高中英语 6.3 Integrating Skills课件 外研版必修5

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.根据词性及汉语提示写出相关单词1.lay vt.产卵;下蛋(过去式)(过去分词)2.wonder n.奇迹 adj.极好的 3.extinction n.灭绝,绝种 adj.灭绝的 4.energy n.能源 adj.精力充沛的 5.concern v.关心 adj.担心的,忧虑的 adj.与有关 laid laid wonderful extinctenergetic concerned concerning .短语互译A.温故:从文中找出与下列短语对应的英文1.正在增长 2.的家园 3.在野外 4.想办法做 5.应该(被期望)做 B.知新:从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思1.be concerned about sth. 2.keep an eye on. 3.stand for 4.feed on. 5.set up on the increase home to. in the wild think of ways to do. be supposed to do. 关心某事;担心某事 照看,密切注视 代表 以为食 建立,设立 .阅读课文WWF,回答下列问题1.Whats the aim of the WWF when it was founded?2.Does the organisation always have the same focus of attention?3.When did the WWF set up an office in Beijing?4.翻译句子The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy.Its aim was to protect the natural habitats of wild animals in danger of extinction.No,it doesnt. In 1995. 世界自然保护基金组织相信,人们只有学会保护自然,不浪费能源,我们的世界才会有未来。 12341.But the trade also involves live animals.(P55)然而,这种交易还包括贩卖活的野生动物。考点involve vt.涉及,包括,使忙于,牵涉,使卷入,使陷入It would involve living apart from my family.那必然会导致我和家人分居。His mistake involved me in a great deal of trouble.他的错误使我陷入极大的困扰中。1234考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义Part of your conversation might involve telling parents how you feel.你们的部分对话可能包含告诉父母你的感想。词性 动词含义 涉及,包括Some of the people involved in the experiment said they could not do this in their own country.参与该实验的一些人表示,他们不会在自己的国家做这种事。词性 形容词含义 参与的,被卷入的Its difficult to deal with involvement in trouble.卷入纠纷很难处理。词性 名词含义 牵连,包含12342)阅读下列句子,体会与involve相关的短语的搭配与意义Dont involve me in solving your problems!你解决你的问题,不要把我拉进去!搭配 involve sb.in sth./doing sth.意义 使某人(某事物)参与某活动或陷入某种情况He was involved in a heated argument.他陷入了一场激烈的争论。搭配 be involved in意义 被卷入,陷入,参与1234Mohr had no desire to be involved with anything dangerous or violent.莫尔不想与任何危险或暴力的事情有牵连。搭配 be involved with意义 与有牵连involve sb.in sth.使某人参与某事be involved in 被卷入,陷入be involved with.与有牵连1234123412342.Im concerned about the future of wildlife in Africa.(P57)我很担心非洲野生动物的未来。考点be concerned about 关心某事;担心某事The local government is highly concerned for/over/about the crisis.当地政府高度关注这场危机。考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义Theres no need to concern yourself with this matter;were dealing with it.你不用管这事了,我们正在处理。词性 动词含义 忙于(某事),关心(某事)1234There is growing concern that these animals may have been killed.现在越来越多的人担心这些动物可能已被杀害。词性 名词含义 担忧,担心He heard nothing concerning this matter.关于这件事他什么都没听到。词性 介词含义 关于Concerned parents held a meeting.忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。词性 形容词含义 忧心忡忡的12342)阅读下列句子,体会与concerned相关的短语的搭配与意义So/As far as I am concerned,some other plans may work better.对我来说,一些别的计划可能会更管用。搭配 so/as far as I am concerned意义 对我来说;就我而言concern n.关心;担心;忧虑v.涉及;使关心;使担忧concerned adj.关心的;担心的;有关的be concerned about关心(担心)某事as far as I am concerned 对我来说;就我而言concerning prep.关于123412343.The initials,WWF,stand for World Wide Fund for Nature.(P59)缩略词WWF代表“世界自然保护基金组织”。考点stand for 代表;象征; 容忍,忍受The shop is called PIT,which stands for Power in Transition.咖啡店的名字就叫作PIT,代表Power in Transition(演变的力量)。考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会与stand相关的短语的搭配与意义【高考典句】(2015湖北高考)As one would expect,his writing is mostly clear and,to be fair,some chapters stand out above the rest.正如人们期望的那样,他的作品多数都很清晰,说句公道话,一些篇章特别出色。搭配 stand out 意义 突出;显眼1234How can you stand by and let him treat his dog like that?他那样虐待他那只狗,你怎么能袖手旁观呢?搭配 stand by意义 袖手旁观 The exploring team is determined to stand up to the most dangerous circumstances.勘探队决心勇敢地面对最危险的情况。搭配 stand up to意义 经受得住;勇敢地面对12342)辨析:stand for/representstand for表示代表某种意义、意思、含义。represent表示代表某些人的利益、身份、作用等。The letters UN stand for the United Nations,a worldwide organisation.字母UN 代表联合国,一个世界性组织。We chose a committee to represent us.我们选出一个委员会来代表我们。1234stand for代表;象征stand out 突出;显眼stand by 袖手旁观stand up to 经受得住;勇敢地面对12341234123412344.The focus of attention has changed,too.(P59)关注的焦点也已经改变了。考点focus n.焦点;集中点v.(使)集中,使集中于焦点;集中注意力于【高考典句】(2015江苏高考)Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view “volunteer” as an important social role.另一项对302名在芝加哥医院里的志愿者的研究把重点放在了人们把志愿者看成是一种重要的社会角色的不同差异上。1234考点延伸1)阅读下列句子,体会focus的词性及含义She always wants to be the focus of attention.她老想成为人们注意的焦点。词性 名词含义 焦点The childrens faces were badly out of focus in the photograph.照片上孩子们的脸非常模糊。词性 名词含义 焦距A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.视力上的缺陷使他不能准确对焦。词性 动词含义 集中,使集中于焦点1234The focus on my camera isnt working properly.我照相机上的调焦装置有毛病。词性 名词含义 聚焦或调焦的装置2)阅读下列句子,体会与focus相关的短语的搭配与意义If we focus bright sunlight on dry wood with a magnifying glass,it will start burning.如果我们用放大镜把强烈的太阳光集中到干木片上,它就开始燃烧。搭配 focus.on.意义 把集中于1234For me,your explanation is a bit out of focus.对我来说,你的解释还不太清楚。搭配 out of focus意义 焦点没有对准;不清楚I got her in focus before I took the photo.我在拍摄前先把焦点对准她。搭配 in focus意义 焦点对准地;清晰地1234focus on 聚焦于;把注意力放在focus.on.把集中于in focus焦点对准;清晰地out of focus 焦点没有对准;不清楚12341234


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