idea. (但是却是个好主意)This stamps is from 1988.This is my favourite Chinese stamps.(这是我最喜欢的中国邮票)写作能力展示一What did you do last weekend? Who did you see? Did you have a good time? 请以My Weekend为题写一篇小短文。要求语句流畅,语确,不少于50字。(提示:注意用过去时态)(10)_ 二写一写你最喜欢的节日。(10)提示:What is your favourite festival ? When is it ?What do you do/eat ? My Favourite Festival_同学们,英语测试已经结束,再认真细心的检查一遍吧!_听力原文:一听音选出你听到的单词。1. love 2.thirsty 3.coconut 4.million 5. different 6. messy 7.peace 8.world 9. surprise 10. fall二听录音排序。1.What are you doing ? Im tidying the bookshelves.2.Do you like painting picture? Yes, I do.3.Do you often tidy you room? Yes, I do.4.Does Lingling often listen to CD? No, she doesnt.5. What does Li Jian often do ? He often watch TV.6. Do they often play basketball? Yes, they do.三听录音,选择你所听到的句子的答句。1. How are you?2.Pleased to meet you.3.What does he like?4. How long is the Great Wall?5.Do you often play ping-pong.6.Where did you go? 四听音填空。Linda is a pupil . She always _watches_ TV every evening. She often _goes_ shopping _on_ Sundays _with_ her mum. She _often_ plays football. She _often_ goes _swimming_ in the summer.She _tidys_ her room _every_ day.五 听短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Jenny. Im a pupil. Im in Class 2,Great 6. I go to school for five days a week. Class begins at 8:00 in the morning. I like English very much. My favourite sport is playing ping-pong.After school I often play ping-pong. I usually go home at 5:30. After dinner I usually finish my homework. Then I watch TV. I usually goes to bed at 9:00.8 / 8


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